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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings - 2009
Scores include games through Super Bowl XLIV

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Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                               Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name               Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites         347   184   -51     0
     Consensus Underdogs         103    83    51     1
     Vegas Favorites             364   183   -51     0
     Vegas Underdogs              36    82    51     1
     Home Teams                  491   154    51     1
     Away Teams                 -341   113   -51     0
     Random Dart                -411   128   -51     0
     Smart Dart                  321   163   -51     0
   1 Guru                       2007   122  -102     0
   2 cvegark                    -157    76     0     0
   3 Nuclear Gophers *          -767   156   102     1
   4 jerlap                      198    13     0     0
   5 dreamin'                   -467   136  -102     0
   6 KDogHall                   1064   174   -51     0
   7 the French surrender *     -743   136     0     0
   8 Valkyrie *                 -427   131     0     0
   9 Valkyrie2 *                1572   175  -102     0
  10 misschick                   775   185   102     1
  11 erb136                     1349   135     0     0
  12 Barefooter64               -206    54     0     0
  13 mmikulka                   1485   104     0     0
  14 foot ball-busters *         752   171   -51     0
  15 foot ball-busters a *      -659   101     0     0
  16 foot ball-busters H *       -32   133     0     0
  17 foot ball-busters u *       174    86   102     1
  18 Bnzman                      554   106     0     0
  19 foot ball-busters f *        42   148     0     0
  20 catdaddy                   -422   153     0     0
  21 DR All Stars *              433   162     0     0
  22 DR Stars *                  758   180  -102     0
  23 Estrellas de RD *           654   177  -102     0
  24 kdmartin20                  855   181     0     0
  25 20asurams13                -222   171     0     0
  26 buttkicker                  169    27     0     0
  27 tonyMansur1                 298    13     0     0
  28 cjord                       138   177  -102     0
  29 Sam Kelley                  204    13     0     0
  30 wageronme                   113    46     0     0
  31 coldwater coyotes *        2028   126   102     1
  32 WiddleAvi *                -767    94     0     0
  33 Eskimo                     -125     7     0     0
  34 mahll14                    1206   133    51     1
  35 yrok1                      -371   121     0     0
  36 nate686 *                  -104   137     0     0
  37 The Knuckles *             -510    99     0     0
  38 The Knuckles2 *            -566    97     0     0
  39 Mike                       -751   162     0     0
  40 fredmerk *                   20   156     0     0
  41 mattsteam777                 54    11     0     0
  42 jeffg *                     103   130  -102     0
  43 St. Louis Psychos          -503   149     0     0
  44 Kyle *                      -14    21     0     0
  45 arjaytwo                    505    26     0     0
  46 SkySail                    -787    97     0     0
  47 Venom                       576    80     0     0
  48 LeonaLewis1                 104   152     0     0
  49 LeonaLewis2                  97   153     0     0
  50 rookie                       29   152  -102     0
  51 Fats                       -135   146     0     0
  52 Gman40 *                    276   183  -102     0
  53 blmurphy                    305   183   102     1
  54 bhmurphy                    168   111     0     0
  55 Obama Rules *                14   154     0     0
  56 elitechiefs777              439    54     0     0
  57 bstreaks                  -1161    85     0     0
  58 jaydoghall                  268   125     0     0
  59 Mastersman *               1062   158   102     1
  60 Raz                          70   161  -102     0
  61 Raz2                        500   106   102     1
  62 Raz3                        321    85   102     1
  63 WorldB                      128   163     0     0
  64 Deo7                        726   172     0     0
  65 Denny Dominate              536   148     0     0
  66 Penguina7                   -69    96     0     0
  67 Radar                       115   177  -102     0
  68 golfer9er9er *            -1266   163   102     1
  69 ArkyBass *                  626    98     0     0
  70 Mauison *                   503   183  -102     0
  71 bonka *                    -444   164     0     0
  72 Crabby Bills               1019   170   102     1
  73 jbouch *                    756   100     0     0
  74 jerrybouch *                 82   171     0     0
  75 scooberhsu                  284   168     0     0
  76 DWetzel                    -585    23     0     0
  77 themunson2                 -604   105     0     0
  78 TWIS                        345   161     0     0
  79 Centurions                  727   172     0     0
  80 leggestand *                252   145     0     0
  81 scoochnew                  1053   179     0     0
  82 sonyawc                    1176   173     0     0
  83 Bowen                        88   175   102     1
  84 dwedandk                    184    13     0     0
  85 md2survey                  -690   148     0     0
