Forum: hoop
Page 13127
Subject: keeper league trade advice

  Posted by: Aceforever - [0037299] Thu, Jan 29, 2009, 10:37

So I'm in a keeper league which attempts to mirror the NBA as much as possible. We have salaries for each player and a 70 mil cap etc. Every year you own a player their salary moves up 1 mil unless they are on a rookie contract. So here is the dilemma. I have Russell Westbrook on an R1 contract which means that for this year and 3 more he stays at his 3.1 mil salary while other players move up in salary every year. How much value do I put on him? I was offered an 8.1 mil Brandon Roy straight up. Problem is, stats wise I gain a little bit of points and %'s and lose a little spg and very minimal increases elswhere and it costs me 5 mil this year, 6 next, 8 the year after and 10 the year after that. Now what are the odds I keep him that long but if I do, 10 mil difference between them is huge.

So the question is, how valuable is Westbrook in my current game?
