Forum: hoop
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Subject: RIHC 2004/05 - Regular Season Discussion

  Posted by: Guru - [330592710] Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 10:57

The league will be activated at noon today. All free agents will be on waivers for 2 days. Waiver priorities will be in reverse draft order.

Regarding trade approval and processing:

Trade review is set for Commissioner approval. After a trade is announced, managers have 24 hours to register an objection by either posting here or by sending me an email (or both). If at least 3 objections are received during that period, then all managers will be surveyed for a vote. 6 negative votes within the next 24 hours would be required to overturn a trade.

If a vote is not required, the trade will be processed as soon after the initial 24 hour period as possible. If a vote is required, the trade will be processed (if not disapproved) as soon as possible after the voting period ends. If those 24 hour windows end late at night, it is possible that a trade may not be processed until the following morning. (I will do my best to be prompt, but I'm not staying up until 1am to process a trade.)

Regarding placing players on the disabled list:

1. Any player drafted may immediately be placed in a DL slot if they are Yahoo-eligible to be put there.

2. Any DL-eligible player may immediately be placed in a DL slot if they have appeared in an NBA game since the time they were added to the roster.

3. Any other player on the DL may only be placed in a DL slot after they have been on the roster for a minimum for 10 days.

The limitation in item 3 will be manually administered. Be particularly aware of this in the next week or so. I don't want to see a scramble to pick up disabled free agents and immediately warehouse them in a DL slot. If this is detected, you will be required to either drop the player, or to put him back on your active roster for the required waiting period.

Removal of a player from a DL slot will be subject only to the standard Yahoo rules. Be aware that if you have a player in a DL slot who is no longer on the DL, you will be unable to make any add/drop transactions until that player is removed from the DL slot.

Are there any other rules, guidelines, or agreements that we should discuss prior to the start of the season?
1Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 11:05
Nothing comes to mind Guru. I had totally forgotten about that DL stuff. Have never used anything like that before (which means I'm asking for forgiveness in advance if I violate it---lol).

Enjoyed reading the rationales everyone wrote. Especially when someone reveals that they "didn't want" to take someone, but did, and that was the person I wanted......hmph. ;)
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 11:43
Best line so far in the "Draft Recap" thread by RSF:

"Surprise pick Exhibit A: Mark Blount at 5.10. That guy is too damned ugly to be picked that high.

GREAT line! lmao
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 12:11
The league has been activated. If you go to your team page for Thursday, Oct 28 or later, you will be able to set your lineup.
      ID: 01730209
      Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 12:23
For next year.....
Any Chance you Hoop Gods (Each Manager) puts your Top 12 or better yet 24.
After the Draft. No notes needed. Just to see the Diffent ranking.
As always it was fun to read the rationale.

Liked this "Oh yeah, and I knew Mike D was going to draft with his next pick, so I'll count this is a McInnis' first steal of the season... :)"

5Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 12:26
GolfFreak, I didn't like that at all!!! j/k

Typical RSF. Witty, wise, and wacky. ;)
      ID: 00458944
      Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 07:11
Wanna swap teams with us Mike D?
We are ready!
7Mike D
      ID: 42953285
      Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 07:53
I thought about it Edgar.....but I'd hate to part with guys like Haywood. And I don't know if I want guys like James. I'll look at other options though. ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 20:36
Its a sad day...Spurs waive RBB.
      ID: 34837521
      Thu, Oct 28, 2004, 21:04
That reminds me - here's-the tail end of Rotowire's blurb on Ilgauskas...

The unproven Drew Gooden will fill Boozer’s role, but not as effectively. And Silas’ other options (Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje and DaSagana Diop) are not legitimate.

Poor illegitimate Ruben :(
10Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Oct 29, 2004, 21:14
Hilarious how in the Recap thread no one can agree on which team(s) look the best. And in the team swap question, the disparity is unreal.

We're all very confused, it would seem......

11Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Oct 29, 2004, 21:23
I saw that quote about Ilgauskas too. Poor RBB getting no love around here nowadays. Although that would surely be in keeping with him being illegitimate?

Mike, i'm sure the disparity will fade soon enough. All you have to do to give us Marion for our main man 'Toine. Problem solved ;)
12Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Oct 29, 2004, 21:45
Do I have Marion in this league? Man, I have offers out for him in two other leagues. I can't keep it straight anymore! Well, if I do, that was some good thinking to get him!

Toine......Employee #8.......the dude that fires from anywhere, and says it's in his range. You lucky dog Swish!
      ID: 5891276
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 11:25
Antoine could be 1-14 and telling his coach that he's hot and wants the rock. Another very nice aspect is that he is a great rebounder but seems to park his lazy but out on the 3pointline all the time! I think he will either turn out to be the most hated or most loved player on our squad very quickly.
      ID: 083231216
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 11:56
Hey Edgar, I just saw that Yahoo is now listing LeBron as an SF as well as a PG, nice that it was done before the season started.
15Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 12:30
It really is nice and I commend them for that. Fixing B. Wallace, giving Iverson PG status, etc, all make sense.
      ID: 204401122
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 12:48
Can they take away Duncan's C ellig. That would be really nice...
      ID: 204401122
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 12:51
And Mike D, whats up with pulling the trade offer before I can hit the "Rejectomatic" button? Fun killer...

Actually would have rejected it because of injuries, not so much as GP broken thumb, but Old Man Reggie's broken hand.
18Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Oct 30, 2004, 13:02
I had to leave this morning for a soccer game and was having bad thoughts about that offer. I needed a clear head to coach my son's team to

I still have other active ones out there in this league and others. All part of the fun. And RSF, you're allowed to offer them too. (as if the reigning Chamber TM champ didn't know that)
      ID: 27914115
      Mon, Nov 01, 2004, 09:33
Blackjack's 13th round selection of Devin Harris is looking mighty fine now that he was named the starter in Dallas. Terry will still put up decent numbers, but I bet Guru wouldn't have taken him with his fourth pick if he knew Terry would be coming off the bench.

Dallas' second unit is going to be pretty darn impressive.

20Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Nov 01, 2004, 09:45
Agreed on all counts chizz. Will be interesting to see how Harris performs from a consistency and turnover standpoint. But he has the reigns. And you can't expect Terry's numbers to remain the same off the bench at this point.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Nov 01, 2004, 13:16
I certainly didn't consider the Harris news to be "good", but we'll have to see how this plays out. Had I known this in advance, however, I'd have taken Arenas instead of Terry. (Almost did anyway.)
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 09:33
Yahoo now has Jeff Foster designted as being on the IL, but I still don't have the capability to move him to a DL slot. I assume this is just an early Yahoo glitch. I noticed the same problem in another Yahoo league as well.
      ID: 083231216
      Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 09:42
Just encountered the same problem with my players, Guru. Hopefully they sort it out the DL glitch soon.
24Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 09:50
Yup, glitch across all my leagues. Under "research and analysis / status changes / injured list," the players still aren't listed. It's like they haven't fully run the program yet. Maybe the actual opening of the season will trigger it, meaning changes can be made tonight, or tomorrow.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Nov 02, 2004, 18:11
DL slots are now available.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 09:45
I'll be putting together a daily stangings update, as before. I hope to configure this to generate date splits as well, so that you can look at team results over any range of dates. It may take a few days for me to get this up and running, however. We'll see.

Meanwhile, I can't find where games played are being reported. Last year, I think there was a link for this at the bottom of each team page, and total games played (for each team in total) was also reported on the league standings page. Neither of these sources appears to be activated yet. Let me know if you find this data somewhere.
27Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 09:50
I don't see it either and have to assume the same (not activated). And that sound you heard was Lenard's achilles snapping. Ouch.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Nov 03, 2004, 15:40
RIHC Standings report has been set up, and will be updated daily.

Ability to calculate stats based on a range of dates will be set up sometime in the next week.

      ID: 204401122
      Fri, Nov 05, 2004, 01:30
Who needs a second Center when you have 4'2" Earl Boykins...2 blocks...LOL.
      ID: 34105422
      Fri, Nov 05, 2004, 03:01
Ok I have had enough. How can you win this thing without KG? He produces stats for three top starting players a night. Ridiculous. Next year I suggest we leave him undrafted.
31Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Nov 09, 2004, 12:01
coldwater looking pretty smart for that "early" Hinrich pick so far......looks like suspensions and injuries "might" be past me at the moment. We'll see.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Nov 10, 2004, 00:14
The first sign of Artest being the basehead that he is...sigh...

      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Nov 10, 2004, 11:17
RIHC Standings now provides two new capabilities:

1. You can now calculate split standings by date. These will be based on total stats accumulated over the date range specified.

2. You can now calculate rankings and standings based upon per game averages. This can be applied to the current YTD standings, or over a data range as well.

To generate these reports, click on the link that says "split standings by date", enter the dates (if necessary), click on the button to use averages (if that's what you want), and... voila!

I did some spot checking of data, and the results appeared to be correct, but please look over the initial results critically and report any apparent anomalies.

