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0 Subject: Are ya ready for some football??

Posted by: Tree
- [52536119] Thu, Jun 01, 2006, 21:35

it's baaaaack...

looks like Yahoo is up.
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      ID: 52621719
      Thu, Aug 17, 2006, 15:06
Warrick Dunn and Santana Moss are available for second-round draft picks.

Both could be acquired for a top-8 wide receiver.
      ID: 46651516
      Fri, Aug 18, 2006, 17:34
Jamal Lewis AND Tatum Bell for your first rounder. Wiggs or Punk
      ID: 036635522
      Fri, Aug 18, 2006, 18:50
Nah comes from me.
      ID: 257411521
      Fri, Aug 18, 2006, 22:55
nah from me as well
      ID: 46651516
      Sat, Aug 19, 2006, 10:53
May nine others share your feelings.
      ID: 317491918
      Sat, Aug 19, 2006, 20:05
i would think thousands of others would give that trade a big thumbs down.
      ID: 46651516
      Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 18:29
Well given the preseason it's lookin a lot different than 2 months ago or even a week ago. I'll give you that. Mike Bell came outta nowhere. Jamal Lewis is out for the rest of the pre-season and that doesn't help his chances vs Mike Anderson. Time will tell.
      ID: 5173206
      Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 19:20
Boldwin - these recent developments don't really mean a thing.

in the case of Denver, it always seems to be a RBBC there, so people are afraid to commit. in the case of Lewis, people are concerned that the Lewis of a couple years ago doesn't exist any more.

and btw, Mike Anderson is hurt too. he's not exactly a thread to Lewis.
      ID: 46651516
      Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 20:47
Denver is always a risk to play the 'wrong' RB for fantasy players...really??? Oh, I did not know that! [He must be an expert, huh?]

Anderson is dinged up...really? You must read rotoworld/rototimes or are really scary competition.

      ID: 5173206
      Sun, Aug 20, 2006, 21:21
Denver is always a risk to play the 'wrong' RB for fantasy players...really??? Oh, I did not know that! [He must be an expert, huh?]

Anderson is dinged up...really? You must read rotoworld/rototimes or are really scary competition.

don't be mad becaue you overvalued a couple of players, and no one in this league would take that deal.
      ID: 04991311
      Mon, Aug 21, 2006, 21:31
did my team really finish 4th last season, that is a shock to me.
      ID: 23752120
      Mon, Aug 21, 2006, 22:18
Wiggs - could you do me a favor and add the first names, positions, and teams to your keeper list?

makes it easier when i'm putting it into Yahoo.
      ID: 01629107
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 17:19
It occurs to me that Stuck in the 60s hasn't posted in any of the 3 threads dedicated to the football league. He's signed up in Yahoo so thats a good sign but has anyone been in touch with him via email?
      ID: 014826271
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 17:28
      ID: 535193010
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 17:32
I think Tree has commissioned a time machine to go back 40 years and fetch him. All he needs is a volunteer to man it.

Anyone out there want to risk getting stuck in 1966? I won't let my sister go, no matter how hard she pleads, because then I know we won't ever see stuck again.
      ID: 1411442914
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 17:53
i emailed him through the yahoo site. hopefully, he'll TCB.
      ID: 014826271
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:05
Well, hopefully he responds, but we need to make provisionw for his abscence.

It awfully hard to plan for a draft starting tommorrow not knowing which players are available.

I'd be for the commish (with input) going ahead and selecting his keeper now.

If we haven't heard from him when his first pick comes around, I'd suggest we do what we did when sox wasn't available for the baseball draft this year.

Anyway, something needs to be done if he's not around very soon.
      ID: 52621719
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:07
My thoughts are identical to mbj's.

133Stuck in the 60s
      ID: 274132811
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:09
Tiki Barber, RB, NYG
Matt Hasselbeck, QB, Sea
Brian Westbrook, RB, Phi
Amani Toomer, WR, NYG
      ID: 52621719
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:10
See -- Toral posts and action follows.
135Stuck in the 60s
      ID: 274132811
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:12
When is the draft?
      ID: 01629107
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:13
Post again. We need Stuck's defensive keepers.
      ID: 014826271
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:17
Stuck - th draft is tommorrow.
      ID: 014826271
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:24
Draft order, anyone?

