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0 Subject: Drunken Confession

Posted by: Wammie
- [437541618] Wed, Jul 04, 02:55

My name is Wammie, and as you all know, Brock and I are friends from high school. And as most of you also know, Worm is in Boston this week visiting a friend. As it turns out that friend is mine. Brock, Worm and I all went to high school together. Now the joke ends, because I have some bad news.

SanFran, we won't be playing any basketball tomorrow, because Worm is in the slammer! For those of you who don't know, I work near China Town in Boston. I have a parking spot in a ramp near my work, so I always park there and then take a taxi or the subway to party from there. Well, worm and i were doing some partying, and we got pretty damn drunk. This sounds tame, but like I said, I park near China Town. And San Fran can probalby tell you, there are lots of hookers in China Town. And a drunken Worm and hookers don't mix. Well they actually do mix, but not when you add an undercover cop.

Any one who wants details of what happened is just plain sick, but I can tell you that Worm is in the slammer for the entire 4th of July. The cop told me there are no judges working tomorrow (the 4th) and that worm will be spending some time "downtown".

Brock, you really should call me about this matter, and San Fran, maybe we can still get worm out on a work release program or something in time to still play some hoops.
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      ID: 371582223
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:10
Nobody disputes the fact that you posted your predictions. I doubt that they were all correct either. Look at J for an example. I said I already had my draft rated and made no changes at all. GRT wasn't even proven to work, only by Koontz's word. I sure as hell wasn't going to trust you or him.

You're team was very old. It had a below average farm system, I checked it out like I said. If it was so great, you would have brought them. It wasn't, so you didn't.

You had a winning record every year. How hard is it when there are only owners for 4 of the 8 teams in the AL? Every single team in the NL had an active owner. Let's not even go there to compare the leagues. The NL wins in a land slide again.
      ID: 34451212
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:11
I just drafted 15 hitters all are 3-3-X or better.

3 catchers, 3 Shortstops, not a single pitcher.

I dont think I've ever actually drafted 15 players in which I had ranked ALL of them before.

BTW - check out post 49 on the today's action thread in the baseball forum.
      ID: 371582223
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:14
It's gone J. What did it say?
      ID: 437541618
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:18
I am pretty damn sure the GRT was accurate, but when you guys posted the GRT draft results, most people had the draft set pretty close to that any way.

and TB, if your team was as great as you are saying it was, then why would you have brought in the team you have now. by the sounds of it, you think your team would be kicking the sh!t out of san fran's team. as it stands your team is about average, and it was probalby much better than your p2 team. your p2 team wasn't worth a sh!t. they were all old guys.
      ID: 34451212
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:20
its not so much what it said, but it was "worm".

And now its gone....

      ID: 371582223
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:28
Wammie - Did Worm get out of the slammer today?
      ID: 437541618
      Thu, Jul 05, 22:37
Yep, picked him up this morning. he had to pay $125 fine and take a blood test.
      ID: 2543539
      Fri, Jul 06, 08:31
The Yankees took 2 of 3 at Chicago and at Tampa last night..there's still some fight left in this team. Maybe I can play spoiler down the stretch.

TB - Bucky is finally starting to pick up some saves for me...
      ID: 57351168
      Fri, Jul 06, 09:28
I see what the problem is. Once our threads hit about a hundred, the replies get less and less. We just need to start a new thread everytime that happens.

Brock, Wammie, and any other sissy that wants to dog my P2 team,

Put down the crack pipe and get the penis envy out of your system. Granted, you both have better teams now, but it was you two original owners that drove your own teams into the ground. Both of you owned them for over 10 years and you had one championship to show for it. I did bring this team because it had more youth, but mostly it was because of all the crap from "the trade" when I decided to just bring one team. I almost brought no teams. I had hit a real GSB low at the time.

With the weak ownership that we merged with, it has been easy for the rest of you to build your teams up. There are a few guys we merged with who know what they are doing, but for the most part they are fodder. You two know all about being fodder for the rest of the league.

      ID: 250402413
      Fri, Jul 06, 10:09
I dont wanna start a war but i think with all this P2 talk, has a p2 team ever won a championship? The Answer is NOPE!!!!! They talk the talk but cant walk the walk.

