Forum: blurb
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Subject: Daily Blurb - July 2, 2012

  Posted by: Guru - [330592710] Mon, Jul 02, 2012, 10:31

Quote of the day
"I don't think the Texas Rangers have to apologize because we've got good players. I certainly didn't pick my guys being selfish, I picked them very deserving of being All-Stars, bottom line." -- AL manager Ron Washington (of Texas)

Daily blurb
The All-Star break is just a week away. When I was a kid, I remember the All Star game having a special significance. Now, it simply marks the midpoint of the season – and a 3-day hiatus from stats production.

Kudos to brassies, who took best ball honors in GuruGolf this weekend with a -43. He didn’t have Tiger in his foursome, but he did have Adam Scott. Can you imagine how cool it would have been if Tiger and Adam Scott had met in a playoff yesterday? The “Stevie Williams Smackdown.” But it was not to be. Meanwhile, Initial Investors took the worst ball honors with a +66, 7-strokes better than the runner-up