BTW, you can also get to the RIHC page by clicking on the league icon in the left panel of the RotoGuru home (blurb) page.
34Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Nov 10, 2004, 11:18
I have yet to figure out a way to make my team look better. But I'll keep looking. ;)

Thanks Guru!
35Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Nov 10, 2004, 11:21
Hey, the per game averages knocked me ahead one spot! Woo-hoo! Seriously though, that's a way cool feature.
      ID: 083231216
      Wed, Nov 10, 2004, 11:54
woah, me like the per game average feature. Probably the only way I'll ever get to second place, but it sure is fun to look at:)
37Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Fri, Nov 12, 2004, 00:38
man, looks like someone's been going around taking shots at my player's ankles. First Kwame, Nowitzki, then Finley, and now Wade. Who let Tanya Harding out of prison anyways?
38Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Nov 12, 2004, 00:46
LMAO! I hate injuries.
      ID: 204401122
      Fri, Nov 12, 2004, 01:01
I think they all just want a little time off to hit the recording studio with "Lil' Saint Ronnie" AKA Ron Artest.
      ID: 59923214
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 10:46
I can say I was in first place for at least a day
41Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 10:54
Was your camera working? To get that snapshot? ;)
42Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 16:42
Since we've stuttered a little bit chat wise, i'll volunteer a few random thoughts.

The EuroGollum team has already had it's fair share of ups and downs. On one side, there's the tremendous play of Lebron and Hill, as well as a surprisingly reasonable FG% and lack of 3s from Mr Walker. At the other extreme, there's the dreadful start for Donyell and downright shocking shooting we've had to absorb from Troy, although he does seem to be turning it around. Throw in Ben Gordon's very slow (but expected) start, and for the moment, we're really just happy not to be cast adrift. Hopefully there's quite a bit more left in the locker yet. We can't continue to place our entire burden on the Precious 'bron 'bron.

Of all teams, i thought Slackjawed's team was going to dominate, on the evidence of the first few games. Then he fell into some bad luck with Finley and Wade both succumbing to bad ankles. However, you're always looking for potential 1st or 2nd round pace players in the mid rounds, and with Wade, SY struck gold. Period.

I also wish to express my utmost shock at only having received one trade offer from Mike D. This is unacceptable, please send Marion for Josh Howard offer ASAP, Mike. I believe it's tagged on to the end of Edgar's draft cheat sheet you were working from ;)

Key FA pickups so far, well, there's been some corkers. Croshere working out well for us, but missing out on Simmons, Hart, Williams, Korver (d'oh!), Armstrong (d'oh again!) and Zo stings a bit.

And as for the studs - Startlingly, KG is even more phenomenal this year, and i've been mighty impressed by Dirk in what i have seen of him too. He looks like he could cement himslef as the #2 hoops option if he keeps his play at it's current level. And obviously Lebron is playing way above his #9 pick at the moment.

Now, i'm just waiting for center drought to kick in, and for someone to pull DJ Mbenga and RBB off the FA list.

What about the rest of you? What rude awakenings and pleasant surprises have sneaked up on you during the first few weeks?
44Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 17:08
One trade from Mike D, I haven't recieved any :(

I'm satisfied at this point, my team is chugging along. Kobe has been Kobe, although his FG% needs improvement and I really envisioned some loftier stats from him. Lewis and AI have been better than I envisioned, particularly assists from Iverson ( 8.1/ game )

What a pleasant surprises Iguodala, Howard and Atkins have been and the FA pick up of Mourning.

Biggest dissapointment so far has been, of course, Dalembert. Hopefully now that he's back he can win a starting spot. Funny, last year I picked Chandler in the same slot, I hope this years results arent the same.

Oh yes, and the ill-timed trip to the DL by Mike James. I can only hope when he comes back he can displace Williams.
45Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 17:14
Dave R, that's cuz your team sucks. Oops, you're in first place. Cancel that. And Swish and Edgar insist they are better than they stats belie. In due time. In due time. LeBron will be mine.

Alas, I am making the rounds. I figure I've now approached about half the league. I'm pacing myself, obviously, for the long haul. I'm not getting any younger.

      ID: 034837521
      Mon, Nov 15, 2004, 17:22
Fairly happy with my team so far, but definitely looking forward to getting my first two picks (T-Mac, Big Ben) back after a couple of games off. Tinsley's been a nice surprise (with the exception of FG%, which can't really be a surprise I guess). I've also been happier than expected with R. Jefferson - though the Nets must be painful to watch. Es la verdad, eh Dave?

I've been a step slow on a few waivers as well.
      ID: 59923214
      Tue, Nov 16, 2004, 10:35
Happy with the overall depth of the team. Have only waived 1 of the charter members (Jackson for Hart). Peja off slow but expect better days from him. Webber I would guess is due for an injury. I think he has gone almost two weeks without twisting an ankle.

Sweetney has shown some signs of being a steal and Hedo has been better than expected. I am rotating all my guys but I still seem to be behind pace for games played according to Yahoo.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Nov 16, 2004, 12:35
I'm beginning to think I should rename my team "Underachievers". The only players who have been doing better than their draft sequence would suggest are the late rounders - Desmond Mason, Haslem, and Ward. Ward my be benefitting from the absence of TMac, so that may be short lived.

Yao has not been worthy of a top 24 pick. Hopefully, he'll still get it in gear. I don't know to what extent McGrady's absence is impacting his numbers.

I'm satisfied with Marbury and Boozer so far. They haven't overachieved, but they are in line with my expectations.

Terry was a 4th round mistake, I suspect. I could have had Arenas or Billups with that pick, and strongly considered both. Maybe he'll turn it around. He hasn't been awful, but he's been producing like a good 6th round pick, not a 4th rounder.

Harrington is a big disappointment. So is Kenny Thomas. I'm still hopeful that each will recover. There is ample history with each to suggest that they can do better.

Mobley has done as expected, except that he's missed 3 games already due to injury.

Brent Barry and Radmanovic have been OK. I had hoped that Barry might do better than an 8th round pick would suggest.

And what's up with Claxton? Very disappointing so far.

I could really use an overachiever. So far, no one has stepped up.
      ID: 204401122
      Tue, Nov 16, 2004, 16:07
I've got the early title for "using up his games too fast".

With Finley down for the count, Stackhouse has given me quite a few good games so far.

My Snow pick has backfired, for the reasons I stated in the "Overall Recap" thread. He seems to be coming around a bit though, so there is still hope.

PJ hasn't produced for flip.

Other than PJ and Snow, I can't say I'm overly disappointed.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Nov 17, 2004, 09:21
Injuries are also creating some issues for me. Foster, of course, has been in one of my IL slots since day one. Nene has played only once this year. And now Terry has a sprained ankle.

This is starting to feel uncomforatbly similar to my baseball experience, where I fell so far back in the first month that I was never able to get back to the middle of the pack. That's one reason why I tried to put extra value (in the draft) on players with a history of good health. Maybe all I managed to do was find the players who were overdue!
51Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Nov 18, 2004, 15:24
Swish/Edgar---you guys take a European Vacation with one C. Chase? Your silence on the trade front is intriguing.

Speaking of trades, I've been chipping away at the dam for awhile now. I have a feeling that once one goes down, the water will rush threw. Maybe that's just gas......not sure.
      ID: 083231216
      Thu, Nov 18, 2004, 16:27
As David Cassidy would sing, my team has been 'up, down, all round, like a Rollercoaster'. One day I'm on the leaderboard, and the next I'm just a couple of missed free throws from last place.

I'm having a difficult time considering trade options since I'm still not exactly sure what my team's strengths and weaknesses are. Or if there are any strenghts at all!:)

Eddie Jones had a good night recently but has otherwise been miserable, Baron Davis is hurt and goes to IL just as Arroyo comes off of it. Fortunately I managed to pick up Armstrong who will be replacing Davis and is capable of providing substantial fantasy numbers when given the opportunity. As well, Simmons was a great free agent acquisition. I'm sure gonna miss Baron terribly but I guess a few missed games is to be expected when you draft a guy like him. Kirilenko has been OK, and Kenyon is finally showing some fire, but I've gotten next to nothing out of my mid round picks (Eddie Jones, Arroyo, Foyle(9th round, i think), tony Parker, Magloire). Once my teams's schedule heats up, and my Games Played increase, I hope some of my guys start showing a little more consistency and help the Rand Dragons slowly climb to the top of this ride once again.
Anyway, ttyl, RIHC dudes.
      ID: 204401122
      Sat, Nov 20, 2004, 15:01
Wow...I'm screwed, all thanks to Ben Wallace.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Nov 20, 2004, 15:05
Wow, you have both Jackson and Artest. You are screwed.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Nov 20, 2004, 15:08
It also occurs to me that we have no way to "shelve" a player who is suspended for an extended period. They wouldn't be on the NBA injured list, so they couldn't be placed in an Injured slot.

In a league like this with only three bench slots, having two of those slots tied up with suspended players is really nasty.
56Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Nov 20, 2004, 15:17
I can't think of any leagues that have extra shelving. I remember having a bench full of IL players in a league a couple years ago. I have Jermo, hoping he gets off easier.
57Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Nov 20, 2004, 15:20
And now I see Jermo is on the suspended indefinitely. I'm a bit surprised to see that. Oh well.
      ID: 111053217
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 09:48
Mike we saw your offer but it was not one we liked! We are very happy with our Bron Bron leading us to the precious ring. But we will make an offer to you in the near future quite possibly.
59Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 10:04
That's fine bro. I got sick of waiting. No offense, but if someone doesn't like an offer, communication and/or a response is nice. Maybe I just need my coffee. ;)
60Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 10:12
Mike, in my defence, i was wrapped up all of Thursday and Friday with my bro's graduation and the ensuing festivities. Edgar and i try to catch up most days, but sometimes it just ain't possible. Otherwise, we definitely would have sent you a sugar coated "No Thanks" :)
61Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 10:58
I figured there was a plane ride to a secret meeting place in Europe somewhere, on a roof top, high above a big city. And then after an elaborate break down of each of our teams, a detailed response was formulated.

