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Subject: RIHC 2005-06: Regular season Discussion #2

  Posted by: Guru - [330592710] Fri, Feb 17, 2006, 12:21

We've reached the All Star break. Time to break out a new thread.

Here is the RIHC Standings link.

Feel free to post a retrospective on your performance to date if you wish. It's not required.
1Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Feb 17, 2006, 19:20
Mike D ASB Retro ('cuz I have so much unbridled enthusiasm, lol)

I’m pretty happy with the way things have unfolded so far for me in this league. Patience has been key. I was happy with my draft initially, and I don’t believe I’d have made many different picks after looking at things.

I know everyone has had their share of injuries to deal with, some more than others. I’ve been pretty lucky for sure. And I think it shows with my place in the standings (wherever that is---always hard to tell). I got way ahead in games because of all of this, and had to remain patient and play the guys I thought could succeed regardless.

Through it all, I’ve been happy to be competitive. I have stalwarts Nash, Duncan, and Howard to thank for that. No coincidence they were my first 3 picks. Andre Miller has done most of what I hoped for, as have Kirk Hinrich and Cutino Mobley. I got lucky with the early Alonzo FA pickup as well (before I dumped that washed-up, unhealthy backup---lol).

Not much I’d do differently this season. I wish I had more time to review rosters and trade, but it has been tough finding time again this year. Looking back, I’m now even a little glad that the deals I have offered have been rejected, and that I've turned some tasty ones down. I think all of them would have hurt me in hindsight. Raja Bell was offered many many times, and I'd need 3s even more if I'd have traded him----along with Mobley, Gooden, etc.. I've even offered Andre Miller and Chris Webber. Was I drunk? (Don't answer) Amazing the way things work sometimes.

I think I’m in striking distance at this point in the season, and that’s always the first goal. It will take my players staying healthy, possibly some impact from FA pickups (Rush? Jalen Rose?), and certainly some luck, for me to end with the crown. If Nelson comes back and Francis is moved, that could be huge. And Q has awoken from the dead to string some nice games together. Having him emerge at this time would be icing on the cake.
2Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Feb 20, 2006, 08:19
My thoughts so far, which, as usual, may or may not be similar to Edgar's ;)

I don't quite know what our goal for the 2nd half is yet. A small part of me thinks we have an outside chance of being right there at the end. The other (much larger) part is saying we will struggle to avoid relegation. I suppose that's testament to the closeness of the league.

RIHC this year has provided a very different challenge to previous years - well, for me it has anyway. For instance, i don't recall being in a situation before where tanking was the only real option to improve in other important cats. A prime motivator in our Kobe and Redd trades, especially. I'm clinging on to the hope that we're accumulating enough scoring clout to eventually challenge the leaders in the points and 3s cats. How close we will actually get is another question entirely.

The second half and what it holds for us will likely depend on a few key things. Will Amare be back in time (and strong enough) to plug any possible hole that might manifest in our big man stats? Can Mike James continue to play at his recent startlingly high level. And if we do it, can we make the right trades to give us a legit shot at defending our title?

And a few final mentions. Our MVP thus far is probably Brevin Knight, he's been a machine so far. Biggest disappointment - Donyell Marshall. I mean, hit a damn shot, Donyell. Anything. Best value pick - Diaw. Best FA - Stackhouse.

Almost everyone can still win this thing. It's going to be a humdinger of a finale, so good luck to everyone.
      ID: 906204
      Thu, Feb 23, 2006, 02:32
Hey everybody,

Sorry I haven't been able to post the first-half thoughts yet, and might not be able to for another few days right now. I'm going to be traveling for work starting tomorrow and away from most computer access, so I wanted to post a note in case anybody is trying to get in touch with me. My apologies in advance if I'm late in responding through Sunday night, but I'll be back to catch up then. I'll try to plan to do the pre-ASB thoughts then, too.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Feb 23, 2006, 08:55
my thoughts-some days I look at my bunch of free agent pickups (I think I am second in the league in transactions) thrown together to put make a big part of my team and wonder how I am in the top half. Some other days (not as often) I look at my team and it looks pretty good. We'll see if the play for threes (getting Arenas for Wade) pays off. Big gamble considering Wades value.
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Feb 23, 2006, 19:02
I’m pretty pleased with how my team has performed. Between injuries to Shaq, Kiri, and Shareef it certainly seemed I was getting AT LEAST my fair share of downtime… those are 3 of my first 5 picks! Of course, some of Shaq's downtime was to be expected. The season-ending losses of Nene and Stoudamire were a bummer… I mean, neither is a stud, but I was counting on Nene to help me some at C, and Stoudamire had been a reliable source of 3s, assists, and FT% (areas that I’m currently trying to improve, so he is definitely missed!).

I think the deals I’ve made with other managers have been good but not great… for a while Mo Pete was really dragging after I picked him up, but he’s come back from that slow patch and is now looking solid. I hope Eddie Jones follws the same path and breaks out soon, because thus far he has disappointed. The other part of that deal was losing Shaq’s FT anchor to try and improve that category… I have some solid FT shooters on the rest of my squad, but across the board they haven’t been that hot since the trade, thus my percentage hasn’t improved much. I'm hoping to gain at least 4 slots there. At the same time, I’ve definitely put my FG% in jeopardy… the question is how far I'll far compared to my fain in FT... it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out.

Murphy was really getting on a rebounding roll until he got hurt recently, hopefully he comes back strong for the rest of the season… I need his presence to keep my averages up. It’s only been a couple days, but so far my post all-star break performances have not impressed and I’m getting a little concerned, because I definitely feel I have a shot to win the league this year, but can already sense it slipping away. I currently lead in “per-game averages”, but that can be deceptive since I have less games played than some others. I’ve made some moves to try and improve, especially in 3s, steals, and FT%… but so far none of it has really paid off for me.

