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0 Subject: Jeepers Keepers Season 5 pre-season thread

Posted by: Tree - [3533298] Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 11:20

we really should be on this forum, and not the other.

everyone - i've set up the Yahoo league. apparently, it won't let me just invite everyone who played last year, so i need your emails.

please email me at the address above, and in the subject call it "Jeepers Log in info" and i will get the info to you immediately...
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 11:33
I've always chuckled at Tree's email addy. I wonder if "Father Jack Daniels", "The Dali Bacardi" and "Reverend Johnnie Walker" were already taken! hahahahahaha

Is anyone interested in trading a SG/SF type (i.e. Paul Pierce or Vince Carter) for a like-valued big man?
2 Species
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 12:12
I tried to send Punk an email but it rejected. I have a trade offer for you.

Anyone else interested in a strong SG/SF (Carter/Pierce) for a big man should contact me at the above email addy.
3 Punk42AE
      ID: 036635522
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 12:57
Hmm what email did you try sending it to, I wonder why it got rejected.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 12:59
The Yahoo account connected to your team.

I'll drop you a mail.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 18:12
Species, I'm always up for trade offers.
6 Tree
      ID: 509171017
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 19:20
me too, within reason.
7Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 20:41
Was this the league where we said we wanted to look at increasing the starting lineup by a couple? I think so... anyone remember?
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 10, 2007, 20:45
Are we using Kafenatid for the draft? I'll be glad to pay for it.
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 02:02
GO - I'm all for adding more starters. At any position. We only have 10 managers. 10 starters each. That's 100 players we currently use, with an additional 60 decent to good NBA players on our benches.

But I think that adding 1 Guard, 1 Forward, and 1 Utility slots are good. That leaves us 3 bench players.
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 02:14
My certain keepers are -
Shawn Marion (Pho - SF,PF)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Luol Deng (Chi - SG,SF)
Allen Iverson (Den - PG,SG)

Bubble Guys:
Mike Miller (Mem - SG,SF)
Tony Parker (SA - PG)
Mike Bibby (Sac - PG)
Manu Ginobili (SA - SG)

Likely cuts include -
Eddy Curry (NY - C)
Darko Milicic (Mem - PF,C)
Shane Battier (Hou - SF)
Stephen Jackson (GS - SG,SF)
Delonte West (Sea - PG,SG)

I am also in the market for a big man, and if you find one of my "bubble guys" interesting, send me over a comparable big man. By 'comparable', I mean a player in the same part of various top-100 lists.
      ID: 698114
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 06:09
Punk - did you get the trade offer email i sent?
13Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 11:01
Alright, it was this league then... I guess after the contraction I think there was just too much talent sitting out there not being used.

At least I would propose an additional G and F spot. We don't really want to shorten the bench too much, remember there aren't any injury spots nowadays so you gotta have 5 spots there I'd say. And just switching a couple bench spots to starting doesn't really help the excess on the waiver wire.

Adding a G and F (and 2 rounds to the draft I guess) would give this layout


I think that looks pretty good.
Tree? want to look into this, maybe throw together a vote? There definitely was way too much talent on the waiver wire last year.
      ID: 036635522
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 11:53
Tree, and offer or the interest in guys thing? I'll get back late tonight on offers.
      ID: 030815418
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 11:56
I'm fine with increasing the starting spots.
      ID: 3533298
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 14:16
the email on working on a swap. i dont think i made a specific offer...
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 14:19
I see no reason to make our rosters bigger, and removing players from the FA list.

I want to activate more players from our bench. Having 6 guys, most deserving to start, was way too many.

I think having 3 bench players is fine. The will always be a semi-decent player on the FA wire if we need one.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 15:44
Subject to change before the deadline, here are my keepers:

Deron Williams (Uta - PG)
Paul Pierce (Bos - SG,SF)
Vince Carter (NJ - SG,SF)
Kevin Martin (Sac - SG)
Tyson Chandler (NO - C)
      ID: 39381319
      Sat, Oct 13, 2007, 22:26
jeez. does the season really start Oct 30???

i always thought it started the first week in november...hmmm, this kind of changes things, as i will have very sporadic computer access from Oct 19 to Oct 25....
      ID: 036635522
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 00:14
When are we going to have the deadline and start the draft? Countdown of 2+ weeks right now.
21 Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 00:35
Right now my keepers are:
Chris Bosh
Dwight Howard
Caron Butler
Kirk Hinrich
Brandon Roy

Which means that these studs are available:
Jason Richardson
Rasheed Wallace
Ricky Davis
Richard Jefferson
Randy Foye

The guys on the second list can be had for a draft pick but ideally I'd like to do a 2-1 with any of the above for a better keeper.
      ID: 39381319
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 01:23
i think we really need to name our final keepers by 12 noon eastern on Monday, then begin the draft by 9 am eastern on Tuesday.

i'll set up kafenatid. 6 hour clock. 7 am eastern to midnight eastern. i'll do this in the AM, so everyone be on the look out for log in info...

most of us have been in this league together for a long long time, so i believe we can punch out a quality draft rather quickly.
      ID: 15924146
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 08:34
PG, SG, G, G, SF, PF, F, F, C, C, Util, Util
Tree? want to look into this, maybe throw together a vote?

not for nothing, isn't this what we actually had last year? that's certainly how the league is already set up - when you set up a league now, yahoo lets you copy the settings for a previous season, and that's what i did.

although i'm realizing that it also has 5 bench spots, and in counting the rosters from last year, i think we only had 4.

anyway, it is set up above, with 12 starting positions, and 5 bench spots.

with 17 roster spots, i wouldn't mind us considering raising our keepers to 6 for next season. not sure if that's too many or not.

      ID: 25924115
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 09:57
Right now my keepers are:
Y Ming
R Allan
T McGrady
C Billups
A Jefferson

Leaving available
B Davis
M Camby
E Okafor
L Aldridge
L Odom

      ID: 15924146
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 12:53
Trade Announcement
Punk Trades:

his first round pick this season, his 8th round pick this season, and his fifth round NEXT season

to me for:

Al Harrington, my first round pick this season, my 8th round pick this season, and my *fourth* round pick NEXT season

      ID: 036635522
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 12:54
      ID: 15924146
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 13:03
and regarding post 23.

i don't know what the hell i was looking at, but Punk pointed out to me that i was on crack, which apparently, i am.

it seems a majority of the league wants to add a G and F position.

i don't know that we have time to vote. i am going to make the change, and if anyone has a serious issue, please post here.
      ID: 036635522
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 13:06
I had thought it was Crank?