Man, do I feel slighted!!!!!
      ID: 111053217
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 12:02
Mike we feel that our man Bron is de our main hobbit that will lead us to the RIHC Ring. So we cannot part with him. Other members of the fellowship can be shipped and replaced however.
63Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 14:13
I'd understand that rationale if I hadn't included the Matrix. But that's cool bro.
      ID: 204401122
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 20:28
Boy, theres nothing like watching David Stern throttle your chances of top 3 finish in the RIHC...

'F' Ben Wallace
65Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 21, 2004, 20:46
As in forward?

Jermo should be raring to go when he returns.....trying to find a positive there.
66Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Nov 26, 2004, 11:51
Nice to see Marko J(Y)aric put some big games together. He's coming along nicely, while guys like Jermo collect dust.
67Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 09:02
Sorry guys, meant to drop Howard, not Haywood. I'll certainly switch it if no one scoops him via waiver. Sorry for the error. And if anyone takes a "that's the breaks approach," that's fine too. Should slow down my trigger finger.

Besides needing to wake up this morning, I also need to stop talking to myself here. ;)
68Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 09:33
Dave We had our eye on Sura for about 3 weeks now, that's a real nice pickup. We really wanted him, but the way its worked out, there's just no way we could have jammed him onto our roster. IL slots are great, but when those players get healthy and you don't have any vacatable roster spots, it can be really restrictive too.

      ID: 204401122
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 11:33
Hey, thats the breaks man...already have my waiver claim in (dropping Vince for him), but seeing as you are a good guy, I'll cancel it. ;)
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 13:56
I dropped Howard and added back Haywood.
      ID: 171062814
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 15:11
Damn we really could have used this Haywood guy!
Lets see what Van Gundy does to Sura's stats after ruining TMac's. And losing too many games along the way as well. Good thing for fantasy managers: he will be fired if they do not turn it around.
72Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 16:10
I still can't believe I went that fast and missed the 37 warnings in the transaction. Thanks Guru for fixing my ineptness. RSF and Edgar, thanks for your kindness. ;)
      ID: 083231216
      Sun, Nov 28, 2004, 22:23
Three of my top four draft picks are all on injury list for an extended period. Like this league isn't tough enough! What are the chances somebody will take pity and offer me a lop-sided trade that is dramatically in my favour?
      ID: 083231216
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 10:36
LMAO, Mike D. Just got your offer (and the quick cancellation of said offer) in my email and it cracked me up. I did have a lovely adrenaline rush when I saw the intial offer, so thanks for that! LOL, great gag, man.
75Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 10:44
LOL! Mission accomplished! ;)
76Swish and Edgar
      ID: 171062814
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 14:25
Ok we want to retire right now. We hope you all understand! We gratefully accept your congratulations. And look forward to watching from the top of the tree from the sideline. All the best!

Mike D you can get our Bron for Ruben BB now.

Your Eurogollum buddies,

Swish and Edgar
77Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 14:54
And I once again want to thank Guru for putting in the standings per game played feature. At times like these, it's all I have. ;)
      ID: 57352917
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 16:08
I don't know Rand, the odds of that happening are bleak... however if you ever feel like changing your mind and playing opposites, I'm sure Mike D would be happy to propose a trade to you that's lopsided the other way around! ;-)
      ID: 57352917
      Mon, Nov 29, 2004, 16:09
Oh wait, he already did... nm.
      ID: 34837521
      Thu, Dec 02, 2004, 22:30
Finally getting a first-round worthy game out of T-Mac. Been a long time coming. Maybe if he picks it up and Big Ben doesn't pick any more fights I can get things turned around.

Lots of mediocrity on my team though.
81Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Thu, Dec 02, 2004, 22:49
I gotta chime in and say I like what I'm seeing out of my first round pick tonight as well. looks like Dirk has all 10 OT points so far.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Dec 03, 2004, 14:32
My teams is obviously in shambles. Yao has disappointed, and several others have significantly underperfrormed my expectations, especially Kenny Thomas, who only remains on my roster because he has some history to suggest that he can't be this bad.

I'm probably going to have to make some trade offers sooner than later, with an intent to shore up some categories at the expense of tanking others. There's got to be a way to improve from the status quo. Without a ton of thought, the cats I'd probably start to abandon are blocks and points. Obviously, the evidence suggests that I started on that quest long ago!

It's been tough to focus on this team, given a lot of other conflicting needs (including football) and my sense of dismay every time I check on it, but some of you will probably be hearing from me in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, if any of you are looking to do something that might fit with my sorry needs, feel free to shoot in your offers. No one is untouchable. But if you want one of my top guys (e.g., Marbury, Boozer), I'm going to be aggressive. I've already turned down several offers for each of them.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Dec 04, 2004, 10:28
I've currently received trade offers and inquiries from several of you. Thanks. I may not have much chance to weigh them today - going to the UConn-Indiana game this afternoon, and also have some football decisions to make for the weekend. But I will evaluate them all seriously.
84Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Dec 04, 2004, 12:14
UConn-Indiana? Wow, have a blast dude.
      ID: 422281412
      Sat, Dec 04, 2004, 23:53
An amusing correlation right now between steals and overall rating... sorting on steals category, the overall ranks go as follows:


No other stat currently has such a strong correlation to overall success... of course, I'm not reading anything into this, I think it's just a statistical anomaly, but it just caught my eye as interesting/amusing. I'm curious what stat was most closely correlated to overall rank at the end of last year (probably something completely different)... do you have that data handy, Guru?
86Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Sun, Dec 05, 2004, 02:10
Looking at stattracker after tonight's games, I'm a serious outlier to your steals category correlation, Doug. I guess that's a result of the 1 point separating 3rd and 6th.
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Dec 05, 2004, 15:15
Last year's final standings
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Dec 05, 2004, 15:27
I must have motivated my team with my trade threats. In one night, the team gained 9.5 ranking points, and moved up 3 places!
89coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Tue, Dec 07, 2004, 15:49
Good jump.
The only bright spot for my team is that I am climbing up the league table based on averages...hoping for Posey to start producing.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Dec 08, 2004, 22:48
Not to be a stickler for rules, but coldwater coyotes, you can't move Brian Cardinal immediately to IL as per post 9 (if it was enacted...I thought it was, as this prevented me from stashing another player earlier.)
      ID: 422281412
      Wed, Dec 08, 2004, 23:08
Ditto RSF, that is my understanding as well.

Does anyone know how long it takes Yahoo! to catch up to real life? Basically, I am at the mercy of Yahoo! until they put Cato on IL... because I am not allowed to make any add/drops while an active player (Kidd) is in my IL slot. However, I should be able to put Cato there, and then proceed with add/drops. As it stands currently, I would have to drop 2 players in order to add a player, and that doesn't seem right.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Dec 09, 2004, 08:45
Yes, CC, you are not allowed to immediately stash Cardinal. You need to move him back to your active roster for 10 days, or else drop him. I'll give you a day to make your own adjustment(s), otherwise I'll boot Cardinal using my Commissioner powers.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Dec 09, 2004, 09:52
RSF - if Vince Carter's injury turns out to be as bad as feared (season ending achilles tear), that's really the icing on your Artest/Jackson cake.
94coldwater coyotes
      ID: 535441512
      Thu, Dec 09, 2004, 13:53
Oops sorry about the Cardinal sin.....forgot about this rule.
      ID: 57352917
      Thu, Dec 09, 2004, 14:15
lol @ cc... "Thankyouverymuch!!!! He'll be here all week folks!"
      ID: 57352917
      Thu, Dec 09, 2004, 18:50
Apparently they're pretty on top of it... Cato was listed on IL today... phew!
      ID: 34837521
      Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 18:27
Do we have a rule (written or otherwise), or does anyone have a problem with me being fickle on my free agent pickups? I think a couple different times this season I've picked somebody up only to drop them later the same day to pick somebody else up for whatever reason. I guess the problem could be that I've "locked up" my initial pick up for a couple days, denying anyone else a shot at said disregarded talent.

I'll try to stick with my first pick in the future, but just wanted to see if there were any thoughts on this.

      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 21:03
We have no rule, but I've thought about it on occasion. One possible approacj is that if a player is picked up and then immediately dropped, the Commish should immediately take him off waivers and put him back as a free agent. Of course, this would require that the commish be alert.
      ID: 34837521
      Sun, Dec 12, 2004, 21:42
Right - Seems like I've played another league where, if you pick a player up, you have to keep him on your roster for at least X days. I don't think it was a Yahoo league though, and as far as I know, Yahoo doesn't give you that option.
100Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Dec 13, 2004, 16:06
The 1st trade of RIHC 2004/2005 is now complete. EuroGollum send Warriors PF Troy Murphy to Coldwater Coyotes in exchange for Heat PG Damon Jones. Some background and thoughts on this trade:

Everyone knows that the hardest thing to do when you reach the summit of a league as highly charged as this, is to stay there. So with that in mind, we were very keen to exploit our early rebound advantage and translate that into potential points in some other categories. This trade targets our mediocre 3s and should also help in the assists category. These categories always seem difficult to catch up in if you fall behind early. We had 3 or 4 guys targeted that could help us here. One of them was already knocked back, and we planned on having a look at Joe Johnson and Jamal Crawford had our bid for Damon failed.

