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0 Subject: ATTN Erik B. Raul's points missing

Posted by: Coolio
- [9202412] Sun, Jun 02, 2002, 17:26

for some reason, Raul's points from today's game against Slovenia are missing.
1Erik B.
      ID: 239592612
      Mon, Jun 03, 2002, 11:39
Got it. This will be fixed ASAP.

      ID: 4735618
      Mon, Jun 03, 2002, 14:18
Thanks Erik.
Problem corrected.
      ID: 36022116
      Tue, Jun 04, 2002, 02:47
How about yesterday's results?
      ID: 124153113
      Tue, Jun 04, 2002, 07:15
Yep, 6/3 points are missing...
5Erik B.
      ID: 239592612
      Tue, Jun 04, 2002, 09:38
Ok, I'll look into it.

      ID: 36022116
      Tue, Jun 04, 2002, 10:42
Erik, there's another mistake: Luis Hernandez should have the 30 points of clean sheet, even though he's a forward he's listed as a defender.
7Erik B.
      ID: 239592612
      Tue, Jun 04, 2002, 11:34
Yep, yep. This should be fixed now.

      ID: 17152614
      Wed, Jun 12, 2002, 21:58
THought I might as well put in here....

What's the deal with Fredrik Ljungberg? I'm too lasy to look, but did he not play his 3rd match? I'm wondering how there are no points for him on my team...

      ID: 3104968
      Thu, Jun 13, 2002, 04:55
He didn't play due to a minor hip-injury. Should be ok for sunday's game.
      ID: 17152614
      Thu, Jun 13, 2002, 20:49
Thanks Samuli, I'm just lazy.
      ID: 36022116
      Fri, Jun 14, 2002, 03:10
FIFA has given to Ronaldo the 1st goal of yesterday's match. I think you should do the same, Erik :)
12Erik B.
      ID: 239592612
      Fri, Jun 14, 2002, 10:17
Agreed. I'll look into it.

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