Team Eurosmeagol has made some good moves and I definitely think they could challenge for the top spot. Hoopsklyce has been coming on strong too, while Pacers Rule has been fading a bit (sorry Jeff!) Of course, Mike is the obvious front-runner at this point… despite the fact he’s played a few more games, I think he’s in good shape, as he’ll be able to use his top players at the end whereas some of us will be closing out a few games with the likes of Earl Boykins… guys who can contribute, though not at quite as high of a level… but hey, anything can happen! =-)
      ID: 02730280
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 03:43
Ouch... nice trade Mike. Going to be really tough to catch you now. I'm not criticizing the trade, I think it makes sense for Dave too... but when you have a games-played advantage you don't need depth, you need quality... and you certainly got it! Nice move.
7Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 08:29
Yeh Doug, the thought of the strong getting stronger entered my mind on this trade. But from my standpoint, Mike D's position has virtually no effect on mine and I'm just trying to jockey into position to get an invite next year, longshot as it is. I had been seeking assists for some time from various sources but with no success and actually considered tanking that cat, but Alston's return and solid play has given reason to think some sort of upward movement is possible. Maggette may be back next week and he may help overall as well.

I approached Mike about a Allen for Nash deal and we dickered back and forth. Actually it was finally on the table, along with 6 billion other options sent me by Mike, Friday night:) When I saw Allen was out Friday ( and no reason given at that point ), the devil in me wanted me to hit the accept button. But I couldn't in good conscience. Mike later pulled the trade. We countered back in forth with other players on his roster and I finally submitted this one.

I certainly made mention to Mike that this made sense from the games standpoint on his end and either that arguement, or his endless supply of Corona's won out.

Hopefully this gives me a little upside in assists, boards and blocks and the extra player is certainly better than some of the slugs on my bench. I really wanted Nash, but I think Mike has some sort of an emotional attachement to him.
8Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 09:17
I had kind of resigned myself to standing pat, but on the other hand, really liked the idea of adding Allen and then also Bosh. And you gotta give to get. Finding the right combo is tough. I liked the fact that Dave and I were considering so many scenarios, and felt that seriousness could possibly lead to a deal. When he threw in a "case of beer to be named later," well, the deal was clinched.

Howard is a freakin' beast, and his scoring his up as well. Certainly my FT% was taking a beating with Howard and a few other dudes I have. May be too late to change that, maybe not.

Tried to trade from strength (assists, rebounds) and improve in other cats (3s, FT%, points). As Doug said, I gave up depth, but being ahead in games allowed me to do that more comfortably than otherwise.

Ultimately this deal could help me a ton or have little to no affect on the standings. Will be interesting to see.
9Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 09:43
Wow, just noticed the deal we agreed to Saturday night isn't effective until Wednesday's rosters. Might be worth a tweak next season or at least a discussion about it. Seems like a long wait.
10Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 13:29
I agree, the trade wait seems excessive. Once it is apparent a trade is not going to be vetoed, it ought to be executed, or so it would seem. Maybe that's what's happening, but it sure does seem to take a bit.
11Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 13:33
#5 Doug, no worries. I'll be the first to admit it, I've been sliding for some time. Ironic that mr. unbridled enthusiasm has been so tardy with his ASB retro. I've been a little sleep deprived lately. Hopefully one will be forthcoming.
12Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 13:50
Euros trade Knight, Iggy and Krstic for TMac, Stevenson and Telfair. I sorta know what Mike's talking about here in terms of being ahead in GP. We are in the same boat, and when an opportunity presented itself to get TMac, whilst only giving up cats you are very strong in (steals, assists) or hopelessly weak in (FG%), then that's something you pretty much have to do.

There's some doubt about TMac and where his mind is at, but hopefully he can turn that into motivation to have a great 2nd half. And he helps us out massively on the ongoing 3s and points chase, probs a little bit in FT% too. Stevenson is a pretty decent 2nd player in this deal, his scoring should be up a bit with Francis gone. Telfair was a throw in.

Normally i'd feel a little dubious about giving up the trio we did for what is, basically, TMac. But factoring in the games issue and the players dealt away all being from areas of great strength/weakness, i feel fine about it. And i was also very aware that there were decent FAs available that meant we could probably turn Telfair into something a bit more useful.
      ID: 02730280
      Sun, Feb 26, 2006, 18:31
Ricky Davis is still on my trading block for anyone looking for scoring...
      ID: 906204
      Tue, Feb 28, 2006, 02:46
Hey everybody,

I'm really late posting any mid-season thoughts but had a few minutes tonight between unpacking from my last trip, and re-packing for the next one, so thought I'd try and catch up.

As everybody's mentioned, the competitiveness and parity overall this year is really great. This late in the year, teams are still able to see swings of sometimes a few standings points a night, a testament to how close so many things still are.

The season definitely hasn't turned out as well as I'd like so far, but I can definitely see my mistakes in hindsight contributing to it as well. I hadn't planned on tanking the FT% category even 4-6 weeks ago, but it became more apparent that players like Wallace and Odom were always going to be dragging me down, and the leap from last place to even just 9th was so great, it was probably insurmountable. I felt like it would be more feasible to stay in last there, and make runs at the FG% and blocks categories, something that usually comes with low FT% anyway.

For in-season movement, I know I'm one of the more hesitant managers when it comes to making a deal, which I need to find a way to get over. I guess I just get nervous about giving up too much and losing traction in a category. I'm not the best at analyzing how much I'd gain in one area by giving up another, so I tend to have possible trades pass me by, and now I'm hoping I don't get left behind now by everybody else in the standings who have made some major moves the last few weeks.