So, now we have Damon Jones. Besides anything else, he is currently the league leader in 3s, nailing 2.9 triples per game. Just before we offered this trade, Damon graduated to the starting lineup at the expense of the inept Heat SF duo of Butler and Anderson. It's had a direct effect on his numbers. With 4 games as a starter under is belt, Damon has hit an astounding 18 trifectas at a 57% clip. That makes even Kyle Korver whince a little. His scoring is up over 6ppg on his season average of 11, and he's doing it on 60% shooting. It would be foolish to expect this kind of production for the duration of the season, but what a difference it makes playing in the same lineup as the Diesel and not with the 2nd unit i.e. Mike Doleac. Shaq will enable Damon to have plentiful opportunities at racking up 3s. And being a PG, it's likely we'll get 4-5 apg out of this deal too, though most of the offense still flows through Wade.

Troy was tough to let go, but you get what you give in this league. His shooting is coming around after an awful start, and it always makes you wonder a little when you are giving up a category leader in a trade. We have no doubt that we'll look at the box scores throughout the year and see those 13,14,15 rebound nights more often than not. That's not an easy player to give up, but CC looked as though he could do with a reliable F behind Zach and KG, so we think this deal fits pretty well. We hope that the addition of Eddie Griffin and the return and increased role of Donyell can go a long way to replacing those lost boards.

So, the first trade is done. Let the floodgates open ;)
101coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Mon, Dec 13, 2004, 16:51
My biggest concern with the trade was Murphy's propensity for injuries. As to losing 3pts I have faith that Posey will start producing and become a respectable third producer with Crawford and Henrich.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Dec 16, 2004, 12:19
I am interested in trading for assists or blocks. I am OK in the remaining 6 categories. Perhaps a lessoned learned for me for the next draft (should I qualify).
      ID: 59923214
      Fri, Dec 17, 2004, 10:18
If anyone is wondering why the past couple games Kobe is hitting his shots and Dirk is struggling its because I traded away Kobe for Dirk in another league....
105Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 06:53
AP10, are you around? Noticed that you haven't made any changes to your team for a while. And we have some thoughts on a trade for you also.
106Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 13:26
Didn't expect Jim Jackson to get traded, and then not to report.....didn't expect Jermo to get suspended. But then again, I didn't expect the suspension to get reduced. Didn't expect Jaric's foot sprain to be a stress fracture. And are they ever gonna place him on the IL???

This season is unfolding just the way I planned. (lol)
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 14:09
Hey Mike D - It wasn't all that long ago (about a month) that I offered you Marbury for Jaric and Korver? Just think - you turned it down!

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 14:16
My team has come back from the dead after an abysmal start. Getting into the upper division will still be a challenge, however.

Jason Terry is finally showing signs of productivity, and even Kenny Thomas shows up occasionally (but still puts up stinkers too often).

Yao's blocks are still going to waste on my roster, and I ought to do something about that. It looks like I could use modest help in many other categories, so perhaps this shouldn't be such a difficult chore.
109Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 14:19
Doh!!! Say it ain't so!!!

Ironically the main reason I did was my concern over a lack of available free agents to add to my team. Not just at that time, but in the future. I gave too much credit to the depth of the league, when in reality, there are always viable free agents that emerge. And I violated my own strengths and normal way of managing by rejecting it. I did, however, say at the time: "I'm pretty sure I will regret this........" Yup. I was right about one thing, at least! ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Jan 06, 2005, 16:33
I think my thugs are starting to round back into shape. VC has a nice new home to hog the shots at (and seems to be asked to do so), Dunwoody might be coming out of his funk, StephJack should be back soon, some other guys too. Hope to make a push (seem to already have started) to atleast close in on the middle group and make it near the top.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 10:08
Trade completed: I give up Yao, get Antoine Walker.

An odd trade on the surface, as Yao was my top pick, while Walker wasn't drafted until the 5th round. Sadly, Yao has fallen short of my expectations, performing more like a 3rd-4th rounder. In addition, as noted above, his blocks are doing me no good at all, as I'm hopelessly out of that category. Meanwhile, 'Toine has also been producing at a level commensurate with 3rd-4th round caliber.

Vs. Yao, Antoine keeps me even in scoring and rebounds, while gaining in assists, 3s, and steals. He loses in blocks - which don't matter - and the two shooting percentages. I think I may be strong enough in FG% to withstand his bricks there. In FT%, he'll definitely cost me a few ranking spots, although my team has been trending downward in that category anyway. So, my gamble is that he'll help me more in the other cats than he hurts me in the percentages.

I think this trade makes sense from the other side as well. The Euros can benefit from Yao's blocks and shooting %s, and can withstand giveups in some of the other categories.

It's one of those trades that I hated to do emotionally, but that makes sense mathematically.
112Motley Crue
      ID: 439372011
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 10:32
Boy, NBA players have some funny nicknames.

Yao, StephJack, and Jermo. Sounds like the 3 Stooges, 21st century style.
113Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 10:34
Oh, wise guy, eh???? ;)

I had multiple "YOW!" offers on my screen and had to leave the house due to a soccer tourney (my son), so I closed out. By the time I got home, YOW! was packing his bags and headed back to Europe!
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 10:55
I actually waited more than 24 hours after the offer was made to accept it - first to run some numbers, and then to ponder (and wait to see if any other offers might be forthcoming).

He who hesitates...
115Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 10:59 that YOW is getting closer to his homeland, I'm sure he'll never want to come back to the East coast.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 11:00
Curiously, as I was scouting around last week, looking for a potential trade opportunity for Yao, I had identified the Euros as a good fit, and Walker as probably the best 1-for-1 candidate. However, at the time, I discounted him on the belief that he'd torch my percentages too much. It wasn't until after the offer was made that I actually ran some numbers and determined that it could work out rather well.

Of course, it could also bomb. But, nothing ventured...
117Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Jan 10, 2005, 11:21
EuroGollum's second trade of the year sends Hawks F Antoine Walker to Guru, and welcomes Rockets C Yao Ming to the Fellowship.

The thing that triggered this trade was Guru mentioning that Yao was not particularly well suited to his roster shape. He's loaded for Cs, and by his own admission, might look to tank blocks in return for significant upgrades in other categories. Certainly, he's gotten that in 3s, steals and assists, with probably some negligible gains in points and boards also. He's also in a good position to absorb the mediocre FG% Toine "provides", which quite frankly, is not as bad as we thought it might be at 43% thus far. We hope that if/when Guru rises in the standings, he might be able to pinch a few points here and there from the teams that are close to us at the moment.

For us, this trade helps shore up the 3 cats that we see as our main weaknesses: blocks, FG%, and FT%. It's almost like a double positive for us in the % cats, purely because Toine is such a stinking shooter (most of the time), whilst Yao is like clockwork from the field and the line. We also consider that Yao has had a pretty average start to the year, and as TMac is heating up now, it should help him find a groove all the more. Getting a 3rd C was a major factor in proposing this deal also.

The big question is whether we can sustain the hefty hit in 3s, and to a lesser degree, steals. Much like Guru, we hope that the gains will outweigh the losses.
118coldwater coyotes
      ID: 535441512
      Thu, Jan 13, 2005, 13:59
Two of my major decisions during the draft were Wade versus
Hinrich and Stoudemire versus Randolph. So who did I pick
Hinrich and Randolph!! Still.. the season is still long.
119Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Jan 13, 2005, 14:19
Dude, I thought Wade went high. Oh well. ;)
      ID: 083231216
      Thu, Jan 13, 2005, 16:07
I'm checking the days off on my calender til Kirilenko returns. I've heard word that Saturday is that day. With Baron Davis back in action (and 3Ding no less), and if Kirilenko returns to form, I might be able to claw my way out of the bottom of this league. I don't know if it's possible to catch up and grab the sixth spot before the season ends? Or are things basically already over for the Rand Dragons? Still, I plan to fight tooth and nail to escape the humilation of last place. Ok, it's really all I got to motivate me at this point:)
121Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Jan 13, 2005, 16:10
You could always shoot for the mythical TM title (Trades Made), though the Euros have sprinted out to a lead there too. ;)
      ID: 00458944
      Thu, Jan 13, 2005, 16:38
We are planning a nice holiday after this season to Philly, Mike D!
We have not however seen any offers from you recently.......
I think we basically send two well thought trade proposals and both got accepted.
123coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Fri, Jan 14, 2005, 13:54
Wade went 5.03 in the draft!!
124Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Jan 14, 2005, 14:31
Passed up many times by everybody. Sigh.
125coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Fri, Jan 14, 2005, 15:21
I am trying to have a positive attitude today...Hinrich has had a sensational January and Wade will be plagued by injuries during the rest of the season. By the end of the season Hinrich will be seen to have been the better choice.
126Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sat, Jan 15, 2005, 19:05
I don't think i can stand the pain if Toine turns into a triple double machine that can actually shoot, only 2 days after trading him.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Jan 18, 2005, 16:28
Doug - you added Ron Mercer on January 14th. According to our league rules, you cannot put him in an IL slot until January 24th. You must either drop him or move him to an active slot until then.

