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0 Subject: Because Cat Stevens is sooooooo dangerous...

Posted by: Tree
- [37818819] Tue, Sep 21, 2004, 22:14

The Former Cat Stevens Gets Plane Diverted
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      ID: 28883018
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 09:20
Well hey, if I had known that...there's this little place called Isreal where you can take a walk on the dangerous side everywhere you go.

Bus rides are like disneyland for thrill seekers like you.

i *hate* hearing statements like that, because they're simply untrue.

Baldwin - when's the last time you were in israel, or talked to someone who lived there?

while there is a natural amount of fear, for the most part, people go on with their daily lives. they walk in Dizengoff Square. they pray at the Wall. they ride buses to their jobs or to their homes.

your description of Israel in that statement distorts reality.
      ID: 47956823
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 09:36
Not in comparison to the USA. I have often read of Isreali citizens avoiding the bus if they possibly can so I think you are painting an unduly rosey picture.
      ID: 28883018
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 09:53
I have often read of Isreali citizens avoiding the bus if they possibly can so I think you are painting an unduly rosey picture.

Baldwin - NEW YORKERS avoid taking the bus, because travelling by bus is simply not an enjoyable way to travel.

but you are correct, in comparison to the USA, bus travel in israel is less safe.

interestingly, in comparison to the USA, bus travel in nearly every other country on this planet is less safe.
      ID: 47956823
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 10:03
Quit yer spinning. I'm not bashing Isreal. You always hear, after a bus bombing, how often relatives had warned victim[X] not to ride the bus. I emphathize with them completely and wish the world would see their situation as an integral part of the unacceptable worldwide terrorism problem.
      ID: 28953113
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 11:05
Since when did the right to enter America become a fundamental human right of all mankind?

remind me again of what it says on the Statue of Liberty? (and exactly how many of us here, are pure in our extraction from Native Americans in our bloodline? All others "entered America" from somewhere else.
      ID: 8943912
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 14:43
Oh and believe me it is not easy to get to visit the US. I embarrased myself countless times by asking people in Thailand and Mexico if they had...

Me "ever visited the US."

Them "no, I'm not allowed to".

Me "What do you mean"?

Them "Your country won't let me".

Me "Why have you done something wrong"?

Them "No, but you have to show them that you have certain things that you would be leaving behind that would make it unlikely you would not come back. You have to show a certain amount of possesions like a home or a very good job. If you have none of these things they will not grant you a visa because they are afraid you will stay in America when you visit".

So if you are under the delusion that America allows people to enter freely you are drinking kool-aid.

There are a very small number 1st world countries that have easy access. Even those countries have found visa costs have sky rocketed in recent years (Heard this on Bill Handle on the Law radio show a week ago)
      ID: 30946912
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 14:46
Hey Tree:

My boss is a Jew.

He has visited Israel several times. He found it an amazing and enlighting experience and he would love to go back.

He has told me on more then one occasion, that with the way things are there right now, you couldn't pay him to go.

I do think he knows what he's talking about.

      ID: 4917916
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 18:17
Link to the Larry King interview.

I can only cut and paste links because I am not able to access Rotoguru through normal means I have to use an anonomiser.

If someone would like to help out with a direct link it would be appreciated.

Link to Yusef's Charity...

This guy's a monster.
      ID: 28883018
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 19:48
He has told me on more then one occasion, that with the way things are there right now, you couldn't pay him to go.

my younger brother is in the IDF. except for the fact he gets homesick for his family, you probably couldn't pay him to not live his life in israel.

my dad goes to israel about 4 times a year. if he had more time off from work, he'd go more.
      ID: 55921918
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 20:21
I don't really understand you're point in post 76.
      ID: 28883018
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 21:36
you said: He has told me on more then one occasion, that with the way things are there right now, you couldn't pay him to go.

I do think he knows what he's talking about.

i countered that with experiences from two members of my family, who can't spend enough time in israel, in their minds.
      ID: 47941919
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 21:41
Oh I see what your saying.

Since your brother lives there and your father travels there 4 times a year it's perfectly safe and people like my boss who are avoiding traveling there are foolish.

Is it that all the stories we hear about bombs exploding on buses are just "propaganda"?

Or do your father and brother just think it's worth the risk?

