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0 Subject: RIHC test league on fantrax.

Posted by: wolfer
- [25521311] Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 18:25

I have to say not bad - everyone already have signed up on both sites.

I am going to activate the draft tomorrow night with an immediate clock. The clock will be for fours and will be stopped between 11pm and 7am east. Hopefully we can get a round in tomorrow.

Since we do not have much time, are there any objections to having a random draft order on kafenatid?
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 18:56
random order is fine.

      ID: 4155487
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 19:03
Fine with me.
3coldwater coyotes
      ID: 539471623
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 19:10
      ID: 25924115
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 19:20
Random is good
      ID: 479471413
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 22:06
Random is cool with me...just FYI. My quick and dirty way is...

email half the league a list of owners each with a number/letter/whatever associated with them. This way that group knows the what number is associated with what owner and it's timestamped so that they know that it was sent out before the post described below.

Then ask the second half to post a randomized order of those numbers to the message board. Whoever posts first is used and then match them up to the list and you're good to go. So the only waiting is for one of the second group to post on the board, usually pretty quick with this group I'm thinking.

Course as I said, I'm good with random too...just thought I'd throw that out there.
      ID: 219101816
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 22:52
That's too long and drawn out for me that is.

We now have a tenth manager. Welcome Addicted. If by any chance we can get two more in, I will start the draft as soon as both are in. If not it will be around 6PM Central.

      ID: 44961320
      Tue, Oct 20, 2009, 23:08
Random is fine.
      ID: 44961320
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 07:11
Will you turn the draft on when you get the draft order set so we can set up queues?
      ID: 25521311
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 08:59
Yes, I will turn it on.
      ID: 499271021
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 10:36
I would like to participate
      ID: 25521311
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 11:12
Consider yourself in.
12 gurudan
      ID: 249352119
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 20:35
give me some of what he's ADDICTED to. last in, first off. good luck. hey GURU is there a ROTOGURU league at TSN ULTIMATE? I was gonna ban them,but after crashing one of my 3 D&T football teams, they refunded our money for all 3. i assume we'll get paid in them.
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Oct 21, 2009, 22:13
Use my queue
14coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Thu, Oct 22, 2009, 09:20
very disappointing that we didn't make better progress last night.
I shall be in and out this weekend as I am at Parent's weekend for
my college kids. I will be leaving a long queue.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 22, 2009, 09:56
I'll have the same issues this weekend (same reason, different college). Don't rely on me as a designated picker.
      ID: 25521311
      Thu, Oct 22, 2009, 10:15
I should be around most of the weekend.
17 gurudan
      ID: 249352119
      Thu, Oct 22, 2009, 22:40
i go to work at 630 edt and go to bed at midnite. i work to between noon and 200 pm. i'll leave a Q,but never sure who to DP. it always seems to me in every draft, it's always the same managers holding things up. i know in hoops it's hard to leave a 20 player Q, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. let's go.
      ID: 25924115
      Thu, Oct 22, 2009, 23:17
I'm around almost all the time and can take all queues.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Oct 23, 2009, 13:37
I have wolfer, Mike V, Harverad, and Addicted set up as designated pickers. I'll have spotty access over the next few days, so if my queue is ever available, pick from it.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Oct 23, 2009, 14:43
...and if my queue is empty, just wait for me. I'll try to keep it loaded in advance, but should be able to check in every now and then to pick and/or restock.
      ID: 25924115
      Fri, Oct 23, 2009, 15:22
My queue will cover round 7 and 8
      ID: 25924115
      Sun, Oct 25, 2009, 18:45
Looks like you entered Danny Green instead of Danny Granger in Toral's team.

Dilligad looks good
      ID: 25924115
      Sun, Oct 25, 2009, 18:48
Also Trey Johnson instead of Joe Johnson
24coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Tue, Nov 03, 2009, 16:45
Wolfer ... I dropped Hughes by mistake. I was making a waiver
claim for XXX but Fantrax seemed to ignore my claim and just
processed the drop. Maybe because I had a pending waiver claim
for XXX with another player as the drop. ????
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Nov 04, 2009, 11:17
Fantrax sucks. I got no stats yesterday because I had more than 5 reserves after picking up an IS replacement for Jianlian. I didn't designate Jianlian as 'InjRes.'

Is there anything that Fantrax does better than Yahoo?
      ID: 25521311
      Wed, Nov 04, 2009, 13:08
Re 25

I can retroactively move him.
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Nov 04, 2009, 13:18
Will that generate stats for me for 2/3?
      ID: 25521311
      Wed, Nov 04, 2009, 13:58
Yes it would.
      ID: 25924115
      Wed, Nov 04, 2009, 18:13
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Nov 05, 2009, 10:52
I really dislike the Fantrax lineup interface. It has the same flaw as the CBS interface (for baseball, at least).

You should be able to set a lineup with only one selection menu per player. There is no reason that Active/Reserve requires a separate menu. Simply add "bench" to the position menu.

