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0 Subject: RIHC 2014-15: preliminaries

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Mon, Sep 22, 2014, 13:28

I have sent out emails to everyone who participated in one of the RIHC leagues last year. If this includes you, please check the email address that you used last year (or check your spam folder). If you didn't receive an email, let me know.

Last year, we had four RIHC leagues, each with 12 managers: RIHC, two AAA leagues (one at Yahoo, one at ESPN), and one AA league. Last year's AA league was at Yahoo, but that is up to the AA commissioner to decide. If we have enough interest for two AA leagues, we can have one at each - but it seems unlikely that we'll recruit enough managers for that.

So far, I have commissioners for the two AAA leagues. TD will commish the Yahoo league, and wolfer will commish the ESPN league. I still need a commissioner for the AA league. If you are willing to serve in this capacity, please send me an email. Among the benefits are that you get to choose whether it will be hosted at Yahoo or ESPN.

Those who did not participate last year are also welcome to join. If you would like to play, please post your email address below (for this purpose, please post it in the message field and not in the email field.)

Here are a few background guidelines for RIHC leagues:

These are typically 12-team leagues with an active roster of 12 players and four bench slots. Standard 8-category rotisserie scoring is used: Pts, Assists, Rebounds, Blocks, Steals, 3-pointers, FG%, and FT%.

An online draft is held during the second half of October, probably starting around Oct. 15 and finishing by Oct. 25. Draft will be held at and will be a "slow" draft, taking about 8-10 days to complete. To participate in a league, you must be available to manage your draft during that period. You should expect to make about 2 picks per day (snake draft format).

For AA leagues, the winner is typically eligible to be invited to play in the (top) RIHC league in the following year, and finishers in the top 8 (or so) slots usually get promoted to a AAA league. (Performance in the other RIHC leagues also determines who gets moved up or down for the following year.)

      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Sep 23, 2014, 11:31
Awaiting responses from the following potential managers: please check your emails. Also, if anyone else knows them and has a more direct way to reach them, assistance is appreciated.

Chitown Hitmen
Longtime Lurker
Pacers Rule
Perm Dude
Vampire Weekend
2 Raphael
      ID: 28542311
      Tue, Sep 23, 2014, 12:54
Just curious when you'll be updating the NBA schedule via excel spreadsheet. The 4 week schedule generator has the 2014-15 schedule but the master schedule is still only the 2013-14 schedule. This is our 31st year of fantasy basketball and your excel spreadsheet has saved the schedule maker a ton of time.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Sep 23, 2014, 14:39
[2] What am I missing? It looks to me like all schedules are updated (and have been since Sept 12.)

full season 2014-15 schedule

4-week generator and spreadsheet links are in the heading of that page.

If you are still seeing last year's schedule, then clear your cache, or force a fresh reload (on many browsers, you can do that by holding down the shift key when hitting reload/refresh). All schedule updates were done at the same time.

4Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Thu, Sep 25, 2014, 20:28
I'll fill a spot, if needed.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Sep 26, 2014, 18:53
Thanks, Fred.

At this point, I have the RIFC filled. If we continue with three qualifying leagues (2 AAA, 1 AA), then we need 36 more managers. So far, I have 30 acceptances, which is 2-1/2 leagues. Seven managers have opted out for this year, and only one has yet to respond.

So we are at a difficult juncture, midway between 2 & 3 leagues. Obviously, the preferred approach is to find another six new managers. That's unlikely. Beyond that, who would be willing/interested in managing a second team?

It's still unclear to me whether we should run two or three QLs , but I'll have to make a decision by next week. The NBA season is only a month away.
6Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Fri, Sep 26, 2014, 18:59
Are all the G24 teams also in RIHC? Perhaps we can recruit from within that way, as well.

With Coldwater and others stepping away, we certainly need some fresh blood.
      ID: 98511618
      Fri, Sep 26, 2014, 20:35
I would be willing to manage a second team if I'm needed.
      ID: 5292191
      Fri, Sep 26, 2014, 21:29
I'll take a 2nd team if needed
9BB the Ball
      ID: 5915117
      Sat, Sep 27, 2014, 22:50
I would also take a 2nd team if needed--
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 10:53
AAA league assignments are now final. We had a few managers decline AAA invitations, so several teams were advanced to fill those openings:

Yahoo AAA league
Chitown Hitmen
Jambo Aeons
Mighty Meatwads
Rotten Amoebas
s R
TD (commissioner)

ESPN AAA league
Great One
Longtime Lurker
wolfer (commissioner)

I'll send out email addresses to each commissioner later today so that registrations can get underway.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 11:00
Here is the current AA situation.

Toral will serve as commissioner. The league will be hosted at ESPN.

So far, seven teams are in:
Toral (commish)
BB the Ball
Perm Dude

That leaves five openings. I'd still like to hold these open to try to fill them with new teams if possible. Once we hit the wall on that, we'll fill any openings with duplicate teams. I'd appreciate any help in recruiting new blood for these openings.

So far, the following managers have volunteered to run a second team if needed:
Longtime Lurker

(BB the ball also volunteered, but he's already in the league)

If other managers from the RIHC or AAA are willing to run a second team in AA if needed, please post below.
      ID: 10803015
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 16:00
I will jump into AA if there's an opening
      ID: 28237206
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 16:41
Will do a second team if needed.
      ID: 118333017
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 18:33
I will manage a second team in AA if there are not enough managers.
15 Toral
      ID: 2111201313
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 20:21
damoose 12: There is an opening. Send me an e-mail and I will send you the registration info.
16 Roberts
      ID: 58203022
      Tue, Sep 30, 2014, 23:20
I'll manage a second team in AA too - Just sent Toral an email.
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