I mean I wouldn't visit Indonesia right now and there have been far fewer bombings there.
      ID: 28883018
      Sat, Oct 09, 2004, 21:54
Oh I see what your saying.

Since your brother lives there and your father travels there 4 times a year it's perfectly safe and people like my boss who are avoiding traveling there are foolish.

Is it that all the stories we hear about bombs exploding on buses are just "propaganda"?

Or do your father and brother just think it's worth the risk?

not exactly any of the above. my father and my brother simply don't see the risk. like many israelis, it's just part of life in israel, and they don't live in fear of it.

as for the bombs - far from propaganda. trust me - everytime one of those buses explode, i pray my brother is back at his assignment, in Gaza.

conversely, everytime the sh!t hits the fan in Gaza, i pray he's on leave or something...
      ID: 30956106
      Sun, Oct 10, 2004, 08:56
Tree prays...wonders never cease.
      ID: 28883018
      Sun, Oct 10, 2004, 10:53
why is that a wonder baldwin?

i've said on this board before that i believe in the existence of a higher power. never have i stated otherwise.
      ID: 34757310
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 04:47
Tree why is that a wonder baldwin?

Because you don't believe in Baldwin's God Tree and Baldwin thinks anything short of that is heresy. Why would a heritic pray?

      ID: 34757310
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 04:52
Cat Stevens awarded peace prize
Wed 10 November, 2004 12:02

By Philip Pullella

ROME (Reuters) - Yusuf Islam, the pop star formerly known as Cat Stevens, says he has received "more apologies than you can count" from Americans embarrassed after their government deported him over potential terrorism links.

In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday before he received a peace award from a group of Nobel Prize winners, Islam said he would be making more music soon but did not think September's episode would figure in the new songs.

Islam, who changed his name after converting to Islam in the 1970s, was travelling on a commercial plane from London to Washington when it was diverted to Bangor, Maine.

U.S. Homeland Security said he was deported after his name turned up on U.S. "no fly" lists because of activities they said could be potentially linked to terrorism.

"I have got more apologies from Americans since that time than you can count," he said in the interview in a frescoed waiting room of Rome's city hall as Nobel laureates gathered.

"So, I'm quite satisfied with the spirit of most people and probably it was a mistake. But let's hope it will be solved soon. The lawyers are looking into it," he said.

The softly spoken Islam, 57, asked that the interview be interrupted for a moment when former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev entered the room to greet him.

In a public ceremony later, Gorbachev and other Nobel Peace Prize winners attending a fifth annual gathering of laureates gave Islam their 2004 "Man for Peace" award.

The citation commended Islam "for having condemned terrorism" and contributing to charities that helped victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.


Asked if he saw the award as vindication after his deportation two months ago, Islam said: "It is a useful antidote, a useful message at this moment to underline who I am."

The deportation angered Muslims in Britain and the United States. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw raised the issue with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Born Steven Demetre Georgiou in July 1947 to a Swedish mother and a Greek Cypriot father, he changed his name to Cat Stevens when he entered the music world.

He had a string of hits in the early 1970s including "Peace Train", "Moonshadow", "Morning has Broken", and "Wild World" before converting to Islam in 1977.

Islam said the binding powers of religions were essential in a post 9/11 world.

"Probably one of the biggest imperatives at this time would be for a greater understanding of the Islamic faith because of the tensions which have built up over the years due to the absence of any accurate information of where true beliefs unite humanity rather than divide," he said.

"I broke through many barriers in order to get through to Islam, and looking back I can see that there are problems in perception.

"But once you reach the great shores of wisdom there are so many beautiful approaches to the one uniting message of religions, which is peace and loving your brother, who you love as yourself," he added.

Islam, who cut his last pop album in 1978, said he was ready to write more songs to promote peace.

"Music is also a great cure and a great healer and I think the time has come probably to re-invest some more time in exploring my creative ideas and that's what I'm doing right now," he said.

"I've got a little tape recorder in my top pocket and I keep it with me. Ideas are flowing."
      ID: 34757310
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 04:56

In a formal announcement today, the Committee of Nobel Peace Laureates said: "Yusuf Islam was one of the most important international musicians of the 70's and author of such memorable songs as Father & Son and Peace Train. [He has worked to] alleviate the suffering of thousands of children and their parents in countries of war and agony like Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Montenegro and Iraq through Small Kindness, a humanitarian organization established by Yusuf Islam, [and has] donated royalties to charity projects like the September 11 [Fund], orphans and the homeless in underdeveloped countries and for AIDS therapy in South Africa. [He has dedicated himself] to promoting peace, reconciling people and the condemnation of terrorism." The Man For Peace award is presented annually to an "artist of international reputation, who was able to contribute to initiatives in favour of peace, human rights and solidarity."

