| Posted by: Bean
- [130442217] Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:03
Positions for 24 round draft:
C, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, SS, RF, CF, LF, MI, CI Util SP, SP, RP, Px4 Bench x 6 DL x2 NAx1
Categories: Runs, Rbi's, HR, SB, BA W, Saves+Holds, K's, ERA, Whip
14 points for 1st place in a given category down to 1 point for 14th place. The winner will be the team with the most overall points after the last day of the regular season ends. If there are any make up games scheduled after the last day, those games will count if hosting site rules allow
Season limits: 1350 IP 162 games played per roster slot for hitters
Keeper Rules Managers may keep 0-9 players. Players kept count against the draft round they were chosen in. Draft rounds follow traded players but can be changed to any earlier round in the first draft following the trade. Declaration of the new round is required at the time of keeper declaration. In-season pick ups have no draft slot so they cannot be kept. If you do not have multiple picks in a given round, you cannot keep multiple players tied to that round.
Example 1: I draft Ted Williams in round 1. Later in the season I make a trade which brings in Mickey Mantle who was also drafted in round 1. I may keep either Williams or Mantle, but not both.
Example 2: I draft Ryan Sandberg in round 5. Via trade I also acquire Andre Dawson who was drafted in round 5. And via a second trade, I acquire a 2nd 5th round pick. I may now keep both Sandberg and Dawson in round 5. (however note - the next season if I do not obtain a second R5 pick I will only be able to keep 1 of the players). I may also keep Sandberg in Round 5 and Dawnson in any round 1-5 provided I have a slot available for him
Example 3: I draft Ryan Sandberg in round 5 of the 2014 draft. During the season I trade my 2015 round 5 pick. I may no longer keep Sandberg unless I acquire a round 5 pick before keepers are declared.
Example 4: I draft Sandberg in round 5 in 2014. I trade away my round 5 pick in 2015 but acquire Dawson who was also a 2014 round 5 pick. I may not keep either in round 5. Dawson's draft round came with him, and come keeper time I dont have a round 5 pick. I may not keep Sandberg any longer as there is no draft slot to put him in. I may declare Dawson as a keeper in any round of 1-4 as long as I have a keeper slot available.
Keepers are due approximately 18 days before the first game of the regular season.
Keeper eligible rounds should be determined by checking the prior years draft results at draftime.com not at the yahoo league site.
To be keeper eligible, a player must have always been rostered, never being returned to the FA pool. To be keeper eligible, a player must have at least 50 career AB, or 20 career IP.
Manager Expectations Managers are expected to play a full season. Giving up part way, ignoring trade offers, your team or the league can result in your removal from the league.
Trades Trades must be balanced against a maximum of 24 players on a given team and 24 rounds of draft for each manager. Outside of that, trades may be vetoed at the commissioner's discretion if he feels there has been collusion or cheating of some kind behind the trade. Otherwise, trades will be assumed to be acceptable and pass after 24 hours unless there is an objection. If an objection is raised there will be a league-wide vote. If more than 50% of managers not involved in the trade vote against the trade, it will be vetoed. Otherwise, it will pass 48 hours after initially being accepted by all managers involved.
If you receive a keeper eligible player via trade, you may move that player's keeper round up during the keeper declarations after you received him. All other keeper rules still apply. Example - in 2014 Khahan drafted Billy Hamilton in round 6. During the 2015 I trade him to another manager. In the 2016 keeper declaration Billy Hamilton may be declared as a keeper in any round 1-6 provided the manager has a draft slot free. For all future years that Hamilton remains a keeper that chosen round is now considered his keeper round.
Draft In 2014 the draft will be a randomly ordered 24 round snake draft. Following years the draft will not snake. The order will be determined by how you placed the prior year. Teams finishing in 11-14 place will be in a lottery for the first 4 draft slots. All other teams will be reverse order of finish.
The draft will commence 2 days after keeper declaration and (for now) will be held at Draftime.com with the league hosting site at Yahoo.
The lottery draft will be held shortly after the end of the regular season (to better facilitate offseason trading).
Draft Guidelines We will have a slow draft as noted at draftime.com Each draft slot will have a 4 hour window to make your pick. If you do not make a pick in the allotted time the next manager may go. You can make up your pick whenever you get back but forfeit the right to any players picked after you missed time. If the draft comes back to you before you make a missed pick, those future picks will be allotted 0 time until you are caught up. The clock will be shut off from 1am to 7am EST M-F and will not run on weekends - subject to change if we must meet a deadline.