In the final few months, I do hope to make a strong run up the standings in blocks, FG%, and even make up some room in the points category. I feel pretty secure in my rebounds, assists, and steals, and getting off-position contributions like assists from Brad Miller at Center, and rebounds from Jason Kidd at guard, all are the reasons I think I've built good totals there. It seems like everybody is searching for 3's in this league, which I am as well in the final few months. I'd hate to slip more and lose points in that category.
      ID: 906204
      Tue, Feb 28, 2006, 03:09
One other quick story I forgot to pass on from the first half of the season. Doug heard this a few weeks ago but I thought it was worth sharing:

John Montgomery, the son of Golden State Warriors coach Mike Montgomery, plays for our team here at LMU as our backup point guard. When the Warriors have an off night or are in town to play the Lakers/Clippers, Mike sometimes stops by the campus for one of our games and to see his son play. I've never talked to him much outside of a quick hello/welcome, but he seems like a nice guy from everything I've heard.

Somewhere in January or so, was walking through the lobby after a game and saw him talking to John. I think it's a sad commentary on how much I think about fantasy basketball, but my first instinct was to go up and ask him how Mickeal Pietrus' return would impact his rotation and how many minutes he was thinking of playing him, since I had recently considered getting Pietrus as a free agent before he came back from his injury.

Don't worry, I didn't do any such a thing, just kept walking and went back to my office. But got a good laugh at myself as I realized that's what I was thinking.
      ID: 040625911
      Tue, Feb 28, 2006, 11:23
My Post ASB Reflection:

Well, my team has not done as well as hoped, but I have had some good runs over the last couple months. For the month of Jan., my team was second using the average splits. Then over the last couple weeks of Feb, my team has been tops using the averages. This has helped me get out of the cellar and back to the middle of the pack. From here, I may have a striking chance of moving up another spot or two, but it will be tough.

Looking back at my post draft comments, most of it still stands true, but I do have some updates. First the risk/reward for both the Artest and Hill picks turned out to be more risk than the latter, but since Artest has been in Sac, he has helped my team out in several categories. Hill has been especially troubling and I did not see the abdominal problem carrying over as it has done. He has been tagged with the "injury-riddled" label, but it's almost hard to remember back that before his ankle problems he was basically an iron-man. At least his ankle doesn't seem to be giving him trouble. He could still have some impact on my team over the last couple months, but I should get a special exception to keeping him in the injury slot since he only plays one game about every couple weeks. ;)

Kurt Thomas didn't turn out as expected and looking back it was a reach to get him in the 4th round, although I was not alone from the comments. With him now out for most of the remainder of the season, I will have to fill his rebounding stats, which at least were farily consistent. I traded away PJ earlier since I still had Kurt that could play center, and now I am thin at that position. Kaman has been pretty good and Channing Frye has had the most impact of any of the later round picks. His numbers dropped before the break, but it was partly due to the Knicks getting minutes for players they were showcasing for trades. Now with Davis gone, Frye is back to getting the minutes and his production has improved. He may still "hit the wall" at some point later in the season, but after shopping him about a month ago, I better hang on now since he and Blount are now my only other centers besides Kaman.

The best pick in hindsight was not Simmons as I thought in the draft recap, but turned out to be Jamison. Antawn had slid in the draft to the 7th round, and I assume many had some concern over his off-season knee surgery (as did I), but at that point it was worth another small risk. He played great and before I traded him to land Brand, his Yahoo rankings were up in the 20s. I can only think how my season could be different if the trade I had for Jamison after the draft had gone thru.

I have carried over my enjoyment for working trades from MikeD's Elimination Chamber league, and have been happy with most of my moves. The PJ for Radmonovic trade started out pretty well, but then his minutes were cut in Seattle and I finally rid myself of him just before he got traded and had his situation drasticially improve. Doh! Anyway, since I had decided to tank the 3s category, I didn't have much use for him, and the market was not too interested in a trade so I dumped him. Although, I did not want to trade Josh Howard early in the season, it allowed me to leverage up to Redd and trade Simmons who continued his funk until recently. Then after deciding to dump 3s for assists, the Redd for Joe Johnson move was made and it has been good so far for me. The Euros had proposed the deal to me several weeks back, but at the time I still thought I could make a move in 3s. It really helped each team in areas where we were focusing on so it made good sense.

The thing that was most interesting is that when I finally decided to tank 3s, and after I made the first couple deals my team started making more and my averages per game really jumped up. In hindsight, I may find that I was better off hanging on to some 3s, but I felt like I had a better shot at picking up 2 to 3 spots in assists. We will see how it turns out, and I hope it allows me to move up a couple places and get that all important invite for next year. It has been a blast competing with this group and I would like to have the chance to do it again.
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Mar 01, 2006, 10:48
can you believe this...
just today did I think to click on the stat category header. I have discovered it sorts and you can see more easily where you can stand to gain ground. duh! Can't believe I never did that before.....
      ID: 906204
      Thu, Mar 02, 2006, 03:23
Hey guys,

Just that time of year right now - boarding another flight in 6 hours and I'll be in Spokane until Tuesday of next week. Unsure of internet access right now, so I'll do what I can but sorry if I'm out of touch for a while. I'll set my lineups in advance and hope for the best - have a great weekend!
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 02, 2006, 11:43
at times my time does better when not actively managed!
20Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sat, Mar 04, 2006, 05:24
I will be extremely interested to see where Diaw ends up going in next year's drafts. Talk about a fantasy legend. Tosh, i'm kinda jealous you have him now!

Tim Thomas should be an interesting pickup. He's shown he can knock down the 3 in years gone by, and we all know that when you come to the Suns, you're gonna get looks from behind the arc.

Also, a reminder that the RIHC trade deadline is March 16 for all you trade heads out there!

Baron Davis is still on our trading block. If that heady cocktail of assists, steals and 3s appeals to you, and you can offer a 3s/pts/FT% gunner type, or a rebs/blocks dude with decent FT%, then send us a deal. We'll be actively looking (again!) also...

Mike, we're really turning it on here, but you need to give us a chance to catch you. If you could sit Bosh and Ray at your earliest convenience, that would be outstanding ;)
21Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Mar 04, 2006, 12:39
Woo-hoo, lionprideguy passed me for Most Games Played! And the Euros and Dave R are close behind! I'm not sure why this excites me, but it does.
      ID: 030815418
      Sun, Mar 05, 2006, 17:56
Not sure what there is to say about my team's performance this season. Most of my sleepers either were complete busts (Przybilla, Telfair) or took a long time to get going (Chandler, Butler to a lesser extent). Meanwhile, Larry Hughes and T-Mac were injured for long stretches of time.

