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0 Subject: JFK JR. - coverup exposed. Uh Oh

Posted by: Rios
- [2677223] Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 04:28

Video breaking down the JFK Jr. coverup

a mountain of evidence contradicting the official version of events for jfk jr's death ... researched by the same people who brought you JFK 2.

JFK 2 - The Bush Connection

Save America!
      ID: 99331714
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 10:57
oh gawd...
2Perm Dude
      ID: 7723229
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 11:15
They were hiding it all beneath a sheer of idiocy by JFK, who wasn't instrument rated, flying into a storm.
      ID: 2677223
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 23:32
something tells me you haven't done the research :)

jfk jr told many of his friends / family that he would be flying with a co-pilot / instructor that night... especially since his foot was recently out of a cast.

the search and rescue operation, which was mysteriously taken over by the pentagon (why the pentagon??????) , failed to retrieve the 4th seat where a co-pilot would've been.

the pentagon also contradicted the FAA timeline of jfk jr's radio calls. why?

and why was the fuel selector valve found in the off position? (in the ntsb official report). that alone says cover-up. what's the explanation for that?

4Perm Dude
      ID: 7723229
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 23:40
jfk jr told many of his friends...

And JFK jr wouldn't lie, would he?

If by "research" you mean "pick from a selection of crackpot theories" then no, I haven't.
      ID: 309521021
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 23:50
Rios - pd is afraid to discover anything that might upset his little world. After all, why would the government lie to us about anything?
6Perm Dude
      ID: 7723229
      Wed, Aug 22, 2007, 23:59
you're a sucker for bad science, aren't you uke?
      ID: 309521021
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:06
pd - It's ok to be afraid, just admit it. Someday you'll get through the denial stage.
8Perm Dude
      ID: 7723229
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:09
ROFL! OK, uke. When you wean yourself off the teat of conspiracy theories (any theory, so long as you can feel superior through the use of conjecture, misdirection, and whispered yet heartfelt talks of widespread "government coverups") we can probably talk.

Not everything that is complicated is a conspiracy. Neither is everything that isn't yet fully understood.
      ID: 309521021
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:09
Perm Dude - Anti-Conspiracy Nut
      ID: 2677223
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:10
bad science?

the FAA went on national television and gave a radio tower timeline which the pentagon later claimed never happened.

bad science by the pentagon it seems :)

why would he risk flying without a co pilot? he had never flown without one before, especially in cloudy / zero visibility conditions.

you haven't done the research, so why are you dismissing facts such as the following: the fuel selector valve was found in the off position. what's the explanation for that?

11Perm Dude
      ID: 7723229
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:11
You're simply angry that your star witness for the inside job on the WTC turns out to be a liar. You really should get better at rejection, uke. I suspect you'll be facing a lot of it.
      ID: 2677223
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:11
and why on earth did the pentagon take over?
      ID: 309521021
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 00:17
pd - It's kind of strange, you defend every "official story" and refuse to look at any other alternative. You refuse to acknowledge the viewpoints of numerous experts in the field that say that something isn't right. Of course not everything has a conspiracy linked to it, but the refusal to keep an open mind is linked to your fear plain and simple. It's ok to be afraid, it really is, and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Take the time to watch some of these videos, maybe watch them a little at a time, five minutes perhaps, to let your mind and emotions come to terms with them. Keep an open mind. I know it's scary but you owe it to yourself and to your family - God Bless.
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