      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:25
We could come up with a hilarious thread suggesting future peace prize winners. Mohamed Osman Al- Mirghany - Sudan - , Mahathir Mohamad - Malaysia, Kim Il Sung - NK, Arafat - oh that's right the genocidal Nazi won it already.
      ID: 76471215
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:28
or, we could come up with a hilarious thread for Christians who turned out to be murderers, rapists, and serial killers.

or ignorant fools.
      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:40
You may be over the top, but you are still balsa.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:50
You know what Baldwin, you're a bad joke.

You haven't done one 100th for humanity that this guy has done.

Your act is really getting tired.

Why don't you look into how much of his time and life this guy has devoted to helping others...oh wait, he's a Muslim and anyone who's not a Christian is satanic...what a joke.

Yes maybe there have been some past Noble prize winners who you can point to that have a soiled past, but take a look at what this guy has done for the human race, what he has devoted his life to, because of his Muslim faith. You can't shine his shoes.

This guy gave up a lucritive musical career to devote his time, and energy to helping others.

What a joke you've become. You should really pick your battles more carefully.

      ID: 76471215
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:51
don't like the reflection you see when you look into the mirror, eh baldwin?
      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 15:57
Did Stevens ever donate to this 'charity' I wonder?

It takes more than donating to muslim charities to impress me.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:06
Are you making an alegation, or just smearing with zero evidence?

Let's see what you got.
      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:12
With the record Islamic charities have of deliberately funding terrorism, giving to them doesn't neccessarily make you a wonderful person. That is what I am saying.
      ID: 06141920
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:14
This guy gave up a lucritive musical career to devote his time, and energy to helping others

He gave up his pop career to become a religious fanatic. If he'd taken up Christianity instead of Islam and held the same views he does now you guys would be denouncing him.

He's supported Hamas, he's publicy called for death sentences for authors, etc, etc. I wonder, what are his views on gays?
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:14
This guy runs a charity Baldwin.

It's what he does full time.

He gave up a lucrative career to devote his life to helping others. He was still selling millions of records when he gave up his career to help others.

This is his charity...


Oh wait, he's not a Christian, it must be a satanic charity.

You're such a joke Baldwin.

      ID: 321037918
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:16
with the record christian fundamentalist groups have of intolerance with gays and others who believe differently from their own rigid dogma, practicing that brand of faith doesnt necessarily make you a good person.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:17
Quote from Stevens at the ceremony...“Perhaps it’s part of the irony that sometimes you have to go through a test in order to achieve a prize,” he said in Rome today.
“So maybe that’s a symbol. Today I’m receiving a prize for peace, which is actually, I would say, a bit more descriptive of my ideas and my aims in life.”

      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:18
I hope he's careful who he gives it to. Not joking.
      ID: 06141920
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:18
Yes sarge, you're right. Which Christian fundamentalist were we talking about that got the "Man of Peace" award?
      ID: 06141920
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:21
Thanks for that link, nerve. smallkindness looks like a nice org.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:22
Baldwin I hope he's careful who he gives it to. Not joking.

you're not joking Baldwin but you've become a joke.

Put up or shut up.

What do you have on Yusef other then the fact he's in league with Satan.

The US government still hasn't come up with one thing, but maybe you can help them out.

Of course your MO these days is just to smear anyone who's not a Christian even without a stitch of evidence.

      ID: 321037918
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:25
my point MBJ, was to illustrate how Baldwins over-generalizing, in inherently in error.
      ID: 510561112
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:29
I have on him exactly what I said I had on him in #91, #93, #98. I didn't say I had anything on him, you did. I said I wasn't impressed by him. I stand by that impression. I've seen too many Islamic charities diverting funds to terrorism, too many UN ambulences ferrying weapons for terrorists. Just flashing the meme, charity, isn't enuff.
      ID: 4195479
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:38
So in other words, nothing, yet you saw fit to mock his winning the award by mentioning known bad guys. There's something very un-Christian about your judgmentalness.
105Pancho Villa
      ID: 533817
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:43
I've seen too many Islamic charities diverting funds to terrorism, too many UN ambulences ferrying weapons for terrorists.