Since my team was in disarray I decided to conserve games rather than start scrubs. After a couple months I had too many games to make up so I had to trade away quality (Brand & TMac) for quantity.

I've never had a team go this bad and I can't wait for the season to end so I can forget the whole experience.
23Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Mon, Mar 06, 2006, 22:47

Well, if it's any consolation, KF, you're cleaning house in AA league.
24Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Mon, Mar 06, 2006, 22:52
Sick, Jason Williams with one of his best games of the year...on my bench....and Vince Carter on my bench to make it a nice twosome. Oh yeah, and Bonzi Wells putting up 16 and 10 and some D on my bench as well. At least the silver lining is maybe he's BACK after missing seemingly half of the season.
Too many irons in the fire, I guess. I was even home for about 45 mintues between work and my evening meeting and forgot to check. Usually I set the lineup a few days in advance just to prevent this from happening, but I guess i got too preoccupied. Imagine, something taking precedence over fantasy basketball!
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Mar 07, 2006, 02:46
There are just a few players that I will not take out of my lineup ... just to prevent such a thing.

Swish - Let me thank you again for sending me Diaw. I'm sure you are still happy with who you got tho'. I just wish that Yahoo would give him C-eligibility. I'm getting really tired of starting Ely & Mihm as my centers.
26Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Tue, Mar 07, 2006, 22:20
Tosh, have a look at my stock of Centers. See if anyone catches your eye. Harrison is coming on. Camby's not too bad either. Oh yeah, Sheed kind of gets it done in his own way too. In other words, make me an offer, if we can help each other. I'm looking to go up in the %s. Somehow, I keep trading away 3's, but I still remain far in the lead in that Cat, so that's certainly available for those who are looking. Sheed is C eligible and hits 3's. He could go for another strong player who helps me more in my areas of need.
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Mar 08, 2006, 03:38
Just got back from Spokane, although I would happily stay another day for just two more points. Ouch.

Since we're coming up to the final week to make a deal, I'm also looking for a few last things. I've got way too many centers and forwards for anybody looking for rebounds or centers. I could use to do some 2-1 or 3-2/3-1 trades to consolidate players since I'm ahead in games played. And anybody looking to gain by subtraction and get a FT% anchor off your roster, they'd be very comfortable with Shaq, Ben, and Odom I'm sure.
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Mar 08, 2006, 04:15
Pacers - Thanks for the feedback. Seeing I'm on vacation, my internet time is sporatic, late at night, and mostly focused on my baseball draft. I'll be home Sunday and will try to turn a few trades at that point.

It's hard to believe that Stromile Swift has almost worked his way back into the lineup for me. His last three games have been almost acceptable.

Go Zags! (sorry LPG :-) )
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Mar 08, 2006, 11:00
slack jawed yokels had a nice 5 roto point jump yesterday - I expect more once Doug Christie starts playing
30Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 6742221
      Wed, Mar 08, 2006, 23:49
yeah, I'm sure Christie's been saving his energy so he can make a late-season comeback with some squad. at least that's what I'm pinning all my hopes on.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 09, 2006, 07:44
glad to see your sense of humor slack-after I posted I thought it might be taken the wrong way.

HoopsKlyce Press Release:
After months of having a roto score of 3 in the three point category, HoopsKlyce picked up on RotoGuru’s keen observations of the importance of the 3 point category in the RIHC in terms of how a few treys can make a big difference. As result HoopsKlyce traded away stalwart Dwyane Wade for Gilbert Arenas and about three weeks later crept up to a 4 in the three without losing ground in the FG% category where he remains a 12. However on that fateful day when the HoopsKlyce team made the three point move it was not Arenas who led the charge, but rather Deron Williams with 5 treys and Stephen Jackson with 4.

The next team ahead of HoopsKlyce in the three point category is EuroSmeagol who happens to have a 2 roto point lead in the standings over HoopsKlyce. Overtaking the Euro's in the three could prove critical in the final medal standings. However this three point race may go largely unnoticed as the crowd may be paying attention to baseball drafts and market madness.
      ID: 5803194
      Fri, Mar 10, 2006, 15:27
This 3 race has become quite popular for some well informed roto geeks though. Smeagol today said: 'Give me the 3 master! It's mine!'. However in Europe people seem to be interested more in the knockout stages of the Champions League in soccer. Some people never get their priorities straight I guess.
34Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sat, Mar 11, 2006, 08:21
You can probably stick a fork in our challenge now, with TMac out for pretty much the rest of the regular season.

Still looking to move Baron though!
      ID: 59923214
      Mon, Mar 13, 2006, 13:39
Euros-you got a healthy dose of the trey yesterday
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 13, 2006, 14:29
I'd been on a nice little run since the ASB, with all of my starters healthy for the first time all season.

Then the bubble burst when Iverson and G. Wallace both went down yesterday.

Wallace seems to have morphed into Marcus Camby this year. Great stats across the board when healthy. And seldom healthy for more than a couple weeks at a stretch.
37Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Mar 13, 2006, 14:33
Kirilenko is the analogy a lot of sites are using. Really sucks having guys like that when they are hurt, and when healthy, everyone wants them from you!
      ID: 057721710
      Mon, Mar 13, 2006, 15:22
My apologies in advance to anyone that owns Boris Diaw in any other leagues or formats.

Now that he has achieved 'C' status ... he won't be healthy much longer. My team puts a curse on them. On the very day Diaw gets the eligibility ... and I finally have 2 actual healthy centers ... Mihm goes down for the season. Grrr.
      ID: 906204
      Tue, Mar 14, 2006, 03:42
Hey everybody - Sorry it seems I've been in and out of town so much recently. I'm leaving again Wednesday afternoon to get a head start on going to Vegas for the first weekend of March Madness, and don't expect to be checking email while I'm there in the sports book for 48 straight hours (or something like that).

