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0 Subject: The Juice is Goldman's

Posted by: Punk42AE
- Donor [036635522] Thu, Jul 05, 2007, 10:33

Not sure if anyone had seen this yet, but it is great...

The family of Ron Goldman has purchased the rights to O.J. Simpson's canceled book, "If I Did It," from a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee in a settlement reached Monday.

Fred Goldman has pursued O.J. Simpson in the courts to collect his share of a $33 million civil judgement.

The book rights will be held in the name of Ron Goldman LLC, Goldman family attorney David Cook said.

Goldman was slain along with Simpson's ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, in 1994. The former football star has maintained his innocence.

He was acquitted of murder, but Goldman's family won a civil wrongful death case against him now totaling more than $33 million.

"Ron Goldman LLC will own Simpson's name, likeness, signature and story and will hawk it to satisfy this terrible judgment. Justice has arrived in Miami," Cook said.

The Goldmans own the copyright, media rights and movie rights. They also acquired Simpson's name, likeness, life story and right of publicity in connection with the book, according to court documents.

The Goldmans want to rename the book "Confessions of a Double Murderer" and plan to shop it around, Cook said.
      ID: 036635522
      Thu, Jul 05, 2007, 10:34
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