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0 Subject: SPEED & PACE

Posted by: MAYASPACE
- [4010181813] Fri, Nov 18, 2005, 14:22

Hello there horseracing aficionados,
If you are interested in purchasing a speed and pace base thoroughbred handicapping
software program (REXPOINTE) that I have developed, you might want to continue
reading, if not, you can stop reading now.
I have just started offering an updated version that allows for the downloading and
exporting of the Daily Racing Form’s “Formulator Basic PPs” & "BRIS (Bloodstock
Research Information Services) DRF Data Files (multi)".
Thank you very much for your time and your consideration.
© COPYRIGHT 1995 by G.D. Sandoval
Rexpointe may not be reproduced, disseminated or resold in any form.

*Windows 95 or a more current version of Windows

*Microsoft Works or Microsoft Excel

*BRIS DRF Data Files (multi); Comma-Delimited DRF Past Performances (multiple
file format); per track per date racecards can be purchased from Bloodstock
Research Information Services (BRIS) for $1.00 each


*Daily Racing Form’s “FORMULATOR 4” software (may be downloaded for free by
going to their website at

*An account with the Daily Racing Form (FORMULATOR BASIC PPs will cost you
$2.50 for 1 racecard plus $1.00 for each additional racecard on the same day.)



NO MORE MANUAL INPUTTING(!!!) of Daily Racing Form or BRIS past
performance running
line data.


Due to repeated inquiries and requests, I have now programmed REXPOINTE to accept
downloadable and exportable Daily Racing Form past performances.


REXPOINTE is the culmination of fourteen months of actual programming, algorithm
and formula verification, modifications, streamlining, and graphics.
What the REXPOINTE premise maintains is that a length at the end of a race is
"longer" than a length at the beginning of that same race. REXPOINTE doesn't mean
longer in the physical/literal sense. By "longer" REXPOINTE means, the time it takes for
a horse to run a length changes (becomes longer) as a race progresses. This is because,
almost invariably, horses tend to slow down more the farther they run.
What this translates into or means to the speed and pace handicapper is that, because a
length is run in less time during the first part of a race, a length gained or lost during this
part of a race should be "weighted" in such a manner as to reflect this time difference
when compared to a length gained or lost during the latter part of a race.
When a horse comes from behind to win a race, that horse isn't so much running faster
than the horses it is passing (although it is) as much as it isn't slowing down as much as the
horses it is passing. This is why we sometimes get the illusion of a horse absolutely
"flying" past the rest of the field the last part of a race. That horse wasn't "flying" (except
in a relative sense) as much as the other horses were "dying". This is where the nuance of
speed and pace handicapping really occurs.
REXPOINTE maintains that the problem with most speed and pace based methods of
handicapping is that they employ the long held idea that a length is equal to 1/5 of a
second for the entire running of a race. Nothing could be further from the truth than that
notion. A horse race is a dynamic (i.e., changing and evolving) event. The relative
constant in the event is the capabilities of the participants.
What Rexpointe does, via intricate formulas and calculations, is utilize a horse's past
performance to determine it's speed, pace and endurance capabilities, and incorporates an
adjustment for track variant (such that it doesn't matter where a horse has been running,
you are now comparing "equalized" past performances; apples to apples so to speak).
Rexpointe gives each horse in a race a relative number (the lower the better) that
indicates what each horse's speed, pace and endurance capabilities are (in terms of lengths)
as compared to a computed/adjusted standard.

The price for REXPOINTE is $42.75 plus $3.00 (for shipping & handling).

I hope this information gives you an "in a nutshell" idea of what Rexpointe is all about.
If you have any questions, inquiries and/or comments, please know that they are welcome.
Just send some E-mail to "MAYASPACE @ msn . com" (DON'T USE THE
QUOTATION MARKS). Thank you for your time and consideration. Good luck with all
things great and small.

1 Jerry
      ID: 24221513
      Fri, Mar 15, 2013, 14:05
I have an excel program into which I have been importing PPs directly using Formulator software on my computer, export the comma delimited file, import it into excel, and run my program. I live in Utah and have to travel to Wyoming to participate in the game. As of last week I can no longer import data without being on line with DRF.

I have most of what I want in my program, but still used quit a few of the formulator products as well.
If I purchase your EXCEL base program, how much of the Formulator info is it providing?
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