It is true that some P2'ers had success, but no P2'er ever won the big game. They talk too much trash and get distracted from the game and ultimately CHOKE!!! We got Expos a League W team, Arizona(myself) a league Z team, and Royals a League W2 team, who won th World series amongst the Elite owners of GSB.

P2 teams have a lot of talent, but how can you say that most of the owners here dont know what they are doing? The P2 nostaliga has to go, this is league E not P2. I am not against p2'ers but they just talk too much trash, it makes me laugh.

I love kicking old P2 teams asses. Example i beat the whitesox in season 2 world series and the mets, in the playoffs, both former p2 teams.

i am done ding my Trash talking. Its on!!!


League E season 2 world series champs!!!!
      ID: 26328214
      Fri, Jul 06, 10:18
Yeah, I had 1 championship in 10 years and you had 2. You were dealt a great team and I was dealt a decent but old team. I made my team into a contender and so did you. I had better seasons than you and you had better ones than me. All in all it was pretty much equal until we came here. I kept my original team, they were on the verge of stardom and then it happened. My draft picks matured and instantly I am at the top. We all know why you had to bring the team that you did. I really don't think either team was that good(your Royals or Orioles team). Just look at your team now. You have 3 decent hitters, a couple of ok power guys and a couple of average hitters. Don't ever bring up overachieving. Your lineup is simialr to Worms. Don't respond to this until you check it out. You'll see that I was pretty close. Your starting pitching is very good and your bullpen is pretty good. Overall you have very good pitching but average hitting at best. I barely looked through your farm system but I saw little that impressed me. You always talk big but considering everything, that's all it is, talk.

Why do you always have to bring up the homo stuff? Is that all you think about while you sit at your little cubicle all day?
      ID: 26328214
      Fri, Jul 06, 12:55
You're comparing apples and oranges AXP. Chiz, the Season 1 champ, was from P2. PP and Timing have both been to the Series. That's 3 of the 6 WS teams. They might not have all brought their P2 teams but that's because we weren't as fortunate as all the other leagues to have a lot of talent. 90% of the owners in here couldn't have survived in P2. I may not like TB or Timing but they are damn good owners as are Wammie, PP, and J. We are the cream of the crop when it comes to GSB owners. If only everybody had equal teams to start out with, this would be so much easier to show you. I have never seen so many stupid trades and most of them are P2 guys ripping off somebody else. AXP, SanFran, MattG, Kyle's alter ego, and others have been ripped off so bad in trades it's almost embarrassing. Things like that is what defines an owner. Sure SanFran has won every year but who couldn't with his team. Same goes for you AXP for the first 2 years. That dumb trade you made in Season 2 has come back to haunt you.
      ID: 2543539
      Fri, Jul 06, 12:59
I guess worm and myself are the only 2 P2ers who aren't worth a $hit...
      ID: 250402413
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:14
i am not saying i dont like p2'ers i think you guys have good teams and the part i dont like is how some p2'ers think highly of themselves and make everyone else look stupid, and i made 1 stupid trade, thats it.

You had a great p2 league, I admit that, but My Z league was vey compettve, and very tough. I built my team for 10 seasons that i brought into this league, and i thought that sanfran was too tough to beat so i decided to rebuild after i won the WS in season 2. There are a lot of very good owners, but you do not have the luxury to be in the same division with SF and SD who always finish in the top 0 in jpi every year and i decided to rebuild after i won the WS.

I am a very good owner, look at my farm it is by far one of the best in the league. I had an excellent season 1, season 2 i won the WS, season 3 and 4 i am rebuilding. I will be back in season 5 and 6. I know for a fact that i would have been competitive i p2.
      ID: 250402413
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:30
listen you have the right to your own opinion. i have my game plan you have yours, the bottom line is to be a top manager in this league you gotta win and mak smart deals.

I admit to making a bad trade or 2 in season 2, but i still won the world series. Luck, and player talent helped.