(Special rules for injured player movement are in the opening post of this thread.)
128Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Jan 18, 2005, 16:41
Jaric plans a 1/26 return. Cool. I can use the games at this point. Unless someone else wants him. ;)
129Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Jan 20, 2005, 19:34
Ron Mercer is still on Doug's IL. He's also made 2 FA transactions whilst he's been sitting there, so what's the deal with those? Sorry to bring this up again Doug, but rules are rules.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Jan 20, 2005, 23:22
I emailed him as well, although I don't know if the address I used is one he checks often.

I guess I should just release Mercer from his roster. If nothing else, that may get his attention.
      ID: 57352917
      Fri, Jan 21, 2005, 21:03
Hey, just noticed this... sry, I've been quite busy... not sure what happened there, I'll take a look at it shortly (still at work)...
      ID: 57352917
      Fri, Jan 21, 2005, 21:19
Ugh, I think I got Mercer confused with Bender, who I picked up in late December (and have since dropped, lol). Sorry about that guys, honest mistake. FYI, I'm going to have limited access the next couple weeks as I'll be on vacation in Costa Rica, not sure what the internet service is like down there... but then again, I don't really care! =-p
133Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Sat, Jan 22, 2005, 09:11
Woo-hoo. Jaric coming back in a few days, Jackson set to play Sunday for Phoenix....I may have a full squad! Here's hoping that's a good thing.

Doug, got your offer, considering it. My roster is in a bit of turmoil though, hard to get a read at the moment. Maybe we could expand the deal. That's always fun. ;)
134Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Sat, Jan 22, 2005, 09:11
Oh yeah, no more of that "double-secret injured list" abuse stuff, either. We've got our spies watchin' you from all over the globe. ;)
135Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Jan 23, 2005, 10:31
Dave, Your FG% jumped .06% in one night - wow! We're really sweating if your boy Dalembert starts producing nights like last night on a regular basis.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Jan 26, 2005, 12:10
I'm in a little dogfight with Guru for the 8/9 slots (and hopefully moving upward). We seem to be flip flopping positions, while still improving upward.

I'm getting hit with nagging injuries right now. McInnis, Wells, Rip Hamilton...atleast I get one of the Thug Brothers back tonight.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Jan 28, 2005, 11:38
AP10's team hasn't been touched for 2 full weeks now. Hope everything is OK. I sent him an email a couple of days ago, but have not gotten a response.

His team scoring profile is interesting. I wouldn't expect a team with Shaq to rank so low in FG%, rebounds, and blocks.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Jan 29, 2005, 13:22
FWIW, AP10 did make a roster move yesterday.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Feb 05, 2005, 10:20
But it's been a week since he (AP10) touched it again, and Maggette is still filling an active slot. He's fallen quite behind pace for games played.

I sent him another email, this time to a different address. I haven't gotten any response to my last email, although he did tweak his team once after I sent it, which may or may not have been coincidental.
140Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Feb 05, 2005, 12:14
Wassup wit Yahoo still not being updated? Kinda unusual.
141Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 05:14
Anyone know why all FAs are on waivers until 11th Feb? Seems a little odd, and i don't see any kind of commish thing from Guru that would have done it. Weird. Another Yahoo glitch, i guess.

This league is really interesting this year. There's several tiers of battles going on, but it's quite conceivable that someone could jump out from the middle of the pack and win this thing still.

**Putting on 20-20 hindsight goggles** I wish, i wish, i wish we had selected Gil Arenas instead of Marshall. **Removing 20-20 hindsight goggles**

      ID: 221118186
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 08:05
Swish City - same yahoo-problem in RIHC AA with the difference that our players are on waivers until Feb 10th.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 09:19
I'm in 3 Yahoo leagues, and all have the same issue.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 14:23
The mass waiver issue seems to be cleared up.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 18:21

This morning, Swich & Edgar attempted to pick up Josh Smith. Unfortunately, Yahoo had improperly put all free agents on waivers, so they were only able to put a waiver claim on him.

They emailed me after putting in the waiver claim to see if I could release him into free agency. I tried, but was unable to because the system said he was locked by a pending claim.

So, by that time, all other players had already been released by Yahoo, but Josh Smith was still trapped. So I told Swish to delete their pending claim, after which I would release him into free agency.

They did, and sent me an email. I then released him into free agency, and sent them a reply email.

Evidently, before they were able to react, Mike D swooped in and added Josh Smith. It seems likely that he was alerted to Smith's availability because I had just released him, which generated a notice on the league home page.

Swish has complained that he should have first rights to Smith, since he had tried to claim him this morning, and clearly he did put in a claim. I think he has a valid point. Consequently, I am inclined to void Mike D's pickup and award Smith to Swish & Edgar. But before taking that action, I'd like to solicit feedback.

Do Swish and Edgar have a valid first claim on Smith?
      ID: 1215323
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 18:34
IMO - he definitely goes to S&E (sorry Mike D.). Actually, I'd be surprised to learn that Mike D. would disagree - has he?
147Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 18:37
I can comment on this point Guru:

"It seems likely that he was alerted to Smith's availability because I had just released him, which generated a notice on the league home page."

This was not the case for sure. I was actually reading injury news at various injury sites while sitting in my ghostly office at 5:00pm working until 5:30. I saw that Smith was coming back and recalled that he had been dropped in one of my leagues. I thought it might be this league, and I actually went to the League Overview. If you take a look at it right now, there was a J. Smith waived a couple days ago-----the J. Smith from New Orleans. Guru, with what you did, it doesn't even list J. Smith's team-----I had no idea which J. Smith you were manipulating. I actually assumed it might be the one from New Orleans, because when I went into "My Team," and to my "Watch List," J. Smith from Atlanta was still there and unowned. So, I made the move.

I obviously had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. For all I know, 8 people could have wanted Smith. Or none. I know the Yahoo problem effected all Yahoo leagues today. I don't know if Swish and Edgar sending you an e-mail should matter or not. On one hand, if they would have scooped him up, I wouldn't have been able to. On the other hand, will this come up for other players in this league or in other leagues? And, will there be other GMs who also had interest?

I'm fine with it either way.
148Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 18:37
blackjack, I hadn't been notified until now.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 19:03
I'm not suggesting that Mike D did anything wrong, or unethical. In this case, he just happened to check in at the Yahoo site at precisely the opportune time.

The only screwup was Yahoo's for improperly putting all players on waivers. That led to a chain reaction of events, as outlined above.
      ID: 204401122
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 19:17
I think that the tie goes to the Euroballers, due to the existing waiver claim. Without the Yahoo screwups, they would have been able to claim him well before Mike D. Were there others that wanted him? Dunno, but only EuroGollum went to the effort to put a waiver on him.
151Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 19:33
Early bird catches the worm or
First come, first served or
When in doubt, give it to SANFORDORS ;)

Based on the facts, I think the Euros should get him.
      ID: 1215323
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 20:32
Mike D - hope I didn't sound accusatory (is that a word?) - certainly didn't mean to. I figured that was the case.
153Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 22:29
Yeah I'm pissed. I've been unfairly accused of hacking the Yahoo player grid thingy. Or something like that. I think I should be granted a trade to be named later. If that's too much, well, you'll have to speak to my dog King.

Look, I can't control time zones.....the Euros are clearly confused by their precious......I mean, who puts a waiver claim in when EVERYONE in the data base is on waivers? Isn't that like a double negative? Which becomes a positive for adding him to my team??? You do the math.....

154Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 22:30
And if anyone sees Rockfish, someone is looking for him in the Baseball forum........
      ID: 1215323
      Tue, Feb 08, 2005, 22:39
lol - at both posts. well done.
      ID: 00458944
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 04:46
Mike D, I tried to pick up Josh for our squad tuesday morning early (my time zone ;-)
The I noted him being on waivers, I thought 'oh well I thought he already cleared waivers but if he did not I just put in a waiver claim'. The Swish pointed out to me everybody was on waivers and that Josh was available earlier but now on waivers. So clearly Yahoo screwed up. I am not pissed (and I am sure Swish is not either) or thinking you behaviour was unethical at all. You did what was right for your team. Yahoo should get their things straight and if they screw up in the upper fantasy geek league you know you are in big trouble.......

I think (so unpartial, hehe) that we were first with Josh because of the mail Swish sent. We definately could use him to keep your team behind ours.

And these time zones well......It is bad enough that in this league every nice free agent is picked up when we are asleep already ;-)
157Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 05:23
"who puts a waiver claim in when EVERYONE in the data base is on waivers?"

We do, when we try to claim an FA and can't, because Yahoo screwed up. For the record, we never would have cancelled the waiver claim if we thought there was a chance someone would take Smith. We would've just taken our chances. It's the whole reason why i posted #141. Besides, i've never seen this happen before, so was i to know all these complications would arise with the freeing of a player in these circumstances? Had this waiver issue never occurred, we would have picked him up yesterday morning, he'd be on our roster, and there wouldn't be an issue.