I suppose we could get a few picks in tonight, once Stuck updates his keepers to include D, and a draft grid is confirmed.
      ID: 01629107
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:34
I believe the final standings are listed in post 71.
      ID: 014826271
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 18:35
Ya. I'm just sure if there were any picks traded?
      ID: 52621719
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 19:15
We need to reach decision on whether we are using
Yahoo Plus service (see posts 59-61) or not. The opinion has been expressed that if anyone is against it we shouldn't do it.
If we're going to so it we might as well deide quickly since we get some free "expert analysis" from the service.
If we're not going to do it we need to do whether the Waiver Wire Co-ordinator, mbj, is willing to do it again.

142Stuck in the 60s
      ID: 274132811
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 19:19
Jason Taylor, DL, Miami
Deltha O'Neil, DB, Denver
      ID: 589301110
      Tue, Aug 22, 2006, 19:36
Because Toral likes these things...

Magical offensive keeper rankings:


The actual numbers don't really show as much disparity as I thought. I overwieght RBs, as you could probably guess, and that seems to be driving the rankings.
      ID: 29082512
      Tue, Jun 05, 2007, 12:33
and 2007 is ready to go!

i'll be sending invites shortly... :o)
145 Tree
      ID: 29082512
      Tue, Jun 05, 2007, 12:40
everyone save for Wiggs and Schautenfraud have been invited back, since they didn't have their emails on the league site...

email me your emails?
      ID: 036635522
      Tue, Jun 05, 2007, 12:50
Down with the Llamas!
147 soxzeitgeist
      ID: 43559716
      Thu, Jun 07, 2007, 18:05
or you can use (in a pinch):
148 Mattinglyinthehall
      ID: 454491514
      Fri, Jun 08, 2007, 09:18
<- Use this one from now on please.

No need to send a new invite. I'll register sometime today.
149 wiggs
      ID: 55013307
      Mon, Jun 11, 2007, 10:10
i am going to have some extra keepers if anyone needs some, i will make some moves.
      ID: 43555125
      Tue, Jun 12, 2007, 22:06
152PV on Kauai
      ID: 165561420
      Thu, Jun 14, 2007, 21:59
Dropped into this internet cafe to check e-mails and don't see one, Tree. Don't worry, though, I won't let it wreck my vacation.
      ID: 35112816
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 12:15
So we keep 4O, 2D?
      ID: 3533298
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 12:38
i believe it was 5 and 2, no?
      ID: 036635522
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 13:04
No thanks Tree.
      ID: 99331714
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 15:58

Just a brief interruption:

We have openings for 4 in our 12 team auction league.

Check here for details/info


we now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. Thanks!
157 Toral
      ID: 575542418
      Fri, Jun 29, 2007, 19:10
No invitation received.
158 soxzeitgeist
      ID: 49511308
      Sat, Jun 30, 2007, 09:21
No invitation here, either. Who's suposed to fill the basemnt, huh?
      ID: 95363010
      Sat, Jun 30, 2007, 11:44
invitations sent to Toral and Sox...
      ID: 3624918
      Mon, Jul 09, 2007, 19:28
ok - so far, from those who played last year, the following have not signed up:


if you are planning on playing, please sign up, or let me know you need an invite (and include your email in your post).

if you're not planning on playing - based on his decision to quit baseball mid-stream, i'm not confident Toral is returning to football - it would be helpful if you'd let me know that too so we can find a suitable replacement.

i'd love to get everyone who is planning on playing on board by the end of the ASB.
161 Pancho Villa
      ID: 495272016
      Mon, Jul 09, 2007, 19:37
see post #152

Still no invite
      ID: 3624918
      Mon, Jul 09, 2007, 20:49
PV - invite sent
163Perm Dude
      ID: 40637918
      Mon, Jul 09, 2007, 21:01
I haven't made up my mind yet, but will let you know before the end of the ASB.
      ID: 575542418
      Tue, Jul 10, 2007, 21:57
Signed up.
      ID: 3533298
      Wed, Jul 11, 2007, 08:49
Toral is in.

PV, have you signed up?

PD, any final thoughts? love to have you back.

MITH? love to have you back as well.

honestly, i figure we're probably about 6 weeks from drafting.

i'd like keepers to be named by Monday, August 20, 11:59 pm eastern time, and for us to be ready to draft Wednesday morning at 9 am eastern, August 22, right after the second week of pre-season games ends.

i've started a thread here, for the 2007 season, but please wrap up this thread by signaling your intent to play, or not play.

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