I know that runs right into the final days of our trade deadline, so I guess I'd have to wrap up anything before Tuesday night, the last time I'll be here to look at trades. I'm still open to moving Brad Miller for anybody who needs a center, he gives you the rare high FT% and assists from the postition as well as points, reb, and FG%. I've also got plenty of rebounds and assists to spare if anybody needs either, especially any of the teams packed close together in assists looking to break away. In return, I've got too many GP so I'm looking to make a 2-1, 3-2, 3-1 to consolidate players, and am happy to trade centers for guards.

Thanks and good luck to everbody on the NCAA brackets - looking forward to this weekend already!
40Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Mar 14, 2006, 19:30
LPG - Sent you an offer if you're still around and able to look at it. Sent some other offers out too.

The Euros are looking for some blocks and boards. We can move guys like Flip, Marshall, Fisher and possibly a higher profile guy like RJ for someone of higher calibre. Give me a shout if you have any ideas or send an offer. I'll be checking regularly over the next few days.
      ID: 040625911
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 13:40
Nice work LPG on gettign a trade done. See, it only takes a week and a handful of counters to find the right deal. I've heard other managers in other leagues complain about not being able to get trades done, but I say it just takes work, persistence and being flexible. Of course, I had a manager in a league last week tell me he didn't want to trade Brad Miller because he like watching him play, and then traded him to another team the next day! I had to have Brad on at least one team this year to keep my annual love affair with him alive! :)

BTW, what is up with the long trade execution on this deal. The review period is 2 days (48 hours) so why will the trade not be executed until Saturday? That is more than 72 hours after the trade was accepted which means I will have to wait until Sunday to use the new players. Part of the timing on this deal was to have the new players for their games on Sat. Is this a Yahoo screwup, since the trade should be executed on Friday? Can it be executed manually by the commish based on when the league settings say it should be executed?
42lionprideguy @work
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 20:53
Thanks skineej for your help and willingness to keep discussing and looking at different options as well! Good luck with Miller and the guys, hope they help meet your needs too, and as a Kings fan at least I'm happy to get a Sacramento player back in the deal as well.

The trade delay may be partly my fault - because I stopped to do my packing last night before going online to look at the trade opportunities, I don't think I actually hit the "accept trade" button until just a few minutes after midnight, around 12:15 or so probably. So it likely registered as a Wednesday trade and not Tuesday, although I certainly didn't intend for that to happen. Plus I'm on the west coast, so if Yahoo goes by a another time zone it was definitely the next day. Might account for one of the extra days in the waiting period, pushing the processing back to Saturday.

Thanks to everybody else too and good luck with the NCAA brackets!
      ID: 040625911
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:16
I know the trade was accepted today (actually 00:04 PST) but I can't seem to understand the 2 day rule. Is it 48 hours or two calendar days after the trade is accepted? It seems to be the latter since the trade will not be executed until Saturday. So because the trade was accepted 4 mins after midnight, it will not be executed for 71 hours and 56 mins. I guess it is the Yahoo system that I have a beef with.
44Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:18
If anyone's looking to move up in 3's, give me a holler. I'll move them for help in other categories, esp. FG%, blocks, and/or boards. I can also give up FT% if that helps your team.
45Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:18
See post 9.
46Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:19
Don't forget 10.
47Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:20
Agreed to Wednesday, goes through Friday (2 days), can't be used on your team until Saturday. Lowering it to 1 day changes it a lot. Accepted Wednesday, goes through Thursday, able to be used Friday.
48Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:20
49Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:23
Mike, I'd look to pull a deal with you, but I'd only be cutting me own throat.
50Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Mar 15, 2006, 23:29
My god man, don't do it.
51Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 08:10
Last trade day, folks!

Hoopsklyce - we've put some stuff on the table for you. Please take a look today if you get the chance.

I think everyone's scared to trade with Mike - he's gonna be bloody hard to catch as it is ;)
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 09:43
It does seem that Yahoo is processing trades a day late this year.

I will process the open trade on Friday (players eligible on Saturday) unless either of the trade partners objects, in which case I'd like to hear the arguments.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 12:53
I counter offered
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 15:34
Thanks, Dave. No objections here. (obviously) :)
55Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:14
Working on a counter, Mike.
56Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:26
Yeah, what the heck. Let's fill up that pending trades screen.....
57Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:32
LOL. I'm having traders remorse already. Wally's having a big night. Probably these trades won't do that much to the standings anyway with only 4 weeks to go.
And yes, the more the merrier!
58Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:35
Nothing a few beers won't cure. ;)
59Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:45
sent a win-win offer your way.
60Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Thu, Mar 16, 2006, 22:49
Interesting. The league page says the trade deadline WAS March 16. Yet it's only 10:45 EST. Hmmm. I wonder when the deadline actually is.
      ID: 59923214
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 09:21
by the way - I have not received emails from Yahoo about trades proposed and accepted as I have in the past. Have others received those emails?
62Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 10:44
Hoopsklyce, i've only been receiving emails about trades that i'm involved in. I'm not sure if that's the way it used to work before or not. Glad we worked out the Darko thing though!
      ID: 59923214
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 10:57
I did not get email about the trades I was involved in - that would explain why I may not have responded to any additional text you put in the Yahoo trade submissions
64Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 11:09
Oh right, so the other offers we sent that you rejected - you didn't see the blurbs that went with them? Not that it would have made a difference, but it would have helped to explain them maybe. Have you checked your primary and secondary email addresses are valid in your Yahoo account?
      ID: 02730280
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 13:03
Dang... Troy Murphy and his 17 boards sitting on my bench last night. I think that's the first time all season that I accidentally left one of my main players on the bench. Been so busy with baseball drafts... and even when you set your lineups a week in advance, if you make an add/drop in the meantime, it often screws up all those changes. =-(
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 13:16
I've been getting all trade announcements and trade offers via email.