I'd also like to stress the point that at no point in my communications with Guru, or on this thread, have myself or Edgar accused you of anything, Mike. I just want to get this sorted out. If we're not gonna get Smith, then fine, let's draw a line under it and move on. But i do feel very strongly that we have a valid claim for him, and most league members that have posted thus far at least seem open to that possibility.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 08:58
I made the executive decision to honor the EuroGollum's claim on Smith.

So, the following actions were just processed:
Mike D: Drop Smith, add Ja. Collins
Swish & Edgar: Drop Foyle, add Smith

This reverses Mike D's pickup, and completes the transaction that the Euro's initially tried to do.

Case closed. Thanks to everyone for you feedback. I thought this was the right decision at first, but it never hurts to get feedback, just in case there were factors I had failed to consider.
159Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 09:01
I certainly think the opportunity to discuss it was the right approach as well, and one I appreciate. Swish, I was kidding about the part you have in need to upgrade your Video Humor Card on your computer. ;)
160Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 09:49
Mike, i think it's just my time of the month or something. Now i think about it, i've had a helluva day with the system at work that i support, which happens to be called PMS. So maybe that's got something to do with it. ;)
      ID: 00458944
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 10:05
Yeah noticed you were a bit frusty Swish, I just thought this was caused by someone kicking your behind 4 times in a row on PES4 on X-box Live.

Mike every time I look at your team my original thought of just switching our complete teams looks like an interesting perspective. What do you think?
162Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 10:30
That sounds great, because then I would have Josh Smith. ;)
      ID: 00458944
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 11:39
And you wanted our BronBron all the way as well didn't you? At least we get some decent compensation with the Matrix and some guy messing around with his injured foot. This foot could have a big impact on you season I would say.
164 Doug
      ID: 57352917
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 17:14
Got back from Costa Rica, and I'm still looking to move Duncan (possibly more)... if you're interested give me a holler ASAP...
      ID: 083231216
      Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 23:04
I gotta be honest, I don't really get this trade.
      ID: 57352917
      Thu, Feb 10, 2005, 20:39
a) In terms of my active lineup, it's a 3-for-2 (I don't consider Rose a fantasy starter once Duncan returns), which normally doesn't appeal to me, except that I need to make up over 30 games in what's left of the season... thus depth is more valuable to me. If we don't have 84 games per position, this trade probably doesn't happen.

b) As such, I come out equal or ahead in almost every category when you add the stats up for these players. My biggest loss in this deal is Duncan's boards, but the rest of my team has been improving in that category all season long, especially with Kidd back to his old self.

c) Mike D on the other hand gets to consolidate his talent, essentially trading quantity for quality (which is what I typically prefer to do, except for my team's current situation).

d) I'd been shopping Duncan for over a month and hadn't received any offers (or replies to a couple that I made) which I considered even close to what Mike D and I worked out.

e) I'm probably over-sharing, but I don't really feel I've got anything to hide... I'm just trying to improve enough to survive this year... I have no delusions of 1st place at this point. The biggest win for me here is Korver, who should help me gain several places in the 3P category before the end of the season.
167Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Feb 10, 2005, 22:25
Well said Doug.....I just wanted to make a trade after being pitched a shutout. (lol) I haven't had as much time as in years past to deal this season, and I hate half-butting it, so I've been much less active in all my leagues, but especially this one.

Ironically, it was probably the preliminary trade talks Doug and I had a few weeks ago that led to this deal. I'm a big believer that you don't know how someone evaluates players and their own team until you start talking to them. Sometimes it is in the form of an offer, even one that is (way)off. But finding out it is (way)off in that GMs opinion is progress if indeed you are serious about moving closer. Our talks a few weeks ago started in left field, moved to shortshop, and ended in the infield grass.

With Guru's per/game standings feature supplementing the Yahoo stats, it ain't hard to see where the needs are. I've felt Doug and I matched up well as trade partners for most of this season, and Doug agreed. The timing was right for us to make a deal, it seems, and the stars were aligned regarding the health and directions of our rosters, etc.. I'm certainly giving up a bunch of 3s, but I think I can weather that. I was very concerned about moving 3s AND moving too many assists, because I'm not as stable in assists as I would like. And I have been looking to improve in rebounds, with a possible improvement in blocks, but only as a bonus.

My FG % sucks already, so no worries on taking Billups on and losing the guys I am. Sure, Duncan helps there, but I stand to suffer in the highly competitive FT % category. I didn't see any possible counters that would be acceptable to both sides, so I was left with taking it or rejecting it. Overall I liked the deal more than I disliked it, and was optimistic about TDs health, and took the well-thought out offer.

I had interest in other players that could boost the categories mentioned above from other teams that I thought matched up well with me, but nothing seemed to be materializing at this time.

168Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Thu, Feb 10, 2005, 22:26
Hey Mike, check your email
169Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Feb 10, 2005, 22:28
I e-mailed you back bro. Your e-mail historically delays my e-mails to you.....I'm trying to communicate with the other GM......
      ID: 57352917
      Thu, Feb 17, 2005, 18:11
I was thinking it might be cool to do a "your take on the season thus far" type thread for the all-star break... how your picks have turned out, key trades/acquisitions, hopes/expectations for rest of season, etc... obviously you don't want to give anything strategic away (especially those teams still in the hunt), but I think there's still plenty to talk about that might be interesting without adversely affecting the game at all... any interest from other managers? If so, should we do it here or in a stand-alone thread?
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Feb 17, 2005, 18:41
Thinking the same thing. Standalone probably makes the most sence.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Feb 17, 2005, 18:50
Go for it. A standalone thread is fine. Whoever wants to go first gets to start it.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Feb 26, 2005, 10:46
3 of my starters were dealt prior to the trade deadline.

Claxton is now on N.O.
Antoine is now back in Boston
Kenny Thomas is a King

Will be interesting to see whether that helps or hurts.
174Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Feb 28, 2005, 10:01
And just like that, I'm 24 games played behind our Euro-leaders. Payton? Has anyone seen Gary Payton?? ;)
175Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 09:38
Anyone seen Payton yet? How about Jermo's shoulder? I heard he lost it last night in Denver. Jaric's foot? Zo's kidney?

Jus' wonderin.

Euros widening their lead on the field. The two-headed monster theory being better than one is working....
176Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 10:29
Rumor has it that Jaric's foot was spotted on vacation with Gasol's foot in the Carribean someplace.

Maybe while JO is looking for his shoulder he can help find Sura's back.

Zo's kidney made a 2 minute appearance in NJ last night and Payton is enroute back to Boston, supposedly for tonights game
      ID: 204401122
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 11:19
Laff...ok, when you locate Artest's brain let me know. I know it will be hard to spot, being that it is only the size of a walnut or so, but any help is appreciated.
178Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 11:24
Dave R., thanks for the updates. I checked all over but couldn't find anything. I guess Rotowire must really be worth the money if you can get inside info like that.

RSF, Artest recently had a meeting with David Stern. No word on whether his brain attended or not.
179Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 11:39
Let me reassure you all that the above parties are, in fact, currently vacationing with Edgar in Australasia. Personally, i don't know what he was thinking leaving me in charge.

While we're at it, i'd sure like to know where Shaun Livingston's shoulder upped and went to. Maybe Jaric' foot knows, them being teammates and all.
181Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 12:00
I knew it! Some people will stop at nothing in their quest for the ring, er, title.

Shaun Livingston? Isn't he still/back in high school?!?!
      ID: 57352917
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 12:13
Not to "string" this along, but anyone seen Sammy's hammy?
183Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Mar 04, 2005, 12:23
I heard they boxed it up and sent it off on the last space shuttle.......proving you CAN go home again.
184Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Sat, Mar 05, 2005, 10:59
Looks like Jermo found his shoulder. It's with Sura's back, I think in ILlinois
185Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Mar 05, 2005, 11:18
I can't believe Jaric was never put on the IL. At least he should be back soon. But I could have used another body these last couple weeks.
      ID: 4224164
      Sun, Mar 06, 2005, 05:46
Getting closer to the precious! Life sucks when you have to drink beer with your friends in the sun.........
      ID: 204401122
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 02:14
The battle I am most enjoying is Rand vs APzero. Come on Rand! I know you can do it! :)
188Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 06:40
The Euro team picked a great time to just stop performing. Dave, you've been charging behind the stellar efforts of JRich, Kobe, Iverson and co. the last week or so. There are a load of cats that are changing hands daily at the top, so it will be very interesting to see who emerges once the games played dust has settled. I'm well and truly engrossed!

