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0 Subject: BP in (hot) water

Posted by: Kyle
- Donor [052753312] Tue, Jul 17, 2007, 14:10

I don't post often to the politics site, mainly because I am an uninformed college student. (Go ahead a bash me for that if you want)

This topic was started by the Chicago Tribune and then got picked up by the Northwest Indiana newspapers. I'll post the 3 links to the websites.

Chicago Tribune Article
Post Tribune Article
Northwest Indiana Times Article

Note: I am an Environmental Intern for the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission. My mother is Kay Nelson, the Director of Environmental Affairs for the Northwest Indiana Forum. She previously worked for the Indiana Dept. of Environmental Management and the City of East Chicago. She is mentioned in the Post and Chicago Tribune articles. I'll see if I can't get her to comment on this. I'll post my comment on the subject in the next post.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Jul 17, 2007, 14:16
This was my responce to the people who were like "Ew ammonia in our water" "How can they raise this by 54%" "Gross, another corperation polluting our environment"

OK people, let's calm down. Seriously do you know how much BP is "dumping" into the lake right now? No? Then how do you know 54% is so much more? If they are meeting the standards I believe we have no room criticize them.

BTW did you know when the ammonia hits the water it becomes oxygenated and turns into nitrate? And nitrate helps the environment. You all need to stop looking for what these "big bad corporations" are doing wrong and start seeing what they are doing for us. They are employing the citizens, they are giving back to our communities and believe it or not but they are also improving our environment through a lot of community programs. Has anyone written about how they are helping clean up the Indiana Harbor and the Grand Calumet River? Yes, the pollution is from their decades of malfeasance, but that was the 30-35 years ago. And while this wasn't in the Times article, but I am sure you have all read the Chicago Trib's article. In the article the writer said:

"In sharp contrast to the greenways and parks that line Lake Michigan in Chicago, a string of industrial behemoths lie along the heavily polluted southern shore just a few miles away. The steady flow of oil, grease and chemicals into the lake from steel mills, refineries and factories -- once largely unchecked -- drew national attention that helped prompt Congress to pass the Clean Water Act during the early 1970s."

I am sorry, I guess this writer hasn't heard of the 2 stage plan called the Marquette Plan. It only reclaims a ton of brownfields and makes them into new greenways. Oh, and Chicago has those wonderful beaches in the city, but where do most Chicagoans go when they want to go to the beach? That's right, the INDIANA dunes State Park. So yes we have "behemoths" but do they have the natural beauty like the dunes? No, they destroyed their section of the dunes to build projects and sky scrapers and industry. Wow that really bites you in the arse.

Tell me what you folks think about this after reading these articles. I find it appauling that they can make it seem like its 100% bad. I am not for polluting our environment more, but the fact that they are meeting the standards isn't a problem with me.
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