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0 Subject: RIBC 2009: Draft Rationales (Rounds 1-8)

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Fri, Mar 13, 2009, 22:52

This thread will be for managers in the RotoGuru Invitational Baseball Challenge to provide the rationale for each pick.

Here are the ground rules:
1. Only managers in this league should post here. If you want to provide feedback (either from other league managers, or from those not in the league), put it in the discussion thread. (Non-conforming discussion in this thread will be deleted.)

2. Try to keep the pick rationales in the same order as the draft. We'll attempt to keep this thread 2 rounds behind the actual draft. With the lag, most comments should not have an impact on the draft in progress. However, if there are aspects of your pick that you feel need to be kept under wraps, feel free to protect that information. In particular, please avoid mentioning the names of any players who are still undrafted at that time of the post.

Please post your (2 round lagged) comments at the time you make your pick. For example, you should post your comments for your round 1 pick when you make your round 3 selection. If you are not ready to post at that time, then create a "placeholder" so that the next person is able to go ahead in sequence. When your post is ready, simply post it in the draft discussion thread and a moderator can copy it over.

If possible, please draft your rationale at the time your are making that pick. Not only does that allow you to remember your thoughts "in the moment", but it also makes it simple to copy and paste it when it is due, avoiding unnecessary delays and/or placeholders.

If your rationale is due and intervening placeholders have not been inserted, please insert them before posting your rationale. Simply post something like "2.10 placeholder for Guru". This makes it easy for me (or any moderator) to splice the eventual rationale in the proper place.

3. If you are providing rationales after a placeholder has been inserted, then post it in the draft discussion thread, and someone will copy it over.

4. Once the draft is over, each manager is also encouraged to provide a general draft recap, at which time you can discuss your overall strategy, mention any undisclosed factors, comment on what worked out well and what didn't, etc.

The general format should be:
1.01 Alex Rodriguez, 3B, NYY
Several sentences of rationale.

In addition, along with your first player rationale, please comment on your rationale for your selection of draft order.
Only the 50 most recent replies are currently shown. Click on this text to display hidden posts as well.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 12:57
for rheo:
5.13 BJ Ryan, RP, TOR
Last of the relievers I liked left. Needed a bat but didn't want to take the chance he wouldn't be there when it came back to me.
79Bash Brothers
      ID: 3729188
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 13:02
5.14 Derek Jeter, SS, NYY

Well, I don't like this pick here. Feeling compelled to draft an SS, I had to decide between Jeter and those young waves (Peralta, Tulowitzki...). I chose Jeter because of his higher OBP, 100R potential, and the Yankees' lineup. I am second guessing myself now. Maybe I should've gone young rather than stuck with a 35-year-old whose power and speed dropped significantly.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 13:43
for coldwater coyotes:

5.15 Joba Chamberlain SP NYY
I missed out on taking one of the top closers so I decided to move up my plans on when to take SPs. I did well in this league last year by focusing on keeping a low ERA/WHIP... wins and Ks can be picked up with a strong group of middle relievers. There is no SP forecasted to have a lower ERA than Joba.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 14:31
for vampire weekend
5.16 Carlos Marmol RP CHC
6.01 Michael Young SS TEX

Was hoping to get Marmol and Broxton as I like them both. Had a chance to get Marmol last year as a high k/low whip but passed and watched him rack up the ks. Did not want to let him go again.

Michael Young does seem to be slowing down, but his consistency is good enough for this spot. Maybe the switch to third will fire him up instead of beat him down.