The dogfight for that 6th place is still raging also. That's some battle that Guru, Doug and RSF are having!
      ID: 59923214
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 08:51
I can claim (at this moment) to be one of two teams that does not have a 4 or less in any roto category!
      ID: 083231216
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 09:07
LOL, RSF, I'll try to make you proud. Slipped back to last place after spending a glorious day or two tied for last. Seriously though, I'm starting to get everyone back on the floor which is nice. Even Magloire is supposed to be back soon. Obviously some Cats are a lost cause (like Assists), but i'm hoping to improve slightly in steals and blocks. Sure, this is a lost season for me, but at least I've got a team now that might be able to play spoiler.
191Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 09:10
Looked at your team yesterday Rand (for trading purposes, of course!) and I'll stop complaining about injuries now. You've been overwhelmed bro. You really need to get your players on a stretching and fitness program to help them stay healthier next season. ;)
192Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Mar 08, 2005, 11:09
hoopsklyce, looking at your team, you definitely have well-rounded, multi-cat guys. Several of which would look good in the Extreme uniform. ;)
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 08:31
Lets make a deal!
      ID: 57352917
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 11:49
Re: 188... forget 6th! I'm targeting 5th now... =-)

Rand (or others) I might have a few blocks to spare if you are looking for help there... let me know!
195Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 12:34
David, I'll give it the ol' college try!
196Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 12:37
Oh, and I have 3s for sale. The sale ends March 17. ;)

Would like to grab some more assists, though Jaric is due back this weekend and FA pickup Telfair is helping there. I need guys to plug in.
      ID: 57352917
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 13:43
Mike - email sent
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 15:23
I got your offer and it looks pretty good but I want to do some looking into your player and will make a decision by tmw morning.
199Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 18:13
Sounds good. Business has picked up......and I'm still 1 trade behind the Euros for the TM title. ;)
200Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 21:38
RSF, tried to send you mail to the address you have listed in Yahoo but it bounced. Do you have an alternative one?
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Mar 09, 2005, 22:33
Really? Try the same or
202Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 04:44
Ok, i tried gmail this time.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:25
In the process of checking out Q Richardson I found that Yahoo ranks him 11th overall YTD per game and ESPN ranks him 46. Who is right?
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:31
I have greater trust in the ESPN rankings. I've found a number of Yahoo rankings that look fishy. I don't know their formula, but I don't think it's configured to each league's specific parameters.
205Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:32
I've always found that Yahoo overemphasizes some categories, including 3 pointers. 11 is too high, IMHO, although Q can be a real difference maker in that one category, as the league leader.
206Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:39
Both Iverson and Q. Richardson checked out your point, Guru, in a comparison I just ran on them in the RIHC AA (8-cat) league and another 6-cat Yahoo! league I'm in. Their rankings based on season per game averages did not change from league to league. That was a surprise to me. It seems like they really place emphasis on threes and blocks in their rankings. Just an impression.
      ID: 034837521
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:45
Korver (ranked 10 overall using season totals) would be another example of Yahoo's over-valuing 3's...
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:57
Here is more for comparison on rankings
Q Manu G
Yahoo 11 38
ESPN 46 34 58 33

Q is a special player. I beat up the sub 40% pretty good with my system.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 10, 2005, 12:59
to clarify since the format did not come out great
Q is Quentin Richardson and the second rank is for Manu
      ID: 083231216
      Sat, Mar 12, 2005, 23:23
nice. What a great night for me. I've gained a few points lately and now stand at 28, 11th place. But what a night tonight, and I'm soaking it up. Awesome Stat line. But my projected overall ranking at season's end is still bleak. There is a couple of Cats that I can gain 1 or 2 spots with, but no matter how hard my guys try, I don't think I can get any higher than 32-33 points. Might be good for 10th spot? woo-hoo?
      ID: 034837521
      Sun, Mar 13, 2005, 18:44
You keep your distance Rand! ;)
      ID: 31121420
      Sun, Mar 13, 2005, 20:21
As long as he finishes ahead of NetZero, its all good!
      ID: 204401122
      Mon, Mar 14, 2005, 02:28
With Brad Miller breaking his leg in a "non-contact drill" in practice, I'd like to reclaim the "Current Injury Champion". Lets see, Brad Miller (check), Bonzi Wells (check), Eddie Griffin (check), Jerry Stackhouse (check)...
      ID: 083231216
      Tue, Mar 15, 2005, 00:50
bj21, I don't think you've got much to worry about from me:) You know, I was thinking recently that we've had similar fantasy hoops seasons. Just can't quite pull it together for Ultimate Hoops and can't crack the top 6 in the RIHC (or the top 10 in my case).
Just remember..."no matter how cold the winter,
There's a springtime ahead".

The funny thing is that even though I'm not competitive in the Ultimate game I'm really enjoying it. I went, like, 2 straight years of battling to stay in the top 25. And let me tell ya, that takes the years out of a man. But now, treading water in the 200-300s I can just sit back, relax, cuz it's all just for fun now:)
      ID: 034837521
      Tue, Mar 15, 2005, 08:50
I hear you Rand - bigtime down year for me in hoops - TSN especially. I'm blaming it on the kids! (Not really, but sounds better than nothing.)
216Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Mar 15, 2005, 08:53
Psstt......3's still for sale. ;)
      ID: 57352917
      Wed, Mar 16, 2005, 14:29
Willing to trade away FT%, PTS, AST, ST, BLK

Want to gain or at least stay neutral in FG%, 3P, RB

Should be a net gain for someone out there, as I'm willing to give away more than I receive as long as it's in the right categories.
      ID: 211146518
      Wed, Mar 16, 2005, 14:32
I got an email bounce for what address should I be using instead?
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 07:41
220Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 08:20
Wow, Hoops and Doug, now thats a trade. Happy St. Patricks Day, Mike D must be "green" with envy :)
221Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 08:22
As someone who was negotiating with both Klyce and Doug, I feel like the middle man, and am awaiting my commission. ;)

Sure is a whopper of a deal! Kinda fun to see-----part of what this stuff is all about.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 08:32
Webber gets traded at the deadline again
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 08:33
it should be easy to see who gets the better of the trade since we were tied in the standings when it was made
224Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 08:37
Depending on injuries and stuff, I'd agree with that.
      ID: 2011220
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 12:16
It'll probably be moot anyway, I don't think either of us will win, and neither of us will drop out of the "automatic re-invitee" ranks... but at least it'll make it more interesting to me now! =-)
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 13:12
I did the trade thinking I can not win so why not get a fresh bunch of guys to root for. At the same time I am concious of the goal of being invited back so I wanted to get value back. When I look at the standings I look at myself compared to Guru not the leaders.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 14:29
Not a very stiff comparison threshhold, I'm afraid!
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 14:55
I look at the standings and make sure Rand is beating APzero.
      ID: 2011220
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 17:52
Didn't the Yahoo! site previously state "the last day for trades is March 17"... because today it says "the deadline WAS March 17". But it still IS March 17. I'm confused. Does this mean I can make no more trades today? =-(
230Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Mar 17, 2005, 18:10
Trades can be accepted up until Midnight tonight. As far as I know.
      ID: 2011220
      Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 14:48
Does anyone know when the two trades will actually be processed? After tonight's games? Does the league commish need to click on something to execute them? No biggy, just wondering what the deal is with how the site works. Thanks!
232Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 14:56
Lol----please see post 0 of this thread! Late night trading can make one overlook things....

      ID: 57352917
      Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 17:04
LOL... thanks for that... I suppose Guru might be slightly busy with baseball drafts this time of year! =-) Just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to get processed sometime in the next couple hours, and thus screw up my lineups for this afternoon/evenings games.

Guru, if you're reading this, please wait until tonights games are underway before executing the trade (even though it has been over 24 hours, at least for my trade, not sure about the other one) so that it doesn't screw with our lineups. TIA!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 17:41
If I process them tonight (I will), they won't impact your rosters until tomorrow. It doesn't matter what time I process them.
      ID: 2011220
      Fri, Mar 18, 2005, 18:39
Ah, OK... thanks for the heads up!
236Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Mar 20, 2005, 08:24
I'm sure some of you are relieved to know that this year's basehead awards are not going to be exclusively handed out to Indiana and Detroit's feisty troops. Steve Francis also showing that he can dish out a bit of violence without warning.
237Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 03, 2005, 10:56
SY I have to hand it to you, your team has been completely unconscious of late. We literally are just going to be holding on for dear life the rest of the way now. It's weird, because our teams have been performing equally well over the last month or so, yet you have managed an 8 point advantage over us in the change of rankings.

I am officially sweating.
238Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Sun, Apr 03, 2005, 14:34
Yeah, I've been surprised at how much ground I've been able to make up. But, I think it'll be nearly impossible for me to gain more than another 4 points or so. So, I'm going to need a lot of help from others to threaten you guys.
239Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Mon, Apr 04, 2005, 08:21
Looks like AP10 has a solid hold on last now. His last league activity was January 28!

(I knew you could take him Rand!)
      ID: 083231216
      Mon, Apr 04, 2005, 09:23
Thanks, bro:)
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 08:34
Anyone here know AP10? There is no excuse (almost) for not actively managing a team to the end.
242Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 08:37
Nope. Agreed.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 10:28
He disappeared from another league as well, which makes me a bit worried that this is not a simple case of losing interest due to lack of competitiveness.

I've sent him a few emails as well, but gotten no replies.
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 11:16
I've seen his ID on AIM whenever I pop in there, but haven't struck up a conversation with him.
245Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 12:32
Next time flame him. ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 12:32
Also need to add, it doesn't take a lot of effort to send a simple note to someone...anyone...saying you are done for the season for personal reason. We all have our own lives and understand that real life comes first.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:04
This season is too long! Harrington just went on the IL. Radmanovic and Boozer went there a few weeks back. Antoine has missed 3 straight games. Claxton is in and out, missing last night again.

