RotoGuru Politics Forum

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0 Subject: Civility and Respect

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Sun, Dec 20, 2009

Although it is titled the “Politics Forum”, this is really a catch-all forum for all sorts of current events, whether political, social, scientific, financial… whatever. Just not sports. And not gaming and entertainment, which already has its own topic area.

The RotoGuru site has tried to cater to those with an active, intellectual interest in sports in general and fantasy sports in particular. This “Politics” forum was created as a place for those same people to discuss other topics of mutual interest.

Over time, the tenor of public political discourse has deteriorated, with incivility, demagoguery, belittling, and shouting becoming the norms. So it’s not surprising that those traits have escalated in this forum as well. The encroachment has been gradual, but the recent past has demonstrated that this forum can no longer satisfy a constructive purpose if it is dominated by those traits. It certainly is not the way the rest of the RotoGuru Forums have been run.

We can do better. And if not, I would rather close this forum area than allow it to continue on its current trajectory.

Consequently, effectively immediately, I am instituting a Zero Tolerance Policy for the Politics Forum. When anyone posts a message which contains any personal attacks against another poster, that post will be quickly deleted in its entirety. And the term “attack” will be interpreted broadly. If the tone of a post is confrontational and disrespectful, it will be deleted. If you have children, and you would most likely send them to their room if they responded in the manner of a given post, that post will be deleted. Civility and respect are the key ingredients that every post must adhere to. You do not have to agree with an idea being espoused by another. But there are ways to debate the idea without resorting to name calling or otherwise maliciously belittling a person or group.

I have asked moderators to assume significant latitude when exercising judgment. I am not going to lay down black-and-white guidelines. “If it walks like a duck,…” is good enough. If you are wondering whether a certain comment will pass muster, then it probably won’t. In the near term, this forum will be under a very stringent code of civility. And whining about it will not be tolerated either. This is a free country and a free forum – but that means that if you don’t like the standards, you are free to leave, or at least free to remain silent. And it means that I am free to restrict this forum to commentary that satisfies my personal standards of civility and respect.

Not all posters will necessarily be held to the same standard, either. For those who post frequently, the “body of work” standard will be considered. Those who have shown a prior predisposition toward incivility may sometimes be held to a tougher standard than those who have tended to behave well. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

I would like to operate this forum without having to resort to direct banishment of anyone, but occasionally that has been, and probably will continue to be, necessary. Those who demonstrate unwillingness to conform to the new world order, or those who show a pattern of behavior and attitude that – in my opinion – is not conducive to the constructive advancement of this forum – will lose that privilege to the extent that forum technology can enforce it.

Hopefully, after a period of reorientation, aggressive enforcement will no longer be necessary. Time will tell whether we can collectively be better than the recent past has shown.

If anyone believes that a new post should be deleted, he/she is invited to send an email to Please identify the thread and post number – or even better, provide a direct link. Hopefully, the issue can be reviewed quickly, and action taken if it is warranted.

The identity of moderators will not be made public. I will monitor the actions of the moderators, and take appropriate action if someone oversteps authority. No posts will be deleted based solely on the political or social orientation of the poster or the message.

To those of you who have withdrawn from these discussions due to the rampant rancor, I invite you to return and see whether this forum can once again regain your respect, your thoughtful participation, and your camaraderie.

RotoGuru Politics Forum

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