      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 16:54
for coldwater coyotes

6.02 Rich Harden, SP, CHC
My second SP in the draft and the logic behind the pick is the same as for Joba. When he is not injured and can pitch (hopefully at least 140 innings) he will really help my ERA and WHIP.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 16:55
for Bash Brothers:

6.03 Shane Victorino, OF, PHI
I am not quite comfortable about my first 4 positional players in the SB category. Victorino is the remaining few players who definitely help in swiping bases while not losing too much ground on the other 4 categories. The slugging % is not tasty, but I can take that in the 6th round.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 16:55
for rheo

6.04 Troy Tulowitzki, SS, COL
Went in wanting Michael Young for the two positions and then he went. Also was thinking about Cano but decided to let him go and hope he fell to me, which he almost did. I did like Tulowitzki though and think he'll bounce back fine.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:05
6.05 Joe Mauer, C, MIN

I got Mutomboed at the rim in my anticipation that a SS would fall to me. I guess I could have waited on that (#*&$)(*#$_& starter. Oh well, time to switch gears.

The player high on my radar at this point was Chone Figgins. Perhaps overlooked somewhere along the way is the fact that, in Yahoo, Figgins still qualifies at 2b. At 2b his steals are infinitely more valuable than at 3b and I thought he would be an excellent compliment to my stable of sluggers. Looking over other drafts, nobody had taken Figgins until well into round 8, and I did feel that his overall value simply did not warrant a pick this high. I held out some hope he would come to me in Round 7. I wiffed on that, too.

Joe Mauer's current malady sounds like the punch line in a Bugs Bunny cartoon - he has an inflamed sacroiliac - the joint that connects the spine to the hip, I read. As of this writing there hasn't been any news about his "2nd opinion" that was sought from some back specialist in Baltimore. What gave me some solace was that Mauer can hit and catch - he just can't run right now. So I guess I made this pick hoping that Mauer can stay sharp at the dish and behind the dish while this malady gets sorted out.

I couldn't resist the opportunity to get a .400+ OBP and (health permitting) 130-ish games out of him. Mauer is so integral to MIN's offense that he gets some DH time and even if he has some delay going into the season in terms of games played, that overall he'll still be amongst the at bat leaders at catcher.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:07
for dror

6.06 Kerry Wood, RP, CLE
Since there was no position player I liked here and felt that the SPs I wanted will last for another round I decided to just take my second closer here and finish with this saves nightmare. When I looked over the numbers, I was surprised... Wood was really good last year... much more then I ever imagined. 11.4 K/9, an amazing 4.67 K/BB and only 3 homers allowed in 66 innings. If it wasn't for very bad luck with BABIP (.327), he probably would have had his ERA under 2.50 and WHIP under 1.00. Hopefully the law of averages will keep his BABIP down this year, and if that happens he can be one of the most dominating closers in the league.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:17
6.07 Geovany Soto, C, ChC
Interesting. I expected more closers to disappear in the last dozen picks. Only 3 were taken. But even though Valverde and Fuentes are still available, I’m going to work on hitting again.

If Tulowitzki had survived to this point, I’d have probably gone there. But none of the other middle infielders on my list prompt me to feel a need to jump here.

I’m a little surprised to see Soto still available. He hasn’t gone later than round 5 in the other three RIBC drafts. At this point, I like the idea of being able to snag a young catcher coming off a 66-86-.364/.504 rookie-of-the-year season. I think I’ll fill that hole now, and hope that he avoids the sophomore jinx.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:19
for filthy
6.08 Magglio Ordonez OF DET
Lot of closers flying off the table, but I am still comfortable gambling there later. Especially when I have no OF yet and Prince Fielder doesn't really have a mashing partner. Magglio Ordonez was briefly a top candidate for me in round 5, so he was definitely the glaring candidate after surviving to my round 6 choice. Felix Hernandez or joining the closer run would have been the fallback plan, but I really think that Magglio is a difference maker and am stoked that he made it back to me. He is well removed from injury problems, and is not that far removed from MVP contention, definitely a welcome addition to my offense.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:20
for Bags
6.09 Jose Valverde, RP, HOU
I was thinking about a MI here but five more closers have come off the board. I didn’t want to punt saves so I looked at which closers were left and decided that Valverde was in the range of the last five closers taken. There were other player who were available that had a better value but I didn’t want to fall behind in the saves category.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 17:41
for Philsphan
6.10 Garrett Atkins, 3B, COL

I was looking for a 1B or 3B here, and I had been targeting Atkins from the beginning for about this time in the draft. I have Atkins in a keeper league and I have been pretty pleased with him. 100+ RBI’s are pretty good from a 6th round pick IMHO.

