Forum: blurb
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Subject: Daily Blurb - April 6, 2010

  Posted by: Guru - [330592710] Tue, Apr 06, 2010, 12:07

Quote of the day
"[President Obama] said he wanted us to win, as long as we didn't beat the White Sox." -- Philadelphia manager Charlie Manuel. Obama threw out the first pitch in the Phillies opening game in Washington.

Daily blurb
Congrats to the winners of the 2010 Market Madness Contest. The grand prize goes to Honeybunches, with a score of G$585, more than G$100 over the runner up. The prize for the top entry excluding basket units goes to Costanza1, with G$285. You may notice that this entry does include basket units, but those have been zeroed out for the purpose of this prize. The Best Possible Score was G$1011.

Prize winners will be notified by email later this week – or maybe next. This is a busy week.

The baseball season is now in full swing. The RotoHog Salary Cap games are going through some turmoil already, however, as players were repriced (and dramatically so) last night, even though the rules state that the first repricing will be tonight. Oops. A lot players showed max gains and losses. I don’t know if/how RotoHog will sort it out. For now, the new prices apparently stand. There are some scoring errors as well. Notably, many pitchers are being allocated the incorrect number of walks. In addition, holds are being ignored, even though the scoring formula in the rules includes them. It wouldn’t surprise me if they simply decide to revise the scoring formula to exclude holds, as relief pitchers are essentially irrelevant in this game format anyway.

Be that as it may, I do have the sortable stats, the Assimilator, and player pages all updated. I do not yet have the page of yesterday’s points posted, but should have that setup in the next day or so.

Notably, the team standings for the Premier game (formerly called Ultimate) lists only 883 teams. Not a good showing. The basic game only has about twice as many teams. Of course, the launch was very late, and there was no cross marketing by TSN, so I’m sure a lot of people who played the TSN games last year have no idea that these games even exist.

      ID: 351422416
      Tue, Apr 06, 2010, 14:43
so I’m sure a lot of people who played the TSN games last year have no idea that these games even exist.
Im not sure how many know or dont know.
The sentiment that I have read on the TSN boards often refers to the new game bearer as Rotopig so it maybe as much of a rejection than being unaware.

      ID: 56325618
      Tue, Apr 06, 2010, 19:25
Lot of problems here..

1) like you said, no cross-marketing whatsoever. TSN went out of their way not to mention this game.
2) For anybody who played TSN Ultimate Football in 2009, RotoHog is basically known as the outfit that made huge strides in destroying the brand that TSN and Smallworld built up in the last decade plus. I know for sure there are many players who had basically sworn off TSN because of this debacle and wouldn't touch anything Rotohog even if they were paid to.
3) Despite all that, I considered playing but the announced overall prizes were just too meager.