I'm fine either way with the 1 or 2 F and G positions.
30Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 15:46
Great One Keepers
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 21:44
Carmelo Anthony - SF
LeBron James - SF
Elton Brand - PF/C
Gerald Wallace - F
Josh Howard - GF

Unless you hear otherwise from me in the next 12hrs (highly unlikely) this is my final set of keepers. Now let's just hope Brand has value this season.
      ID: 057721710
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 21:54
I remember now. We added two bench slots last season in an attempt to solve that goofy prospect draft issue.

Why don't we just remove those two bench slots again, leaving four.
      ID: 036635522
      Sun, Oct 14x, 2007, 22:03
Al Harrington - FC
Dwyane Wade - PG (Yay only out for 2 months...)
Josh Smith - GF
Jermain O'neal - FC
Antawn Jamison - F
      ID: 249501420
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 00:01
just waiting for Wiggs to sign up on kafenatid...
      ID: 057721710
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 02:26
Shawn Marion (Pho - SF,PF)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Luol Deng (Chi - SG,SF)
Allen Iverson (Den - PG,SG)
Mike Bibby (Sac - PG)
36Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 08:54
I'm at a different IP so I can't delete my keepers above... yet anyway.

Trade Announcement
Mike V acquires
GO's 3rd Round Pick

GO acquires
Marcus Camby
Mike V's last round draft pick

Great One Keepers
      ID: 6825712
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 08:54

J Kidd
R Lewis
M Redd
B Wallace
TJ Ford
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 09:42
ok. draft has been ordered and kafenatid paid for. this afternoon at my lunch, i'm going to start entering keepers, and if the payment processes before then, then i'll be able to get everything in.

once i give the go-ahead here, we can start the draft. the clock won't start until tomorrow, but don't let that stop you. :o)
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 09:43
How is the draft going to work? Tree, are you going to input all the keepers manually to kafenatid and then we start from there? If so is it a snake draft, thus making round 6 the first pick of the draft after keepers? If so the last pick in kafenatid would actually be the first pick of the 6th round? (Did any of that make sense?)

just thinking ahead.
      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 09:45
Confirm trade with GO
      ID: 6825712
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 10:02
i dont remember this league being a snake draft?
42Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 10:03
Its a straight (non-snake) draft. I just checked last years to confirm.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 10:22
oh good. ok, so no issues then with the draft order.
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 12:04
might help if i named my own keepers:
Gilbert Arenas (Was - PG)
Pau Gasol (Mem - PF,C)
Carlos Boozer (Uta - PF,C)
Andre Miller (Phi - PG)
Danny Granger (Ind - SF,PF)
      ID: 6825712
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 12:17
I see no keepers for KF either?
46Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 12:18
The other thread he said

Joe Johnson
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 12:20
thanks GO - i was just about to go looking for those...
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 12:56
putting in keepers now.

after i do that, i'll swap the traded picks, and then away we go!
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 13:16
keepers and trades have been entered.

everyone take a look and make sure everything looks ok.

i'll probably pick in an hour or so, just to give a window for review...
      ID: 6825712
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 13:24
mine looks good
51Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 13:30
Mine too.

Oh just go ahead and pick, you know you want to!
      ID: 057721710
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 13:33
Mine look good.

I can't believe Tree was able to get the #1 pick for essentially Harrington.
      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 13:43
Mine look good.
      ID: 030815418
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 14:35
mine are fine.
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 14:43
i've gone ahead and picked...
56Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 14:50
re 52: I agree 100% for two reasons
a) Why would someone trade away the rights to draft Durant in a keeper league? - and for Harrington no less.
b) Even if you didn't like Durant, I think there were much better players who also weren't being kept (e.g. Camby), and GO didn't need to trade away his 1st for him.
57Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 15:37
He really only moved down 2 spots to get Harrington though, so not really giving up too much (if you don't like Durant anyway).

Different way to look at it I guess. But me going from 3rd round to the last round seems to be of greater worth than going from 1.01 to 1.03
58Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 15:48
True, but I still feel many players still available are > Harrington.

I was looking through past seasons threads and noticed this trade in post 85....

Biedrins for Sean May trade.
Wiggs also acquires GO's 4th Round pick. GO acquires Wiggs' last round pick.
      ID: 030815418
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 16:17
Does anyone have a copy of the full standings from last year (showing all categories)? Can you post it here?
60Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 16:31
Tree looks like you have my 5th rounder too... make sure I don't have a 3rd (Mike V), 4th(Wiggs) or 5th (Tree).

I guess I'm cool with the rosters staying the way they are cause I'll need all those good FA's to fill out my roster!
      ID: 219471516
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 19:04
i'm wondering if i should give you my last round pick to even it out. kafenatid allowed the trade of one draft pick, but kinda freaked out while doing so...
62Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 19:12
whatever you gotta do...
63Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 23:57
I apologize for this but I haven't organized my cheat sheets yet for this league and am in a hurry to leave - so I don't want to make my first pick in haste. I will make my pick tonight, though it will most likely be pretty late.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Oct 15, 2007, 23:58

i guess in that case my pick won't come until morning pacific time. Sorry to those east coasters, I was hoping to make my pick tonight.
65Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 04:09
Although it might not have affected progress anyway, I guess for next time you could send me a 2 man queue.

Tree, I see we have 6 bench slots, as noted in 32, should there instead be 4?
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 10:00
sorry for the delay fellas. just woke up here on the west coast.

made Tosh's pick for him too.
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 10:49
i've switched it to 5 bench positions.

not sure what else to do, as the draft - including trades - is set up for 17 rounds. we now have 17 roster spots, so dropping another spot would cause problems with the draft...
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 13:52
i've emailed species. anyone have another way to get ahold of him?
69Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 15:13
I am pleasantly surprised to find Monta Ellis here 10 picks in.

Was anyone else strongly considering him?
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 15:15
all three of the picks i had considered for my next pick are gone. Ellis was one of them.
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 15:40
hey - i wanted to bring this up to the league.

i am heading out to the west coast very early on Friday morning. i anticipate having no computer access from about 5 am east coast time for about 24 hours.