91Uptown Bombers
      ID: 035616416
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 18:49
for Dave R
6.11 Jhonny Peralta, SS, CLE
I needed a SS sooner or later. Peralta is just 27, knocked in 89 runs, scored 104 and had an OPS over .800 last year. Playing in a potent lineup like Cleveland's should give him every opportunity to duplicate those stats. I'd prefer if he could manage to steal more than 2 basis though.

The biggest question mark with Peralta, isn't whether he'll put up solid stats for team SANFORDORS. He will. But I'd love to find out why the "h" is misplaced in Jhonny ;)

92Uptown Bombers
      ID: 035616416
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 18:50
6.12 Brian Fuentes, RP, LAA
The closer run has passed and I know the rule says that you should never end a run, but 2 of the 4 teams drafting on my end don’t have closers and they each make two picks before I go again. I have one more closer ranked above the next group and I might as well take him here rather than settle for someone else in round 7. Fuentes offers great ratios and good K’s. He is moving to a contending team that provided K-Rod with 60+ save chances last year. I feel pretty good taking him at the end of the run and feeling that I got pretty good value.
      ID: 01372359
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 20:55
6.13 Jayson Werth, OF, Phi

Definitely a gamble, but when I looked at the #'s, Werth was the
guy who passed all the tests. I did want to get my first OF on
the board. Waiting a few rounds is one thing, but I need 4 so I
didn't want to wait too much longer. I definitely wanted SB with
this pick. Drafting Reyes has made the draft easy because he
essentially is the equivalent of 2 legit SB guys. But I still need a
few other sources of steals to be near the top in the category.
Werth is a 20 SB guy who doesn't hurt me in any other category.
I project him to be pretty solid, but not spectacular in all 5
categories - 80 R, 80 RBI, .360 OBP, .480 SLG, 20 SB....other OF
may have offered more in one category but he looked to have
the most balance of the remaining players.
94Da Bomb
      ID: 15221821
      Wed, Mar 18, 2009, 23:04
6.14 Carlos Delgado, 1B, NYM

There was a pretty significant dropoff after Delgado on my 1B rankings so that led me to select him. Delgado’s 2008 was a tale of two halves as he looked lost for parts of the season and was an MVP caliber player during others. If Delgado is able to repeat last season’s overall numbers I will be more than satisfied.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:35
for holt
6.15 Corey Hart OF MIL
My only hitters at this point were Pujols and C.Lee. Both have posted some acceptable SB numbers in the past but I'm not expecting much this season. I don't want to punt SB's, but I also don't want to destroy my OBP and SLG by drafting SB specialists. That means I have to pick up SB's with acceptable OPS whenever I can. It's surprising how few of those guys are around.

Checked out MI's with speed. There was Weeks, but he was what I would call terrible last season. Not really a good hitter. Kendrick and F.Lopez looked OK but would be huge reaches here (I ended up getting Kendrick in rd 9). I could have had Figgins but I kind of have this rule that says guys with a .318 SLG% don't get anywhere close to my starting lineup.

Looking at the OF's available, the only decent speed in this ADP range was Hart and Damon. I don't want anything to do with Damon this season. Hart put up great numbers in 07 and good first half numbers last year. I think he'll bounce back and have a decent season (say, .340 .490'ish), and he should be good for 20-25 steals. I did have to pause and consider Hawpe (and Pence to some extent) but I stuck to my plan and grabbed the steals.

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:36
for JL
6.16 Justin Upton OF ARI
7.01 Ryan Ludwick OF STL

After drafting 2 pitcher, a catcher, and two middle infielders, I needed some power. Ludwick slugged almost .600 last season and although I don’t expect him to replicate last year’s numbers, it’s worth the risk at this point given that there’s not a lot of power potential left on the board anyway.