When i came into this league i had on of the top 3 teams, but my farm sucked. Now my team is average but my farm is stacked. I traded my studs to get solid farm players- future studs. Brock, i wish i had a list of my team and players i traded and the players i got i return. I could trade some guys and get stud players now.
      ID: 57351168
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:32
Brock I like you, you dumbass. Since when does talking crap and smack mean someone doesn't like the other person? Heck, if I didn't like you I wouldn't try to get you pissed off all the time. I am going to quit trying to talk smack about your team and my team in P2. You honestly believe I was "given" a better team then you when the reality is, none of us knew what we were doing and you just managed to screw yours up more initially then I did. Plus you didn't draft worth a crap until about the 4th season.

AXP, you brought a loaded team from a weak league and now you are crap. Congrats on your one World Series but you won't win another. You were almost broke and should be drafting high until you decide to quit the league. You had a decent team who fluked into the series that year as a wild card. I doubt we see you in the play-offs for a long long time.

      ID: 27551820
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:37
If i get riped off in my trades then how come i make it every year to the playoffs, Oh my team must be so good, I can afford to make stupid trades and still dominate, thanks for clearing that up brock.

Lets think about some of my trades?

Camp is doing just as good as Carmody and i dont have to pay him squat.

Besse is a carrer 270 hittter and Cotton is 300+

Your trying to trade conner because he is getting to old, ahhh understandable...

Fogg is ripping it up for NY, wait a sec he is getting riped up.

Any others you want to bring up brock? I dont think so because it seems i always manage to come out on top some how. Besides all your moves with me and witch one of us made it to the playoffs? Oh yeah thats me not you?

Any thing elses i can clear up for ya?
      ID: 26328214
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:45
Sorry Whitey. I always forget about you. You're a good owner too.
      ID: 437541618
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:53
Well lets just say this, axp, you got ripped off on your trade today.

and as far as being delt good/bad teams, well worm had the worst team when he took over for the M's but my season 1 astros weren't much better. I was pretty damn happy that i was able to get to the playoffs 3 times, while teams like PP couldn't even go.

back to these wanna be p2ers who are just jealous, deal with it. you are not nearly as good owners as we are. and you are not as fun. I have to say, the one other owner who would fit in with the p2 crowd is san fran.

      ID: 26328214
      Fri, Jul 06, 13:56
Besse was under your control the first 2 years SanFran. Last year was his best year, by far better than Cotton will ever have. He was the top 3B in the league. he was an All-Star and MVP candidate. I got Besse and Redman from you for basically Cotton. You have nothing to show for Byrnes and Stone. Connor has been a 2 time All-Star for me. I gave up practically nothing for him. I'm sorry that I ripped you off. Connor won't re-sign and that's the only reason that I would ever trade him. The facts have been established why you have won during the regular season but are aren't a very good GM SanFran.

TB - I was messing with you. Don't get bent out of shape because of it. You're ok. You just takes things a little too seriously sometimes.
      ID: 250402413
      Fri, Jul 06, 14:14

#1 i did not bring in a loaded team from a weak league, i brought in a loaded team from a highly compettive league, just as competitve as p2. Plus how wouldy ou know if my league was weak

#2 When i want a player i usually get him, if you guys think i get ripped off so be it. i will be in the playoffs by season 5 and i am not going to quit :)
#3 This is a great league with tons of great teams.
#4 Brock it is so easy to rip off on other teams but if you have to do that to make yourself feel good you got issues you gotta deal with. Brock you take this game too seriously.

i am here to have fun and try new things and if i can beat up P2 teams that is an added bonus. And amongst all the elite teams in this league, at least i could say i was the BEST team in season 2. And i will be the best again in the future.

Brock why dot you go back and sit on your thumb and make up more excuses why you think you are the best. Make sure you dont choke though like you did in the playoffs last year.

Its on for anyone that wants to talk!!!!!
      ID: 57351168
      Fri, Jul 06, 14:38
This is what I am talking about!!! Ahhhhh, league activity.

San Fran, I agree with what Wammie said. I also think you have controlled the tempo of our league. You have set the pace for trades and player values. You have had the best team since day one and nobody will be surprised when you eventually win a championship.

AXP, a bird in hand is worth three in the bush. Having a great farm system is just that, a pretty looking farm system. Getting them to develop and perform is a whole different story. I like telling you it was a weak league because you get bent out of shape and I find it amusing. You have this inferiority complex and feel slighted when we bs about the "old days" of P2.

