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Subject: Roto options other than Yahoo!

  Posted by: Mattinglyinthehall - Dude [01629107] Sat, Apr 12, 2008, 08:30

While Yahoo! Baseball has proven very dependable over the years, I find myself increasingly frustrated with the limitations of their format. In particular is the inability to look at standings from previous days (both the simple standings as found on the League page and also the "Full" standings which show complete team stats and sortable rankings).

Guru has gotten around this deficiency with his RIBC leagues by providing his personal standings and roster summary. His "split standings by date" page allows managers to check the standings (and the ranking by category) through any date range within the season, allowing a manager to easily measure, for example, how replacing a slumping power hitter with a tablesetter type impacted his team over the past 10 days. But most Commishes (including me) lack the time and/or knowledge to create and maintain such a service for their league.

Another peeve is that I'd like for the Commish to be able to lock out certain free agents (including players that are on waivers) to prevent managers from picking them up. I'm in two Yahoo! Baseball leagues where managers retain offline "prospect" rosters. Some of these prospects will be young players that Yahoo! Baseball makes available and inevitably, managers will occasionally pick up these players, forgetting that they are another manager's property. The commish is able to remove players from a manager's roster but if he/she doesn't catch it in time that player might make it into a starting lineup.

I recall several years ago stumbling onto a site that hosts and custom builds a manageable roto league according to your specifications. They would create a site specifically for your league that would carry over from year to year and allow for keeping track of things like records, keepers and transactions. I'm not sure that I need anything that extensive, as I do keep a league site for the league that I commish for archiving drafts, final standings, keepers, etc. But I'm curious about what else is out there for roto baseball other than Yahoo!, in both free and pay formats.
      ID: 64532914
      Sun, Apr 13, 2008, 14:52
We used TQStats for a few years, which had a few of those things that you mentioned - past standings, transactions, free agent locks. Also one of my favorites - WHIP to three digits. But it also had other limitations: You could not set lineups beyond the next day in advance. You had to have every roster spot filled with a player or your lineup was illegal. The website itself was a little clunky. It also cost $100.

CBS Sportlsine might be the best fantasy site I have ever used, but I have only done points on there - not roto. I dont even know if they have roto.

I really wish there was a completely customizable website somewhere. Yahoo is fine, but it is not really suited for keeper leagues. I have to keep FA open and there are prospects on the list. Also, I dont necesarrily agree with Yahoo's eligibility rules, which you cannot change. I would like to experiment with some unusual stats like SB-CS or Inherited runners scored. stuff like that youll never be able to get on Yahoo.
      ID: 24238210
      Sun, Apr 13, 2008, 16:20
Did you look at
      ID: 463471413
      Mon, Apr 14, 2008, 21:21
CBS has some intresting differences with Yahoo, but I found it so cludgy I wasn't able to get the most benefit out of them. I far prefer Yahoo. Haven't done Sandbox in a long long while but I have a favorable impression of them.