The Upton pick was based purely on potential. To me, he’s the only player left that has the obvious potential to be a first-rounder next year. The former #2 overall draft pick slugged .460 as a 20-year old last year. Hopefully this is the season that he begins to reach his superstar potential.

I thought about taking Conor Jackson or James Loney here, but I figured one of them would still be around in the 8th round. I was wrong.

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:36
for holt
7.02 Ryan Zimmerman 3B WAS
I've never been a big fan of this guy, but I think he can put up an .800 OPS or a little better. I guess this shows how weak 3b/CI is this year. I still needed a 3b and a CI at this point and the pickings were already getting very slim.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:37
for Da Bomb
7.03 John Lackey SP LAA
Lackey stuck out on my sheets when I was thinking of who to pick at this spot. Lackey missed time with injuries last year but when healthy he is capable of being an ace. He will provide good value here in the 7th round if he makes 30+ starts.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:37
for JKaye
7.04 Conor Jackson 1B ARI
With the 100th pick, this might be a tad high for Jackson. I had no fewer than 8 players I considered taking with this pick. I was pretty set on taking another hitter, and like the Werth pick before, I felt like Jackson gives me "Square" stats so to speak in that he chips in everywhere, but nothing spectactular.

He fits right into the 80-80 R/RBI track, and I project about a .370ish OBP and 460ish SLG. He even stole 10 bases last year. Thing is, the OBP is almost a lock, as he's done it all 3 years. The SLG has upside, and if the power blossoms, then he's a very valuable piece. The floor stats here are acceptable enough to risk the potential that he breaks out.

Finally, he qualifies at both 1B and OF, so he can be my CI or one of my OF depending how the rest of the draft goes. I do like that flexibility.

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:38
for Uptown Bombers
7.05 Kelly Johnson 2B ATL
I have no MI’s yet. I need to start 3. I better take at least one now before it gets more out of hand than it already is. There are plenty of players at other positions that I value more than Kelly Johnson, but if I don’t force myself to take him now I’ll end up with Rey Ordonez times 3. I was tempted to take Kendrick for the upside but since this is my first MI I went with what I think is the safer play. Nothing great here, just a serviceable 2B.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 08:38
for Dave R
7.06 Felix Hernandez SP SEA

Round 7 was long enough for me to take my first starting pitcher. I toyed with the idea of taking Figgins if he lasted to me here, but as expected he didn't.

I was hoping that Lackey would be available, but he went a few picks earlier. None the less I think King Felix is excellent value at this juncture. I picked up on waivers a couple of years ago when he burst into the bigs, and he was a big reason for my success that year.

I expect nearly a K/inning from Hernandez, ERA in the mid 3's and a Whip of 1.2 ish. If he played for a better team he might post better than the 14 W's I see projected for him

      ID: 388531216
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 09:31
for philsphan
7.07 James Loney, 1B, LAD
This may be my first real “reach”, but I was targeting a 1B here, and since the next 20-25 or so players on my depth chart are now mostly outfielders, I felt I could pass on one without giving up much value. Between [3 undrafted players] I felt Loney had the most upside (translated: Manny Ramirez hitting in front of him). His power numbers declined from 2007 to 2008, but if I get something in between .800 - .900 OPS I’ll be happy. He should also give me 90+ RBI and with Manny in the lineup all season, he should have a good year. And he’s still in his early 20’s.
      ID: 388531216
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 09:32
for Dallas Homer
7.08 Chone Figgins, 3B, LAA
I have now turned my draft over to my 14yo daughter. I will be on a fishing trip till Sunday and will be out of cell service most of the time. I had set a queue for my next two picks and left instructions with my daughter on which players to move to the top of my queue at each round. I had hoped to get Zimmerman here but will be happy with the flexibility and speed Figgins will give me.
      ID: 388531216
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 09:33
for filthy
7.09 Bobby Jenks, RP, CHW
Jenks may be losing his strikeout ability, and his saves total might've fallen, but he is still the guy closing games in Chicago. Not a lineup of guys waiting to steal his job either. I'll take that with the 13th closer drafted. I almost thought I would miss out on a closer this year for a second. Something around last year's numbers would be passable. Returning to 2007 form (unintentional trend of my team so far... ) would be the bee's knees.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 09:46
7.10 J.J. Hardy, SS, Mil
Finally landed my first middle infielder. I had hoped that Jhonny Peralta would still be available here, but that was not to be.