The current setup makes lineup changes very cumbersome, and prone to errors.
      ID: 25924115
      Thu, Nov 05, 2009, 13:10
Ditto Guru. I also miss the Yahoo (and TSN before this year) feature of seeing on the league screen yesterday's relative performance of the competition.
32coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Thu, Nov 05, 2009, 21:42
My team turned out to have an illegal team tonight. I don't know
how this happened. Wolfer can you please modify to make it OK.

      ID: 43106522
      Thu, Nov 05, 2009, 23:06

A couple of other notes.

Re 29.

I asked Fantrax about changing the interface to combine the menus. They told me that they will look into that option with no ETA.

Re 30.

We can look at that. You can access that on the standings page.

      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Nov 11, 2009, 08:21
Another glitch.

I put in a waiver claim last week to add Rashard Lewis and drop Nocioni. Although someone else ended up getting Lewis, the system still dropped Nocioni - and the transaction log lists both of us getting Lewis:

transaction log

I just noticed it today, and was able to pick Nocioni back up. But clearly, that should not have happened.
      ID: 25924115
      Mon, Nov 16, 2009, 13:36
Has anyone found the screen that tracks the games played per position? If so where is it?
      ID: 2810381419
      Mon, Nov 16, 2009, 20:54
Re 36

Select "Games per Pos" from the "View" dropdown in Team Roster
37 gurudan
      ID: 5410182220
      Sun, Nov 22, 2009, 21:18
monkey at test league sends m miller to ir and adds ras butler
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Dec 12, 2009, 11:15
Idea: It would be helpful to have the player usage data available on the main lineup page.

On Yahoo, when you are making lineup changes, you can easily see (without changing pages) which positions are running ahead of pace and which are behind. In Fantrax, you have to go to another page to see that info.

If the lineup page is too crowded, then perhaps some summary usage data could be available in a popup, so that you don't have to leave the lineup page.

Also, while the usage page shows the actual GP, the Pace, and the Max, it would be helpful to see the projected gap (Pace - Max). That is visually easier to assimilate, since you don't have to do the arithmetic in your head. Again, Yahoo does this. And there is plenty of space for the info.
39 cleanerman
      ID: 431135209
      Fri, Dec 25, 2009, 11:45
      ID: 439131016
      Sun, Dec 27, 2009, 17:25
Looks like its been added (Pace -max) in parenthesis beside pace.
      ID: 893426
      Tue, Jan 05, 2010, 07:59
KG out 10 days; added
ryan anderson
42 monkey
      ID: 00381514
      Fri, Jan 15, 2010, 15:38
mike miller back to IR says out at least 1 week.
      ID: 893426
      Thu, Jan 21, 2010, 08:19
Activated KG as it looks like he'll go Friday. Placed Morrow on IR down for two weeks.
44 monkey
      ID: 120262622
      Tue, Jan 26, 2010, 23:26
it's hard to find somebody to answer questions this time of year. i lost webster 4 3 games cause of FANTRAX it's ok, i'll survive, BUT PLEASE, WHAT DOES THE BA STAT AT NBA.COM stand for?
      ID: 439131016
      Sat, Jan 30, 2010, 16:45
I can;t find that stat "BA" can you pst a link?

I am also calling a Sunday practice for my team! Free Throws is the topic.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Jan 30, 2010, 17:31
It's "Blocks Against"

If LeBron blocks Kobe's shot, then LeBron gets a BS, and Kobe gets a BA.

      ID: 439131016
      Tue, Feb 16, 2010, 06:52
Thought I'd use the Break to note a few observations
on our test league "Host" Fantrax.

I am getting more comfortable with it. At first because it was "different" I had to "think" all my actions. As a result some moves I intended to make didn't get made although I "thought" they did.
I have to search to find my waiver priority. If I want to make a change in the presentation format i.e. yesterday's results; its a two (or more)step process with the page reloading each step. With yahoo you pick your settings then submit it for one page reload. Same for the cumbersome process of add and drop or setting up trade offers ( I know trading is a submital type process but each time I chose a player to add/drop/trade it takes me to the player stats page).
I do like the format of the standings page. its easier for a simpleton like me to see where I have needs. I also like the fact that one format show me all the players I have dropped; it reminds me of how smart, uh make that stupid, Ive been. All in all it works for me now that I'm more acquainted with its quirks.

      ID: 439131016
      Sun, Apr 04, 2010, 14:53
Bogut Mashed elbow and wrist on IS. Picked up Butler.
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Apr 04, 2010, 19:53
I still find the general daily roster setting to be unacceptable.

There is no need for a separate position item vs an active/reserve item. This is unnecessarily cumbersome. CBS has a similar problem, which I find equally unacceptable. Other platforms (Yahoo, ESPN) are superior.

Also, when I reset a lineup (either position or active/reserve), the lineup is not resequenced in the normal way. This makes it very difficult to quickly assess whether a full lineup has been set up. I've been caught by this several times this year.
      ID: 2421029
      Thu, Apr 15, 2010, 08:06
Congrats to Monkey. Nice finish. It was fun and challenging which is why I play.

Re 49: Ditto the observation on roster layout. On the plus side Fantrax tells me what my error is if I have too many players at a specific position. Yahoo just says error and gives me the option to return to the page and figure it out on my own.

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