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0 Subject: NBA Data gluttony: all-in-one file

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Sat, Jan 09, 2016, 12:04

Many DailyHoopsData and RotoGuru users already pull down NBA DFS data in text format from various sources. This allows them to manipulate and massage the raw data to meet individual needs.

I've developed a consolidated text file that includes game-by-game player history for the entire 2015-16 NBA season. DFS points, salaries, and positions are shown each gameday for the four affiliated DFS sites. Data on games started, minutes played, and final team scores are also provided. If you've been cobbling together your database from multiple sources, this file might be your one-stop shopping solution.

For the moment, I'm making this file free to all. However, it will eventually be a premium service, for which I'll probably charge $20 (per user) for daily access throughout the remainder of current NBA season, including the playoffs. I need to do this because advertising is one of the primary revenue sources for the site, and those who access this data file will be getting it ad-free.

The interface and mechanism for a subscription service has not yet been developed, so there is no opportunity to sign up yet. Until that is set up, you can access it for free using this url:

The data fields in each line are colon delimited, with data headings in the top line. Hopefully, most of the data elements are self explanatory. If you have feedback or questions, please post your comments below.

      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Jan 09, 2016, 12:20
Data should be updated by 6am ET each morning. The update will include stats from the prior day, plus salaries and positions for each DFS site for the current day.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Jan 21, 2016, 16:14
I've had a pretty active response to the NBA DFS data file. The file has already been accessed from almost 400 different IP addresses in less than two weeks.

As promised, continued access to this file will be a premium service, effective Feb 1, 2016. From that date forward, only subscribers will have access to the complete file. The subscription fee of just $20 (one-time) will provide access for one user for the remainder of the current NBA season, including the playoffs.

The file will continue to be updated daily, usually by 6:00am ET. Links to subscribe and for terms of service now appear at the top of the file. (Note that the subscription heading will not appear if you access the file through an authorized subscription URL.


      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Feb 01, 2016, 16:10
As of today, the complete file is available only by subscription.

I created a "help" file with a data legend and notes, available here:
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 09, 2016, 11:09
Based on some early feedback from subscribers, I've developed a "version 2" of the NBA data file.

First, be assured that the original file format will continue to be produced for the rest of this season. So if you have routines already set up that depend on the original format, nothing will change.

If you want to view the new version, simply append &v=2 to your access URL.

Here are the additional data elements provided in version 2 only:
GameID - a unique identifier for each game.
Game time (ET) - decimal format, 24-hour clock (e.g., 19.5 means 7:30pm ET)
Double-double indicator
Triple-double indicator
Daily salary change (for each game site)

You can also now select to receive data based on a date range.
To specify a start date, append &start=YYYYMMDD to the URL
To specify an end date, append &end=YYYYMMDD to the URL

The information file has been updated to include reference to these enhancements.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Oct 10, 2016, 08:05
Be aware that the file subscription listed above is for data for the 2015-16 NBA season only. It is still available for those who wish to capture data for that season.

A similar file will be produced for the 2016-17 NBA season. A separate subscription will be required for the new season's file. Details will be announced after the start of the season.
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