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0 Subject: Israel Turns Away Darfur Refugees

Posted by: Boxman
- [571114225] Sun, Aug 19, 2007, 18:39

Israel turns away Darfur refugees

How could a country run by Jews, with their history of genocide, turn a blind eye to this?
      ID: 58755179
      Sun, Aug 19, 2007, 19:31
it's not that they're turning a blind eye to it. it's that they are following a law - flawed as it might be - that is in place.

i am not defending israel in this move. i think it's wrong.

however, it should be noted that Israel has taken in 400 Darfur refugees, which is a significant number considering the size of the nation. i'm wondering if other nations - from the U.S. to Canada to Iraq to Saudi Arabia to England to China would take in a similar, relative number to their population.

some of the nations i listed above, probably have. but China, the host of the 2008 Olympics, has instead provided financial and military assistance to the government of Sudan.

And what of the Egyptians, who witnesses say executed some of the Darfur refugees on sight - should that not be condemned even more?

Again - while i don't necessarily agree with Israel's decision, to harp on those 50 while the rest of the world continues to do very little for all the others, is a bit overwrought.
      ID: 571114225
      Sun, Aug 19, 2007, 19:44
Again - while i don't necessarily agree with Israel's decision, to harp on those 50 while the rest of the world continues to do very little for all the others, is a bit overwrought.

So bad behavior excuses more bad behavior?

some of the nations i listed above, probably have. but China, the host of the 2008 Olympics, has instead provided financial and military assistance to the government of Sudan.

You want to compare Israel to China in terms of human tolerance and call that a success?

"Well s#it, at least we ain't China."
      ID: 58755179
      Sun, Aug 19, 2007, 19:48
Box - it's fairly typical of you to miss the larger point of the post.

i said i felt israel was wrong. more than once.

but, if you're going to be critical, be wholly critical, and don't just single one nation out because they're an easy target.
      ID: 125312919
      Sun, Aug 19, 2007, 21:17
Actually I've read accounts of Darfur refugees making it within a few feet of salvation in Isreal stopped by Egyptians and beaten to death in front of horrified Isreali soldiers.
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