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0 Subject: FBI withholds evidence to protect their snitches

Posted by: Perm Dude
- [35738179] Fri, Aug 17, 2007, 13:46

How the War on Drugs has evolved into the War on Rights

The FBI has determined that in some cases, it's better to let innocent people be assaulted, murdered, or wrongly sent to prison than to halt a drug investigation involving one of its confidential informants.
1Seattle Zen
      ID: 49112418
      Fri, Aug 17, 2007, 14:10
In fact, more than 12 years ago, the National Law Journal ran a three-part series on the issue of drug informants. The magazine reviewed more than a thousand search warrants in four cities. It found widespread abuse with respect to the use of informants, and issued an urgent warning that "there is little or no oversight of the informant system," and that as a result, "the nation's system of justice is in danger."

Not much has changed.

Just to make the point clear, this isn't a GW/Republican issue, this is systemic. If the "finest" police force in the land behaves this way, is there any doubt that smaller agencies throughout this country behave similarly?
2Perm Dude
      ID: 35738179
      Fri, Aug 17, 2007, 14:15
Yeah, the Atlanta narcotics group was clearly out of hand, and they are "local."
      ID: 41512278
      Fri, Aug 17, 2007, 21:22
Jarrell Bray, a longtime informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration's Cleveland field office, admitted that with the cooperation of DEA agent Lee Lucas, he had repeatedly lied in court to secure the convictions of innocent people. Bray said he and Lucas fabricated evidence, falsely accused people who had done nothing wrong, then concocted bogus testimony to secure their convictions.

They must be awfully proud knowing all this hard work is paying off. The War on America/Drugs is almost over!

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