Hardy is a streaky player. When he gets hot, he seems to be that way for a long time. Ditto on the flip side. Hopefully, he has enough of the former to compensate for the latter. During the 3 months of June-August, 2008 – his OPS was approx. .960. But, of course, the whole season counts.

For the full year he produced 78-74-.343/.478/.821 (w/ no steals to speak of), and I’d settle for those numbers, although at age 26, some growth doesn’t seem unreasonable.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 09:49
for dror
7.11 A.J. Burnett SP NYY
I usualy don't like to target people in drafts, but this pick is an exception. I don't know why, but ever since Burnett signed with the Yankees, I just have a really good feeling about him this year. I know his track record suggests that he won't stay healthy for a 2nd straight year, but this is a true gut pick. I just have a strong hunch that under the huge mess that is the 2009 Yankees, Burnett will end up winning 20 games.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 11:56
7.12 Robinson Cano, 2b, NYY

Damn. I wanted Figgins here. Oh well.

I have a big blank spot in the middle infield and felt it was about time to fill it. While I am a huge Yankee fan, I do not let my fandom blind me (too badly) to Yankee players. Hell if I have 2 Red Sox on my team (Ortiz, Beckett) then I must have dual personalities or something.

Cano had an awful year last year, but is widely regarded as one of the sweetest-swinging players in the American League. Don't forget he hit a pretty legit .342 in his first full season. I don't need that, but an average below .310 would be shocking to me. He should be able to post a .350 OBP, .475+ SLG with 85+ RBI and 80+ runs, which makes him a solid choice in this round.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 16:22
for rheo
7.13 Aubrey Huff 1B BAL
Simply needed a power bat and went for Huff here, probably a bit of a reach but it was pretty bare over at first. For some reason I never seem to get a 1B early enough in these leagues. Huff should do me good here, plus his 2 positions gives me some flexibility. Wanted Cano and had planned to hope Huff would drop to me on the way back but just went for him right away.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 16:23
for Bash Brothers
7.14 Zack Greinke SP KAN

Time to build my rotation. I was planning to pick 2 SPs in round 7 & 8. I left 4 in my Queue (Greinke, Vazquez, Matsuzaka and Kazmir). I got the former 2 and the other 2 went to vampireweekend. However, these 2 picks were the ones I'd like to do over again had I given the chance. I actually like vampire's picks more. And Matsuzaka's earning MVP of WBC was just like spilling salt on the wound!

I am hoping youth, health, and more experience in the bigs can help Greinke build a major breakthrough season.

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 16:23
for coldwater coyotes
7.15 Rickie Weeks 2B MIL
Fills my MI slot which is usually difficult without taking a less than .700 OPS player. Weeks has a terrible batting average but manages to get a .340 plus OBP and will contribute over 20 SBs.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 18:49
for vampire
7.16 Daisuke Matsuzaka SP BOS
8.01 Scott Kazmir SP TAM

So decided to take a week off from work and take the family to new mexico - knew there would be access problems but I was assured by several places that access would not be a big problem - in short I have learned never trust anyone from new Mexico. Between my previously mentioned wife suffering from a terrible case of strep throat and my crazy kids, I am looking forward to the peace and quiet of work.

Anyway - felt it was time for some pitching. Hoping that dice k comes somewhere close to last year's work and that kazmir can put an entire season together.

