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0 Subject: Unequal justice for two fathers in hot car deaths

Posted by: Tree
- [3533298] Mon, Jul 30, 2007, 14:43

i have to say this is kind of flabbergasting.

one father isn't even charged, the other gets 20 years...

it's almost impossible to imagine race and socio-economic status not playing a role.
      ID: 596182512
      Mon, Jul 30, 2007, 16:08
Wow, what stories. Horrific. And one guy gets 20 years and one nothing? How, why?
      ID: 41512278
      Mon, Jul 30, 2007, 20:52
one guy was going to work and forgot his child was in the car. the other guy was gambling and intentionally left his child in the car.

I heard a report on the radio the other day saying something about 6 out of 26 people involved in cases like this actually served time in prison. dunno if that was just cases in my state or nationwide cases from one year or what. need to look it up.

personally, I'd prefer that in cases where it is clearly an accident that the parent not be sent to prison.

it's also not a bad idea to start building some kind of automatic ventilation system into cars in order to prevent accidents like this. I'm sure there is a practical way to do it.
      ID: 99331714
      Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 12:07
Negligent Homicide, is negligent homicide, and thats how I personally view these cases. "Fatigued" and "distracted", is no excuse for neglecting to feed a child. Its no excuse for neglecting getting them medical care if they are injured. How can it be a viable excuse for leaving a child in a car?

One of the prime obligations a parent has to a child, is to provde for the safety and well being. Death throuogh negligence, is inexcusable in this mans eyes.
      ID: 41512278
      Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 19:00
even though it's a complete accident? you lock em up for 20 years? could happen to any parent. could have happened to you.

it's amazing how the human brain can malfunction sometimes. I've done things like drive down the highway with my wallet on top of the car. gone into a restaurant while on the interstate, forgot to engage my parking brake (while parked on an incline), car started rolling and was only saved from rolling into a gorge by 2 dudes who happened to be right there (thank god!). so I have no doubt that if I had children I'd be susceptible to pulling some idiotic stunt like this. I have to feel some empathy for someone in this position.

the dude who intentionally left his kid in the car while gambling deserves what he got, though I think it should be mitigated by exceptionally low IQ (if that's true).
      ID: 99331714
      Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 19:13
I too have driven off with a drink on my car top. But I'll be damned if I consider that oversight to be in anyway, shape or form; comparable to leaving a child atop the car. Which is more akin to leaving them IN the car, than is driving off with your wallet on the hood.

Some things are forgiceable...some are not. Negligence, resulting in the death of a child, is not.
6Perm Dude
      ID: 2625319
      Tue, Jul 31, 2007, 19:14
Two different states, two different laws.
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