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0 Subject: Good Old Smallworld Hoops

Posted by: BoZack
- [37826289] Fri, Sep 28, 2012, 10:26

Years ago I played fantasy basketball pretty seriously with a group of great guys using Smallworld Hoops. I love that style of play, where everyone has a fixed amount of money at the beginning of the season and the player's values go up-and-down with buy and sell transactions similar to the stock market.

I know Smallworld sold to Sporting News, and now it seems Sporting News is a part of AOL. Is a version of Smallworld Hoops still out there somewhere?
      ID: 1691921
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 02:37
Not last year and for the most part it is dead! I would play if you or someone found a site with that format as I feel it is the best.
      ID: 9228209
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 05:55
      ID: 27492315
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 06:17
I would love to play that type of game again.
It was so addictive and fun!
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 11:49
Smallworld => TSN => RotoHog => Fireleague.

Fireleague currently offers baseball and football clones of the Smallworld game. They do not plan to offer a Hoops game.
5Gary D
      ID: 25939817
      Mon, Oct 08, 2012, 18:39
Those sure were the good ole days. I miss that and the community we had playing that game.
      ID: 171012616
      Sat, Oct 20, 2012, 17:46
I don't quite understand why this format for a fantasy game is unsustainable...since other formats on Yahoo do just fine...
      ID: 30848240
      Tue, Sep 24, 2013, 03:36
I think I may have found one interesting new site

Check out this one

It says it has been made by players of the old SportingNews game.
      ID: 208502520
      Wed, Sep 25, 2013, 22:00
the game was good. but it was usually the same guys in the top 10 even top 100 year after year. and most of those had 5 teams.
i guess my point is it wasn't a very large base of individuals. i know a few like myself switched to roto and never looked back.
9Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Oct 06, 2013, 17:45
This link worked a while ago and the game sounded promising but not now. ???
      ID: 30848240
      Mon, Oct 07, 2013, 02:29
works for me. check again
      ID: 039541913
      Fri, Oct 11, 2013, 14:00
This game is pretty screwed up.

I made a trade. Then I hit the "undo trade button". This action removed all the players from my roster. But as I tried to rebuild my roster, I found that I only had $1,730,000 in cash left, not $30,000,000.

Also, before you can build your roster you have to pick a league. And once you pick a league, you cannot change leagues. Reebert, Dave and I are in the TSN Hoops league. Password is tsnhoops.
      ID: 30848240
      Wed, Oct 23, 2013, 04:45
This game is way more flexible than TSN's:

- can define weekly, half-season or full-season leagues
- can customize roster positions and numbers of players
- define total salary cap

For me, it is way better. I like it, I'll give it a try
      ID: 479451116
      Wed, Oct 23, 2013, 06:41
I'm in...
      ID: 039541913
      Thu, Oct 24, 2013, 18:06
The tsn hoops league is now up to six gurupies: Reeb, GMoney, Dave, deejay, da moose and myself. And twolves should be joining shortly.

The site is

The league password is tsnhoops.

They seem to have fixed all their earlier glitches. No fees, no prizes, 6 NBA players per team and two trades a week. So come join us. What else do you have to do this winter? :-)
      ID: 474402717
      Thu, Oct 24, 2013, 18:55
      ID: 298112719
      Thu, Oct 24, 2013, 20:39
In like Flynn
18Pistol Pete
      ID: 50910919
      Thu, Oct 24, 2013, 21:59
I'll give it a go.
19Senator Urine
      ID: 4728118
      Tue, Oct 29, 2013, 19:07
Just saw this! Got a team in at the very last second.
20 esposo
      ID: 39932919
      Tue, Oct 29, 2013, 20:06
I was a huge smallworld fan. I came across Rotoguru using smallworld back in 1997-1998. Baseball was amzing bck then, fantasy football and playoff football, too. Basketball was great, but I just couldn't get into hockey.

Using Rotoguru and the heavy schedule projector (green versus red).

Those were the days.

I still visit Rotoguru once a year for the NCAA tournament than Dave runs.
      ID: 479451116
      Wed, Oct 30, 2013, 06:10
price changes are a bit odd, or is it me?
      ID: 29929189
      Wed, Oct 30, 2013, 09:57
Some make sense for teams that played yesterday. But I was under the impression that $500 was the min price...
Bojan Dubljevic for example

      ID: 39141175
      Fri, Feb 17, 2017, 06:41
Hey guys,

You should try the improved version of this game.
Season 2 (after ASB) is now up.
I made a league named: RG League
No password.

The price changes were the issue before. It has much improved now, it is still based rather on performance than on owership%, but price changes makes sense now, before they didn't.
Hope some of you join.... would certainly enjoy it
Look for season 2 and "Join League"
      ID: 39141175
      Thu, Apr 13, 2017, 04:35
The Play Off version is online now...
Made a league again: RG League PO - No Password..
I believe there are no price changes in the play offs.
If I recall correctly...
25Dave R
      ID: 442121620
      Thu, Apr 13, 2017, 07:24
How about trades?
      ID: 39141175
      Thu, Apr 13, 2017, 16:37
2 each week
27 deejay
      ID: 407542716
      Fri, Sep 08, 2017, 14:17
The game is up and running for next season.
Created a league in the whole season version...
League: RG League 17/18
Password: rotoguru

Any Questions Just Ask...
      ID: 407542716
      Fri, Sep 08, 2017, 14:24
Also made a league for season 1 (lasts untill ASB)
name: RG League season 1
password: rotoguru

Both games 6 players, 40mil... 2 trades per week.
At start you get an extra trade if you have a valid team before the lock on Feb17.
      ID: 407542716
      Fri, Sep 08, 2017, 14:26
I mean Oct 17th of course...
      ID: 369551013
      Tue, Oct 17, 2017, 16:10
Dont forget to push the Start icon....
32 rubalamp
      ID: 321057710
      Tue, Nov 07, 2017, 11:57
Hey I used to play on here YEARS ago, probably a decade...

Is it possible to still get in this league?

I will try to check back later
      ID: 54105393
      Thu, Nov 09, 2017, 04:53
Got to wait until ASB... For season 2. Too late to be competitive now...
      ID: 8058261
      Sat, Feb 10, 2018, 15:44
Season 2 should be up Friday 2/16....
      ID: 8058261
      Fri, Feb 16, 2018, 14:46
I have set up a league in Season 2, here's the info:
RG League Season2
password: rotoguru
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