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0 Subject: Suggestions on Keeper League keeper options

Posted by: mark
- [228422511] Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 10:39

I've set up a new keeper league (12 teams, 15 man rosters, 8 categories (pts, reb, ast, st, bl, 3p, fg%, ft%)) and we're trying to figure out how many keepers to have from year-to-year.

I'm new to Keeper Leagues (I play TSN yearly), but it seems to me what makes it most interesting is (a) creating tension between keeping vets vs. finding young guys maybe a year early and (b) some flexibility (i.e. one team might keep a KG .. vs another team stockpiling guys like Gerald Green, Al Thorton, Al Horford (current production vs. LT potential)).

I was wondering what other folks use? I was thinking something like:

OPT 1 --- 3 keepers + each year doing a Rookie Draft where you keep a rookie's rights for something like 3 years (in addition to your 3 keepers). that way a team is rewarded for "rookie drafting well" -- ie. the team that picked Kevin Martin found a diamond in the rough. It seems to me that most rookies don't become legit 1-5th round picks until their 3rd year or so...

OPT 2 --- establishing some sort of salary cap/pick forfeit system wherein you sign guys for a certain amoutn of time (i.e. a guy like Sam Cassell might be year=to-year; mo williams might get a 2 year deal, Rondo might get 3 b/c he's so young)....

Another GM suggested giving up the pick of the guy you keep .... If i understand him correctly ==> If you designated your 3rd round pick (say Ray Allen) as a keeper you'd give up the 2nd round pikc in the upcoming draft. That seem sort of extreme --- maybe the same round (i.e keep and lose 3rd round) makes more sense.

i appreciate your suggestions!
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