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Subject: Nails fails... Lenny Dykstra is a clown.

  Posted by: Seattle Zen - [13362212] Wed, Apr 22, 2009, 23:48

I read this story in The New Yorker last year:

Nails Never Fails! Baseball’s most improbable post-career success story.

It was the first I had heard of Dykstra's supposed stock picking acumen. Well, I just finished reading a story at that destroys everything written in that piece and makes a mockery out of the reporter. The number of lawsuits Lenny has pending, the number of people he has stiffed is staggering. Had McCrath done even a little bit of investigative work, I think a lot of people would have been saved the nightmare it must be to have Lenny cross your path.

Lenny Dykstra does not believe in paying his bills - you can tell when he is lying by the movement of his lips.

Well, I guess you can tell the character of a man by the company he keeps...
Just in the past two years, Dykstra has been the subject of at least 24 legal actions, including 18 since November. Three suits hit the courts on Jan. 29. He's been sued by publishers and print companies, by three different groups of pilots and by a Maryland-based financial and litigation consulting firm that offered expert testimony on his behalf in an earlier lawsuit. He's even been sued by a die-hard Mets fan who was the best man at his wedding 20-some years ago, though that New York investor claims there is no bad blood.

The list of people he screwed, bills he refused to pay, is amazing. To think, he tried to convince people to trust HIM with their money!
In 2005, long before the drama and the lawsuits, CNBC's Jim Cramer, host of "Mad Money," gave the budding stock-picking wizard a "Nails on the Numbers" column on Cramer's financial Web site, Cramer has his own Philly roots -- he worked as a vendor in the early '70s at Veterans Stadium, where the Phillies played. He liked Dykstra's celebrity and his options tips -- which by Dykstra's estimate generated $3 million in subscriber fees last year for -- so much that he promoted him as "one of the great ones in this business." Last year, a Forbes Magazine article questioned whether Dykstra has always been the brains behind his selections. It suggested that Dykstra borrowed picks from one of his former mentors, market strategist Richard Suttmeier, who at the time offered his own selections via a subscription newsletter. The article revealed that among Dykstra's 17 buys last April, 11 had appeared days earlier in Suttmeier's newsletter.

"Suttmeier is a good guy," Dykstra says when his name is brought up.

Yet Suttmeier hasn't spoken to Dykstra since the Forbes article appeared, which coincided with the New York launch party for The Players Club magazine. The Forbes story factors into that silence, but Suttmeier also told that Dykstra owes $6,000 to his 35-year-old son. Jason Suttmeier was being paid $2,000 a month to provide Dykstra with stock-related spreadsheets, but Suttmeier's father says Dykstra had fallen three months behind in those payments.

That's a service that Dykstra describes this way: "The kid hit 'go,' hit 'print' on the machine."

"I taught him how to pick stocks," Richard Suttmeier says about Dykstra. "I told him what moving averages to use. Jason, my son, created the spreadsheets to track them every day. He sent them to me. I would look at them and then I would send them on to Lenny. And then he would have a subscription to my newsletter and that is what the Forbes article picked up. They tracked his picks versus mine, and made the claim he was getting the picks from me. But he was getting the picks from my newsletter that picks stocks, just like any other subscriber would. And Lenny also subscribed to about every newsletter known to man.

Yeah, some stock picking wizard. When Jim Cramer praises something, turn the other way and run.

Mike Fish wasn't the first guy to out Nails. Here's a story in GQ about a guy who had the misfortune of taking a job with him.

Have any of you had your "multimillionaire" boss call you asking you for your credit card to authorize a payment for jet fuel? Me, neither.

Lenny is a gambler and obviously an egomanic with delusions of grandeur. I feel sorry for his family. He needs someone to kick his ass, I really believe that is the only way to get through to him.
1Seattle Zen
      ID: 238441010
      Sat, Oct 03, 2009, 12:53

The clown has his World Series ring sold at auction.

$56,000 down, $31 million to go.
2Seattle Zen
      ID: 10732616
      Fri, Apr 15, 2011, 19:47
The hits just keep on coming!

Embezzlement and Theft charges on consecutive days.

Lenny Dykstra was arrested for investigation of grand theft, a day after he was charged with a federal bankruptcy crime, authorities said Friday.

Dykstra, 48, was arrested Thursday night by Los Angeles police at his Encino home on suspicion of trying to buy a stolen car.

Just trying to keep costs down, stolen cars are much cheaper.

Dykstra filed for bankruptcy in 2009, claiming that he owed more than $31 million and had only $50,000 in assets.

Federal prosecutors contend that after filing, Dykstra hid, sold or destroyed more than $400,000 worth of items from the $18.5 million mansion without permission of a bankruptcy trustee.

The items allegedly ranged from sports memorabilia to a $50,000 sink. At one point, he sold "a truckload of furnishing and fixtures" for cash at a consignment store.
      ID: 31111810
      Fri, Apr 15, 2011, 20:32
Epic bump.

A $50,000 sink? I have to assume it dispenses Hawaiian Punch?
4Seattle Zen
      ID: 10732616
      Mon, Mar 05, 2012, 16:43
Nails get 3 years prison for the stolen cars.

Still awaiting trial on the Fed bankruptcy fraud stuff.
5Seattle Zen
      ID: 10732616
      Wed, Apr 18, 2012, 18:57
The more we hear about Lenny Dykstra, the more my phrase the nightmare it must be to have Lenny cross your path seems an understatement.

Nails exposes himself to women responding to Craigslist ads for a maid, pulls knife on one.
Former New York Mets outfielder Lenny Dykstra has been sentenced to nine months in jail after pleading no contest to charges he exposed himself to women he met on Craigslist and assaulted one. Dykstra entered his plea Wednesday in a Los Angeles courtroom to one count each of assault with a deadly weapon and lewd conduct. He also received three years' probation. Prosecutors say Dykstra exposed himself to several women who responded to ads for personal assistants and housekeepers. During one incident, prosecutors say, Dykstra held a knife and forced the woman to give him a massage.
6Seattle Zen
      ID: 3310162612
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 13:04
Today, the player once known as "Nails" is scheduled to be sentenced by a federal judge for hiding and selling sports memorabilia and other items that were supposed to be part of his bankruptcy filing. Prosecutors are asking for a 2-1/2-year sentence, though he could face 20 years.

"Everyone wants to make me out to be a monster."

For good reason...