      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 18:50
for coldwater coyotes
8.02 Chad Qualls RP ARI
I still needed 2 closers and I couldn't risk not taking one of the top second tier pitchers. Qualls will have plenty of competition from some good middle relievers in his team but will start the season as the closer.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 20:36
for Bash Brothers:

8.03 Javier Vazquez, SP, ATL
Another bad choice here. People always talk about players who are picked right before their turn. Here is about the player who was picked right after! I was shocked when I saw Jon Lester went to rheo. I even didn't know he was still available!! Staying up late for several nights must be taking tolls on me. Living across the Pacific Ocean, I always found my turns came up at mid-night hours here. [I did left a Queue, but I usually set the list a few picks before mine, so I could see the "trend" of players went off the board].

Speaking of Vazquez, he is durable, has excellent K ratio, and he is moving to NL. But I seriously doubt he is worthy of an 8th round pick. Big mistake here.

      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 20:37
for rheo:

8.04 Jon Lester, SP, BOS

Probably should of went for another bat here but Lester was just too good for me to pass up here. Him and Santana are a nice 1-2 punch for me.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 20:39
8.05 Matt Capps, RP, PIT

I contemplated several directions here, but settled on Capps. Although he suffered an injury last year to slow him down, he showed excellent stuff to be a solid closer. High K/9 and low WHIP have him projecting to be a valued contributor to any team. The biggest issue is the team around him, but other guys like Brian Wilson and Joakim Soria flourished last year despite being on poor teams. If Capps stays healthy he will be a solid value with this pick.
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 20:39
for dror:

8.06 Yovani Gallardo, SP, MIL
I wanted another starter before I turn to the outfield, and Gallardo was the next one on my list. He has been very good in every level he pitched at as a pro, and if it wasn't for a knee injury last year he probably would have established himself as one of the game top young pitchers. I hope he does just that for me this year.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 21:03
8.07 Mark DeRosa, 2B, Cle
I could get a second pitcher, but I’m not. Available closers aren’t reliable enough, and my typical ploy is to wait for starters until at least round 9.

So my choice is to either fill a scarce middle infield slot, or to take the best hitter, preferably one who can get some steals. The best MI out there (by my biased reckoning) is DeRosa, and the non-MI alternative would probably be Johnny Damon. Given my predisposition to shun Yankees, when the option is a Tribesman, it’s not an even playing field.

DeRosa moves from the Cubs to the A.L., and Jacobs Progressive Field won’t help his power numbers. He appears to be slated as Cleveland’s regular 3B this year, but his eligibility at 2B is what gives him value here. I’m not expecting an .857 OPS like last year; something like .800 (360/440) seems doable, maybe a tad better. And I really didn’t see any other second basemen ranked nearby. It was either DeRosa now, or wait awhile.

At this point, I have a full infield, a catcher, and 2 outfielders. I’ll probably work on starting pitching next.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 21:07
for filthy
8.08 Brad Hawpe OF COL
Just beefin up the OPS again. With or without Holliday, the Rockies offense will always find a way to thrive. Brad Hawpe has been quite the hitter since becoming an every day player. He even started hitting lefties better last year. Hawpe could surpass 2007 stats if he can put it all together. I'm not holding out too much hope, but the upside was worth an 8th rounder.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 21:07
for Bags
8.09 Hunter Pence OF HOU
At this point we have driven the four hours from D/FW to Colorado Bend State Park, have set up camp, and have caught my first fish. One of the guys I had listed waaaay down on my queue was Pence. All of the MI taken in the round before Pence had been in my queue. If Pence can build on his .302/.388/.581 September he should have a nice bounce back year.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 21:08
for Philsphan
8.10 Cliff Lee SP CLE
I’m a bit surprised the reigning Cy Young Award winner has not been picked up yet. Of course, I picked the day that he gets lit up for 10 runs by Texas to draft him! Maybe that’s a bad omen. Oh well.