It is League E and we talk trash. Other then Brock, the rest of us usually back it up.

      ID: 371582223
      Fri, Jul 06, 15:23
I am the undisputed master of backing my trash talk.

AXP - How is it that I take this game too seriously? Did you read one of my earlier posts where I wrote that and decided to copy it because you couldn't come up with anything else? I don't make exuses about my team being the best. I've never once said that I have the best team in League E. I said I have one of the better teams or maybe even one of the best teams. I may have said I have the best hitting team in the league. I won't deny that but just don't post lies. That's unethical and I can't stand people like that.

Did you mean rip-off or rip on other teams? I feel great when I rip someone off. Who doesn't? If I rip on a team it's because they deserved it. It's all that simple.
      ID: 18023915
      Fri, Jul 06, 15:31
tb, you got a point, i am not taking anything away from p2'ers you guys are naturally cocky, most of you can back up what you smack talk. But what i get a kick from is that no P2'er ever won a world series and that is something i have that 27 other teams do not a world series title.

also i understand the fact that p2 was the "Superior league" But no one can take away the competitiveness of league Z. Only myself and Jay-P were in league Z and we know how it was. And just wait till my farm guys mature.

ANd Brock, dont be a playa hater. It is not my fault you are the red sox and the curse of the bambino prevents you from EVER winning a world series. Hell maybe one day you will get the privledge of playing me and getting me beating you like a red headed step child!!! Playa haters never win, they are to worried about what others do, and lose track of their own goals.


i am not a playa hater i just crush a lot
      ID: 18023915
      Fri, Jul 06, 15:35
Brock, you are just jealous because you never had the opportunity to rip me off in a trade.
      ID: 437541618
      Fri, Jul 06, 16:15
axp, i wouldn't call you the best team in the league in season 2, i would call you the luckiest. why? because by the grace of the commish, sachin won the central, which kept me from being in the playoffs, and then the playoffs were void and that season didn't count.

i know for a fact that me not winning the central and sachin actually winning it was because the commish was messing around, and was pissed about some posts i made about him. so to me, season 2 didn't even really count.
      ID: 371582223
      Fri, Jul 06, 16:24
Didn't Chiz win the Series in Season 1? He is a P2er. I guess that one slipped your mind.

I'm really jealous that I didn't rip you off. I can't even sleep at night because the jealously has taken over my life. Garbage once again. Please keep your white trash references to a minimum.
59Purple Pimp
      ID: 393341822
      Fri, Jul 06, 16:28
Who cares... My teams the greatest... I will win the series this year without a doubt. There are stupid people in here that make stupid trads thats a guarentee, but hey s(hit happens what you going to do about it.
      ID: 423202021
      Sat, Jul 07, 11:37
Wammie, what the hell are you talking about. The Commish fixed the season so I would win? Please man, I won that season and you lost, get over it, it happens.
      ID: 437541618
      Sat, Jul 07, 14:46
Sackchin, your team sucks, always has, always will. and the fact that your team won the NL Central in season two had to be due to the commish doing something, because your team wasn't even close to as good as mine. two times i tied you for first place, and went onto 8 game losing streaks. I would not be suprised if the commish screwed me over.
      ID: 47132140
      Sat, Jul 07, 15:07
Actually axp, you are both right and wrong in regards to League Z being highly competitive. It WAS a highly competitive league, with numerous trades going down, close races for the pennant, and no overly dominant "stacked" team.

However, when the announcement of GSB become a pay league, the league really suffered for that month, and many of the trades made were selling young players for veterans for one last shot at the pennant.

Hence, that's how you landed Mike Bell and the other starters from your staff when you came into this league. Although the trades weren't blatantly one-sided, you basically gave up a couple 33-year old veterans for Mike Bell, Swift, etc.

So, in short, you are right and wrong about the competiveness of league Z.
      ID: 437541618
      Sat, Jul 07, 16:46
I know I traded a bunch of young players for a shot at the p2 title end the end of p2. had to try to beat sanchez's dodgers.
64Slick Rick
      ID: 52639618
      Sat, Jul 07, 17:02
But you didn't bring that team and whatever "quality" you think you gave up was insignificant. I was in a league the same as Z and I raped free agency when interest died off. I know exactly how he was able to land much of his talent. It is the same with most teams that didn't come from a merging league.