There was a yes/no checkbox when you registered for the league that indicated whether you wanted to receive league-related email. If you go to your team page, look at the "Edit team info" link directly under your team name.

If that is correctly set, then maybe your comcast email system is snagging it as suspected spam.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 13:20
I just processed the trade referenced in [43].

Assuming there are no trade protests, I will plan to process last night's trades on Saturday, which will make those players available for Sunday games on their new teams.
      ID: 59923214
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 14:28
I like when I accidently leave someone on the bench who has a terrible night :)
69Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Mar 17, 2006, 17:37
Klyce, didn't you have the same problem last year, and didn't we show you how to active it (as in post 66)? Man, when you sign up, read the d@mn screens! Lol!
70Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Sat, Mar 18, 2006, 10:51
Should be an interesting race to the finish. It's been real up and down season with different teams coming on at different times. Well see Mike if you can ride the wave to the finish line.
71Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Mar 18, 2006, 17:07
I wouldn't mind riding a wave right now. Cold here in the northeast.
72Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sat, Mar 18, 2006, 19:38
Spring Break Special at the Wisconsin Dells for first week in April may get you a wave pool....
Only $199 for a family of 4, for 2 nights, 3 days, including waterpark passes. Additional kids are like $15 a night...
      ID: 040625911
      Mon, Mar 20, 2006, 09:38
Guru, wanted to let you know about an anomaly I found with the split rankings tool. I was looking at the standings since 3/1 (so I used 2/28 in the "exclude stats thru date" blank) and I found two interesting items. First, apparently HoopsKlyce's team has used 815 games during that span. If that is true, then I really have to question the quality of players he is using since his team was 10th based on averages for the period! :) Also, PRs team apparently has reversed basic mathematics and is shooting an incredible 110% from the FT line. I really could use one of those guys! Anyway, thought it might have something to do with the date (try 2/29 and all the teams have odd numbers) but not sure.
74Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Mon, Mar 20, 2006, 13:20
Yeah I noticed a similar issue with someone playing over 800 games in one or two nights here recently.
You have to give it up for my FT marksmen, though. They've been staying at practice until they make 50 straight.

This is a wild ride coming down the stretch here. Places 2 through 6 or so seem to be fluctuating daily both in the actual stats rankings and on a per games basis. Really cool having such a competitive finish.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 20, 2006, 13:20
The hoopsklyce error was caused when he changed the capitalization of his team name at Yahoo. This morning, I adjusted the program to recognize both capitalizations.

I'll look into the other issue.

      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 20, 2006, 13:31
I didn't figure I had to compensate for 2/29, since that date doesn't exist this year. But since you evidently tried it, I created a 2/29 file equal to 2/28, so it should work now for those who are calendarly challenged. You can still try 2/30, however, if that's really your interest. That should simply give full season results, since everyone's stats are treated as though they were zeros on that date.

I can't reproduce the 110% FT problem (even before adjusting for Feb 29).
      ID: 040625911
      Mon, Mar 20, 2006, 14:16
Thanks, Dave. It looks like the FT% problem has gone away now. That's a relief as I started to think my team would never catch up to PRs!

I was using 2/28 as the date to exclude thru, but I thought the error might have something to do with the short month, thus tried 2/29 to see what happened. Sounds like it didn't have anything to do with the date. For what it's worth, using 2/30 or 2/31 also give strange numbers!! :)
78Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Mar 28, 2006, 06:45
Amare's return has been a bit of a damp squid so far. Hopefully there's still time for him to put up some worthy contributions as he gets re-acclimatised.

I can't believe how bunched things are in the middle. Many teams are waiting there poised to pounce on any (unlikely) slip from Mike. Guru, how are you going to decide who stays in RIHC if there's 7 teams that finish joint 2nd? Sounds obscene, but it could happen!
      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Mar 28, 2006, 16:58
LOL... damp squid? As opposed to a dried squid?

FWIW, my squad's percentages lately makes me wonder if they aren't out there shooting a damp squid instead of a basketball.
80Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Mar 28, 2006, 21:41
"7 teams that finish joint 2nd? Sounds obscene, but it could happen!"

He's Guru, dammit.

If it happens, I'll buy you an American Import. ;)
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Mar 30, 2006, 04:59
Hmm... an American Import... is that like a GM car that's actually assembled in Mexico, etc.? Hell of an offer to buy someone a car... =-p
82Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Mar 30, 2006, 07:07
Wait...I think I've been misquoted. ;)
83Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Mar 30, 2006, 07:42
You landed Mike in it there, Doug. Before you said anything, i just assumed he was gonna buy me a European beer of my choice. But a car is muuuuccccchhh better ;)

By the way, AK with 22 blocks in his last 3 games - what the heck's that all about? You must be devastated by such pedestrian performances.

And i stand by my damp squid (ok, that could look weird) as a legitimate and well used English phrase. So there :P
      ID: 02730280
      Fri, Mar 31, 2006, 05:55
It's interesting to me that in most years I wind up essentially punting a category at some point (I think we mandated PG/SG/SF/PF after the first RIHC, which MAY have been at least in small part a response to my no-PG strategy in the inaugural season). By contrast, I'm competing in all categories this year, and noticed in tonight's standings that I am the only manager who doesn't have double-digits in at least one category... that is, save for our embattled last place KnicksFan and his crew of damp squids. ;-)
85Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Apr 07, 2006, 12:04
EuroSmeagol on fire - Watch out Mike, here we come with our late season push. Of course, there's not much management involved in RJ and Kobe going for 82 between them!
86Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Apr 07, 2006, 17:24
Did you poison my team's gatorade or something? Bosh down, Wally down......I'm dressing just so we can practice.
87Pacers Rule
      ID: 16356919
      Sun, Apr 09, 2006, 22:19
Sorry about Wally, Mike. Whooda thunk it? He'd been having a stellar season.