Shohei Ohtani As of 2018 yahoo has announced that Shohei Ohtani will have a player slot as a pitcher and a hitter. We will be treating these players as 2 distinct players. For intents and purposes there is a player named Shohei Ohtani who is a pitcher and a second player named Shohei Ohtani with hitting eligibility.
If we change hosting sites to a site that uses a single Shohei Ohtani or Yahoo updates to a single Shohei in future years we will handle the combining as follows: 1. If No manager has either Shohei he is drafted like any other player 2. If 1 manager has 1 Shohei and the other is not on a roster, that manager can name Shohei as a keeper 3. If 1 manager has both Shohei's he can choose either players round to make the new single Shohei a keeper 4. If 2 different managers each have different halves of Shohei, they can each submit a blind bid to keep the new singularity-Shohei. The manager who submits the earliest round gets Shohei. If there is a tie the manager will the earliest draft pick keeps him. He will be kept in the round of the submitted bid. Example I have Pitcher Shohei in r8 and Bean has hitter Shoehei in round 11 and he becomes 1 player next year, we both submit a blind bid. If I submit my bid as round 3 and Bean submits round 4, I keep Shohei as a R3 keeper.
A full, active league is extremely important for everyone to have a fun time. Even if you are in a rebuilding year, please don't just disappear. Your inactivity can inadvertently alter the results of those competing for the championship. So, do your best to stay active all year. There is a "start active players" button on Yahoo that can help you with that. |
| 1 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:03
First order of business is roll call.
Please let us know if you plan to return this year.
| 2 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:08
| 3 | Mudville 9
ID: 30026319 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:26
I'm in.
| 4 | Jtserb
ID: 33030319 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:30
I'm in
| 5 | WG
ID: 13040239 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 10:55
| 6 | fear the monkey
ID: 190483111 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:48
| 7 | foot
ID: 480122215 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 16:56
| 8 | taxman
ID: 430503120 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 21:50
| 9 | Philsphan
ID: 40183122 Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 23:18
| 10 | Crack Babies
ID: 112110 Sat, Feb 01, 2025, 12:37
| |
| 12 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Mon, Feb 03, 2025, 16:34
Still waiting to hear from:
C1-NRB Tree Morgan
And any possible replacement/expansion owners. Will try to put out a tentative schedule soon.
| 13 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Mon, Feb 03, 2025, 17:06
2024 Standings:
01 113.0 Wazaaap Guy 02 101.5 Good Guys Wear Black 03 093.0 Philly Phanatic 04 082.0 Foot's Challengers 05 081.0 Eight Men Out 06 079.0 Taxed Out 07 073.0 Bean's Blacksox 08 066.0 C1's Stocking Feat 09 063.0 Mudville 9 10 049.5 fear the monkey 11 048.0 Nap's Tater Tatis 12 032.5 The Power of Lemke 13 028.5 Crack Babies
| 14 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Mon, Feb 03, 2025, 17:16
The regular season kicks off on 18 MAR in Japan. With that start date in mind, here is a proposed 8 MEN OUT Schedule:
Let me know if you have a specific issue with these dates. Use the blue link.
| 15 | C1-NRB
ID: 1686221 Wed, Feb 05, 2025, 18:18
| 16 | artofmonk
ID: 3132713 Fri, Feb 07, 2025, 14:32
| 17 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Sat, Feb 08, 2025, 12:49
Heard from Tree, he is in. So we have all 13 returning.
John (Team Eight Men Out) has a son, Jeff, who is interested in joining us, and I have a neighbor, Victor, who is interested in trying fantasy baseball as well. So, it looks likely that we'll have one expansion team this year, manager TBD. If both of those candidates change their minds, I'll open the offer to others. That should be resolved in about a week. If you know someone who is interested in being third in line, let me know via the blue link.
| 18 | Jeffrey Newby
ID: 291551112 Tue, Feb 11, 2025, 13:55
I am in if possible
| 19 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 11, 2025, 17:12
Was looking forward to your post Jeffrey. Welcome.
I sent you an e-mail with some background, and have also sent you a Yahoo league invite.
| 20 | jtserb
ID: 14246156 Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 08:32
Bean, I'm not sure since last year was my first year and didn't have any keepers. Is there a sheet online with the list of the draft/rosters from last season, or should we just go off yahoo and square it up with the draft thread from rotoguru?
| 21 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 08:56
You can view the draft results at Draft Time
| 22 | Jtserb
ID: 33030319 Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 10:26
Thanks Bean, forgot about that.
| 23 | Philsphan
ID: 541501613 Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 14:59
A couple of questions...
