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Subject: Any 500K players in TSN? Cheapies Thread

  Posted by: angryCHAIR - [29955918] Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 23:20

Can't seem to uncover a 500k player---

Maxiell, Przybilla , Outlaw, Webster and Bogans all are all fairly cheap.

I am looking for a throw away spot where I can at least squeak out a few points.
      ID: 449292712
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 23:38
Hilton Armstrong?
      ID: 1733917
      Thu, Oct 11, 2007, 23:50
rotoworld says there is a chance that Ryan Hollins starts at center for the Bobcats. hes never played much tho so who knows wat he can do if he sees minutes. really pretty early to be looking at cheapies tho as most are fighting for positions. In a few weeks we will see who won them
      ID: 2910242819
      Fri, Oct 12, 2007, 10:15
re: 1

A decent game or two to start the season and HA will be a runaway

I'm not that big a fan of this kind of thread though. I know most of
us will come up with the same cheapies, but aren't we just showing
our hand to those that might have missed them?
      ID: 29955918
      Fri, Oct 12, 2007, 10:21
qwert---true---that was my first response when I posted it, but compiling a list is very helpful---

5kentucky indians
      ID: 33892520
      Fri, Oct 12, 2007, 18:13
Come on guys... if we're all going to "keep our secrets".... there is no real point to having this web site...

a few cheap guys I'm watch with good early season scedules are Trevor Ariza, Keith Dooling and Gordon Girisek
      ID: 459171622
      Fri, Oct 12, 2007, 19:11
KI---also a good point.

Seems like Girisek is a sleeper every year. :)

I am also watching Gibson for CLE.

      ID: 2910242819
      Sun, Oct 14, 2007, 00:53
difference of opinion.

armstrong with another good night.