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0 Subject: The storm behind the storm: Foreign Policy & 2008

Posted by: Perm Dude
- [87299] Thu, Aug 09, 2007, 15:24

Glenn Greenwald takes up the banner, brought to light by all the flapping over Obama's non-gaffes, about foreign policy scholars and their stranglehold over the foreign policy debates and how they are framed.

I'm not quite as ga-ga as Glenn over Samantha Power's memo as he is, but I believe it does represent the kind of new thinking that Obama brings to the table, which makes his candidacy very powerful.

Meanwhile, Josh Marshall with his usual good analysis of the poltical jostling behind the scenes helps lay out some of what we might see in the coming months. For Clinton to be successful, she'll need to keep hammering at actual or potential weaknesses of Obama on foreign policy. Obama, on the other hand, seems to be on his game and just has to stay on it to keep playing to his own strengths.
      ID: 596182512
      Fri, Aug 10, 2007, 14:03
Good stuff in those links, PD. Thanks. I agree with the point that what Obama said is largely undisputable by republicans, and being used politically by Hillary et al to create an edge related to "inexperience" cos only a novice in foreign affairs would actually say what he said. Well, someone has to got say how wrong our alleged anti-terrorist strategy is (actually, cos Iraq never was about anti-terrorism, but that's another story...), and that if we do want to get the worst one's, we may have some to do it ourselves, in a different place.
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