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RotoGuru's Message Forum Registration

This facility provides a totally voluntary opportunity to register yourself under your typical message forum name, so that others can find out more about you, and contact you by email if you choose to enable that feature. To see how the registered data will be displayed, click here.

To register, complete the information below. You must supply a working email address, because once you register, your system-assigned password will be sent to this address. (This is how I ensure that your email address is legitimate.) You will need this password to validate or modify your information. Once you receive your assigned password, you must validate your information before it will be listed in the registry. (Instructions will be in the confirmation email.) You may also change your password at that time, if you wish.

Your Message Forum Name:

Email address:

Do you want to allow others to see your email address? Yes         No

Personal facts: Fill in only the information that you are willing to have listed.
Real Name:
Where do you live?
College: Student     Alumnus

List any other items you want to appear on your "resume". This might include your favorite teams, you fantasy team name(s), the URL of your personal web site, your prior fantasy sports accomplishments, your favorite sports quote, ... whatever you'd like others to know about you. You may include HTML tags.