Saturday through wednesday i will have limited access.

i am, however, able to access the kafenatid site through my Treo, which i plan to do periodically. the clock is going off during the weekend, and i am tempted to turn it off M - W so i don't get totally screwed, but i realize that's something that the whole league would have to approve.

and if the league isn't comfortable, there will be ZERO hard feelings on my part.

however, i'd like someone to text me if i'm up - and maybe be prepared for a quick list of players who have gone already. i'm thinking Great One, since he might have my number anyway. and even if it doesn't, i know him outside of this place.

72Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 15:42
Monday-Wednesday I could easily - I am potentially going to Boston for Game 6 though on Saturday so this weekend will be a big question mark.
      ID: 3533298
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 16:13
wow. are you going to be disappointed. i figured the indians would win in 6, but now i'm thinking 5...
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 16:34
Sorry about this AM guys. Long meeting.

Farn has my cell and can call or text, but usually I am not away like that. Of course, I'm going to LA this weekend (golf, Rotohog 'banquet', Cal vs. UCLA) so I'll have intermittent access.
      ID: 25924115
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 16:55
I'm in favor of no clock m-w as I'll be driving from LA to Dallas those days.
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 18:30
i've left a queue. DaBomb (or wiggs), feel free to make my pick for me.
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 18:57
I went and changed the email for my Kafenatid account, and somehow F'd up my login and I'm locked out. I believe I set up my queue for this round though and Tosh, GO and KF should be able to make this pick. Hopefully KKB is around to reset my password.
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Oct 16, 2007, 19:03
FYI - I just drafted Reggie Miller for your 7.07 pick. It seemed a little odd, but that was the name that was there.

      ID: 31959173
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 06:01
Mike V left a queue. he has two consecutive picks.

as both players at the top of his queue play similar positions, i'm gonna wait a bit before taking the second, and see if he's around to do so.
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 10:05
Thanks Tree. I was still asleep when I made my pick as I didn't want to hold it up. I would have selected the next person in my queue. Can that be corrected before anyone else picks?
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 10:34
Tree, Forget my request to change my pick. Punk and Wiggs would have to repick and that's just too much of a problem.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 10:56
i've left a jeepers queue for this round only.
83Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 11:12
Mike - if Bargnani was the one you didn't mean to pick, email me to work on something.
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 11:27
Go ahead and pick Tree, thanks.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:57
What's everyone's thoughts on Jameer Nelson? I may be a bit of a homer but I have a feeling he is gonna have a big year.
      ID: 04991311
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 20:00
Farn, thanks for the heads up.
      ID: 036635522
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 22:40
Contract year should help him, unless he Andrew Jones it.
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 23:38
It was time. Perhaps I'm a dumbass for drafting Oden, but my keepers certainly don't match up with some of you guys. But next year, I will be a beast.
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 10:33
I'll be out for the afternoon so feel free to make my pick for me from the queue.
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 14:21
Grrr. While waiting patiently for DaBomb and Farn to pick, I made a nifty 2-man queue. Marvin Williams and Al Horford were those picks.

Imagine the words I uttered when those were the two players selected.
91Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 20:55
Tree - if everyone really steps on the accelerator here, you wouldn't even have to worry about the weekend and next week. Only 4 roudns left - everyone set up some lengthy ques and get this thing polished off.

At this point its best availble/fill out my bench type players anyway.
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 20:59
Tree, what's the ruling if I wanted to trade a wrestler for a jeeper's keeper? :)
      ID: 209481818
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 21:21
GO - well, that's fine, but at the rate we keep waiting for Bomber...

i've turned off the clock. people should still pick as if there is a clock. from about 5 am until probably 3 pm, i simply wont have any access, but will look when i lanf....

Farn - the ruling is!t, i'm too tired to be funny...
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 21:25
would HBK for say Dirk be considered fair? maybe HBK and Jason Terry for Dirk and one of the Daltons?
95Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 22:43
I have Dirk and would trade him for Edge in a package deal of some sort. Perhaps include John Cena and Oden since they are both injured and out for serious lengths of time.
96Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Sat, Oct 20, 2007, 12:24
I should have 4 last round picks - at the minute I only see two (not sure if I have the Dilligad pick cause I can't figure out how to look that far in advace).

Should have
Wiggs (I do)
my own (I do)
and then Tree's pick
and Dilligad (Mike V) the last pick of the draft.

97Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Sat, Oct 20, 2007, 12:28
Looks like only Tree's pick is wrong - since he is in Vegas today and San Fran by tomorrow and can't really fix it, I emailed him and perhaps I will just tell him who to pick and we sort it out afterwards.
      ID: 25924115
      Sat, Oct 20, 2007, 12:32
The 'next 20' selection only show you getting 3, tree is getting his.

That Craig Smith pick was terrible. I had to dig abound to find someone else to take.
99Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Sat, Oct 20, 2007, 12:37
Sorry about that, certainly a sleeper I'd say depending on playing time (but who isn't?).

I was a bit more sold on him than some others because he performed well when given the opportunity a bit last year.
100Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Sat, Oct 20, 2007, 12:37
And yeah, only Tree's pick is wrong so I can sort that out with him. No big deal.
101Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Wed, Oct 24, 2007, 17:56
Don't know if you're back from your trip or not Tree, but just an fyi that rosters still need to be entered.
102tree on the treo
      ID: 40842210
      Wed, Oct 24, 2007, 23:34
at the san fran airport now...taking the red eye home...rosters will be entered thursday...
      ID: 309282519
      Thu, Oct 25, 2007, 21:29
follow up. i'm just not going to get this done today. i'm exhausted.

but i will have it done on friday, and on saturday will "begin" the league. we've got a few days until the regular season, so we should be fine.

      ID: 3533298
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 12:44
ok folks, results are entered.

go into the league, then:
Draft Central>Draft Results

check your team. make sure i have all the players correct.

i will officially "begin" the league at 12 noon(ish) eastern on saturday (tomorrow)...

thanks for your patience...
      ID: 057721710
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 12:56
mine are good.