But you stand silent for the atrocities of Pinochet and others who were brutal torturing muderers if they were anti-communist, as if that let them off the hook.
Selective indignation.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:48
Here's what the great Satan does with his life...

Project Beneficiaries (monthly)
Number of orphans supported 502
Number of refugee families supported 10
Students in EMTEC 316
Students in EREC 194
Students in Orphan’s Culture Program 272
Student Scholarships awarded 40

Project Beneficiaries (monthly)
Number of orphans supported 81
Number of refugee families supported85
Students in EMTEC220
Student Scholarships awarded 41

Project Beneficiaries (monthly)
Number of orphans supported229
Number of refugee families supported 50
Students in EMTEC 260
Students in Orphan’s Culture Program 155
Student Scholarships awarded 42

Project Beneficiaries (monthly)
Number of orphans supported 44
Student Scholarships awarded 20

Project Beneficiaries (monthly)
Number of orphans supported 350
Students in EMTEC 180
Student Scholarships awarded 86

EMTC stands for...
Euro Management Training & Educational Center

Small Kindness EMTECs enable ladies (many of them widows) to earn qualifications that will aid them in securing employment. Tuition is available in Literacy, Information Technology, Management, Language, and Accountancy.

On average 4,500 trainees pass through our Centers on a yearly basis with at least 80% of these achieving the qualifications they need to move on to further education or gain employment. A comprehensive follow up and monitoring system allows Small Kindness staff to gauge the success of each center and the value added to the lives of graduates.

EREC stands for

Euro Recreational & Education Centers

In September 2000, Small Kindness opened its first Euro Recreational Educational Center in Kosova. The Center provides educational and cultural activities for children of all ages and backgrounds. Attendees benefit from extra-curricular tutorials together with a number of recreational activities including outings, games, and sports.
      ID: 76471215
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:53
NC - none of that matters. he's a non-christian - therefore, a threat.
      ID: 321037918
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 16:54
even worse Tree, he isnt a Republican.
109Seattle Zen
      ID: 178161719
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 17:56
Re 94:

Well, this isn't rock solid evidence to refute the Salomon Rushdie fatwa support, but I offer it anyway.

Did Yusuf Islam support the fatwa against Salomon Rushie?

Today we turn to the question that has been nagging a hole in this column for the past week and a half: Did Cat Stevens--now Yusuf Islam--support the death-sentence fatwa against Salman Rushdie, or is it just a big fat lie? The first answer comes from Hot Tipper Thomas, who writes: "Years ago I recorded the Terry Gross interview with Cat/Yusuf on Fresh Air. Without ever saying flat out, 'I want Salman Rushdie dead,' he nevertheless did support the fatwa, saying that the Koran is very clear about blasphemy." Unable to find a transcript of the interview in Fresh Air's archives (and getting no help from urban-legend info site, we found a seemingly reasonable explanation in our inbox from Hot Tipper Jeff: "I remember years ago watching Cat/Yusuf on 60 Minutes or 20/20, where he admitted to supporting the death sentence. To paraphrase what I remember Cat saying about the fatwa: 'Yes, I supported it, but I was new to Islam, and this important figure (Ayatollah Khomeini) issues a religious ruling, so I agreed with it, because who am I, just come to Islam, to argue with someone who was at the time the most important living Muslim? But now I don't agree and regret that I ever did.' Sounds like a pretty reasonable explanation." Agreed, and done.
      ID: 88592016
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 19:42
I honestly knew nothing about his Rushdie comments and if he did still believe Rushdie should be killed it would absolutely change my opinion of him. Hopefully Zen's post is correct.

The Hamas charges (which I just learned about after reading MBJ's post and researched today) go back to 1982 when Israel accussed him of giving money to Hamas. The charges were never proven and this was at a time when Lebanon was being Bombed and almost 1,000 Muslims were slaughtered in a refugee camp. I stress this is a fter a very quick ggogle. MBJ if you have more then that I would sincerely like to take a look at it.

22 years is a long time ago.

All I know about him is the research I've done since he was not allowed into the country and all I can find are all these charitable works he has done. I was also extremely impressed with the way he handled himself during the Larry King interview.