  86 Zen Postman *               633   157  -102     0
  87 Attaboy                    -429   129  -102     0
  88 jreese                     -909   134     0     0
  89 Lapdog *                   -365   115     0     0
  90 donkeyhunter *             -149     9     0     0
  91 swingers                    192   108     0     0
  92 MHritz716                  -241    78     0     0
  93 wvulax39                   1040   161     0     0
  94 DALLAS SHARK              -1393   151     0     0
  95 PoliticalBS                 900   135     0     0
  96 tekeballer                 -183    48     0     0
  97 Scarecrow71 *               214    61     0     0
  98 beejay100                  -520    58     0     0
  99 beejay_100                  -10    64     0     0
 100 lfrit *                      52   170     0     0
 101 cfox69                       -9    94     0     0
 102 PermDude *                 -407   152   102     1
 103 BennyEmm                   -340   106     0     0
 104 griz0                       -38   152     0     0
 105 Father Goose *             -471   132     0     0
 106 Selectivity                1099    49    51     1
 107 Balrog *                   1347   177   102     1
 108 youngroman *               -568   161  -102     0
 109 Browndogs                   816   158     0     0
 110 takeda                      157    22     0     0
 111 wolfer *                    -65   152     0     0
 112 kooldad                     782   158   102     1
 113 jdupr21                    -336   109     0     0
 114 Aydin                     -1105   101     0     0
 115 KelRena                    -770   152  -102     0
 116 Ryan *                      758   168   102     1
 117 Uptown Bombers *           -365    72     0     0
 118 msearcy                    1316   184     0     0
 119 Slowhand *                   86   177     0     0
 120 blondiescookies *           682   126  -102     0
 121 Slowhand's gut *            114   177     0     0
 122 Downward Dog *              -88   120   102     1
 123 SMG *                       -40   162     0     0
 124 TekN9ne                     143    63     0     0
 125 Mike208 *                   980   123  -102     0
 126 Mike2082 *                  221   178   -51     0
 127 Mike2083 *                    2   120  -102     0
 128 jtprewitt                    56    91     0     0
 129 The Beezer *               -336    15     0     0
 130 lfrit1 *                   -121   167     0     0
 131 lfrit2 *                   -599   164     0     0
 132 gurudan *                  -180   164  -102     0
 133 fear the monkey *         -2144   151   102     1
 134 little lucky *              -42   153  -102     0
 135 Foxboro                    -477   143     0     0
 136 pter61                      649   108     0     0
 137 decm                        -84     4     0     0
 138 Tosh *                     1085   137   102     1
 139 Cuca                       -266     6     0     0
 140 Smith32 *                   763    91     0     0
 141 aris                       -154   164  -102     0
 142 Goldcoach *                -327   146  -102     0
 143 LanceSimm                   746    77     0     0
 144 rmarqu01                   -476   170   102     1
 145 tommybruce                 -415    81     0     0
 146 times                       510   180   102     1
 147 Mac Daddy                  2002   187  -102     0
 148 TD1 *                      -781   143     0     0
 149 TD2 *                       332   146     0     0
 150 TD3 *                     -1000   162     0     0
 151 lightthehalo                -76    10     0     0
 152 mariejill                   -69   168   102     1
 153 griffdo                     993   183     0     0
 154 TB *                       -287   114     0     0
 155 TB2 *                     -1166   108     0     0
 156 TB3 *                       258   121     0     0
 157 commish                    -352   165  -102     0
 158 ohwow                       177   129     0     0
 159 Detritus Maximus            310   172     0     0
 160 Erin                        -91   143     0     0
 161 Cash Collector              865   138   102     1
 162 Myura19                     -34    11     0     0
 163 Flying Polack *            -199    24     0     0
 164 C1-NRB                     1051   167   102     1
 165 Kevinbp1141                  92    79     0     0
 166 SleepyMo *                 -767    11     0     0
 167 TimsterRG                  1203   154     0     0
 168 snakeayez                  -284   119     0     0
 169 Toral *                     -75    96     0     0
 170 SeattleZen *               -549    45     0     0
 171 s R                        -245    51     0     0
 172 PiMaster                   -814    69     0     0
 173 wiggs *                    -307    35     0     0
 174 coldwater coyotes2 *       1421   135  -102     0
 175 loki *                       62   133     0     0
 176 loupix                      178   165     0     0
 177 Wrecking Crew               129   145     0     0
 178 paulerma *                  854   119     0     0
 179 Giants                    -1264   153   102     1
 180 Schmidity                    -5   149     0     0
 181 edming05                    -54     0     0     0
 182 McMc10001                  -456   138     0     0
 183 gdenizard                  1410    87     0     0
 184 cpas *                     -344   169  -102     0
 185 JM *                        943   134   102     1
 186 JM2 *                      -102   101     0     0