Thanks Tree and Good Luck to all
106Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 13:45
GO's White Chocolate is accurate and ready to make a 2nd championship run!
      ID: 25924115
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 14:38
Dilligad is good and ready to defend.
      ID: 036635522
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 14:47
Looks good.
      ID: 030815418
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 16:37
It is telling me the draft results haven't been posted yet.
      ID: 451044109
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 17:06
Follow Tree's instructions KF. :)

Looks good to me Tree.
      ID: 030815418
      Fri, Oct 26, 2007, 17:15
Thanks Farn

Tree, it looks good to me.
112Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Mon, Oct 29, 2007, 13:28
Just a friendly reminder to Tree the great prognosticator...

wow. are you going to be disappointed. i figured the indians would win in 6, but now i'm thinking 5...
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Oct 29, 2007, 13:31
hey, we can't all be perfect.
114Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Sun, Nov 25, 2007, 17:02
Wow, definitely did not expect to be on top of the league at this point going into the season. After entering the league as an expansion team a couple years and ending the season in the bottom half the last two years, I didn't see much reason why this season would be any different. I thought my keepers were significantly worse than many other teams so I went into the draft looking to take some high ceiling players and so far it has been working out. Let's keep this going!
      ID: 6825712
      Tue, Jan 08, 2008, 08:28
In that trade with myself and Marion
I get Oden and his 1st round pick next season
HE gets Davis and my 6th next season
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Jan 08, 2008, 13:46
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Jan 15, 2008, 14:30
Welcome back, Kevin Martin!!!

I am interested in trading either a point guard - such as Jose Calderon or Tony Parker - or a SG/SF - such as Corey Maggette or Hedo Turkoglu - for an equally-rated PF. It must be a PF. Good FT% a plus.

I'm not looking to give anyone away....I'm just looking for equal value that better fits my team as currently constructed. If your team is heavy at PF and could use a more balanced player, drop me a line.
118Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Wed, Jan 23, 2008, 09:02
Pending trade also has a draft pick.

Mike Miller
Sean Williams
GO's 3rd Round Pick
Chauncy Billups
Erick Dampier
Mike V's Last Round Pick
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Jan 23, 2008, 10:50
      ID: 1312275
      Thu, Feb 07, 2008, 06:23

i just want to say how much i love this league...

every manager is active, and you have FIVE teams within one point of each other and first place. every single category matters.
121Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Thu, Feb 07, 2008, 17:26
If anyone has a player who's FT% is bringing you down and you're tired of it, I'll try to take him off your hands.
122Great One
      ID: 1122611
      Fri, Mar 07, 2008, 10:11
every manager is active, and you have FIVE teams within one point of each other and first place

I guess this statement hasn't proven to be true the last month... as since that time I have taken control and nobody made a single trade at the deadline in an attempt to catch me. Thats disappointing.

That 4 point lead is pretty huge too when you consider that I have the least games played in the league. Or did you notice that and thats why everyone else gave up?! :) C'mon people... I think you need internships in the Elimination Chamber on how to improve your team via the trade!
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 11:30
Nice Season everyone.

Congrats to Great One for his victory.

I ran a quick Excel query this morning and saved all the rosters with order of finish so we are all set for next year.
124Great One
      ID: 233541511
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 11:39
I started using games for the heck of it at the end and wound up with a perfect 10 in 5 categories which is amazing. Up until the weekend I still had the least number of games played for whatever reason.

Side note, two of Rashard Lewis, Monta Ellis or Camby has to get traded this offseason.
So either offer me a draft pick for one of them or offer me a 1st round talent and I'll give you all 3.
No quicker way to fix your depth issue than that!

I'd also like to point out that I believe Camby has been a key player on the 1st place team 3 seasons in a row.
So I think thats saying something for him and to all those that are so scared to acquire the guy.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 12:02
Props to GO for a rock solid season. I couldn't believe your team of studs languished outside of 1st as long as it did.....but once you hit your stride, you were GONE.
      ID: 036635522
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 12:11
Congrats GO!
      ID: 3533298
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 12:40
this was another lost season to me. i feel like trading Dirk a couple seasons ago really did me in. blah.

that being said, i'm looking forward to next year.

this year, i feel like i played in more leagues than i should have (four, and with overlapping with baseball and football, just made it a bit much), so i'm dropping one or maybe two.

the one i've already dropped, oddly, is the one i just won the championship in. i was unhappy with some of the moves done in that league, such as Dwyane Wade and Pau Gasol both being dropped by their teams in mid-March, despite it being a keeper league.

then, the utter lack of response from any of the teams dropping those players when question, or, the commish not chiming in either, led me to quit. seems too much like a public league when that stuff goes on. :o)

but congrats to GO. just keep that trophy shiny for me...
128Great One
      ID: 233541511
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 13:21
Thanks everyone... I was kind of hanging in the middle for a long time... In fact, I was dead last as late as December if I remember correctly. I was probably being a bit choosy with when to start players. Also had a major problem with steals. I drafted Monta Ellis (see post 69) thinking he would be my steals guy and it really took him (and Amare) a while to get rolling. Once January came around they both hit their stride and started to dominate.

I'm pretty happy with a 1st and two 3rd's for my hoops teams this year. And coupled with last years baseball success (3 wins, 1 second in Yahoo) its probably been my best run ever.
129Great One
      ID: 233541511
      Thu, Apr 17, 2008, 13:23
Chasing steals reminds me of working with Farn on a Gerald Wallace deal and then reading that quote where Gerald says that he has never stretched before a game before and is considering yoga or something this summer... geesh Gerald. Maybe thats why you pull a muscle every third game!?! lol...
      ID: 030815418
      Fri, Apr 18, 2008, 16:37
Good job GO! I'll get you next year!
131Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 13:26
Congrats GO. Definitely won in convincing fashion. I see you picked up Starbury on the last day. I will give you my first round pick for him ;)

Also, never to early to begin trade talk, so I am officially putting Dwight Howard on the block. I am looking to go in a different direction with my team. Howard will not be traded at a discount, but I am looking for a player of similar value but at another position (PG?) or perhaps even a different C. I could also package him with Kirilenko, Peja, Felton, Hinrich, Ricky Davis, Horford, or Thornton.
      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 13:33
sent you a message through yahoo Da Bomb
      ID: 3533298
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 13:59
Bomb - when i get off work tonight, i'll be sending you some offers as well.

you know i've been coveting him for i just can't check my roster at the moment.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 14:06
Tree's Roster

Andre Miller
J.R. Smith
Mo Williams
Gilbert Arenas
Kevin Durant
Danny Granger
Richard Jefferson
Andres Nocioni
Carlos Boozer
Darko Milicic
David West
Ramon Sessions
Pau Gasol
Raja Bell
Ronnie Brewer
Kyle Korver
Andrew Bynum
135 Great One
      ID: 233541511
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 14:14
Thought I'd give Starbury his only chance to win a title. I think I picked up Vlade and Allan Houston on the last day 2 years ago lol...

