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0 Subject: Tree, Put down your Cell Phone...

Posted by: Punk42AE
- Donor [036635522] Mon, Jul 16, 2007, 00:06

I guess they know all the F-bombs I drop at work when i'm pissed...
      ID: 410511410
      Mon, Jul 16, 2007, 08:21
I read about this a few months ago and was a bit shocked. I told a few people about it and I don't think any of them believed me. "That's nice Holt. How interesting. Anyway..."

Couldn't a cell phone manufacturer make a few extra bucks now by producing a cell phone that doesn't have a microphone that can be remotely activated? all you'd need is a switch that "deactivates" the battery. true it's supposedly only used by FBI against "known" mobsters, but how far down the road is it that the DEA will start using them to monitor "known" drug dealers?

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