Forum: comp
Page 149
Subject: ASP Paging

  Posted by: tledge - [401150297] Thu, Jan 27, 2005, 16:15


I am looking for an easy way to add in my paging numbers on the bottom with the first 5 numbers showing as 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | >

with the > showing after the 5th page. then back if it beyond it like, < 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
10 | > I can't seem to find anywhere how to do this. Can someone help me?

Here is my query in SQL
strSql = "select " & _
"id, " & _
"username, " & _
"date_uploaded, " & _
"file_desc, " & _
"file_name, " & _
"file_location, " & _
"file_size " & _
"from Files where 1=1 order by date_uploaded desc"

1Code Cracker
      ID: 20491621
      Fri, Jan 28, 2005, 23:51
Is this ASP or ASP.NET? How are you displaying your results? Is it in a datagrid or as just HTML? Are you databinding to a control?

If you aren't databinding you could store all the results in a hidden field and decide which ones to display on the client-side when the user clicks on a number using Javascript.

I don't really understand your query. It is:
"SELECT id, username, date_uploaded, file_desc, file_name, file_location, file_size FROM Files WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY date_uploaded DESC"

Is there a field in your table named 1? If not then the WHERE clause will fail.

Any additional info you can give would help.