Trade Block
Monta Ellis
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Apr 21, 2008, 14:18
I am up to trading anyone not named Lebron.
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 15:40
Let's bump this one up the food chain a tad.

We got a late start last year. Is this league a go for this season?

138Great One
      ID: 428262410
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 15:50
Damn skippy... and my trade block is still rocking and rolling!
      ID: 07724916
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 15:58
I'm in.
      ID: 6729621
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 15:58
141 Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 16:48
I'm in, and my post in 131 still holds true.
      ID: 25924115
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 17:03
I'm in
143tree on the treo
      ID: 236113120
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 17:48
tomorrow my friends, tomorrow. I needed baseball to end first... :o)
      ID: 188563018
      Tue, Sep 30, 2008, 19:58
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 08:52
alright. everyone who was in previously has been invited. please let me know if you don't receive that invite today...
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 08:58
ugh. i forgot to change the name of the league to Jeepers Keepers VI...annoying.

      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 10:53
Did anyone save last year's rosters? I'm trying to remember. I don't think I did.
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 10:55
nevermind. you can still see them by accessing last year's league.

Jeepers V
      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 11:32
Just a reminder, I have MarionBerryPies 1st pick, he has my 6th.
      ID: 451044109
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 11:39
Farn's Keepers

1. Lebron James
2. Elton Brand
3. Dirk Nowitzki
4. Gerald Wallace
5. Mehmet Okur
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 12:13
god. i forgot i had gilbert arenas... anyone want him?
      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 12:21
Jason Kidd
Michael Redd
Chauncy Billups
Randy Foye
Greg Oden
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 12:43
in fact, i'm ready to cut bait on Arenas.

he can be had as part of a package deal - maybe with Raja Bell or Ronnie Brewer or Andrew Bynum or even David West or Richard Jefferson for a team short on keepers but with a stud in a 2-for-1 sort of deal.

or, even for an early round draft pick.
      ID: 25924115
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 13:29
Tree, you have the league set up to do a Yahoo live draft. Can Yahoo handle traded draft picks?
155Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 14:36
Yes it can. As well as keepers.
      ID: 25924115
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 14:52
I can't find how traded draft picks is handled but did find that trades cannot be made during the draft.
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 15:11
right now it's set as a live draft, in case we go that route. i feel like i got a decent time slot...
158Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 15:13
Well not during a live draft, cause the commish would be trying to swap and there isn't time for that if its live.

If you trade during the draft, I'd say its up to the individuals involved -- we trade 4th and 5ths during the draft, in the 4th I tell you who to pick, you do the opposite -- then we execute the trade post draft.

Tree and I did that during last years Elimination Chamber, worked nicely.

159Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 15:14
Thats if we go live instead of a slow Kafenatid draft or whatever. Live hadn't been an option previously. I like both.
      ID: 3198216
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 17:09
trade announcement:

GO acquires
Andrew Bynum
Trees 5th Round Pick

Tree acquire
Steve Nash
GO's 8th Pick
161Great One
      ID: 12858611
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 17:28
Trade Confirmed.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 02, 2008, 17:44
I might be swayed into trading Utah PG Deron Williams in return for a top flight young big man.
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 09:21
on the trading block:
David West
Gilbert Arenas
Raja Bell
Ronnie Brewer
Richard Jefferson

looking for an upgrade, so i'd like a 2-for-1 for a team that might need more keepers.

also willing to involve draft picks.
      ID: 057721710
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 10:13
I would move Vince Carter if someone is interested in him.
      ID: 07724916
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 11:37
Da Bomb and Species have agreed to a trade:

Da Bomb gets: Deron Williams

Species gets: Dwight Howard
      ID: 07724916
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 12:50
Species' keepers (subject to change):

Jose Calderon
Kevin Martin
Paul Pierce
Jason Richardson
Dwight Howard
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 12:58
species - i told you'd do that trade.. ;o)
168Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 16:53
Howard is a monster. But his FT% has an almost Shaq-like effect. I've finished with points in FT of 2, 3, and 1.5 since I've been in the league, so I was beginning to think I would have little chance of winning unless I tanked FT% every year, which is a strategy I don't like to employ. However, now watch my rebounding and blocks points be as low as my FT% used to be.

Chris Bosh
Caron Butler
Rudy Gay
Brandon Roy
Deron Williams
      ID: 07724916
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 18:24
Yeah, I am concerned about FT's but will give it a shot to be mid-pack in FT% with Calderon (90%), Martin (87%) and Pierce (83%) trying to help offset Howard. If I didn't make a deal like this I would be forced to keep one of my other C's just to have SOME semblance of REB/BLK in my keepers.
170Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 18:49
Any of the following can be had for a 2 round pick upgrade:

Ricky Davis
      ID: 057721710
      Fri, Oct 03, 2008, 21:40
Definite keepers
Baron Davis (LAC - PG)
Allen Iverson (Den - PG,SG)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Shawn Marion (Mia - SF,PF)

And one of these guys
Vince Carter (NJ - SG,SF)
Luol Deng (Chi - SG,SF)
Chris Kaman (LAC - C)

I'm open to trading anyone, but I'm looking for a 2-1 situation.
      ID: 13714198
      Mon, Oct 06, 2008, 12:36
so we probably should set a keeper deadline date, and a draft day if we dont do it online...

personally, i don't want to set a keeper deadline until someone starts talking trade with me... ;o)
173Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Mon, Oct 06, 2008, 13:54
I guess we should 1. make sure everyone is back... and 2. have a mini-vote to see if we want to do a live online draft.

I like both formats, the slow or live.