It's an interesting finish at the top. I was stunned to drop so far in the FG% and I see my late trades to close that gap have been too little too late.

I was also surprised to see such a push by a few teams in FT%. I thought I was locked in at the #2 spot, but not so. I could conceivably finish fifth in that category, and it seems with the nightly swings in several cats, spots 2 through 5 or 6 are very fluid.

I also failed to realize how some trades I made, Battier for Mo Pete, most notably, would plunge me down through the points rankings. I think I got fleeced on that Battier has been less than stellar. Oh well, I guess that's what happens when you get to eager to make deals.

Time to focus in for the stretch run....
88Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Apr 09, 2006, 22:22
Ok, got my ID fixed now. I hope the Pacers make the playoffs for crying out loud! They're playing like dung right now.
89Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Apr 09, 2006, 22:27
Did I say spots 2 through 6? How about 2 through 8! Dang. It's going to be tough for several to not be back next year after this photo finish. What a great league this has been. Thanks to all y'all for a positive and competitive season.
90Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sun, Apr 09, 2006, 22:28
I haven't posted in a while. I need to get my post count pushed back up. :-)
91Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Apr 11, 2006, 07:26
Looks like this one's going right down to the wire. Mike's still got the inside track on the stretch run, and is holding on admirably, but it's mighty close.

And blanket coverage on the 1 thru 8 spots!
92Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Apr 11, 2006, 18:49
What is this, horse racing?
93Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Tue, Apr 11, 2006, 23:08
Well, if so, judging from the post-draft analysis/posts, Sophomore Philly Pacers Rule may have the best payout of the bunch if she gets a last minute burst.

Tough break (literally) on Yao, Guru.
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 03:41
While I don't have a lot of insightful things to say, I did have to post just before we get down to the final week to also say thanks and congrats to everybody for a heck of a RIHC league this year. Usually my attention wanes sometime around February or so for roto hoops, but this year has been so competitive and active, and with such daily standings volatility, that I've continued to keep up with it as much daily this week as I did the first week. Heck of a league.

Always amused at some of the waiver transactions this time of year, when else would Yao Ming be dropped for Steven Hunter. Maybe I'll get a bonus for holding onto the #1 waiver priority all year long.

An extra shot from 3 from Ray Allen or Mike James could swing things at the top of the standings. I don't even bother looking at categories like FT% or rebounds in the daily boxscores anymore. Should be fun this week.
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 14:39
Ming was dropped as he had a season ending injury - not sure if you were aware of that...
      ID: 411054411
      Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 16:48
Maybe Keith Van Horn isn't helping my team.
97Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 17:03
He is. He's just really discreet about it.
      ID: 02730280
      Wed, Apr 12, 2006, 17:12
Ugh... a couple weeks ago I was thinking I might be poised for a nice late-season push, especially since I had some games to make up and 12+ players who were contributing well... but then things just kinda fizzled. Cassell's 7-minutes-on-the-floor game the other night (0-2 from the field, and 0s everywhere else) pretty much sums up the last couple weeks. Thought I could make up a few spots and maybe finish 1 or 2... now I'll be happy just to be top 6! So it goes in the (as everyone has already said) amazingly competitive league this year!
      ID: 906204
      Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 02:30
yeah, I saw the Ming injury, but still it's great that we're at the point where there is no point in even discussing or putting someone in an injured spot, we just cut them now. No way they're coming back in a week.

It's so close I'm thinking of cutting someone just to pick up Big Shot Bob to hit that magic shot in the last game for me. Or maybe Brian Cardinal just for some team chemistry and locker room leadership, to pump the guys up.
100Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 07:38
Wow, it was Mike's turn to be trey-tastic last night! Your team is stepping up, Mike. Even EuroGollum might not be able to stop you now. There's still lots of potential point swings out there, but you definitely have the momentum again.

I already have planned our Redd for Boumtje-Boumtje swap on the final day, since Redd doesn't play then. It is fast approaching the "good luck charm" time of the season!
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 13:19
LOL, I almost picked up RBB last night... but figured I'd keep the roster spot since I need every last point I can get.
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Apr 13, 2006, 14:09
Oh my Gawd! Two nights ago I had the transaction ready to go on my screen ... Waive Swift and pickup RBB. I was all prepared to click 'submit', and then I read that Garnett is probably out for the season.

Suddenly Swift is my new starting PF.

I could not think of a more enjoyable way of releasing Swift. Dang that KG.
103Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Sat, Apr 15, 2006, 22:19
Euros are breathing down your neck, Mike. Time for a pep talk. That's the sign of a good coach, Mike. You got to come out of the time out and take the game.
104Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 16, 2006, 09:17
Breathing down it, or has it in a stranglehold??? Having trouble uttering words to my team
105Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Apr 17, 2006, 06:54
My stomach is churning just looking at the scoreboard. I don't think there's any way this thing is not being decided on the final day. If Nash and/or Bell suit up for any combination of the final 2 games, i think we're in trouble, though.

It's going to be an awesome shootout on the last day!
106Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Apr 17, 2006, 08:17
Indeed. Kudos for an amazing comeback, regardless.
107Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Mon, Apr 17, 2006, 23:41
Lovely. Half of my team suddenly is injured or sitting to avoid being injured. While being ahead on games played most of the season it now looks like I will finish by missing out on multiple games played.'s a short trip from 2nd to 6th!
108Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 04:38
Holy cow, i guess your Phoenix boys were determined to shake that Gatorade theory, Mike! That barrage of 3s could well be the decisive blow to Eurosmeagol's challenge. Kudos.
109Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 08:10
I put a little pressure on D'Antoni to play those two......called in some old favors, bribed him, threatened him, got him drunk, and made false promises. All tactics routinely used to survive in the RIHC.
      ID: 040625911
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 08:56
Well, when you have him over for drinks tonight, please convince him that Marion needs to play tomorrow night. I had my lineup set for the last three nights until he sat out last night, so I had to come up with a new plan to use up my games. I need everything I can get to hang on to several close cats.
111Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 19:12
Man, I thought I could hold you off on 3's, Mike. I knew it would be close but I thought I'd make it. We'll see yet.
112Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 22:32
Hold off the Smeagolmeister and we'll call it even.

