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0 Subject: Has anyone heard from Sox?

Posted by: Tree
- [3533298] Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 08:47

just wondering if anyone has heard from him.

he's been AWOL for about a month now - his baseball team has been abandoned, and he disappeared just before the football season has started.

he's probably off fighting fires somewhere in Botswana or something, but, there oughta be some concern for his well-being, no?
      ID: 4911361723
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 09:14
I haven't heard a peep, but you have to be a bit concerned.
2Perm Dude
      ID: 15728239
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 14:20
Just got him on a cell phone number I had for him. He's out in New Mexico doing some training and so forth--he'll be back in about 48 hours and hopes to check in then. Apparently he's been completely out of civilization for some time.
3Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Aug 23, 2007, 14:21
That sounds fun.
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