      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Oct 06, 2008, 14:27
I prefer slow drafts, I maybe the minority, but i have an awful lot going on right now and i honestly have a hard time finding a night that i do nothing during the week.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, Oct 06, 2008, 14:45
I'm with wiggs. Slow draft would be easier. Kafenatid?
      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Oct 06, 2008, 15:00
      ID: 13714198
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 10:21
as commish, i prefer the live draft because i don't have to input the data from the draft.

if some one is willing to help me, because my time is fairly insane right now (the reason i'm only doing two hooks leagues), then i'm game to draft elsewhere...

i'll have to look, but i know in football it let you pass the commish reigns to someone else, and i could do that if hoops allows, and someone else wants to enter the data...
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 10:45
Tree, I would be willing to enter names with no problem.
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 11:15
change of keepers

Farn's Keepers

1. Lebron James
2. Elton Brand
3. Dirk Nowitzki
4. LaMarcus Aldridge
5. Mehmet Okur
180Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 13:18
Lets set up some deadlines... opening night is Tuesday 10/28. So working backwards say 2 weeks from that... Keepers due - Monday 10/13 at 11:59 PM? or Farn will pick them for you

Then draft starts on Kafenatid as soon as they are entered as well as any draft picks trades.

So between now and then we need the Kafenatid sign up to get everybody on there, and everyone to add multiple designated pickers and be all ready to roll come Tuesday 10/14. We also need to locate any draft pick trades and get them all in one post to make Farn's life easier. Farn, I'd say once we have everybody signed up and all the draft picks condensed we should start a new thread as well. Who is paying for Kafenatid? we all chipping in? how does that work?

      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 13:22
Farn? Are my skills as RWF organizer now being taken advantage of for Jeepers? :)
182Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 13:25
Alright, you can still pick keepers, cause that could be fun.

Wiggs will enter keepers and picks, you take a week off from organizing and scoring!

      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 13:28
lol, farn wont know what to do this week with no RWF
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 14:04
you know what sucks? My girl is out of town this week seeing her family and going to a wedding. So I have the place to myself. I could actually watch wrestling without funny looks. And I don't even have to because its our off week.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 07, 2008, 14:05
more time to set your fantasy queue :)
186Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Wed, Oct 08, 2008, 13:24

Da Bomb trades Al Horford + 5th round pick

KnicksFan trades 3rd round pick
      ID: 030815418
      Wed, Oct 08, 2008, 13:30
188Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Mon, Oct 13, 2008, 13:54
Need to really start declaring keepers...

GO's Keepers (until further notice)
Kobe Bryant
Carmelo Anthony
Rashard Lewis
Andrew Bynun
Amare Stoudemire

      ID: 13714198
      Mon, Oct 13, 2008, 15:11
yea. i'm slacking again - it's that whole "i've got a new girlfriend and i rarely sleep in my own apartment anymore" sort of think...

how about keepers due this Friday 10/17, at 12 noon am eastern time, with the draft beginning monday morning at 9 am.

we can do kafenatid, but i really need someone's help in getting the players input into yahoo..i can make you commish for that, and then you hand the reins back to me.


      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Oct 13, 2008, 15:17
Tree i will do the yahoo part, no problem
191Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Mon, Oct 13, 2008, 15:52
Gonna need to input the keepers first into Kafenatid... then when thats all done into Yahoo (which is REALLY quick with the new input system).

Tree, you setting up Kafenatid? Well actually I guess Wiggs would need to if he's entering the names there.

Wiggs, I'll knock a few bucks off F101 balance for my contribution. I could also move money over from say Tree to your balance sheet if we all want to split the $10 up. Is anyone else in a league I commish that wants to throw 2-3 bucks towards the kafenatid draft?

      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 10:25
I have requested a kafe draft. GO, if you can get people to donate to my 101 account (which i desperately need after my 1st 6 weeks) that would be great, if not then i will just cover the 10 dollars. Once I get the email back from the site I will register it and get us going. Does anyone have a league wide email they can send me so I can send back the info? if not I will look up all the addy and do it later.

Does everyone like Friday for keepers and start on Monday? Will that give us enough time? That gives us about a week for 12 rounds.
193 Tree
      ID: 13714198
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 11:06
send it here wiggs....
194Great One
      ID: 2936213
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 12:03
I'm thinking Friday for keepers and we need to start it over the weekend but without a timer...
that way we know everybody has their charts and ques etc ready and in place by Monday morning.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 12:40
sent tree
      ID: 030815418
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 13:49
Friday is fine for keepers.
197Farn @work
      ID: 109271410
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 14:58
agreeing with GO. Start it say Friday night with no timer and turn the timer on Monday.

Wiggs, I'd send you a dollar or two but I'm not in your league and a buck via paypal doesn't go very far after fees. When you come out for WM26 I'll buy you a beer. :)
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 15:48
deal, i think you still owe me an order of dominos wings as well from 2003
199Farn @work
      ID: 109271410
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 15:57
Oh god. I remember the days of ordering pizza and wings and cheesy bread every Monday night for Raw. People thought we were handicapped hicks from the backwoods of NY.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 16:00
sad thing is it wasnt just monday night raw, it was tuesday night baseball or basketball and gambling, wednesday night poker, thursday night whatever lol
201Farn @work
      ID: 109271410
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 16:02
LOL. I was trying not to point out we ate garbage every single night. But that dining hall was so depressing. What garbage there.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 16:06
dominoes was better then mills
203Farn @work
      ID: 109271410
      Tue, Oct 14x, 2008, 16:12
the trash cans behind Mills were better than Mills. Wilsbach was better but still wasn't good.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 13:57
wiggs, looks like the draft has been set up. I'd say check your email for a league ID and pw to send to everyone.
      ID: 04991311
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 14:00
i think it was a misunderstanding there, When tree said send it here I thought he was forwarding it, I will send it out now.
      ID: 451044109
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 14:05

i'm registered.
      ID: 036635522
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 14:18
Anyone have a link to Kafe, I don't have it on this computer.
      ID: 04991311
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 14:20
      ID: 13714198
      Wed, Oct 15, 2008, 14:42
oops, my bad wiggs. i thought you wanted our individual emails to send the link to us.
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 10:10
Tosh keepers
Baron Davis (LAC - PG)
Allen Iverson (Den - PG,SG)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Shawn Marion (Mia - SF,PF)
Vince Carter (NJ - SG,SF)
      ID: 309461523
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 10:52
Species' keepers (subject to change):

Jose Calderon
Kevin Martin
Paul Pierce
Jason Richardson
Dwight Howard
      ID: 25924115
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 11:11
Dilligad keepers

Yao Ming
Al Jefferson
Manu Ginobili
Ray Allan
Tracy McGrady
      ID: 13714198
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 11:43
is there really no market for trading??