 187 PeytonSB09                 1370   182  -102     0
 188 JM3 *                       456    92     0     0
 189 dmantha                    1412   151     0     0
 190 tttgraham *                -184   159     0     0
 191 zzzrjh1                     144   175     0     0
 192 zzzrjh2                     328   175     0     0
 193 jeshepard                   215   166     0     0
 194 Del Zamora                  857   175     0     0
 195 Ref *                       204    13     0     0
 196 Jot Kaur                    192   170     0     0
 197 ref2 *                      212    13     0     0
 198 zzzrjh3                    -474    98     0     0
 199 ref3 *                      217    13     0     0
 200 americanmaid08               59   171   102     1
 201 Rasputin's Helicopter       787   178  -102     0
 202 GS: A Family Co. *          418   111  -102     0
 203 Sage157                   -1817   135     0     0
 204 Milchian Magicians *       -454   112   102     1
 205 doc34                      -958   101     0     0
 206 tompoke                     113   161     0     0
 207 yea                         131    47     0     0
 208 yeayea                     -326    64     0     0
 209 HooeyPooey *               1206   141     0     0
 210 HooeyHoopla *              1020   138  -102     0
 211 HooeyPoo *                  528   161   102     1
 212 mailedfoot                  567   170  -102     0
 213 SwinganaMiss *              643   148     0     0
 214 tzuu                        482   170   102     1
 215 ronsst                      237   136     0     0
 216 bigman33                   -402   120     0     0
 217 bodagets031                -589   163   102     1
 218 BHaugh27                    -66   141     0     0
 219 shifties                    -41    22     0     0
 220 leonem                        9     8     0     0
 221 Steelerfan                  668   152   102     1
 222 Beerhunters *               810    88   102     1
 223 Beerhunters2 *              542   153   102     1
 224 Beerhunters3 *            -1269   119  -102     0
 225 Markag91                    760   143  -102     0
 226 Caper *                     552    44     0     0
 227 trrams                     -994   151  -102     0
 228 juliemorton                -577   145     0     0
 229 Da Bomb *                  -680    54     0     0
 230 theHuddle                 -1114   168  -102     0
 231 Tigers 4 Hire               196    12     0     0
 232 reebbertxx *               1111   170     0     0
 233 MikeFitz                   -133   135     0     0
 234 jigmegtag                  -237   121     0     0
 235 dberry963                  1432   147   102     1
 236 stocktonman               -1209   155   102     1
 237 dcardinals                  -27   143   102     1
 238 dancers                     525   122   102     1
 239 cramagiri                    32    11     0     0
 240 freight69 *                -130     9     0     0
 241 Jilted Lover               -159     8     0     0
 242 Super Stars                 779   182   102     1
 243 nogjr                       939   173  -102     0
 244 dgreds *                   1902   131  -102     0
 245 dgreds2 *                  1056   128  -102     0
 246 Holy Rollers                678   161     0     0
 247 dgreds3 *                  1849   125   102     1
 248 kirke90 *                   701   129     0     0
 249 nolebucs1                  -468    63     0     0
 250 nolebucs2                  -373    63     0     0
 251 mrsleggestand              -144   154     0     0
 252 smilesoffun                -486   168  -102     0
 253 rsportgod                  -364    28     0     0
 254 BF Dead *                    96   133     0     0
 255 brandon_0818                698   147     0     0
 256 bubbagum777                -903   156   102     1
 257 trucker981                 -623   155   102     1
 258 skinneej *                  -47    60     0     0
 259 skinneej1 *                -168    73     0     0
 260 skinneej2 *                  67    45     0     0
 261 Cuca2                      -335     7     0     0
 262 Eskimo1                    -189     8     0     0
 263 ruthfitz                  -1220   127     0     0
 264 freight68 *                 -17     8     0     0
 265 semaj1065                  -805   140     0     0
 266 The King                   -384    65     0     0
 267 sugarloaf                   137    12     0     0
 268 Eskimo2                     -33   114     0     0
 269 freight70 *                 -48    90     0     0
 270 LadyUrbanofNiceville        -29    39     0     0
 271 mheil                      -309   111     0     0
 272 archangel                  -618    92     0     0
 273 Eat My Panda *               27    92  -102     0
 274 TLVkGfrvoWuifSKBx           -27     4     0     0
 275 cSNojjDepnf                 -27     4     0     0
 276 TQCLplujvNIjJfs             -27     4     0     0
 277 SXeEHQhGRFi                 -27     4     0     0
 278 PMKxHNUlenF                 -27     4     0     0
 279 mancreature                 182    21     0     0
 280 myedayok                    149    10     0     0
 281 MissUrban                   -74     8     0     0
 282 Sophie's Choice            -133     7     0     0
 283 Urban                      -344     6     0     0
 284 Urban1                       60    43     0     0
 285 Poruchik                     36     7  -102     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.