skinneej----D'Antoni said he cares a little more about the playoffs then your 3 day lineup. I couldn't push it, cuz I don't have Marion anyway.
113Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Tue, Apr 18, 2006, 22:50
Doug scoops us all with a huge FA pickup. Kudos, brother.
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 03:40
Wow, these last two nights were a bad time to go without internet access with the DNP's and free agents! Too late to add anybody tonight since they won't make it onto Wednesday's playing roster. All this time since October and we're still coming down to Wednesday night's games, without most of our regular rosters intact. What a great finish - good luck everybody!!
115Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 04:33
So it all comes down to this - the last set of games on the last day. Best of luck to you, Mike. This race to the finish has been furious and engrossing. The points swings required are still within reach, but i'd make you about a 60-40 favourite right now, maybe a bit more.

Let the Russian Roulette that is final day playing time begin...
116Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 07:05
Agreed lpg, great finish. Today is such a crapshoot. Bummer that it can make such a difference with studs rested, but part of the game. Now pass that pistol......
117lionprideguy @work
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Apr 19, 2006, 20:31
Starting to see where we all guessed right/wrong tonight. Looks like I picked the wrong night to sit Turkoglu (Monday) and the wrong to play him. Darn it Kendrick Perkins, stop missing shots but keep blocking them!
118Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 01:22
Dang. 3 of my first 4 round picks (or their traded equivalent) on the bench tonight. Not only losing games played, but my best games.

Ironic that the team in strong command of 3's all season scored only 1 on the last night to fall to 3rd place in that cat. The Mo Pete for Battier trade really did come back to bite me.

And I've got one of 7 players in double figure scoring tonight, or something like that....sheesh!

Well, I can honestly say I've been schooled here. Sitting in second for a lot of the mid-season, and even first at times, this game started to seem too easy. I thought I could coast to the finish line and finish strong. Not so. Dropping FT%, FG%, Scoring, and 3's down the stretch was quite costly. And the late DNP's and missing quite a few games played cost a few points and maybe positions in the rankings as well. I guess it would pay to have all games played with a week to go in the not have to worry about your studs being rested in the final week.

Congrats to all. What an amazing finish, with finishing position jostling around through the final games of the season.
      ID: 906204
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 02:37
Wow - I don't have the statracker, but with my own pencil scribblings, as I'm waiting for final numbers to be posted, I think I lost a few last points tonight. Congrats to skineej on the late push tonight to pass me in both 3's and blocks I think!

Only myself to blame for not finishing stronger with the FA pickups this week. Lots of great moves by people to make the most of the DNPs and pick up the right guys to capitalize on regulars sitting, nice job.

Unfortunately Lamar Odom didn't set a new NBA record tonight by going 254/256 from the free throw line tonight to raise my FT% up from last place to the middle of the pack. I guess I shouldn't have depended on that.
120Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 06:06
On the basis that (by my manual calulations) he's overtaken us in assists for a crucial 2 point swing, and we didn't catch him in 3s, i'd say this is Mike's title. It is excruciating waiting for the final stats to update to confirm it, though! The RIHC recaps are going to make for some highly interesting reading this year, that's for sure.

Congratulations to the entire league for an awesome season, that went right down to the wire in almost every part of the standings. This has definitely been the most competitive RIHC yet, in my opinion.
121Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 07:08
With Nash's triple double wasted on my bench, I didn't pass you in assists. But it looks like I held on.
122Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 08:02
Stats just updated - finally! Huge congratulations, Mike! We threw absolutely everything at you, but in the end you held on. And you fully deserve to win after having led for such a long time.

Just look at the margins - 3 3s and 1 assist separating us after an entire season. What an unbelieveable last day. I'm now left wondering what might have been had Mike James not DNP'd out of nowhere. But i suppose we can all say that about our final day rosters.

Once again, outstanding job, Mike.
      ID: 5803194
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 10:11
Congrats Mike! Well deserved. Mike James will receive some fine beer from you I suppose?
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Apr 20, 2006, 12:54
Congrats to Mike and kudos for every team that made for an exciting finish! I had a great time competing in this league, and my team's late push made for a nice cap to the season. It was a little nerve wracking yesterday combing every site I could find trying to find news on who would play and who wouldn't. I made several changes to the lineup during the day when it appeared that Marion would not play, but Brand would. It was not until I saw a post in the forum about Brand not playing literally 20 mins before he was frozen that I quickly switched him out. Unfortunately, I could not find any news on Kaman or Marion so they sat on my bench. I had just enough to pass others in a couple key categories, so the 4th place finish was definitely by the skin of my teeth! Guru made a nice run last night, and at one point I was around 61 I think and he was at 59.5. I was scanning the overall numbers to see if he was going to have enough to pass me, but I was still worried about 3s and blocks which were very close with several teams.

It always amazes me that after an entire season, you can come down to the last few nights and several categories can be separated by just a few points. That makes for some big swings in the standings and it was exciting/excruciating watching some of them. I had four categories I was keying on the last week: 3s, assists, steals and blocks. I needed to keep my FG% high as well since several teams were very close and a 3 point swing was possible there. That is hard to do though while trying to use up games and not knowing exactly who is playing and who is sitting. It funny how blocks really came into play again. Last season in AAA, I finished the season 1 block ahead of LPG, for a 1 point margin of victory. If he had had one more block, we would have tied for the title. This year I was able to pass Mike by 1 block on the last day and LPG by 3 blocks while several others were real close. The trade for Brand really paid off there and adding guys like Blount and Ratliff helped me catch several teams the last few weeks.
125Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Sep 22, 2006, 07:10
Starting to get the RIHC tingle again...must be time to start thinking about draft type stuff pretty soon?