      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 14:58
Can I get people to list the trades they have made for this season so I can enter them in the kafe. site. I have some already in, but i would like to make sure I didnt miss any.
      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 15:52
These are the trades i have, please post if i missed one.

wiggs gets 1.07 Tosh: gets 6.01
KnicksFan gets 5.06 Da Bomb gets 3.09
Tree gets 8.10 GO gets 5.05
MikeV gets 3.10 GO gets 17.02
216Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 16:02
post 25 trade with Punk/Tree had a pick tacked on for this season a 4th for 5th swap.
      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 16, 2008, 16:39
thank you sir, i got that one now.
      ID: 036635522
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 01:28

Dwyane Wade
Josh Smith
Antawn Jamison
Emeka Okafor
Mike Dunleavy
      ID: 04991311
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 09:15
I have keepers from everyone but Tree and KF- Once I get those i will start putting them in the site. I believe I have all the trades inputted so we should be good to go as soon as Keepers are in.

My understanding is we start immediately with no clock is that correct?
220Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 10:30
Tree, I was kind of hoping you'd repeat your Red Sox prognistication like last year in post 73 so you can jinx a Game 6 Sox win.
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 10:47
i no longer make such predictions.
      ID: 030815418
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 11:15

Chris Paul
Kevin Garnett
Tim Duncan
Joe Johnson
Al Horford
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 11:36
Steve Nash (Phx - PG)
Danny Granger (Ind - SG,SF,PF)
Pau Gasol (LAL - PF,C)
Carlos Boozer (Uta - PF,C)
Kevin Durant (OKC - SG,SF)
      ID: 04991311
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 12:06
Ok, keepers are in, please double check their accuracy. I did and found 1 mistake and I fixed it already. Please let me know if anything needs to be adjusted.

Also please check positions. Some just said G or F so I just picked 1.
225Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 12:33
I'm good.
      ID: 057721710
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 12:38
Mine are good.

You gave Dilligad Richard Jefferson instead of Al Jefferson.
      ID: 04991311
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 12:53
fixed that one already. Thanks for the heads up
228Farn @work
      ID: 389341712
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 13:35
I'm going home for lunch in a little while. If its my pick I'll make it in about an hour. I can't pick without getting a look at who's available.
      ID: 451044109
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 15:04
Sorry for that long delay guys. I'll be better when it gets back to me. I'll have an actual cheat sheet ready by my next pick.

Btw, if anyone has interest in a PF or C let me know. I couldn't pass on West so I have a pile of them.
      ID: 451044109
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 15:07
Well I possibly take that back. If somehow it comes back to me in the next 5 or so hours I may be slow.
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 15:17
just texted Punk. he won't be able to pick until probably 7ish....
      ID: 04991311
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 17:16
no big deal for punks pick, we have no clock at this point, these are bonus picks at this point.
      ID: 13714198
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 17:18
yea. i left a one-man queue, because i've seen my choices go off the board with the last 3 picks.

if that person gets picked by punk, i'll be picking later tonight...
234Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Fri, Oct 17, 2008, 22:27
The league is still scheduled for the online draft. Should probably change that...
      ID: 29191810
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 11:20

i was wondering if someone would go after Arenas this early...
      ID: 451044109
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 14:43
set my queue to 1st player on my list available. Dilligad, among others, has permission to make my pick for me since he picks right in front of me.
      ID: 04991311
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 15:59
I have a Queue for GO, but i will wait to use it since we dont have a time limit right now. if he hasnt picked by the time I go to bed tonight i will use his queue and pick for myself as well.
      ID: 04991311
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 23:04
I have a queue for dillgads, should i use it or wait?
      ID: 559491723
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 23:09
just a heads up -

on wednesday, i'm having shoulder surgery. i will probably be off line for much of the day, between the pre-op, surgery, post-op, and wanton drug abuse that will follow.

i'll leave a decently long queue - but i really don't want to have to do any more than two rounds via queue.

basically, i'll be a long list of players. any specifics i have about it will be posted prior to wednesday..
240Great One
      ID: 56911412
      Sat, Oct 18, 2008, 23:20
I'd say go ahead and use it, he's been around etc so if he's got guys in there its for a reason.
      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Oct 20, 2008, 08:33
what do we set the clock at for this draft 6 hours? Draft pause? midnight to 8 am?
242Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Mon, Oct 20, 2008, 16:32
I'd like to trade up in this thing. If anybody is interest in moving down a few rounds, let me know.
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 10:27
left my queue up. Please only use it for round 13. If we make it back to me in round 14 I will make my pick around 630 est.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 10:39
Tree, can you give me the commish powers, i will start entering teams now, I have a little free time while the kids are at specials.
      ID: 13714198
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 12:39
done. might as well keep it for a few days, since i'll probably be out of commission a bit the next couple of days.

should make tomorrow night's elimination chamber draft REAL fun, if i even make it.
246Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 15:33
I presume you won't be in Danbury or Edison this weekend Tree?
247Great One
      ID: 389281515
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 15:48
side bar - remember when you were looking for a place with free WiFi to draft for baseball or whatever?

ever been to this place? -->

      ID: 13714198
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 16:43
actually GO, i'm going to try and make it....

as for that bar, i haven't been. but it's not TOO far from the girlfriend's place...

and will you guys hurry up with the draft?!?! i'd love to get my next two picks in before surgery. :o)
      ID: 451044109
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 20:22
my queue is updated. Please only use it for round 14.
      ID: 559491723
      Tue, Oct 21, 2008, 23:04
i left a queue that will hopefully cover round 15 and 16.

i'd like to make my round 17 pick sometime tomorrow night when i get back. i have someone in particular i want, but obviously, no way to set up a queue to ensure that's who i get if he's available...
      ID: 04991311
      Thu, Oct 23, 2008, 16:49
The draft results are entered and ready to go please double check i didnt make a mistake.
      ID: 030815418
      Thu, Oct 23, 2008, 17:01
good draft guys
253Great One
      ID: 298238
      Thu, Oct 23, 2008, 18:44
My team looks good.
Well I mean, they look bad actually... but its all the right players.
By the "right" players, I mean they are the wrong ones to help me win this season. But they are the ones that I selected. Poorly.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 23, 2008, 18:59
I totally half-assed this draft.