As far as I can see the US has still not provided any evidence against him but I suppose there may be something forth coming.

In any case, one look at his charities makes it obvious the man is helping a lot of desperate children.

That's a lot more then I am doing with my life.

      ID: 06141920
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 20:19
In any case, one look at his charities makes it obvious the man is helping a lot of desperate children.

That's a lot more then I am doing with my life.

I think that's fair. I'm willing to weigh good and bad. Making awful statements is not nearly as important to me, for instance, as doing good works. However, it's not surprising to me that someone who would publicly support a fatwah against a fellow countryman and artist would also send support to similarly murderous groups - all part of the same religious fervor.

Color me skeptical nut hopeful that he atones through his works for any evil he may have caused.

You know, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and those other loons do a lot of good, charitible works too. Cutting them any sleck lately?
      ID: 34757310
      Thu, Nov 11, 2004, 22:01
Jerry Falwell has spent a life time making statements I find inexcusable.

So far all we've come up with on Yusef are two things, one that he apparently regrets now and one that apparently was an unproven allegation and may even of seemed at appropriate at the time when you weigh 1,000 dead Muslims slaughtered in a refugee camp into the equation. Again if anyone has anything else I would like to see it.

I can only go by evidence I am presented with and so far there is very, very, little.

I could write a book on Fallwell.

Pat Robertson is a whole other story that I would just assume not get into.
      ID: 34757310
      Sun, Dec 19, 2004, 21:51
The Sun newspaper has today (Dec. 7th) formally apologised to Yusuf Islam following a piece published in Richard Littlejohn's column on 19th October 2004 which was seen to allege that Yusuf Islam was involved with terrorists and that it was right to refuse him entry into the United States. Printed on p.11, the apology reads: "On 19 October Richard Littlejohn made a number of remarks about Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens. The context was an earlier newspaper article for which an apology has since been published. Both The Sun and Mr Littlejohn withdraw his remarks and wish to make it clear that Mr Islam is not and never has been involved in supporting terrorism. We accept that he abhors all forms of terrorism. Indeed, last month he was presented with the 2004 Man for Peace award by a group of Nobel peace laureates. We apologise to Mr Islam for any distress which our article may have caused." See also the 22nd November update below.
      ID: 4130283
      Sat, Apr 28, 2007, 05:12

An update on Yusof Islam (Cat Sevens)

Yusuf Islam, the former
Cat Stevens, has quietly returned to music with a new album and concerts. And he's sounding a lot like ... Cat Stevens.

Thirty years after the folk singer converted to Islam, changed his name and dropped out of music, calling it un-Islamic, he has picked up the guitar once more. He has reconciled pop music with his faith and wants to use it to spread a message of peace.

"When I come out now, I sound quite similar. For some people, it's a welcome return to the sound of my voice and my music," says Islam, who as Cat Stevens sold 60 million albums with songs like "Wild World" and "Peace Train."

His ordeal at immigration... Apparently he wasn't at fault because now they let him in no problem.

Islam says he holds no grudges against U.S. immigration authorities who denied him entry into the United States in 2004 because his name appeared on a terror watch list. When he tried again in December, he got in no problem.

"It was worked out beforehand and I got a very warm welcome when I arrived that time," he said with a chuckle. "I do believe it was some cranky mistake in their computers. Once a person's name gets on that list nobody quite understands how to take it off. People are still suffering from that kind of thing."

He's living in Dubai...

But Dubai, he says, is a safe haven from the craziness afflicting the United States. He mentioned the massacre at Virginia Tech, where a deranged student killed himself and 32 others.

"We've just been reading about what's been going on in America. Can you imagine?" he says, a look of shock on his face. "There are certain comforts of living here in Dubai, the comforts of so many mosques and so much good food ... It's just that much more secure. And may God keep it safe."

      ID: 8216923
      Wed, Jul 04, 2007, 20:47
Youuf Islam on YouTube in 1989
      ID: 8216923
      Wed, Jul 04, 2007, 20:57
tree - Check out this map on Yousuf Islams' "Small Kindness" web site. Notice anything particularly identical to maps used in Hamas supported schools: Where's that country where the Jews live?

(You'll have to click over the Middle East)

      ID: 763150
      Thu, Jul 05, 2007, 01:36
doesn't change the fact that i don't think he's a dangerous man.

however, i will be emailing him.
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