Being competitive year in and year out is a true sign of managerial quality. Unloading talent to regroup shows a lack of foresight and true competitiveness. Screw "rebuilding", go for it every year.
      ID: 371582223
      Sat, Jul 07, 18:44
It's official. I'm cutting all of my relievers. They blew 5 games this week and gave up a ton of runs in another game leaving me with absolutely no chance of coming back. It's a good thing that a couple of them are free agents and I'll be forced to get different ones. I'm pissed in case you guys didn't know.
      ID: 305541216
      Sat, Jul 07, 18:46
Shoo... go away.

So anyways, the Angels are finishing up their annual thrashing of the very weak National League when former MVP Al Swett drops 3 homers and 10 rbi in one game against the Padres. He really likes it over in the NL. ;o)
      ID: 305541216
      Sat, Jul 07, 18:51
Hey BPG, thanks for the draft report. I know it's a lot of work. I'll have it up later tonight. And the people who've emailed me records I'll have all of that updated later tonight too. Oh and I'll put up the no-hitter info also, I believe it's the first one we've had in here.
68Purple Pimp
      ID: 393341822
      Sat, Jul 07, 19:06
7-3 for me this week not bad, well on my way to the best record in the AL. Oh yeah Brock.. what do you know beat your teams ass again.. sweptya and outscored you 30-10
69Big Poo Generator
      ID: 57844423
      Sat, Jul 07, 23:31
Damn Timing, you killed me this week. Don't get too cocky about scoring 19 off me, it would only have been 14 if the sim hadn't put Dan Kolb in there! LOL I had to release him just so that won't happen again.
      ID: 371582223
      Sat, Jul 07, 23:51
There are first times for everything PP.
      ID: 437541618
      Sun, Jul 08, 16:25
Thanks BPG on the draft work!
72Big Poo Generator
      ID: 57844423
      Sun, Jul 08, 22:52
No problem!
      ID: 57351168
      Mon, Jul 09, 10:56
I appreciate you rating the draft, as well. Maybe next season, once the draft is done, we can share our data and rate the top 5 players, or so, at each position and where they ended up. I typically save my copy of the draft and sometimes go back and mark what teams took the top players anyways.

      ID: 50726110
      Mon, Jul 09, 11:25
Me too TB. I still have drafts saved back from P2 season 3! (actually I think I lost season's 4 & 5) but I've got everything else!

If names didn't change, I'd go back and check on players. I'm looking forward to season 6, when we can check out the 1st draft and how everyone actually did.

and, of course - BPG - thanks for doing what ya do!
      ID: 57351168
      Mon, Jul 09, 12:17
I had most saved on excel files. Plenty others printed out. Right before I moved I threw out a ton of printed rosters and draft sheets.

I still have a bunch of stuff, but I don't save it like I used to.
      ID: 28628514
      Mon, Jul 09, 12:46

Everyone on my MLB roster is up for trade. Check them ut and see if you need anything. A few of my RP's are really starters, like Libke and Heaverlo, so keep that in mind. I'm looking for prospects and cash.
77Big Poo Generator
      ID: 14857812
      Mon, Jul 09, 13:12
Cool, I would like to see how other people set their draft sheets. I have not been saving mine but next year I will.
      ID: 20039259
      Mon, Jul 09, 14:29
I am going to start saving them now too.
79blue hen
      ID: 34937217
      Wed, Jul 11, 13:48
That team Wammie took over from the Great One won two World Series in 10 years (and about 8 division titles), in a league that boasted the Commish himself! It was a great team to start with...
      ID: 20039259
      Wed, Jul 11, 14:11
True, it was a damn good team. too bad a lot of the prospects i aquired didn't develop.
81 Kevin
      ID: 93372512
      Wed, Apr 25, 2012, 13:37
The two team weren't playing each other, but on August 4, 1982 Joel Youngblood was trdead from the Mets to the Expos and played with both teams in the same day. Youngblood became the third player to play for two teams in a day. He is the only player to get hits for two teams in a day and to play in two different cities in the same day. Incidentally, both hits were against future Hall of Fame pitchers Fergie Jenkins and Steve Carlton.
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