I will suck.
255Great One
      ID: 298238
      Fri, Oct 31, 2008, 16:22
I like bit BUTTs and I can't not lie.
      ID: 04991311
      Fri, Oct 31, 2008, 17:26
with the pitiful team i have i am willing to move some players for draft picks. Send me an offer if you see something you like.
      ID: 057721710
      Mon, Nov 10, 2008, 01:46
Trade involving draft picks

Wiggs gets 2009 Round 3 from Tosh
Tosh gets 2009 Round 6 from Wiggs
258Great One
      ID: 151126410
      Tue, Jan 13, 2009, 13:27
Camby/Hill for Marc/Marvin includes Wiggs getting GO's 3rd round pick for his last round pick.
259Great One
      ID: 151126410
      Tue, Jan 13, 2009, 13:28
Tree, perhaps we should start a new thread without a specific season next to it since we are two seasons behind haha...

Just put all pending draft pick deals in the first thread.

Maybe it'll wake up the 3-4 people that haven't made a single move all season long. Activity here is almost as bad as G20.

260Great One
      ID: 151126410
      Mon, Feb 02, 2009, 11:47
For a team building towards next season and beyond, I'm going to need to move Bynum and I'm primarily looking big again.
261Great One
      ID: 31112109
      Fri, Feb 20, 2009, 13:41
Can anyone else go down for the season?

Amare on the block here too. Need another big guy cause I'm already thin losing Bynum.

262Great One
      ID: 497221412
      Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 09:18
Congrats to Da Bomb!
Hope I made you nervous there at the end... everything was just laid out there for me, unfortunately being so many games behind because of injuries,
I had to rotate some less than quality players at the end.
16 steals, 12 blocks and 40 rebounds and I would have won! :)
I think I healthy Amare, Bynum or Camby would have made the difference there, but thats the way it goes for everyone with injuries.
My injuries just seemed to be stuck on my big guys unfortunately.

Congrats again on a great season.

And we need to start up a new thread since we are like 3 seasons behind on this one.
      ID: 41371322
      Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 09:22
sorry for my lax commissionership this season guys. between a new girlfriend, getting laid off, and a general malaise toward hoops this season, i feel like i slacked completely.

i am planning on continue this league, because i do think most enjoy it, and i'll be more active.

congrats to our champion!
264Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 21:26
Thanks guys. GO, you did make me sweat a bit towards the end when you started to try to max out your games and were climbing up in the standings. Fortunately, I was able to hold you off in a relatively comfortable manner.

This win is especially sweet for me as I worked hard to trade and draft a good core of keepers after I came in as an expansion team with a relatively poor set of keepers 3 years ago. However, what did make my job easier is that 4 teams combined to make 6 transactions all year, with 2 teams making none. That is pretty ridiculous. Anyways, I'm looking forward to defending my title next season!
      ID: 036635522
      Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 23:17
So close to 3rd, and lost it on the last day. Good job DB!
      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Oct 05, 2009, 11:23
Is this league continuing this year?
267Great One
      ID: 1790513
      Fri, Oct 09, 2009, 00:17
Got the signup email. We should start a new thread too without a season # in it so it doesn't get outdated again like this one 3 seasons behind..
      ID: 248472317
      Fri, Oct 09, 2009, 00:46
at this point everyone should ahve gotten the invite.

i'm currently commish, because i didnt want to see the league die as it's been around a long time.

but i definitely need people to help light a fire under my ass, since i'm in the midst of packing for a cross-country move.
      ID: 451044109
      Fri, Oct 09, 2009, 12:52
well we probably need to get keepers set. That probably involves finding last year's rosters on Yahoo.

Then set a draft to start say Monday with a timer.

I am off all next week so I can facilitate a little if need be.
      ID: 248472317
      Fri, Oct 09, 2009, 16:08
man. i have done ZERO research. have any magazines even been published yet? lol
271Great One
      ID: 4778411
      Fri, Oct 09, 2009, 16:20
I've been alternating first or second for like 5 consecutive years, so I think this is my year to go back to first!
      ID: 057721710
      Sat, Oct 10, 2009, 21:32
My 4 Certain Keepers -
Andrea Bargnani (Tor - PF,C)
Shawn Marion (Dal - SF,PF)
Andre Iguodala (Phi - SG,SF)
Vince Carter (Orl - SG,SF)

Keeper #5 from this list
Baron Davis (LAC - PG)
Mario Chalmers (Mia - PG)
Zach Randolph (Mem - PF,C)
      ID: 248472317
      Sat, Oct 10, 2009, 22:21
i wouldn't mind swinging a trade, looking for trade picks or 2-for-1.

among those available:
Steve Nash (Pho - PG)
Carlos Boozer (Uta - PF,C)
O.J. Mayo (Mem - PG,SG)
Ben Gordon (Det - SG)
Jeff Green (OKC - SF,PF)
Spencer Hawes (Sac - PF,C)
Michael Beasley (Mia - SF,PF)
Josh Howard (Dal - SG,SF)
Francisco Garcia (Sac - SG,SF)
Shaquille O'Neal (Cle - C)
      ID: 248472317
      Sat, Oct 10, 2009, 23:04
Looks as if Species hasn't signed up for this season yet...
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Oct 11, 2009, 09:33
Farn's Keepers
Lebron James (SF)
David West (PF)
Dirk Nowitzki (PF)
Mehmet Okur (PF-C)
LaMarcus Aldridge (PF-C)
276 Da Bomb
      ID: 487112814
      Sun, Oct 11, 2009, 13:14
Re:271 Sorry GO, but this team is primed for a repeat.

Kobe Bryant
Chris Bosh
Brandon Roy
Caron Butler
Brook Lopez

Rudy Gay, Eric Gordon, Ron Artest, and Jason Terry can be had for a small draft pick upgrade.
      ID: 04991311
      Tue, Oct 13, 2009, 11:37
Looking to trade a PG for a forward


280Great One
      ID: 2510199
      Wed, Feb 24, 2010, 14:19
Species gets GO's 2nd for his 8th in addition to the Jermaine/Conley for Garcia/Miller swap.
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