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Subject: Today's New Yankee Stadium Action

  Posted by: Perm Dude - [12325168] Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 16:00

CC Sabathia with a decent outing, but the wheels come off for the Yankees with their middle "relief" pitchers. Sizemore with a slam to make it 9-1 in the 7th (8 runs for the Tribe in the inning).
1Perm Dude
      ID: 12325168
      Thu, Apr 16, 2009, 16:01
Er, 10-1. VMart with a dinger.
      ID: 01584348
      Mon, Apr 20, 2009, 11:31
I have been hearing alot about Yankee Stadium being the new MLB band box. Like Guru alludes in today's blurb, there not a big sampling yet.

However, having already been to a few games played in the new Stadium, I do beleive the wind is going to act very differently then it did in it's predecessor across the street.

Within the field area itself, everything looks very similar. The orientation of home plate and the foul lines shifted a few degrees and now center is the sun field and not left, but I could not tell you what impact that would have.

The most noticible different between the parks is the concourses and outfield areas, and they definitely will have an impact on wind and air flow.

In the prior building the concourses leading to the ball field were all closed in (submarine like almost compared to the new park), and there were only small hallway sized portal entrances between every section leading to the seating area. In the new park, the councourses are wider and more open. There are no walls between the concourses and the seating area. The field is visible from all concourses. Furthermore, the upper concourses are pretty much outdoors in the new park, where the old one had a roof.

The other big difference is the outfield. In the old park, the outfield/bleacher area was totally enclosed with the huge walls holding the scoreboards and totally enclosing in the field, making the old stadium bowl-like. The new outfield bleacher area has plenty of space above below and around the scorboard area where it is open.

So far, all the regular season games have been played in the daytime. We still have to see if things act differently at night. On the other hand, the ball will carry further once the weather turns warmer.

Should be interesting when more games are played and we see how this all plays out.
3Great One
      ID: 46215212
      Mon, Apr 20, 2009, 12:42
It is so weird how some of these things affect balls flying out or not. Like when the Sox added an extra deck of seats out in right field. That apparently changed airflow dramatically cause HR's dropped by a large amount after that.