As clarification, I traded for Corbin Burnes who was a 4th round pick. I also have Bogaerts who I drafted in the 4th round. I can only keep one of them for that round but I can keep the other in rounds 1-3, correct? So long as one of those slots will be open...
I drafted Cristopher Sanchez in round 15 but he is not showing on my final roster. I don't remember trading him and I can't find last year's transactions to see what I did. Does anyone have any insight as to what I did? Justin Turner is also on my final roster as a round 11 but I don't recall trading for him either.
| 24 | WG
ID: 13040239 Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 15:17
Last year's transactions show that Sanchez was dropped on May 4, so he'd be ineligible to be kept. Turner was a FA add so he'd also be ineligible.
| 25 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 17:25
<23> Thanks WG. Yes Philsphan, you'll need to move either Burnes or Bogaerts to the rounds 1-3 if you want to keep them both. You can also trade them before keeper declaration. gurudan will not have issues with keeping Altuve. He dropped his 5th round guy.
I have a couple other things I want to remind folks of: 1) Tree drafted Coby Mayo last season, but he does not have 50 career AB yet, so cannot be kept for 2025. (It's minimum 20 IP for pitchers) 2) John Newby's Yanier Diaz was dropped and added during the season, and is therefore an ineligible keeper for 2025. 3) JTSerb's Merrill Kelly and Jake Burger were dropped and added during the season, and are therefore ineligible keepers for 2025.
If you are aware of others I may have missed let me know.
All of these players are eligible for the expansion draft.
| 26 | WG
ID: 13040239 Mon, Feb 17, 2025, 21:36
Everyone try to navigate to last year's page on desktop or phone website and check your transactions for dropped players to ensure you didn't drop and re-add someone you want to keep.
| 27 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 09:09
I decided to give more time for keeper declaration. Here is an updated schedule:
23 FEB Draft Lottery (bottom four teams from last year) 01 MAR KEEPER DEADLINE 05 MAR EXPANSION DRAFT 07 MAR REGULAR DRAFT BEGINS 16 MAR REGULAR DRAFT ENDS 18 MAR SEASON BEGINS IN JAPAN (Dodgers and Cubs) 27 MAR "Opening Day"
I'll start a keeper thread today. The Draft Lottery will likely be done today as well.
| 28 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 09:58
Keeper thread started.
| 29 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 10:25
Here are the lottery results, the bottom four from last year were in it: Pick #1 - Ignore Pick #2 - Ignore Pick #3 - Crack Babies Pick #4 - Ignore Pick #5 - Nap's Tater Tatis Pick #6 - fear the monkey Pick #7 - Ignore Pick #8 - The Power of Lemke
So the draft order in each round will be: 01 Jeffrey Newby 02 Crack Babies 03 Tree 04 gurudan/fearthemonkey 05 artofmonk 06 Mudville 9 07 C1-NRB 08 Bean 09 Taxman 10 Newby 11 foot 12 Philsphan 13 Jtserb 14 WG
| 30 | Tree
ID: 581151810 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:16
Luis Robert On the Block. Possibly Fernando Tatis as well.
| 31 | Tree
ID: 581151810 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 13:28
feel free to email, or if you have my number, text.
| 33 | fear the monkey
ID: 190483111 Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 22:01
this is where I get lost! if I dropped my#2 pick. why don't I get a 2nd rd pick? I kept my 3rd, so he moved to 2nd??? doesn't make sense
| 34 | Eight Men Out
ID: 33101912 Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 13:04
WG - Always interested in trading. Take a look and let me know what might be of interest.
| 35 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 16:54
<33> Don't really understand the issue. Will need clarification.
Sent you an email. We can sort it out there.
| 36 | Jtserb
ID: 33030319 Thu, Feb 20, 2025, 11:59
Willy Adames SS 12 round looking to move possibly. If interested lemme know. Jtserb@gmail.com
| 37 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 11:16
I've renewed the draft at Draftime. You can log in there to make sure you have 8 Men Out as one of your active drafts. I have sent Jeffrey Newby an invite.
| 38 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 11:50
Keepers are due this Saturday. Our remaining schedule:
| 39 | WG
ID: 13040239 Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 15:19
OTB at round cost Bibee 5, Cole 6, Crews 10, Bry. Miller 13. If interested, send an offer with a pick swap for one of them, or a 2-for-1 with an upgrade on a posted keeper. Thanks.
| 40 | Philsphan
ID: 40183122 Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 20:33
How will Jeff N build his team? Will he get to choose 9 before we start drafting, or does he get 24 picks? Can’t remember..