Perhaps there will be more pressure on him this year without CC at all, but he didn’t seem to fold after the trade last year. If he can get me 16-18 wins and a sub-3.50 ERA he will offer perfect value at this stage. If not, Karma got me.
121Uptown Bombers
      ID: 035616416
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 22:00
for Dave R
8.11 Francisco Cordero, RP, CIN
There's a " Guru-ism " for TSN hoops that says, when in doubt, do nothing regarding trading players. I've transformed that to this draft that " when in doubt, take a closer "

I really had no idea where I wanted to go at this point. I needed a thirdbasemen, but felt a decent one would be there with the next round. I was tempted by Nolasco, but figured a comparable SP could be had later.

So I took Cordero. He saved 44 and 34 for the last two seasons, so I'm expecting something right in the middle, better than a K/inning and solid %'s.

Cordero has never had any injury issues ( knocking on wood ) so hopefully he'll remain healthy and give me a solid 1-2 closer punch along with KRod.

122Uptown Bombers
      ID: 035616416
      Thu, Mar 19, 2009, 22:00
8.12 Ryan Doumit, C, PIT
This pick tormented me. I came into this pick thinking I wanted a high RBI and SLG guy. I looked through my lists and decided on Jermaine Dye. But I saw a bunch of other OF’s who were close to Dye’s output and so wondered if I couldn’t wait a bit. So then I decided to target more steals. I almost took Kendrick, since he was still there. Thought about Damon and Hunter. In the end, I decided on Doumit for the following reasons: 1) He has the potential to produce the RBI and SLG numbers I wanted in the first place and 2) he fills in at catcher. I figure since I am likely to be weak at the MI spots, I might as well try to temper that by taking what I hope will be a top 5 catcher. This breaks my strategy of waiting until round 20+ to fill the C spot. It took a good deal of thought to convince myself that it was a good move. Now, I need Doumit to play all year and produce.
      ID: 01372359
      Fri, Mar 20, 2009, 00:47
8.13 Brett Myers, P, Phi

I could have gone a number of directions with this pick. There's
not necessarily a reason for taking a SP here rather than waiting
a round. But I just decided to take my #2. Myers is a high-K guy
who re-emerged in the 2nd half of last year. He plays on a very
good team, so 15 wins should be reasonable. He reported to
camp 30 lbs. lighter and may have turned a corner on his career.
The dominance and control have always been there -he always
has been an 8 K/9 and 3 BB/9 type guy. There is risk for sure,
but that comes with any SP.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 23, 2009, 15:17
for Da Bomb
8.14 Heath Bell RP SDG
The closer options are dwindling and it’s now or never to get some saves. Bell posted nearly a K/IP last season and should do a fine job replacing Hoffman in San Diego.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 23, 2009, 15:18
for holt
8.15 Alex Gordon 3B KAN

A lot of players that I draft are guys that I've specifically targeted. Gordon is not of those players. Zimmerman wasn't either. After weighing options at various positions, I initially had decided to take Carlos Guillen here but once I had narrowed it down to a CI, I noticed Gordon on my spreadsheet. Long story short, I took Gordon over Guillen. Gordon is younger, has some upside... Guillen may bounce back, and I've had him on a lot of teams over the years, but I'm just going with youth this time. Now that I look at it, I'm not sure why I chose Zimmerman over Gordon. Gordon will likely go over .800 OPS this year and get 10-15 sb's along with it.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 23, 2009, 15:19
for JL
8.16 Jermaine Dye, OF, ChW
9.01 Andre Ethier, OF, LAD

Still trying to make up for deficiencies in power here, and I was very happy to see both of these players still on the board. Dye is 35 and I don’t expect his numbers to get any better, but he’s still good for 80+ RBI and a SLG% of .500+. He’s a steal if he can duplicate last season’s numbers. Ethier is turning 23 this year and slugged over .500 last year. With Manny hitting behind him, I don’t see why Ethier won’t, at the very least, match last year’s stats. I could’ve used a CI here, but nothing available at the time was worth passing over these two players.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 23, 2009, 15:19
Rationales for Rounds 9-16
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