It's going to be a struggle stay ahead of AP10 at this pace!
248Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:16
Want Jaric? He's driven me mad this season. If you do, he's now available.......I waived his @ss, yet again! And for good this time!
      ID: 034837521
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:30
I love that Antawn Jamison can come back for a game and play great while he's still on the IL for me, then apparently sit the next two out because they "want to take it slow".
      ID: 4033516
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 03:34
Give us the precious!!!!!!!!!!! We need AP10 to shoot some 3s to keep SY behind him. We hope the same from BJ. It would also help when mr. Wade could come back to earth. Man, has he had a season.

246: Our real live comes first? You have got to be kidding. Explain that to Mike D's wive (or my girlfriend for that matter).

251Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 07:52
Ha ha Edgar! Been there, tried that!
      ID: 14337819
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 21:37
explain that to my wife and my girlfriend...
      ID: 1310104
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 06:19
LMAO, it's just been one of those years. Quoting myself in the ASB thread:

"In a perfect world, I can see myself finishing with as many as 65 points in the standings (I only have 50 now)... that would be a MAJOR accomplishment, but I'll still be really happy if I can even hit 60 again by season's end."

Well.. as of a week ago, I had scratched and clawed my way up to 58 points, and was feeling pretty dang good about it!

Of course, today I landed right back where I started with the big 5-0. *sigh* It's like I'm line dancing or someting... one step forward, one step backward... it's just been one of those years.
254Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 14:26
Lebron James is the Yahoo Roto equivalent of the Messiah. To call him 'King' just does not do him justice. I just saw his line from last night and my eyes almost popped right outta my head. That kid has skills.

And thank goodness he's around, because our team is creaking - Hill, Donyell, Fortson, Z all on the shelf. However, i think we may have managed to weather Slackjaw's assault. It ain't over yet, but almost there!
      ID: 14337819
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 20:47
I sense that LeBron realizes the Cavs aren't going far in the playoffs if at all and seems to be concentrating now on filling out the stat line.
      ID: 00458944
      Mon, Apr 11, 2005, 02:43
Same thing Kobe has done since the season started. But with much less success ofcourse.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 16:06
Hanging on for life to this 8th spot.
258Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 16:27
Would that be "dear life?" Or "deer life?" I'll waive Jermaine O'Neal and you can grab him for a quick fix......don't say I never did anything for you. ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 18:52
LOL...I had the rest of those morons (Artest, Jackson), might as well have JO too. With friends like you, who needs enemas...
260Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 10:56
It is very comforting to see some great rebounding from our team at a point where it is absolutely necessary. Our recent Ely and Haywood finds have been important there. Hopefully we can hold on. It would suck to make it all the way to Mordor and then plummet to our death right at the end!
261Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 10:59
I'm expecting a 10 point swing in FG % in the next day or two, and I'll be in position to swipe the title. And then I woke up.

262Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 11:12
Yeah, but that won't help you win, since it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that we'll hit 400 3s in the next 4 days to overtake you there ;)

Seriously though Mike, it's murder to be without TD and Jermo for so long. Had they been playing, you would definitely be in or around pole position.
263Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 11:21
A lot of GMs have been bitten by the bug, that's for sure. The bugs were swarmin' this season. I also hate the injuries and wish it was like a video game where you could turn them off. On the other hand, it opens up new doors for bench guys, and causes decision making, which can be fun.
      ID: 204401122
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 17:49
What happened to dropping JO for me! :)
265Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 19:19
Yeah, what's up with him coming back today? Didn't play that well or that much, but still.....
266Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 09:45
I guess the league members can all insert their forks. The Euros have held off the Yokels in a backyard brawl. Kudos.
      ID: 204401122
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 15:18
I refuse to give up hope that I'm going to win this league! :)
268Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 15:28
You shall therefore remain forkless.

There's one in every crowd. ;)
269Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 08:06
Well, time to put the gunners into the lineup for the regular season hurrah. Determined to steal that extra point from bj in 3s! That even means letting Mr. Gordon loose - he's been glued to our bench for the last month trying to protect our FG%. Hopefully that won't matter tonight unless we contrive to go 0-150 or something!

The Yokels put up a hell of a fight, that run SY made was ferocious. Fortunately, we had this kid Lebron, who stepped it up to another level during the final month or so.
      ID: 38321196
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 08:23
Give me the precious!!!!
      ID: 034837521
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 09:34
Mickael Pietrus says you're not taking that point in 3's!

Congrats guys - great season.
272Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 04:53
Woohoo, the Ring is officially coming to Europe, with our boy 'Bron ending just as he started - huge!

This league was awesome again this year, i had an absolute blast. The competition throughout the league was great to watch. Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts in the Retrospective thread...i assume we'll be having one like last year, Guru?

I guess with Florian winning the TSN title (damn Dave, you ran him close though!), the Euros have well and truly returned to form. Long may it continue.
273Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 09:04
congrats guys. After the charge I made, I reached a wall the past couple of weeks and couldn't seem to gain any more. I guess I'll have to take solace in being the top North American finisher.. and top single-manager team... and top team with at least four white guys. Getting the top performer with the 9th pick was huge for Smeagol.
274Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 09:39
Slackjaw, that's a lot of awards there. More awards than the Euros (lol). Great season guys.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 15:53
Congratulations to the Euros as well as the other top teams. It seemed to me to be similar to last year in that much of the time it wasn't that close but perhaps I wasn't paying attention to the race WAY ahead of me.

Nice job by Sanforders would followed up last years gold with a bronze.

I think I was fifth also last year but I think I was not as far off the leader as I was this year.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 16:00
I had four totally white guys and Jason Kidd - can I get a half white credit for him and take the White title with 4.5?
277Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 16:12
I'm not at liberty to comment about that, as I had a dark team and there is litigation pending. ;)
      ID: 13343223
      Fri, Apr 22, 2005, 05:46
Next year everybody should at least have one white guy on the team!

On the other hand Mike D this Korver guy you picked up seems as white as they will come.
279Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Apr 22, 2005, 08:22
Yeah, that's why I traded him. ;)
280Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Aug 23, 2005, 20:00
Magic sign center Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje to a one year deal.

Surely the most noteworthy news out there looking ahead to the new RIHC season. He'll definitely be drafted by one of us now ;)
281Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Aug 24, 2005, 07:57
Drafted......and traded, of course.
282Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 00:32
Ah....finally some signs of life. Mike D, I know you are anxious to show the rookies what life in the big leagues is like, LOL. Is your minimum trade proposal still alive?
      ID: 42759252
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 04:01
I guess you are already preparing for the RIHC season Pacers Rule?
284Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 07:49
My proposal is indeed still alive!
285Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Aug 26, 2005, 21:35
I've been pretty jazzed about the off-season and the Pacers chances for this coming year. However, them letting James Jones go for a second round pick and a trade exception didn't exactly fuel my fire. I'm hoping they are still going to package that exeption with Pollard and Anthony Johnson or Eddie Gill for Magliore, but they seem to be sending mixed messages about their intentions to save luxury tax money. They didn't waive Croshere but instead chose Miller, which costs them 12 million more in salary and penalties this year and next. That wasn't a cost-saving move, but now they let James Jones go and claim they couldn't afford to re-sign him and that they are on a mission to get under the luxury tax threshold.

Mike D, are you going to draft all the point guards again?
286Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Aug 26, 2005, 21:43
I was thinking about drafting cheerleaders and dance team members. They are a little hotter........

287Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Sep 05, 2005, 13:06
Oh my goodness, i completely forgot how amazing it is to immerse yourself in about 14 cross referenced Excel sheets in order to come up with something that one day might resemble a draft order.

I think i'll just make it easy on myself at the end of this season, and enroll for that RIHC withdrawal class i saw at the local college ;) PR, in case you hadn't noticed, i am also itching to get this thing started again. Not many people can say that after being buried in a avalanche of about ten gazillion 3s from last year, but Mike...hey, i'm just a glutton for punishment.

In all seriousness, we must be only about a month away from drafting, right? It's going to take that long for Team Smeagol to worry about how we can possibly draft a Divac-less roster!!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Sep 09, 2005, 17:36
Once I get past the opening week of the RIFC, I'll need to turn my attention to this league. Hard to imagine that draft activity will need to start in about a month!
289Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Sep 09, 2005, 18:30
Nah, to some of us, it seems like an eternity!

That's my favorite thing about the start of Football Season....the imminent start of Basketball Season!
      ID: 47858133
      Tue, Sep 13, 2005, 05:20
Give me the precious!
291Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 16:01
Edgar, what does "Give me the precious!" mean in euro-talk? Are you playing RIHC as a dynamic duo again this season?
292Mike D
      ID: 57891011
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 16:19
PR, it's a Lord of the Rings reference from Team Eurogollum.
293Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 17:52
Ah. The precious being the RING?

I just watched the first two this month but didn't stay awake for much of the second.
294Swish City @ Vegas
      ID: 59871921
      Mon, Sep 19, 2005, 22:15
I'm somewhat pleased to announce that Edgar and i won't have to try and regain the Ring this year, as i just won it for keeps on the Craps tables. Sauron was not happy about it at all!! ;) Looking forward to some serious stat swatting when i return. Edgar, have you finished all the RIHC Excel donkey work i left you yet? :)

Go Team Smeagol!!!
295Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Sep 20, 2005, 09:21
I love the fact that you moved your pre-season preparation to Vegas. Must be nice spending the RIHC championship money and basking in the glory.
      ID: 47858133
      Tue, Sep 20, 2005, 14:21
Excel nerding has been completed Swish!