| 41 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 22:48
9 keepers from discards since 2024 draft. they are assigned the pick they were last season.
| 42 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 17:15
10/14 managers have posted keepers. Still need them from:
ArtofMonk C1-NRB Crack Babies Tree
Remember, you can modify them up til the deadline.
| 43 | Bean
ID: 130442217 Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 17:20
Correction, 9/13
| 44 | Tree
ID: 581151810 Fri, Feb 28, 2025, 08:40
Luis Robert and Fernando Tatis on the Block
| 45 | Bean
ID: 54236510 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 11:36
I have started the draft at Draftime, and have asked Jeff Newby to not pick a player until tomorrow morning, so that everyone can doublecheck that I entered their keepers correctly. E-mail me if you see an issue.
I will not start the 4 hour pick clock until Friday, 7 MAR.
The Yahoo players tab should show only players that are available, so you may find it a useful tool. I will try to keep in sync with Draftime a couple times a day. You can check your roster at draft results. Let me know if you see an error.
| 46 | Philsphan
ID: 18241511 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 12:41
Everything looks good from my end. Thanks for doing this Bean, I know it is a lot of work.
| 47 | gurudan
ID: 39254513 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 14:54
are we allowed, as in the past, to post draftees who aren't listed at draftime ?
| 48 | Bean
ID: 7251515 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 16:51
You can draft a guy not in Draft Time, but he must be in Yahoo. You cannot use a queue to draft the guy though. You have to add the player when its your turn.
If you are certain that Yahoo has made a mistake by not including your player, let me know, but that would be extremely rare.
| 49 | Bean
ID: 15253515 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 16:53
Also, keep in mind, that if you want to add a player not in the data base, who is a prospect, he will have to meet 20IP or 50 AB for you to keep him in 2026.
| 50 | Bean
ID: 4320516 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 17:00
The draft has resumed
| 51 | Bean
ID: 1223516 Wed, Mar 05, 2025, 17:03
Ignore that, posted in wrong thread
| 52 | JTSERB
ID: 4125866 Thu, Mar 06, 2025, 07:58
My Keepers and rounds are correct. Thanks Bean as usual for your work.
| 53 | artofmonk
ID: 12222620 Thu, Mar 06, 2025, 21:22
I might be interested in trading my third rd pick or 4th rd pick. let me know if you are interested.
| 54 | Bean
ID: 3025579 Fri, Mar 07, 2025, 10:55
I have started the clock at Draft Time
| 55 | JTSERB
ID: 14242721 Fri, Mar 07, 2025, 22:42
What hours do the clock pause?
| 56 | Tree
ID: 5024688 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 09:46
right now, there does not appear to be a pause.
could we get an overnight pause please, to ensure we're not being forced to pick in the middle of the night?
| 57 | Bean
ID: 3925188 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 09:51
I thought I had set them for midnight ET to 8 AM ET, but I saw gurudan timed out, but didn't get skipped. Pause is set now (you can see pause on bottom of Draft Home Page), artofmonk timer reset.
| 58 | Bean
ID: 1923289 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 10:32
As many of you know, there has been an effort to move Rotoguru communications to Discord. This forum is ancient, and Rotoguru has said that he does not know how much longer it will stay afloat.
I haven't set up a server at Discord yet for this league, but is anyone not able to join a Discord channel there? This only works if all 14 of us can join.
| 59 | JTSERB
ID: 31249810 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 11:49
@BEAN How about Whats App? I assume most already have it. I don't mind doing discord, but not going to lie, I am not familiar with it. Either way I am for whatever everyone wants to join.
| 60 | Bean
ID: 11259810 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 11:59
Well, Discord is probably the most popular thing for video games. It even has a voice conferencing capability, which may find some use.
More importantly, its where the majority of Rotoguru leagues have already migrated. I have already created a Rotoguru channel where we have links to rotoguru leagues. Honestly, it hasn't gained many members yet, but it's still early.
As an aside, I have never used What's App.
| 61 | JTSERB
ID: 1521811 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 12:01
Gotcha, sounds like Discord has more useful functions. I don't know how to use it, but I am sure I can figure it out. I am on board for it. Just let me know.
| 62 | JTSERB
ID: 5129811 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 12:09
@Bean Turns out I have a discord login already. username is JTSERB if you want to add me Bean.
| 63 | Bean
ID: 24215811 Sat, Mar 08, 2025, 12:15
This is an invite to the Rotoguru general channel: