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Posted by: judy
- Dude [7771722] Fri, Aug 31, 2012, 14:41

Half the fun of fantasy for me are the ups and downs of the season. Share those with us as weekly recaps, live action highs and lows and waiver wire steals or losses or whatever. Do check in at least weekly with a thought or two.

In other words, be chatty!!
      ID: 052753312
      Fri, Aug 31, 2012, 16:35
Let's get it on!
      ID: 7771722
      Fri, Aug 31, 2012, 23:37
Blind bidding waivers begins Monday at 1:00 pm, ends Weds at noon and then FCFS FA adds with immediate pick up of drops:

Don't ask me to explain blind bidding except to say that apparently, like everything else in the US of A, money talks! You have $100 for the season. Use it wisely.
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 00:13
COOL! Six teams have already posted starting lineups.

Let the games begin!
      ID: 310111515
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 02:02
So we cant make any adds until next Wednesday? I instantly have to get a new kicker. :/
      ID: 447213021
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 13:58
So my understanding is we can begin bidding on players (read some of the big boys thread on this and still not sure I totally get it) Mon at 1 then those players are awarded Wed at noon after which all remaining players are available for immediate pick up. Is this correct? Because I see my queues failed to get me a second DL.
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 14:34
Right now Slow is correct, however I can move the end of the blind bidding to Tuesday at (anytime). 3 hours after the awarding, we would go to FCFS adds/drops.

I will send out an email shortly to see what folks want to do.
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 14:47
Proposal as explained in the email sent Friday ~ 3 pm

1) Open blind bidding at noon on Sunday (so you can enter stuff)
2) Award (actually the computer does it) bids at noon on Tuesday
3) Open up the FCFS FA pick ups at
Choose one of these:
3 pm on Tuesday
7 pm on Tuesday (to allow working folks a chance to check in)

Remember players do not go on waivers any more, they are available immediately when dropped.

If not enough object, this is what we will do. You can also support this here in the thread.

Need your answer to 3) above!: 3 pm or 7 pm
      ID: 2510512518
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 14:53
3) Either works for me.
      ID: 424462011
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 14:55
1. I am indifferent which time FCFC pickups start; however whatever time pickups are going to start for the rest of the year should be used on Tuesday. That is, if you think 7 P.M. is a better time, then you should use that all year.

2. Why not open blind bidding right now?
      ID: 447213021
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 15:08
Re 8 would this be for all year or just this week ? Either way I am in favor of it and prefer the 7 pm time.
      ID: 501381415
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 15:12
No preference
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 15:15
I was thinking the 7 pm would be just for this week because it is the first time to get FCFS guys, but if it makes more sense to do it all year, I am fine with that. Personally I found the 3 pm a difficult time slot to get to a computer to see how the waivers went...

Keep expressing your opinions!
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 15:16
From Kyle via email -- to keep all discussions here:

I like the idea of Sunday at noon to Tuesday at noon that gives about 30 hours for the FCFS as opposed to 7 or 8 hours Wednesday would give since Wednesday is the first day of the season.
15Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 15:36
Re 8, can this statement be explained further:

Remember players do not go on waivers any more, they are available immediately when dropped.

Are they immediately free agents (and it's FCFS) or do these released players go to blind bidding?
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 01, 2012, 17:16
Here is the setting:

"Once a player is dropped, he is "locked" until: The player is not locked - owners may immediately pick up or request that player, subject to standard waiver rules."

Also: Prevent Owners From Making FCFS Waivers/Free Agent Moves Between Kickoff of that player's
game and the end of the last game of the week?


Blind bidding is Mondays 10:30 pm until noon Weds all season. Check the calendar link for details. All other times it is FCFS.
17Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 27722122
      Sun, Sep 02, 2012, 13:48
Per the question above, I'd really prefer it to be at 7pm.
18Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Sun, Sep 02, 2012, 17:31
Re 10:

2. Why not open blind bidding right now?

Why not?
      ID: 7771722
      Sun, Sep 02, 2012, 21:40
uh, Letter J -- it is open -- has been since noon Sunday, read your emails!

Check the calendar!
      ID: 447213021
      Sun, Sep 02, 2012, 23:45
When I go to the owners column then click waivers to attempt to put in a bid on a player I keep getting the message "The commissioner has revoked you waiver rights". H-m-m-m; am I doing something wrong or did I really irritate you Judy? :-)
      ID: 49728142
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 06:10
Re: 8

I'd like to do 7pm Tuesday for FA pickup....

Re: 20

As with Slow, I also have trouble trying the bidding system.
      ID: 21740118
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 10:43
I did read the emails and I experienced the same as Slowhand and ywk. That is why I posted what I did...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 12:41
Let me check with guru -- I am not sure which setting is off as I copied the ones he gave me.
      ID: 7771722
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 12:48
found it -- should be good to go now -- worked for me when I did a non commish sign in.

Sorry about that -- managers were randomly allowed to do it -- I think only the ones from last year were able to -- I didn't think to turn them on for this season... oops. Also had to turn other stuff.

Somebody else try it and let me know if it works --thanks.
25Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 14:29
So, I had a little time to play with the system a little bit, and I noted the following:

If you go to trades, and once you select a team to trade with, the rosters will then be displayed and at the bottom of the rostered players is a box which indicates: Blind Bidding Dollars.

Can you include Blind Bidding Dollars in a trade?
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 15:40
I have no idea. Put your question into the big boys thread and see what they say. I would think so to sweeten the pot so to speak.
27Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Mon, Sep 03, 2012, 17:35
Bonka's response to my query:

Yeah, I mentioned that when we were discussing changing to blind bid. They can be tradeable. I don't think we ever said officially if that was allowed or not, but I see no reason not to.

There is an option to allow/disallow it. Some leagues may not be set properly to allow it.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 12:40
I'm going to try to predict our league this year just to see how well I can guess who's going to do what. I was looking at the teams to see who is starting who (and also to see who hasn't put in a lineup yet). There's a few errors in rosters.

Slowhand: Missing 1 DE
mjd: No Roster selected.

Tonight, I'll have my projected points scored for each line up, and if there isn't a fix on those 2 I'll put go off of the order they drafted.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 17:38
Yeah Slow bid for one. He's fine. Mjd will be fine.

Just to clarify, there is no waiver wire order any more because all waivers are by blind bidding...

Kyle, put my team down for 150 points -- either Ingram or Morris is starting, just don't know which one yet.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 22:16
Well Judy, as much as I'd like to just "give" you 50 points that would negate what I'm trying to do with this :)

Here's my projections for week 1.
Team Offense Defense Total Record
Wheatfarmers 92.3 55.8 148.1 2-0
IAC 99.6 43.7 143.3 2-0
s_R 96.4 45.4 141.8 2-0
taxman 95.2 43.7 138.9 2-0
building 7 81.4 46.0 127.4 2-0
Kyle's Enhanced Performers 96.2 47.4 143.6 1-1
jaydog 95.4 40.9 136.3 1-1
YWK 85.0 50.1 135.1 1-1
Nerfherders 84.3 48.4 132.7 1-1
slackjawed yokel 94.4 40.6 135.0 0-2
Ghostwood 90.8 41.4 132.2 0-2
Slowhand 84.1 42.8 126.9 0-2
Letter J 89.4 37.3 126.7 0-2
mjd 77.2 44.2 121.4 0-2

Team (Game 1) Offense Defense Total Result Team (Game 2) Offense Defense Total Result
Ghostwood 90.8 41.4 132.2   building 7 81.4 46.0 127.4 W
Nerfherders 84.3 48.4 132.7 W Letter J 89.4 37.3 126.7  
s_R 96.4 45.4 141.8 W mjd 77.2 44.2 121.4  
jaydog 95.4 40.9 136.3   s_R 96.4 45.4 141.8 W
Wheatfarmers 92.3 55.8 148.1 W Slowhand 84.1 42.8 126.9  
Kyle's Enhanced Performers 96.2 47.4 143.6   IAC 99.6 43.7 143.3 W
IAC 99.6 43.7 143.3 W Kyle's Enhanced Performers 96.2 47.4 143.6 W
slackjawed yokel 94.4 40.6 135.0   YWK 85.0 50.1 135.1  
Slowhand 84.1 42.8 126.9   jaydog 95.4 40.9 136.3 W
YWK 85.0 50.1 135.1 W slackjawed yokel 94.4 40.6 135.0  
mjd 77.2 44.2 121.4   Nerfherders 84.3 48.4 132.7  
building 7 81.4 46.0 127.4 W taxman 95.2 43.7 138.9 W
Letter J 89.4 37.3 126.7   Ghostwood 90.8 41.4 132.2  
taxman 95.2 43.7 138.9 W Wheatfarmers 92.3 55.8 148.1 W
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 22:24
Man, I lose one by 0.5 points? That hurts!

That is a low score for my IDP's...

We shall see...

How do you do this? And make it look so good for presentation?
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 22:28
I have a couple of game time decisions coming up in my leagues this week. Does anyone have a reliable site that is ready around noon for the 1:00 games?

      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 23:17
Re 31: You save an excel spreadsheet selection as a webpage. Then you open it up in your browser (Firefox for me). Finally you cut and paste the Page Source from that page into a message here and click Ignore line feeds? yes (for HTML table input).

Also you're half point loss is with Nerf playing Kasay, so now that he has a real kicker (which I didn't account for) you'll probably lose by 6+ points. :)
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 23:36
gee thanks...still surprised that my IDP are so low...

where do you get the points? this part was in greek for me:

Re 31: You save an excel spreadsheet selection as a webpage. Then you open it up in your browser (Firefox for me). Finally you cut and paste the Page Source from that page into a message here and click Ignore line feeds? yes (for HTML table input).
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 04, 2012, 23:47
Oh, the points are from a few of the sites I use for projections for the draft. They'll give SoS and I'll use the SoS to look at who will score what as well as an astute knowledge of the NFL.

But in all seriousness I use my go to draft guide site that I'd perfer not to give out.

And if the other stuff was greek you can e-mail me a spreadsheet and I could convert it to a table here.
      ID: 424462011
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 07:11
You've jinxed me! But I like the way you think.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 13:54
Which link give us the ranking of the opponent's D vs our players? Isn't there one that gives def v pass and def v rush?
      ID: 161121811
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 19:58
I will you note you did the projections before I had a kicker.
      ID: 49728142
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 20:21
I guess the projected score for my team was based on Lynch's back could hold up.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 22:32
Ogle - who?
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Sep 05, 2012, 22:52
Who's going to spend their budget on him Tuesday morning :P
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Sep 06, 2012, 00:01
Remember tackles for loss are not live -- they are added later.
      ID: 424462011
      Fri, Sep 07, 2012, 17:06
That was a quick move by Lyle. However if Goodell wants to keep control of the league, he will announce that Vilma and the others are now banned for life regardless of what any judge says, and that if any banned player touches an NFL field, New Orleans will forfeit its franchise for ever.
      ID: 052753312
      Sat, Sep 08, 2012, 03:18
As soon as I heard the ban was lifted I thought I'd pick up Vilma. If he stays on my bench (he's probably going to the PUP list) I'm alright with that. He was a free FA pick up and cost me one player who is hurt.
      ID: 54203110
      Sat, Sep 08, 2012, 17:27
Trying to figure out why standings are posted when first week is not over -- have no idea, sent email to guru. No other roto league has anything other than 0-0 for all teams????

It's never done this before...
      ID: 54203110
      Sat, Sep 08, 2012, 17:42
Found a checked box for it, unchecked it but it looks like we need to wait till next week for it to take effect...
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 15:41
Judy looks like you made the right call on Bob over Andy
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 15:58
Vick needs to be benched!! Just awful... Even I would know not to throw into that coverage!
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 16:02
Another huge bust - chris johnson...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 16:25
Mad I did not start Morris...
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 16:49
Sproles looked like he was going to be a bust this week but in the second half he turned it on with a good amount of KR yards and a TD and 2 pt conversion. I'm very concerned he got 0 carries until I saw they had 10 carries and 32 yards as a team.
      ID: 424462011
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 17:15
Greene scored a TD. Amazing. I should get a win just based on that.

Amused to see Judy's "RGIII" go off.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 18:09
Yeah looks like Ingram got one carry for 15 yards -- say what who 'dat nation?
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 18:12
63 yarder for Akers? Wow!!
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 19:21
I knew I should have started Bowman over Foster. Damn...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 20:02
Well Toral, it looks like it is A Brown vs A Boldin for the win...
      ID: 424462011
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 20:57
Uggh. Boldin has disappointed me so many times.
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 21:39
Judy, don't forget you've got Reggie Nelson going tomorrow night. 4 or 5 points from him could make the difference.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 09, 2012, 22:28
60Coach Building 7
      ID: 171572711
      Mon, Sep 10, 2012, 18:54
mjd, It looks like we're going down to Monday night, as we often do. Me and taxman usually come down to MNF, too.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Sep 10, 2012, 20:11
Common Reggie how about an int for a TD?

Ok Boldin -- you have your TD so you can rest now...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Sep 10, 2012, 22:16
I got lucky with the Balt slaughter -- they rested the starters -- Reggie did get some tackles though!! Dn't think stat adjustments will hangs anything...
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Sep 10, 2012, 23:42
Oakland-San Diego is going to make me want to stay awake since I have 2 fantasy games hanging in the balance. Come on Weddle, get in there and make more tackles! Pick off Palmer! It's not that hard...

G'night AAA #2, here's to me waking up 1-1 with no stat corrections screwing me.
      ID: 447213021
      Tue, Sep 11, 2012, 22:53
Pretty dissapointed in my teams 1st week;particularly my Helu 5th round pick. Everything I read had him at LEAST sharing carries. I'm pretty sure Shanahan screwed with my RB picks in Denver too .... no wonder I hate the weasely little bastard. Com'on admit it he looks like a weasel.Too early to panic but 0-2 start is not good.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 11, 2012, 23:08
I can't be the only one who thinks Shanahan looks like Bush and Mike Smith looks like John McCain right?
      ID: 501381415
      Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 11:49
Only one steadfast rule for me during the draft--NEVER draft a Shanahan coached RB. Been burned more than once trying to figure out the method to his madness. Helu could be the guy next week... or not. You'd think he'd stick with the rook, and he very well might, until he fumbles or the moon phase changes.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 12:37
Looking to put my predictions together for this week and I thought I'd take a look at how I did last week. I went 5-9 in the games and my scores were off an average of 16.33 points per team.

Biggest miss: Letter J scored 43.4 points more than my prediction.
Closest guess: jaydog scored 2.98 points more than my prediction.

-I was within 10 points of 6 teams.
-I had the records right for 4 teams and half right for 4 more.
-I had every 2-0 team going 0-2 for the week, whoops!
-I had Slowhand nearly perfectly pegged, 0-2 and only 3.48 points off, the only 0-2 I was right about.
-The opposite of Slowhand, I had Building 7 going 2-0 with one of the weaker schedules and lower power point totals. He went 0-2 with the hardest schedule and the 5th highest point totals
      ID: 161121811
      Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 13:27
So what was the winning bid for Ogletree?
69Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 14:25
22 bucks from mjd
      ID: 501381415
      Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 15:39
I see the lure of blind bidding. Kinda like gambling. And football and gambling are a match made in heaven.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Sep 13, 2012, 10:06
If you go to for owners --> franchise set up --> contact info, you can check the box for waiver moves and you will get emails for every player move. It is nice for the waiver stuff, but can be a pain as you also get every FA drop/add as well -- the $$$ for bids is there.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Sep 13, 2012, 23:20
Shoot -- my bench man has two INT's...
      ID: 49728142
      Thu, Sep 13, 2012, 23:45
This really hurts: injured Forte and -1 from James Jones.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Sep 13, 2012, 23:46
You guys are probably too young to remember her, but this video composite is awesome. You'll be grinning at the end:

Share with any friend who loves music and dance movies!
      ID: 501381415
      Fri, Sep 14, 2012, 22:18
Really wanted to start Peyton Manning this week, but couldn't resist the lure of a potential Thursday niight shootout.

Wish I knew Cutler dissed the GB secondary before the game. I'd have benched all Bear offensive players. Especially him.
      ID: 7771722
      Sat, Sep 15, 2012, 21:51
Kyle -- Week 2 Projections??????

We're waiting...
      ID: 424462011
      Sun, Sep 16, 2012, 13:48
If I lose to Spiller, who is not only a Bill but someone I've drafted somewhere ever since he entered the league, this will be a truly miserable week.
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 16, 2012, 14:28
RE 76: Sorry, got busy this weekend and wasn't able to get to it. I should be able to get a week 3 projection out.

RE 77: I agree, I think all of Spiller's stats should be disqualified as I own in him 75% of my leagues. :P
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Sep 17, 2012, 22:26
If Julio does not catch anything, I will lose both games tonight probably by under 10...
      ID: 310111515
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 00:15
Lost by 18 yards. Brilliant.
      ID: 24711279
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 00:53
Another 1-1 week. My goal of not going 0-2 continues. If I can keep it up playoffs are totally going to happen :-)
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 07:38
Julio, Julio, wherefor were thee? I just needed a normal day from you not 14 yards rec. for 1.5 points. C'mon, man!!
I lost 2 thanks to you!!
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 07:53
Is it true he dropped a wide-open pass in the End Zone? Alas.

Everything went fine for me -- C. J. Spiller didn't cause my loss. I'd have got cleaned even if he sat on the bench all game!
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 10:19
I realize its super early in the season but the standings seem off.

FranchiseW-L-TPctGBStrkPFAvg PFPAAvg PA
slackjawed yokel3-1-0.7501.0L1262.80131.4512.52128.1
Letter J3-1-0.7501.0W1309.70154.8571.40142.8
Kyle's Enhanced Performers2-2-0.5002.0W1268.04134.0569.94142.5
building 72-2-0.5002.0W2334.16167.1604.88151.2

I enjoy being in 5th place but shouldn't be in 8th with Building 7, Ghostwood and Jaydog ahead of me? I realize I hold the H2H on Jay so maybe I should be in 7th. It's a little confusing how the order is random.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 10:55
Also am I doing my blind bidding right? I'm going to remove names and change my dollar amounts so people don't know what I'm actually doing.

Add Player A for $50.00, drop Owned Player 1
Add Player B for $49.00, drop Owned Player 1
Add Player C for $48.00, drop Owned Player 1
Add Player D for $50.00, drop Owned Player 2
Add Player E for $49.00, drop Owned Player 2
Add Player F for $48.00, drop Owned Player 2
Add Player G for $47.00, drop Owned Player 2

So if no one bids $51 for Player A and Player D I should get both of them and drop Players 1 and 2. Let's say someone bids $51 for player A and no one bids on D, then I get Player B and Player D? Or if no one bids on Player A and someone bids $51 on Player D then I get Player A and Player E?
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 13:22
Kyle -- I have no clue how this works -- hopefully boNKA will chime in...
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 13:25

Standings Criteria are:
Overall winning %
Total points
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 14:23
[87] Judy - Standings should use points before HTH. That was a change this year.
      ID: 019742310
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 15:04
Yeah, non conditional is pretty easy to figure out. Conditional can take a bit more thinking to run through your head.

Just keep in mind the only time order matters is when bids are the same.
      ID: 019742310
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 15:06
None of the leagues were set up to use points before HTH. I just changed the RG14 league. RIFC needs to be changed as well.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 15:23
RE 89: So is mine set up right?
      ID: 019742310
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 15:35
Starting next year I'm going to offer MFL help for the season for $2.99!

But yeah, it's fine. My other post hinted at that but never actually said it I guess.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 17:04
#87: FIXED!!

Looks like it recalculated it...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Sep 18, 2012, 17:37
RE 92: I'd sign up for that! Thanks.
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Sep 20, 2012, 15:16
Week 3 projections. We've got some great games this week including the projected #2 and #3 scoring teams facing each other with Judy and myself and #5 vs #6 with Slackjawed and Building 7.

Ghostwood 146.3 < Kyle's EP 150.3
Nerfherders 136.6 < IAC 164.9
Wheatfarmers 138.8 > jaydog 135.9
slackjawed yokel 138.0 > building 7 136.9
YWK 127.1 < mjd 130.5
Letter J 133.9 > s_R 132.9
taxman 129.2 > Slowhand 123.5
mjd 130.5 < Wheatfarmers 138.8
Slowhand 123.5 < Ghostwood 146.3
YWK 127.1 < s_R 132.9
slackjawed yokel 138.0 > Nerfherders 136.6
IAC 164.9 > building 7 136.9
Kyle's EP 150.3 > Letter J 133.9
jaydog 135.9 > taxman 129.2
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Sep 20, 2012, 22:20
Let the games begin!!!
      ID: 45633109
      Fri, Sep 21, 2012, 09:14
Wow... Andre Brown... worth every penny!!
      ID: 54203110
      Fri, Sep 21, 2012, 12:26
You betcha!! I have him in G24...
      ID: 2510512518
      Sat, Sep 22, 2012, 20:37
RE 95: Wow, No pressure! Shesh... we'll see.
      ID: 7771722
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 09:51
I am coming to getcha Kyle.

I think our offensive guys match up well, but the difference will be in the IDP scores...

that is, assuming that Julio does not do a disappearing act again...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 17:28
Time for nick foles, Vick is just not gonna get it done...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 17:29
Julio, Julio wherefore art thou?? (again!!!)
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 17:31
Oh, good, there you are -- in the end zone...

Good boy!
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 21:52
Looks like my defense and offense came to play this week Judy. Thanks for the pep-talk!

As I type this up I'm pretty sure Pitta just sealed the deal. That said I'm due for an 0-2 week next week after EVERYONE decided to have a great week.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 23:03
Yeah I kinda wish colston was inactive as I had Hawkins as his sub... Still a loss, but not so bad...

Nice win kyle...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 23, 2012, 23:05
My subs beat your subs though...
      ID: 161121811
      Tue, Sep 25, 2012, 11:22
I honestly didnt think this team was going to win any games, and then I get lucky with matchups. I've still got alot of work to do to right the ship though.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Sep 25, 2012, 21:57
Nice job Toral -- over 200 points!!
      ID: 447213021
      Tue, Sep 25, 2012, 23:14
Boy this is shaping up to be one of my worst seasons ever; and while I'd like to blame some big queues I really felt pretty good about my team after the draft.
Anyway as a Packer fan the reffing in the 4th quarter totally gave seattle the win, and while it wouldn't have helped my fantasy score tha NFL reeally needs to get the strike settled and the refs back on the field. There have been some horrific calls so far this season.
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Sep 26, 2012, 10:39
Here's a crazy ref perspective... (I think.) Ref calls it a TD knowing that there will be a review (scoring play) and that his on field decision will either be upheld (yeah) or overturned (darn). Either way, he is off the hook.

As for the guy calling time out (and he gave no other signal) -- we are taught to call time out whenever something tricky happens. Then we "share information" (official terminology there). There are either 2 or 3 of us all focused on the play.

If the ref rules INT, the game is over -- no review. That's a problem right there.

As far as all the huddle nonsense, I do not recall refs huddling before calls such as this. Can you imagine the two refs standing there staring at each other while neither makes any call and THEN they all go meet and decide to go to replay. You can't have replay without a call first.

I think even the regular refs would have struggled with this one.

And, me personally I think when they HIT THE GROUND, it was a tie. DB got to it slightly first in the air with two hands although Tate's left hand was also on the ball inside of his, but by the time they hit the ground Tate's other hand was on the ball (Check out the style of the gloves on the ball.)
      ID: 501381415
      Wed, Sep 26, 2012, 16:03
That call was a no brainer... Tate caught the guy who caught the ball.
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Sep 26, 2012, 18:02
Anybody know how bye weeks are decided? Who gets which one?
      ID: 424462011
      Thu, Sep 27, 2012, 10:01
Don't get this -- why is our Points For on the standings based on one-game totals and our Points Against on both games of a DH -- about twice as big?
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Sep 27, 2012, 10:42
@Toral Because you're points against for each game you play will be different where as each week your points for will be the same for each game. If you want to you can double your Points For in your head to make yourself feel like you haven't been outscored doubly.
      ID: 424462011
      Thu, Sep 27, 2012, 11:35
I guess it's AA that's the odd man out -- the others do it same as here. I'd rather the standings do the doubling for me.
      ID: 7771722
      Thu, Sep 27, 2012, 12:28
Toral -- I agree - we could not figure out why there was a difference... weird..
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 13:34
Julio, my friend, where are you today????
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 13:56
My nfl red zone is nothing but a gray screen -- fios -- anyone else???

      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 14:15
Uh, Julio, this is getting old -- please don't turn into colston...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 15:56
Adrian peterson ha a pass defensed? Huh?
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 19:23
Gb screwed again -- that was a fumble by sproles...
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 19:26
I'm fine with it!
      ID: 424462011
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 19:54
I was sorry in the AM about not starting Jones -- bu the numbers said I had to go with Hartline. Ah well ;)
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Sep 30, 2012, 20:02
All I can do now is wait on mjd (wake will get a few more TFL points...)
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 01, 2012, 23:28
My worry now is how many of lee's T are TFL at 2pints each...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 01, 2012, 23:28
Pints =points
128Building 7
      ID: 87592712
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 11:52
The Bears couldn't just run it up the middle and kick a FG. They just had to throw a pass.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 15:57
I did this a few years back, and the AAA League I was in enjoyed it. So I thought I'd bring it back after I had a sample size that was decent. I'll try to do this after every 4 weeks depending on the work load here at the office.

The first chart will show how much the position gains for you each week. The second chart will show how much above or below average you are. If you want to figure it out based on each player you would have to divide RB, WR, DE, LB and DB by 2. For W/T and IDP I took the lowest point total for the position that had multiples. So if you started 3 WRs, your lowest scoring WR was your W/T. If you started 2 TEs, the lowest scoring TE was your W/T. If you started 3 LB, DE or DB the lowest scoring of the triple was your IDP. For the most part the league has started 3 WR, 1 TE, 2 DE, 3 LB and 2 DB so the W/T is a WR and the IDP is a LB. There are a few exceptions to that trend though.

The more interesting things I've found so far:
1. There's only 4 teams above the league average
2. IAC is 11 points better than the average RB score and MJD is 11 points better than the average DE score. That's crazy.
3. The team that drafted a Kicker first (Ghostwood) is being outscored in that category by the team that drafted theirs last (Building 7). Kind of shows you that a kicker is a kicker is a kicker...

Building 7 22.73 26.40 30.43 4.58 4.43 11.25 11.75 22.25 16.38 5.38 155.55
Wheatfarmers 24.32 23.40 28.90 4.63 8.15 13.25 12.25 19.88 15.08 5.25 155.10
Kyle's EnPer 15.86 24.41 26.68 8.53 4.80 9.75 12.75 26.50 14.60 8.13 151.99
Ghostwood 26.00 25.93 25.13 3.20 6.75 11.00 15.63 18.38 14.63 4.50 151.13
Taxman 20.55 12.28 24.38 5.10 11.38 12.75 11.25 20.50 16.38 4.88 139.42
Letter J 22.50 26.58 20.10 4.45 3.35 11.00 8.63 19.63 16.50 6.50 139.23
YWK 18.28 24.62 24.33 4.10 7.90 8.00 10.00 22.25 11.25 7.38 138.09
mjd 13.68 18.08 20.83 2.63 10.75 4.75 24.13 23.63 14.13 5.50 138.08
IAC 13.20 33.50 22.76 5.18 5.80 11.25 8.75 18.38 14.25 4.13 137.19
s_R 16.54 17.90 22.20 7.15 5.33 8.50 16.88 20.13 13.50 4.38 132.49
Slackjawed 19.81 18.50 20.30 5.13 13.53 5.25 11.75 17.13 14.18 5.88 131.44
Jaydog 11.42 18.93 24.08 4.73 10.70 8.25 10.63 23.25 13.38 4.63 129.97
Slowhand 17.67 16.98 21.82 4.00 10.23 6.75 12.25 17.88 17.63 3.88 129.06
Nerfherders 15.55 22.65 20.19 2.10 7.88 9.00 8.63 19.25 15.97 4.63 125.83
League Avg. 18.43 22.15 23.72 4.68 7.93 9.34 12.52 20.64 14.84 5.36 139.61

Building 7 4.30 4.25 6.71 -0.11 -3.51 1.91 -0.77 1.61 1.54 0.01 15.94
Wheatfarmers 5.89 1.25 5.18 -0.05 0.22 3.91 -0.27 -0.77 0.23 -0.11 15.49
Kyle's EnPer -2.58 2.26 2.96 3.85 -3.13 0.41 0.23 5.86 -0.24 2.77 12.38
Ghostwood 7.57 3.78 1.41 -1.48 -1.18 1.66 3.11 -2.27 -0.22 -0.86 11.52
Taxman 2.12 -9.88 0.66 0.42 3.45 3.41 -1.27 -0.14 1.54 -0.49 -0.19
Letter J 4.07 4.43 -3.62 -0.23 -4.58 1.66 -3.90 -1.02 1.66 1.14 -0.38
YWK -0.16 2.47 0.61 -0.58 -0.03 -1.34 -2.52 1.61 -3.59 2.02 -1.52
mjd -4.76 -4.08 -2.90 -2.06 2.82 -4.59 11.61 2.99 -0.72 0.14 -1.53
IAC -5.24 11.35 -0.96 0.50 -2.13 1.91 -3.77 -2.27 -0.59 -1.24 -2.43
s_R -1.90 -4.25 -1.52 2.47 -2.61 -0.84 4.36 -0.52 -1.34 -0.99 -7.13
Slackjawed 1.38 -3.65 -3.42 0.45 5.60 -4.09 -0.77 -3.52 -0.66 0.52 -8.18
Jaydog -7.01 -3.23 0.36 0.04 2.77 -1.09 -1.90 2.61 -1.47 -0.74 -9.64
Slowhand -0.77 -5.18 -1.90 -0.68 2.30 -2.59 -0.27 -2.77 2.79 -1.49 -10.55
Nerfherders -2.89 0.50 -3.54 -2.58 -0.05 -0.34 -3.90 -1.39 1.13 -0.74 -13.79
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 16:26
kicker note -- wheat's K is Hanson, cause DET doesn't score TD's!! And tax's is Gostkowski...

Oh well...i LIKE Akers which is why I picked him up and he's decent!
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 16:36
Interesting that mjd is below average in TP, but has a 6-2 record.

Some really tough scores this weekend:

Tax -- with 154.12 points -- loses to Wheat by 2.74 and defeats B7 by 3.28.

It will be very interesting to see how the byes begin to play into the scoring which has been pretty high for a lot of teams...

Anyone know how they decide what teams get what byes and how many byes per week? Seems really odd that only two teams were on bye this week, but in week 7, six are out...??? And the rest of the weeks are four teams out???

Oh, and thanks Kyle -- that was very interesting!!
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 16:50
Oh I messed up B7's numbers. It only affects DB numbers, and B7's totals. I had his DB number higher than it should have been, and it caused him to be ahead of Wheatfarmers. I can repost the charts if someone wants, but for the most part everything is right sans DB which has an average of 0.08 higher than it should be and B7's DBs should be 15.25.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 02, 2012, 18:03
RE 131: mjd has the easiest schedule so far (or best defense?). He averages 9 points against less than the average. Compare that to Jaydog, Slowhand or YWK and you see what happens to the record...

Also I have no idea how they do bye weeks...
      ID: 01361448
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 12:13
"Once I get my IDP re-sorted"... darn, was really thinking I'd had a better IDP draft this year than last. Oh well! I hit the wire HARD this week; let's hope some of those moves pay-off.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 12:28
Just so I know if I really overpaid or not. Did anyone else put in a bid for Battle or Bolden? I feel $20 was a lot but if either of them becomes a 15 carries/game sort of player they could become a pretty nice little pick up. Especially if any of my RBs get hurt.
      ID: 01361448
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 12:48
I had bids on both... ~ $5-10 range.
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 13:48
Yes, I also bid on both -- I think for $15 and $14???

Didn't write $$$ down anywhere.
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 13:51
It's too bad we cannot see who bid how much, but I guess that is one of the reasons they call it "blind" bidding!
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Oct 03, 2012, 17:37
Ok good, I'm not totally crazy.
      ID: 45633109
      Thu, Oct 04, 2012, 16:52
I bid 19 on Battle and 16 on Bolden... really annoyed I didn't get either. Love going into this week with Andre Brown and Danny Woodhead as my starting RB's!!!
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Oct 04, 2012, 16:54
Since I'm flush with RBs I'm not opposed to a trade, especially since you can include FAAB money.
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 08:18
The injury to Amendola really hurts with him being a top 5 WR through 4 weeks. With him Locker/Hernandez all banged up, this is starting to look like a repeat of last year.
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 12:08
A deal has been agreed upon... if we can get it passed prior to kickoff Sunday:

To Letter_J:
Dez Bryant, WR, DAL

Joe Flacco, QB, BAL
      ID: 7771722
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 13:08
waiting for the poll results...
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 14:55
Why is a poll being held?
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 15:20
Per Guru's POST # 119

"If at least 3 managers protest a trade within 24 hours of its announcement, then all managers will be polled within the next 24 hours. If seven or more managers vote to veto a trade, then it will not be approved. If a proposed trade is announced less than 24 hours before the earliest freeze for any player involved, then the entire trade will not be processed until the following week.

If a trade does not receive at least 3 protests, then it will be effective 24 hours after it is announced. If a trade receives at least 3 protests but the protests are not upheld in a full league vote, then the trade will be processed 48 hours after it is announced."

If there is no resemblance of collusion, then there should be no votes. In this case, I have an obvious issue at QB w/Locker's injury, and waning faith in P.Rivers (although his O-Line is improving somewhat), thus, I'm willing to give up a HIGH Talent WR, who as of yet this year, hasn't fully met his potential. Where is the reason for concern? By FBG's VBD Rest of season value, Dez is a 14.3 while Flacco is an 11.2 (very close). Just because Flacco was taken at 11.02, and Dez at 3.14 doesn't make this "lop-sided".
      ID: 019742310
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 15:51
Polls go up automatically on MFL with the way the RIFC leagues are set up.

I'd be interested to know if you've ever traded with anyone other than your brother though, since I always recall trades being with him. Not saying they're bad, just that you always end up trading with him.
148Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 15:52
Re 146,

As far as collusion goes, no way my Bro and I ever collude. We are WAY TOO COMPETITIVE FOR THAT.
149Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 15:53
And re 147,

I guess it's because we have a pretty open line of communication, despite the fact we are 600 plus miles apart.
      ID: 019742310
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 16:09
IAC's and my picks were similar for the first few rounds grabbing Rice/Foster then Richardson and JPP a few rounds later and both ending up with Rivers (bleh). The RBs are fine so far but JPP is a big let down and Rivers is crap. At least you took him later than I did, although you only got and injured Hernandez out of that while I ended up with a currently useless Britt through the first 6 rounds.

Who knew we should have taken Watt over JPP and RG3 over Rivers? Haven't gotten that crystal ball yet.
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 16:22
RE: 147

I think Fantasy Football is one of the hardest to make deals in. It's a short season, and the trade deadline comes up quick. If you don't trade during the draft, then you probably won't end up trading.

My bro sent out a league wide "trade bait", I'm not sure if I'm the only one who bit... but it's been in discussion for a couple weeks now. I had declined prior to Locker's 2nd injury.
      ID: 052753312
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 16:30
Re 146 and 148: I see no problem with the trade. I think it's a win for both sides and could see them putting up similar value based on their position. Clearly Flacco will put up more points but our league gives a ton of points to QBs. It's one reason why I always pass on the elite QBs early on and go for the RB/WRs where there's a lot less depth.

Re 147 and 149: I chuckled when I saw it was the Canadians who were making a trade with each other, but thought nothing of it besides they have each other's phone number and could very easily pick up the phone and say "Hey I need a WR and you need a QB, want to do this".
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Oct 05, 2012, 16:35
RE 152: Phone Call? No way!?! We channelled our native roots and sent up smoke signals; letting them drift along with the aid of our Arctic winds. ;)
      ID: 54203110
      Sat, Oct 06, 2012, 18:56
Trade processed -- I almost forgot!
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Oct 07, 2012, 15:33
Sunday notes:
Vick is at it again -- mr fumble man
Gonna miss RGIII...
Julio -- c'mon man
My red zone is still out -- gotta call them...

      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 08, 2012, 10:27
Well, looks like my first 0-2 week. I knew it would be a tough week, and it was only made tougher by way too many single digit performances. If Schaub and Shayne Graham have a great week I may be able to salvage a 1-1 week.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 08, 2012, 20:50
Ok Schaub. 4 more drives like that and I go 2-0. 3 more and I go 1-1. Either way I'll be happy with a great week to get you and I won't be too upset with the 0-2 week if I end up with 130 points.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 08, 2012, 23:55
Kyle -- no such luck tonight...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 09, 2012, 14:14
No such luck but I'll take the 130 points in the points for column and hope for a 1-1 week next week. This was going to be a tough week with Taxman and B7 being pretty good teams who I could see in the playoffs.
      ID: 310111515
      Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 01:33
It's just not my year for RI leagues. 15/16 in RIBC and now this disaster in the making. My G24 team is outscoring this one.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 08:55
If you go to reports --> franchise . You can see who bid what for waivers, money. And people and decisions...and a whole lotta other stuff!
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 18:41
Wow -- lotta BB WW action this week! Interesting to see who wanted who for how much. See 161 for how to peek.
      ID: 229471021
      Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 22:47
finally a 2-0 week....doubt I'll be seeing many of those.Now Brown's out for a few weeks; not that he was great but I did get a couple of Scrub RBs in the BB that at least have been scoring SOME points.
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 23:33
SLow -- you've got three Browns on your team!!
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Oct 11, 2012, 06:40
I got the notice about the ben change and checked the box for automatic changes by MFL which will take place at 10 am EDT today. Let me know via thread if it worked and who was affected.
I do not have enough access time to check it until much later today. Thanks.
166Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Fri, Oct 12, 2012, 09:07

I shot you an offer.
167Letter J
      ID: 447421411
      Fri, Oct 12, 2012, 19:15
Building 7,

Shot you an offer
      ID: 229471021
      Mon, Oct 15, 2012, 00:18
OMG just checked the scores and apparantly did not hit save or some thing when i subbed for Brown and Jennings....instead of 2 probable wins I've got 2 losses.....this has GOT to be my worst Fantasy year ever.
Letter J my email is down so I didn't see your offer
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 07:28
Great. Now I'm losing to people who don't submit lineups.
      ID: 01361448
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 08:26
That meltdown by Rivers really is costing me, especially losing by .4 points to Taxman. I'll be checking back for corrections later in the week.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 12:09
Quick question: YWK failed to start a second DB. I remember a few years back if you failed to start a "legal roster" you took a 0 for the week. I don't see that in the most recent rules and I only noticed this from keeping track of who scored how many points at what position. Personally I feel like he didn't start 4 LBs or something like that, so really he only penalized himself by not starting someone.

      ID: 161121811
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 15:58
I noticed that too while looking at the matchup score. At first I thought somehow I was missing bench player.
      ID: 28523116
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 17:18
I will ask guru to rule.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 17:33
There was some discussion of this issue several years ago, particularly with regard to team defenses.

We have no special rules regarding vacant starting slots, or bye players in a starting slot. Thus, if a starting slot is empty or has a bye player, you just get zero for that slot - but the rest of your lineup still scores normally.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 16, 2012, 17:59
I thought I had remembered it being something to do with Team Ds. I think the problem was if you were winning a tight game and your opponent had no one going you could bench your Team D going on Monday night and avoid a negative point score.

Thanks for clearing that up for us Guru!
176Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Wed, Oct 17, 2012, 12:58

I shot you an offer again...
      ID: 21740118
      Wed, Oct 17, 2012, 22:13
Trade Announcement:

To Letter J: Greg Jennings, WR, GBP

To Slowhand: Vick Ballard, RB, IND and Sidney Rice, WR, SEA
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Oct 17, 2012, 23:49
On vacation, will rule on trade after seeing poll results as of Thursday night... If I forget shoot me an email.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Oct 18, 2012, 23:32
Slow -- trade will not go through until you drop someone. Trade puts you over the limit. Not allowed to approve it!
      ID: 229471021
      Sat, Oct 20, 2012, 18:11
Sorry for the delay ...just dropped a player
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Oct 21, 2012, 16:37
Phew I took a chance on CJ2K and WOW -- 31 points!
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 22, 2012, 16:30
I might score under 130 points and still go 2-0 this week. I'm liking my strength of schedule so far. Or maybe its my "luck".
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 22, 2012, 18:41
It's ALL luck!!!
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 22, 2012, 23:53
Nerf -- your team made me nervous...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 00:17
Toral won a game with 91.42 points. This is a very low scoring week...
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 07:23
Hey don't pick on me. Going into the week I had the most points in the league and a 6-6 record. I deserved a break.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 07:29
#185, see #183

Happened last year too although never to me, as I always seemed to get the high scorer as my opponents!!
      ID: 161121811
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 13:53
I was worried more about g24 since that team is going places. But yeah, at least I got one win with my 146. 1 game out of a tie for playoffs, 20 points out of a 7-8 spot. Just have to keep it rolling!
      ID: 161121811
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 13:55
BTW was it confirmed that #1 tie breaker is now total points for?
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Oct 23, 2012, 19:56
I believe it is 1-6 for playoffs and then most points for for 7-8, with most points for always the tiebreaker...

In G14 we have 6 teams "tied" for second place, sorted top to bottom by points for.

So, the short answer is "yes".
      ID: 161121811
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 15:32
Wow.. how about that Rashad Jennings sweepstakes? 9 teams bid $415 and the winning bid was $51.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 15:49
I keep forgetting Wednesdays are the waiver days... I hate Thursday football for fantasy reasons.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 20:31
Waivers have always been Wednesday at noon...
      ID: 424462011
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 20:50
What did I bid? I was going to bid $61, then $53 -- that would have been nice, but cut it down for some reason.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 21:12
Toral you bid $51 as well which means IAC won him based Points For since you are both 7-7. Don't you wish you went 0-2 this week now? :P

Judy: I guess I'm just confused and off this season... I'll get it by week 14 when I'll be eliminated.
      ID: 424462011
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 21:20
Ouch. Or did I really want him at that price? I'm not sure...which means that it's the optimal bid number I guess.
      ID: 2510512518
      Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 23:01
My reasoning on $51:

Besides maybe the owner of MJD, I figured I wanted him more than most since I have both Foster/Spiller out on bye this week, and Trent Richardson is Questionable.

In order to outbid... I thought of a round # that I thought I could go to ($50), then added $1 for good measure.

I wasn't expecting that anyone would equal my bid, nor that my brother would be within $5 of my bid.

I'm pretty excited I got him though.
198Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Thu, Oct 25, 2012, 13:40
S_r, I shot you an offer to possibly open up communication between us.

Kyle, I found the chart you posted in 129 to be interesting...any chance you could update it?
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Oct 25, 2012, 14:17
RE 198: Sure I was planning on doing it next week to do it quarterly but it is basically halfway through the regular season. So I'll do it now :)

Please note that I did some of these before the stat changes were done in some week so you might be off by 0.5 or 1 point. If you could find it, and let me know, I'll fix it on my sheet and it'll be good for the next edition. (Yes, I do this by hand)

Ghostwood 23.95 27.37 26.19 4.24 6.54 9.29 14.07 19.64 14.50 5.14 150.93 97.58 53.36
Letter J 18.52 27.79 25.10 3.99 5.83 11.57 11.93 21.50 16.40 5.71 148.33 92.79 55.54
Kyle's EnPer 13.87 21.44 26.89 8.63 4.00 10.00 14.57 25.79 14.56 7.43 147.17 84.83 62.34
Wheatfarmers 18.86 20.77 22.66 3.21 7.79 11.71 13.57 19.86 17.74 5.29 141.46 85.00 56.46
YWK 16.97 22.24 27.01 4.57 5.54 8.57 10.71 21.86 12.21 5.43 135.11 84.90 50.21
Building 7 23.46 19.30 25.91 4.00 3.73 9.43 9.07 21.07 13.43 5.07 134.47 85.83 48.64
IAC 10.27 31.61 26.27 4.69 5.79 9.14 10.50 18.00 13.60 4.07 133.95 87.78 46.17
Taxman 20.01 11.78 28.10 6.04 10.13 11.43 10.21 17.57 14.00 4.14 133.41 87.49 45.93
mjd 16.42 18.70 17.41 2.84 10.34 6.71 20.07 21.29 13.86 4.71 132.37 72.44 59.93
Slowhand 23.00 16.16 22.53 2.29 9.29 7.14 11.07 20.43 16.36 4.00 132.26 80.41 51.86
s_R 15.68 19.70 24.11 5.96 4.66 7.00 12.86 21.71 13.64 6.07 131.40 77.11 54.29
Nerfherders 15.23 23.63 24.06 2.60 6.39 8.14 10.64 20.36 14.11 5.14 130.29 80.04 50.25
Jaydog 13.67 17.72 25.70 4.96 7.43 8.43 12.71 21.14 12.79 3.43 127.97 77.90 50.07
Slackjawed 18.14 20.30 18.21 3.96 11.74 7.71 9.29 17.07 14.37 5.29 126.09 80.07 46.01
League Avg. 17.72 21.32 24.30 4.43 7.08 9.02 12.23 20.52 14.40 5.07 136.09 83.87 52.22

Ghostwood 6.23 6.05 1.89 -0.18 -0.54 0.27 1.84 -0.88 0.10 0.08 14.85 13.71 1.14
Letter J 0.80 6.46 0.80 -0.44 -1.26 2.55 -0.31 0.98 2.00 0.65 12.24 8.92 3.32
Kyle's EnPer -3.85 0.12 2.59 4.20 -3.08 0.98 2.34 5.27 0.16 2.36 11.08 0.96 10.12
Wheatfarmers 1.15 -0.55 -1.64 -1.21 0.70 2.69 1.34 -0.66 3.35 0.22 5.37 1.13 4.24
YWK -0.75 0.92 2.71 0.14 -1.54 -0.45 -1.52 1.34 -2.18 0.36 -0.97 1.03 -2.00
Building 7 5.74 -2.02 1.62 -0.43 -3.36 0.41 -3.16 0.55 -0.97 0.01 -1.61 1.96 -3.58
IAC -7.44 10.29 1.97 0.26 -1.30 0.12 -1.73 -2.52 -0.80 -0.99 -2.14 3.91 -6.05
Taxman 2.29 -9.54 3.80 1.61 3.04 2.41 -2.02 -2.95 -0.40 -0.92 -2.67 3.62 -6.29
mjd -1.29 -2.62 -6.88 -1.58 3.26 -2.31 7.84 0.77 -0.54 -0.35 -3.72 -11.43 7.71
Slowhand 5.28 -5.16 -1.77 -2.14 2.20 -1.88 -1.16 -0.09 1.96 -1.07 -3.82 -3.46 -0.36
s_R -2.03 -1.62 -0.18 1.53 -2.43 -2.02 0.62 1.19 -0.75 1.01 -4.69 -6.76 2.07
Nerfherders -2.49 2.31 -0.24 -1.83 -0.70 -0.88 -1.59 -0.16 -0.29 0.08 -5.79 -3.83 -1.96
Jaydog -4.05 -3.60 1.40 0.53 0.34 -0.59 0.48 0.62 -1.61 -1.64 -8.12 -5.97 -2.15
Slackjawed 0.43 -1.02 -6.08 -0.47 4.66 -1.31 -2.95 -3.45 -0.03 0.22 -10.00 -3.80 -6.20
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Oct 25, 2012, 22:03
Lookin' nice...
      ID: 54203110
      Sat, Oct 27, 2012, 17:45
Make sure you set your lineups through Monday in case you are in the path of hurricane Sandy...
      ID: 310111515
      Sun, Oct 28, 2012, 16:34
So I look at the league page today and see that somehow I lost to Slowhand and I'm 5-9 instead of 6-8. I was 6-8 after Monday's game, I'm pretty sure I was 6-8 on Tuesday. How did Slowhand magically gain 7 points? That pretty much sinks my season, scoring 146 and losing both games.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Oct 28, 2012, 22:46
Looks like I sat the wrong guys this week. Needed more TD's... Sigh.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Oct 28, 2012, 23:42
Well Toral, it's willis and Akers vs Peterson and smith...
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 08:40
Don't like my chances.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 11:04
I need 27.69 points from 3 guys to go 1-1... I don't like my chances but I can root extra hard for Washington since I have him in 2 other leagues and in one league I'm up 5 points with Washington going against Willis.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 14:08
Winds really picking up here in Philly. Not much heavy rain, steady but not torrential. ..yet...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 16:39
Power out suburban Philly, using 3G connection time left over from vacation to post.

Still mostly wind, not much rain.

Ah, power just returned!!! But for how long...?
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 16:43
Stay safe you east coasters. All of our east coast operations have shut down for the first half of the week and yet I'm still here doing marketing for them because I'm based outside of Chicago... Such is the life of a Midwesterner, we don't shut down for anything.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 23:22
I think B7 is gonna beat letter J after campbell gets his tackle for loss points on the QB sack...
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Oct 29, 2012, 23:37
Good job disappointing 49ers and Cardinals players. Terrible week, I can't even crack 110...
      ID: 310111515
      Tue, Oct 30, 2012, 01:14
To add insult to injury I lose both games this week by a total of less than 4 points. F***!

      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 30, 2012, 10:26
Whoa... There were some massive stat corrections from the live score last night. I had 109 when I went to sleep, now I have 126 and a win... I'm going to wait until Thursday to celebrate.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Oct 30, 2012, 10:56
No stat corrections -- the TFL added six points and then Washington and to some extent fitz woke up...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Oct 30, 2012, 11:06
I saw Fitz caught 3 more balls and Washington got another sack, but the big thing was the 5 tackles from Goldson. I thought I had seen him get 1 or 2 more tackles he was being credited for, and I think he got another one post game.I guess it just seems like there were a lot of postgame stat corrections but a win is a win. And being only a game back facing Judy this week is a lot better than being 2 games back! :)
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 14:36
So glad TENN is planning to use Cook more. 1 target so far...ugly.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 15:22
Gonna need my wides to step up today, tonight and tomorrow...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 15:50
Obviously I should. Have started Luck..
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 15:59
Garbage TD by cj2k -- on the bench...

Some bad choices this week...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 17:05
Not my day a brown pgh WR) out...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 17:10
Big error here by MFL (note the bye week):

Houston, Lamarr OAK DE

2nd Quarter 08:06 Remaining
4th and 13 at 50 - Bye Week
0.00 Subtotal
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 19:30
45 points for martin on letter J's bench -- seriously letter J???
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 04, 2012, 19:32
Oops make that 52 points for martin...
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 05, 2012, 00:01
I can semi-understand it. Ray Rice is a start every week, and Matthews against KC is a decent match up since they've given up 23.7 pts/week to RBs. But after last week, I don't think you can bench Martin.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 05, 2012, 07:53
What a week! I am going to lose every single fantasy game I have this week!! (unless colston and Maclin go off, but then some opponents have them in different leagues!)
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 05, 2012, 12:02
My team seems to really get up to play you Judy. Week 3 I was able to get 189.18 points and this week another great week with 151.82 I checked the score before the noon games ended and saw that each WR and RB had scored a TD for me. That's usually a recipe for victory.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 05, 2012, 20:32
Well, here we go. Who will win -- iggles or saints?
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 05, 2012, 23:42
Well, I managed one win...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 06, 2012, 16:26
Ok I have a question about playoff seedings.

I know the top 6 teams based on record and the remaining 2 teams that have the most points are in the playoffs. Right now I've got the playoff teams as Kyle, Judy (Ghost), s_R, IAC, mjd, YWK, Letter J, taxman.

I'm pretty sure the top 4 seeds are seeded on record and the bottom 4 are seeded on points scored. Which means it's Kyle-YWK, Judy-taxman, IAC-mjd, s_R-Letter J.

Now how are tie breakers determined? Is is solely on points for or is it based on H2H record and in case of a tie there it would be points scored. Right now the playoffs and seeding would be identical either way.
Kyle 2 wins vs Judy
IAC 1 win, 1 to play vs mjd
YWK is 2-0 vs LJ and B7, LJ is 1-2 vs B7 and YWK, and B7 is 1-2 vs YWK and LJ

I just want to make sure I've got this right since we're down to 8 games left and it appears Judy and I want to fight for that top spot over the next 8 games.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Nov 06, 2012, 19:05
Standings go:
Winning %
Total points for

not sure about playoffs seedings -- will ask guru to comment.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Nov 06, 2012, 19:10
Second place -- needed a TD from anyone...a bummer day for my offense. Thought colston might get another...
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Nov 06, 2012, 19:41
Top four seeds are based on W/L% (ties broken as noted in [230])

The other four playoff teams are seeded based on total points.

H2H is only used as a second tiebreaker - in case total points are equal (unlikely)
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Nov 07, 2012, 00:22
Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like it'll take a pretty epic collapse for me to fall out of the playoffs, now if I can keep the top spot, I might be able to finally make RIFC. MIGHT.

/knocks on wood
//throws salt over shoulder
///wishes on a star
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Nov 07, 2012, 14:15

Steps on a sidewalk crack
Walks under a ladder
Sees black cat cross in front...

      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Nov 07, 2012, 14:49
RE 234: It's why I said might. By even thinking it I won't make the playoffs and I'll be back in AA next season. Football is so damn fickle.

I now have 6 RBs and 5 WRs. 11 out of 24 spots. I'm probably going to drop a RB once the FCFS free agency starts, but still somewhat ridiculous. But when you look at them you see why I'm trying to stockpile them.

Darren Sproles (2nd round): Injured hand, predicted to be back next week but I'm not holding my breathe. With my Fantasy Football luck, he's done for the year.
Reggie Bush (4th round): 4 weeks he's put up numbers that are worth starting. 4 weeks he's put up borderline waiver wire numbers. His backup is a 2nd round pick from 2011 and I fear he'll lose his job every week.
Benjarvis Green-Ellis (5th round): I thought this was such a steal. A starting RB with no real backup and no fumbles in his career? CHAMPIONSHIP! 3.4 ypc later and oh boy is this not looking good.
Daryl Richardson ($7 FAAB): Seriously is SJAX going to be benched? DRich looks like a great pickup at any minute but until SJAX gets half the carries he's almost not worth rostering.
Jackie Battle ($20 FAAB): This is just a bad pick up for the money. He lost his job with one ball on the ground and he looked bad when he didn't put it on the ground.
Taiwan Jones ($5 FAAB): Oh boy! DMC and his backup are hurt, so I grabbed the 3rd string Oakland RB. Who doesn't get excited for that!

Also seeing time on the roster at one point: Brandon Bolden ($20 FAAB, yuck) and Ronnie Hillman (18th round)

I miss the good old days when I could get Brian Westbrook and Willie Parker and just ride those two until their byes. 2911 yards, 20 TD, 921 receiving and 7 TD. 545.2 points from the RB? 2006 was great...
236B7 in Vegas
      ID: 511052720
      Wed, Nov 07, 2012, 21:53
I'm looking to trade a WR or Jones-Drew for a starting RB.

Lance Moore
Finley TE

MJD is still out but should be back for the playoffs. Also, I'm on vacation, so if you could text me at the number on the MFL site, that would help.
237 Kyle
      ID: 052753312
      Fri, Nov 09, 2012, 01:14
I'm looking to upgrade at TE and RB. Please send me an e-mail and we can work things out. Decker and Washington are the only off limit players.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 14:26
Julio wherefore at thou?

Oh, in the locker room with a bad ankle -- sheesh!
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 15:10
Well, Waddaya know, Cook gets a TD...
Only reason I started him was because the other guy is on bye.

Also, the Jints stink!!! IF the Iggles win... NFC east is a mess!
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 16:31

Givens is out for being a bad boy...
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 17:00
Ah man... I checked the injury report before the noon games, and started brewing some beer, now I check the scores and see Givens violated a team rule... Hey Fisher, want to give me a little more notice?

Dammit, well thus begins the fall of the Enhanced Performers.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 17:59
I saw it on twitter...from Shefter...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 11, 2012, 18:59
Sheesh -- missed block in back for Dallas PR TD, then a lucky bounce INT TD...

Iggles can't get a break! I know we're not that good, but a little luck would help.
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Nov 12, 2012, 08:38
The team is showing a good "up-trend" right now. This was my highest points output on the year, and also makes it 8 straight wins. Here's hoping we can keep this up.
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Nov 12, 2012, 12:19

8 Straight wins, unless Big Ben goes off for ~37 points tonight.
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Nov 12, 2012, 12:53

The trade deadline is the weekend following the final week with byes.

If people want to make a trade... now is the time!

Fielding offers on CJ.Spiller/R.Jennings
      ID: 1710311217
      Mon, Nov 12, 2012, 18:32
Interesting matchups here. Can Jamaal Charles beat Isaac Redman +6.14? Or Emmanuel Sanders +5.3? He has the talent, but will the Chiefs be in the game long enough?
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 12, 2012, 23:06
Hey! I broke triple figures!

/says the highest scoring team in the league...

Well it was nice knowing you first place, how's it going 3rd? I see you 5th and 7th places, I'm coming for you!
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 13, 2012, 14:31
You know you're not having a good season predicting who to start when the team you line up in week 11 has more average points than your team's actual average points.

The team I'm tentatively fielding averages 142.47 points and my current points for average is 140.50
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Nov 15, 2012, 16:00
So we're 3 weeks away from the playoffs starting and we're 3 weeks removed from me posting my last charts. Seems like a good time to post a new set. So here is the data through week 10. Enjoy!

Ghostwood 21.16 25.98 25.02 4.43 5.75 8.90 13.65 18.95 14.20 5.35 143.39 91.24 52.15
Letter J 17.24 28.46 23.55 3.59 6.42 11.80 9.70 21.85 14.13 5.45 142.19 91.06 51.13
Kyle's EnPer 12.98 19.76 27.51 8.00 4.72 9.90 12.75 23.95 14.96 6.70 141.23 82.87 58.36
IAC 11.90 31.27 27.05 4.36 5.30 8.80 13.10 19.25 13.20 4.40 138.64 88.68 49.95
mjd 17.34 22.67 16.04 2.90 11.79 7.40 17.65 19.25 15.15 4.70 134.89 78.14 56.75
Taxman 20.75 10.31 27.86 5.69 10.16 10.99 13.45 18.25 12.80 4.15 134.41 85.76 48.65
Wheatfarmers 19.74 18.81 23.12 3.81 6.74 10.20 11.30 19.25 16.09 4.85 133.91 82.42 51.49
Building 7 21.62 17.71 22.53 3.70 5.66 8.60 11.10 21.30 14.60 5.65 132.47 79.82 52.65
YWK 13.04 25.52 24.14 4.31 5.94 9.20 10.80 21.20 11.25 5.65 131.05 82.15 48.90
s_R 15.13 20.43 24.93 6.16 4.35 7.20 13.50 19.10 13.65 5.45 129.90 78.20 51.70
Slowhand 21.96 15.69 23.03 3.67 8.51 7.40 11.40 20.00 14.40 3.70 129.76 80.26 49.50
Jaydog 14.82 19.01 23.19 4.25 9.47 8.05 11.15 21.20 13.32 4.20 128.67 78.80 49.87
Nerfherders 17.35 23.12 20.45 3.18 5.37 8.50 10.00 20.90 14.28 5.40 128.55 77.97 50.58
Slackjawed 17.53 17.38 18.56 2.99 10.08 7.70 10.50 17.80 14.68 4.95 122.17 74.24 47.93
League Avg. 17.03 20.78 23.23 4.35 7.27 8.90 12.03 20.25 14.04 5.02 132.91 81.57 51.34
Ghostwood 4.13 5.20 1.79 0.08 -1.52 0.00 1.62 -1.30 0.16 0.33 10.48 9.67 0.81
Letter J 0.21 7.68 0.32 -0.76 -0.85 2.90 -2.33 1.60 0.09 0.43 9.28 9.49 -0.21
Kyle's EnPer -4.05 -1.02 4.28 3.65 -2.55 1.00 0.72 3.70 0.92 1.68 8.32 1.30 7.02
IAC -5.13 10.49 3.82 0.01 -1.97 -0.10 1.07 -1.00 -0.84 -0.62 5.73 7.12 -1.39
mjd 0.31 1.89 -7.19 -1.45 4.52 -1.50 5.62 -1.00 1.11 -0.32 1.98 -3.42 5.41
Taxman 3.72 -10.47 4.63 1.33 2.89 2.09 1.42 -2.00 -1.24 -0.87 1.50 4.19 -2.69
Wheatfarmers 2.71 -1.97 -0.11 -0.54 -0.53 1.30 -0.73 -1.00 2.05 -0.17 1.00 0.85 0.15
Building 7 4.59 -3.07 -0.70 -0.65 -1.61 -0.30 -0.93 1.05 0.56 0.63 -0.44 -1.75 1.31
YWK -3.99 4.74 0.91 -0.04 -1.33 0.30 -1.23 0.95 -2.79 0.63 -1.86 0.58 -2.44
s_R -1.90 -0.35 1.70 1.81 -2.92 -1.70 1.47 -1.15 -0.39 0.43 -3.01 -3.37 0.36
Slowhand 4.92 -5.09 -0.20 -0.68 1.24 -1.50 -0.63 -0.25 0.36 -1.32 -3.15 -1.31 -1.84
Jaydog -2.21 -1.77 -0.04 -0.10 2.20 -0.85 -0.88 0.95 -0.72 -0.82 -4.24 -2.77 -1.47
Nerfherders 0.32 2.34 -2.78 -1.17 -1.90 -0.40 -2.03 0.65 0.24 0.38 -4.36 -3.60 -0.77
Slackjawed 0.50 -3.40 -4.67 -1.36 2.81 -1.20 -1.53 -2.45 0.64 -0.07 -10.74 -7.32 -3.41
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 15, 2012, 18:05
I usually do much better with my IDP's but for some reason not this season. Not sure why although I have been switching them in and out with add/drops mostly because I cannot find any studlies on the waiver wire...
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 15, 2012, 20:34
Whoa taxman

Right off the bat a bunch of points...13.9 to be exact!!!
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 15, 2012, 22:03
Taxman -- what are the odds you have two KR/PR for TD on your team -- too bad Thigpen is on the bench.. Phew for me...
      ID: 501381415
      Thu, Nov 15, 2012, 23:20
Tried to pull Bess out of my lineup just before game time, but he was already frozen.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 14:37
This eagles "team" is horrific...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 14:38
Mjd I'll swap him out for you now ... Being the nice commish that I am. :)
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 16:39
All week long "Sproles practices fully", "Sproles set to play", and now he's listed as inactive. Fantastic.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 18:48
Outside of RGIII, I have one offense TD.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 19:06
So what do you think the scoring will be when garçon (I think) caught a pass and then did a lateral which was caught by the other team?

Fumble??? Interception??
      ID: 25740420
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 22:04
That's always a catch and a fumble, not an INT.
261 mjd
      ID: 501381415
      Sun, Nov 18, 2012, 23:45
Guess I'm in the market for a TE.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 19, 2012, 14:33
Tonight is going to be an interesting night for me and my opponents. Tim Jennings + 6 pts (Building 7) and Major Wright + 10 pts (Slowhand) are going against Novarro Bowman and Dashon Goldson.

I'm hopeful the Bears LBs clean up all the Frank Gore rushes (there will be a lot) and Kaepernick won't be throwing much. On the flip side, I think the Bears throw out their normal game plan which means Goldson will have some INT opportunities and Bowman will be meeting with Forte frequently. If this is true Slowhand won't be too happy since he could go from 2-0 to 0-2
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 19, 2012, 14:48
Akers and Willis vs b Marshall to go 1-1. Lousy week for my offense, nice one for my IDP.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 19, 2012, 14:52
I really need to stop second guessing my original decision. I would have started BJGE and Dumerville over Sproles and Vanden Bosch. That's 23 points and I'd probably end up the highest score of the week. Damn.
      ID: 310111515
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 01:36
So last week I apparently won a game I thought I had lost. Not sure when they do their updates/final scores, but it is not Monday night. On both times I thought I had won/lost I had checked the score on Tuesday and it had changed since.

Anyways, this season is toast. I have an outside shot of staying in AAA, but that's about all I can hope for.
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 10:16
Never seen a race for the last 2 points-based playoff spots like this one. From the bottom of the league up, there are NINE teams between 1366 and 1463 points, in the running for the last 2 spots.

Any more performances like last week, and Matt Ryan gets no Christmas cards from me.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 11:13
Not only is the bottom part of the playoff picture tight, the top has 5 teams between 1528 and 1570. This is the tightest and most fluid situation I've ever seen in RIFC, which I'm guessing I said last year too.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 13:52
Two weeks to go...who is gonna finish in the running?

No more byes, and therefore no more excuses! (Unless one/some of your studlies are injured or the dreaded game time decision...)
269Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 15:11
Trade Announcement:

To Letter J:
Nicks, Hakeem NYG WR
To building 7:
Wells, Beanie ARI RB
270Building 7
      ID: 87592712
      Tue, Nov 20, 2012, 17:09
Confirmed. Still looking for another running back.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 22, 2012, 19:28
I sure hope I did not make a mistake benching Morris for Ridley.

Choice was Ridley, Morris, cjohnson -- pick 2...
      ID: 229471021
      Thu, Nov 22, 2012, 21:22
As if it's not bad enough I've got to go up against Romo on one of his best weeks ever....DeAngelo Hall decides to slide at the 1 yard line instead of going in for the TD. REALLY!?!?
      ID: 229471021
      Thu, Nov 22, 2012, 21:24
Re:262 You're right, Slowhand was not happy.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 22, 2012, 22:42
Yeah not sure I understood that move -- a la Westbrook a few years ago?
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 22, 2012, 23:45
Phew, Ridley got a score...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 25, 2012, 16:07
Julio, Julio

Nice job, Julio!!!!
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 25, 2012, 16:08
Cameron Wake -- ONE TACKLE? Seriously?
      ID: 7771722
      Sun, Nov 25, 2012, 20:21
IAC with Cobb + JPP
vs Ghostwood with Tynes + Cox

hear's hoping Tynes kicks a ton and they bottle up Cobb and JPP...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 25, 2012, 21:56
I dislike it when I have a guy in one league on my team and in another league my opponent has him. Makes cheering tough.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Nov 25, 2012, 22:12
Watching the ward halftime thing, it looks like there are no fans in the upper deck at the giants stadium? And a whole lower section empty???
      ID: 7771722
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 13:58
Need a 10.77 point effort from Cox tonight vs CAR. Last week, he had 13.50 vs the REDSKINS.

Gotta stop that IAC winning streak!
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 14:22
There is only 1 current DT/DE that AVGs over 10 points per game... so it's a bit of a stretch... but then again, maybe we'll have a late week adjustment?
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 14:54
There were 51 starting performances, 49 free agent performances and 2 guys who sat on the bench and this season from the DT/DE who scored more than 10.77 points. Think you have a 4.33% chance (based on the 2357 performances from 269 DT/DEs that have played in the NFL) of getting one of those?

I think IAC will be our 5th person to occupy 1st place. If the playoffs were to start today, all 5 people will be in the tourney. I also believe that IAC, Judy, s_R and myself will have clinched playoff spots. s_R doing what he's done while spending only $2 on the FAAB is fairly impressive.
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 15:06
The folks who came down from the big league are generally speaking at the top of the charts, providing evidence that they are generally better than the rest of us, and not merely players of an equal quality who have benfitted from chance and a small sample size (13 games in football).

I am rather impressed. IAC made a comment after the draft that he was surprised that this league's drafters were not generally of a worse quality than RIFC drafters. My general belief, based more on experiences with other sports where I have been in the top league, that there is really no difference between the quality of the top league and the top 75% of AAA leagues.

The standings this year provide some evidence that my belief is wrong.
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 15:09
Some discontent with the free agent bidding system has been shown in the other league and I would guess that someone at least will propose next year that RIFC go back to the old system. What do those who may be mack in RIFC think?
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 15:09
BTW this Blair Brown guy is going to rush for 212 yards and 3 touchdowns. You heard it here first.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 15:29
Toral, you mean Bryce Brown...

Yeah, he is a north south runner so we shall see. I do not think that Foles will toss the rock 51 times...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 15:30
283: yes I like my chances!!!
      ID: 310272615
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 16:27
I love the blind bidding system. It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it and how much to bid (remember the 22$ purchase of Ogletree in week 1... ouch), but now that I have a better feel for the strategy involved, I think I'll do a better job next year.

I'm honestly fine either way, but I find that blind bidding adds a variable which I find to be entertaining.
290Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 18:04
With the playoffs looming, I'll post this part of the rules here for ready-reference:

8 teams, single elimination
The 8 teams will be those with the top 6 W/L records plus the two other teams with the most points
The top four seeds will be based on W/L record (including applicable tiebreakers)
Seeds 5-8 will be based on total points for the other four playoff teams
Teams with equivalent W/L records are ranked based on total points first, then head-to-head record.
Bracket is fixed (no reseeding after each round)

Blind bidding will continue throughout the playoffs. At the beginning of the playoffs, the top seeded team will receive an additional blind bidding allocation of $16, the second seed will receive $14, … with the 8th seed receiving $2. These allocations will be added to any balances remaining from the regular season. Any blind bidding ties during the playoffs will be awarded in favor of the better seeded team.

If a playoff game ends in a tie score, the team with the better seed shall advance.

There will be no restriction on player add/drop transactions for teams still active in the championship playoffs. Teams which are not still active in the Championship playoffs may not make any transactions - adds or drops - even if they are still competing in the Consolation bracket.
      ID: 161121811
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 19:47
Re 284:
I'm not entirely sure that always true. It may be true in football, but in baseball I've been tracking the total stats for the last several years and AAA has out-performed RIBC on more than one occasion. It's a different setup though, and the window to get into RIBC is MUCH tighter - the top 3 of 16 is filtering out alot of really good managers.

I was in RIFC for two years and got there in two, but havent had much success since then. I often seem to have bad luck with football - a top player gets hurt or everyone scores 140+ against me. I think most enjoy that bit of variance in their fantasy play, and I applaud those few who can consistently succeed in the face of that variance.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 22:17
cox and DJax (on one of my other teams) out...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 22:51
Yo, andy

Running the ball when you have a good back like McCoy is a good idea -- look at what Bryce is doing...

286 toral, he is getting close...
      ID: 310111515
      Mon, Nov 26, 2012, 23:43
Holy crap... score 151 and lose. I'm 1-3 when scoring 145+ and that's probably cost me a stay in AAA. This was my point earlier - I can't seem to break through the variance inherent in fantasy football.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 07:24
Try losing with 164...

There is a lot of luck with these bloody matchups....
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 07:50
Well Bryce put in a good I'm 0.76 points out of the last playoff spot, by my calculations...One of the spots would go to the 8-16 Taxman....
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 11:17
Playoff seedings scenarios

For this exercise, I'm going to assume that you won't outscore the team ahead of you by 100+ points. There is no way to clinch the 5th through 8th seed as that gets seeded by points. No team is eliminated by that theory, although slackjawed yokel and YWK are on life support. We know who will be the top 3 teams, but any one of them could be any of the seeds.

1. IAC (17-7, 1704.66)*
This week: taxman and jaydog
Clinched top 3 seed.
Can clinch top seed with 2 wins, or 1 win and 1 Kyle loss, or 2 Kyle losses and 1 Ghostwood loss.

2. Kyle's EnPerform (17-7, 1694.34)*
This week: s_R and slackjawed yokel
Clinched top 3 seed.
Can clinch top seed with 2 wins and IAC loss, or 1 win and 2 IAC losses.
Can clinch 2nd seed with 2 wins, or 1 win and 1 Ghostwood loss, or 2 Ghostwood losses

3. Ghostwood (16-8, 1733.54)*
This week: slackjawed yokel and YWK
Essentially clinched top 3 seed.
Can clinch top seed with 2 wins and 2 IAC and Kyle losses
Can clinch 2nd seed with 2 win and 1 Kyle loss, or 1 win and 2 Kyle losses

4. s_R (14-10, 1554.72)*
This week: Kyle's EnPerform and taxman
Clinched playoff berth through record.
Can clinch 4 seed with 2 wins or 1 win and 1 Letter J and mjd loss, or 2 Letter J and mjd losses and 1 Wheatfarmers loss

5. Letter J (13-11, 1740.34)*
This week: jaydog and mjd
Has essentially clinched a playoff berth through points, and would be seeded 5th.
Can clinch playoff berth through record with 2 wins, or 1 win and 1 Wheatfarmers loss, or 2 Wheatfarmers losses and 1 Building 7 and jaydog loss.

6. mjd (13-11, 1665.36)*
This week: Nerfherders and Letter J
Has essentially clinched a playoff berth through points, and would be seeded 6th.
Can clinch playoff berth through record with 2 wins, or 1 win and 1 Wheatfarmers loss, or 2 Wheatfarmers losses and 1 Building 7 and jaydog loss.

7. Wheatfarmers (12-12, 1585.58)
This week: Slowhand and building 7
Can clinch playoff berth through record with 2 wins and 2 mjd or Letter J losses.
Currently 0.76 points ahead of Building 7 for 8th seed and 3.38 points behind taxman for the 7th seed.

8. building 7 (11-13, 1586.34)*
This week: YWK and Wheatfarmers
Has been essentially eliminated from reaching playoffs by record due to points scored.
Currently 2.62 behind taxman for the 7th seed and 0.76 points ahead of Wheatfarmers for the 8th seed.

9. jaydog (11-13, 1548.52)
This week: Letter J and IAC
Has been essentially eliminated from reaching playoffs by record due to points scored.
Currently 40.44 points behind taxman for the 7th seed and 37.82 points behind Building 7 for the 8th seed.

10. slackjawed yokel (10-14, 1502.68)
This week: Ghostwood and Kyle's EnPerform
Has been eliminated from reaching playoffs by record.
Currently 86.28 points behind taxman for the 7th seed and 83.66 points behind Building 7 for the 8th seed.

11. Nerfherders (9-15, 1564.2)
This week: mjd and Slowhand
Has been eliminated from reaching playoffs by record.
Currently 24.76 points behind taxman for the 7th seed and 22.14 points behind Building 7 for the 8th seed.

12. YWK (9-15, 1523.5)
This week: building 7 and Ghostwood
Has been eliminated from reaching playoffs by record.
Currently 65.46 points behind taxman for the 7th seed and 62.84 points behind Building 7 for the 8th seed.

13. taxman (8-16, 1588.96)*
This week: IAC and s_R
Has been eliminated from reaching playoffs by record.
Currently 2.62 points ahead of Building 7 for the 7th seed and 3.38 points ahead of Wheatfarmers for the 8th seed.

14. Slowhand (8-16, 1563.64)
This week: Wheatfarmers and Nerfherders
Has been eliminated from reaching playoffs by record.
Currently 25.32 points behind taxman for the 7th seed and 22.7 points behind Building 7 for the 8th seed.

*= Current Playoff team
      ID: 28523116
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 11:23
Not home now, but pretty sure 1-6 is by W/L.
Last 2 are points.
      ID: 28523116
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 11:26
Seeding is different. See 290 above.
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 11:40
Re 298 and 299: I considered that in my scenarios.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 17:00
We have a longer playoff than most leagues:

The first round losers in the championship round go into a "Plate Special". It has a coupla rounds. It will determine places 5 through 8.

Championship round includes a 3/4 playoff.

The consolation round will have several rounds as well which will determine places 9-14. Three winners and high point are reseeded and continue on. Winner is #9, finalist is #10. Losers play off for slots #11 and 12. First round losers play off for slots #13/14.

Will post details eventually. It gives everyone a chance to say "if only..."

I fondly remember my first year when I won the consolation with a score way higher than either of the championship finalists. "If only..."
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 17:01
300 - you are correct. I was reading it on the phone quickly and did not pay attention to the detail.

Nice work! Thanks!!
      ID: 45633109
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 17:28
297: So you're saying there's a chance! :)

Play to the whistle!!!
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Nov 27, 2012, 17:46
303: If you put up a 180 this week, I would say there's a good chance. But I just looked at your team and 180 seems like a stretch.
      ID: 424462011
      Wed, Nov 28, 2012, 10:39
The famous NerfSked strikes again. What would RIFC be without it?
      ID: 7771722
      Wed, Nov 28, 2012, 14:24

That's right -- I forgot we named the schedule after Nerf!

Here are last week's weird scores:

IAC 174.60 goes 2-0
Letter J 169.84 goes 2-0

Ghostwood 164.84 goes 1-1 (lost to IAC)
Wheatfarmers 154.42 goes 1-1 (lost to Letter J)
Nerf 151.44 goes 1-1 (lost to Wheat) (Could make playoffs by points with another 151 week)

Jaydog 148.94 goes 2-0
Kyle 147.94 goes 2-0

Slack 136.40 goes 2-0 (one win was over #4 s_R. Now THAT is a LUCKY schedule! Slack also has the dubious honor of least # of points scored...but he is on a 5 game win streak) According to Kyle's stats, his goal will be to win the consolations!

The top guys are knocking each other off!
      ID: 161121811
      Wed, Nov 28, 2012, 20:04
No doubt. The Nerf schedule was born two years ago when I went 8-18 and was 3 points out of the 8th spot for the playoffs. I also had one last year in G24 when I 'allowed' 3200 points - 110 ppg.

I have some Nerftastic numbers for this year that I have at home. will post later.
      ID: 310111515
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 01:41
Granted, just saying "I was 1-3 when scoring 145+ points is somewhat unfair because my highest score this year was 151. So I looked at the league's record when scoring between 145 and 152, and the league's record when scoring between 137 and 145.

137-145 - 41-23
145-152 - 23-11

Nerf 137-145 - 4-4
Nerf 145-152 - 1-3

So I went 5-7 when the league won almost 2 out of 3 games. The league without me went 59-27 in those games, a .686 winning percentage. I could easily be 8-4 in those games, and that would have given me a 12-12 record. It probably still wouldn't get me in the playoffs, but it is kind interesting.
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 10:29
Nerf, I think I broke your rule. If you take out my ridiculous record it looks a whole lot different.

Kyle 137-145 - 3-1
Kyle 145+ - 10-0

Apparently I'm the Orioles of scoring a ton of points. I'm also 4-1 in games decided by less than a rushing/receiving TDs
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 18:01
That's why we call it nerf's! He gets slammed every year! It is an honorary title, for the person with the worst schedule every year points wise. Score big so of course does the other guy only bigger! Score small so does the other guy but just enough to win.
Nerf has this almost every year -- hence the honor. We need to design a trophy or medal or poster and people can self nominate and all. Managers vote!!!
      ID: 161121811
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 19:49
Heh well I'm going to need you again when I try to campaign to stay in AAA next year. ;)
      ID: 161121811
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 19:53
Oh yeah... I'm also 2-4 in games decided by less than a 6 points, and I lost another by 6.25 points.
      ID: 54203110
      Thu, Nov 29, 2012, 23:37
I am toast --

11.90 points total for Julio and colston with 2:00 to go.
      ID: 01361448
      Fri, Nov 30, 2012, 08:28
Wow, how about YWK's picks?

He had two Atlanta IDPs going, who ended up with 3 interceptions... 28.50 points, quite the solid start to his week.
      ID: 052753312
      Fri, Nov 30, 2012, 11:36
I really hope I don't regret not starting Sproles. 10.9 isn't a huge total, but double digits from every player would put me at 140 and I will take that week in and week out.

C'mon Reggie and Knowshon!
      ID: 3210181121
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 14:32
Quite the microcosm of my entire season in the first quarter of the early games. Ryan Broyles and Jordy Nelson both injured and not expected to return.

First four picks all significantly impacted by injuries this season and 6 our of my top 8.

Looking forward to AA next year.
317Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 15:26
Re 316:

Unreal. Broyles, Nelson, Johnson and Jennings...oof, when a playoff berth is potentially on the line
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 16:17
I am in big trouble...
      ID: 49728142
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 20:22
Another disaster season.
320Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 21:06
Re 316 and 317:

I've never seen anything like this...Ryans now down
      ID: 2510512518
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 22:43
I could be wrong, but I think I've clinched the #1 seed!

What are the parameters that are needed to make to the RIFC (I know that the eventual playoff winner makes it... plus two others)?
322Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Sun, Dec 02, 2012, 23:32
I believe so too baby Brother
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 10:04
I still have three to play but my bench Has 20 more points than my lineup...
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 10:22
Congrats IAC. I would like to thank Judy's team for also potentially crapping the bed so I have the 2nd seed going into the playoffs. Here's to RG3 and Morris getting shut down (it'd also be nice because I have NYG Defense in F101). This is my best finish in an RIFC AAA regular season, I'd like to be able to continue to put up 140s in the playoffs and not be a 1 and done.

Re 321: From my vast experience in AAA and never getting the call up, it's the playoff winner and playoff runner up as well as the #1 seed (if the #1 seed doesn't make the championship game), so it seems you've clinched a spot in the Big Leagues next season.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 12:10

I predict*!

Round 1
#1 IAC vs #8 Slowhand
#2 Kyle's Enhanced Performers vs #7 Wheatfarmers
#3 Ghostwood vs #6 mjd
#4 s_R vs #5 Letter J

mjd and Slowhand are the "wild cards" based on points and the 5-8 seeds are based on points.

Round 2
#1 IAC vs #5 Letter J
#2 Kyle vs #3 Ghostwood

Round 3
#1 IAC vs #3 Ghostwood

*This is based on what I believe the players who go tonight will score. Science was not used.
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 14:42
In the above scenario, IAC (who is already in anyway) had better throw round 2 if he's expecting a Christmas present.
      ID: 052753312
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 15:32
From the way I understand it, IAC will want to win that game just to have bragging rights that he's in the big leagues while Letter J is in the minors.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 16:01
If Ghostwood doesn't play better than this weekend she ain't going to get to the finals.
      ID: 161121811
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 17:58
Top 3 seeds make it to RIFC plus the champion, if it comes from outside those top 3.

Not sure what my scenarios are but Cruz has to put up at least 8 points to maybe keep me in AAA (at 10-16).
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Dec 03, 2012, 19:07
And to beat mjd and guarantee my playoff spot! Go Victor Cruz!

In AA I have Manning up against Tynes, so we need many passing touchdowns, plus missed attempts of all kinds and no field goals.
      ID: 310111515
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 00:46
10-16 turned out not to be enough. 16 points short of 8th. Ive finished within 20 points of the 8th spot in 3 straight seasons without getting in. This time it would have been as easy as starting Donnie Avery over Jeremy Kerley this week.
      ID: 501381415
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 02:24
Backed in Gronk-less on an 0-4 streak.
      ID: 501381415
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 03:13
Opening round as predicted.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 09:21
two NFL games really messed up my team: ALT - NOLA, WASH - NYG.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 09:35
i restored drop add and waiver abilities to the championship teams. I need to figure out how to add bid monies.
338Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 09:53
NUMBERS NEVER LIE (or do they?)

Total points scored:

All play record:

Some observations as to the playoff matchups:

s_R defeated Letter J both times they squared off in the regular season (week 3: 124.48-124.46; week 9: 123.28-113.36). IAC also defeated Slowhand on both occasions that they faced each other (week 1: 138.34-123.42; week 8: 140.54-107.54).

For their part, Kyle and Toral split their season series (week 1: 154.46-129.76 (Toral); week 7: 131.04-91.42), as did Judy and mjd (week 3: 143.14-122.42 (Judy); week 9: 154.44-122.60).

If every team played head-to-head, each and every week:

9-4 – Judy over mjd (Interestingly, in all-play, Judy won the first 7 weeks of the season and mjd won in 4 of the last 6)
8-5 – Letter J over s_R (s_R won 4 of the first 5 weeks of the season and Letter J won in 7 of the last 8)
8-5 – IAC over Slowhand (Slowhand won 4 of the first 7 weeks of the season and IAC won in 5 of the last 6)
7-6 – Toral over Kyle (Toral won in 3 of the last 4)

IAC went on a roll to finish the season (winning 14 in a row). That said, the average points scored over the last 5 weeks of the seasons (weeks 9-13) also bears this out:

IAC: 146.42, 161.78, 143.72, 174.60, 134.42 = 152.19 pt/g
mjd: 154.44, 137.04, 185.70, 126.04, 134.04 = 147.45 pt/g
Letter J: 113.36, 131.56, 139.06, 170.84, 169.82 = 144.93 pt/g
Toral: 100.98, 143.34, 91.04, 154.42, 188.50 = 135.66 pt/g
Slowhand: 143.42, 120.92, 139.96, 119.38, 154.34 = 135.60 pt/g
Judy: 122.60, 137.98, 134.80, 164.56, 110.12 = 134.01 pt/g
Kyle: 151.82, 103.50, 141.08, 147.94, 115.26 = 131.92 pt/g
s_R: 123.28, 123.40, 119.16, 132.36, 148.94 = 129.43 pt/g

Highest and Lowest Score (in order of seed):

IAC: wk 12: 174.60; wk 3: 98.94 (only time under 105 pts (7 pt/g))
Kyle: wk 3: 189.18; wk 10: 103.50 (only time under 105 pts)
Judy: wk 4: 174.82; wk 13: 110.12
s_R: wk 5: 158.80; wk 7: 92.30 (only time under 105 pts)
Letter J: wk 6: 191.92; wk 9: 113.36
mjd: wk 11: 185.70; wk 5: 112.98
Toral: wk 3: 201.70; wk 11: 91.04 (Toral scored under 105 pts 4x)
Slowhand: wk 7: 150.36; wk 8: 107.54

Digging a little deeper, the number of times each playoff squad averaged 9 points per player per game (over 135 points total in a particular week):

IAC: 9x (including 5 of the last 6 weeks, and missed by 0.58 week 13)
Letter J: 9x (including the last 3)
Judy: 8x (2 of the last 6)
Kyle: 7x
Toral: 7x (including 3 of the last 4)
mjd: 5x
Slowhand: 5x
s_R: 5x (1 of the last 6)

And the number of times each playoff squad averaged 10 points per player per game (over 150 points total in a particular week):

Letter J: 5x (wk 1: 170.10; wk 5: 150.90; wk 6: 191.92; wk 12: 170.84; wk 13: 169.82)
Judy: 5x (wk 1: 158.70; wk 4: 174.82; wk 5: 156.04; wk 7: 157.52; wk 12: 164.56)
Toral: 5x (wk 1: 154.56; wk 3: 201.70; wk 4: 156.86; wk 12: 154.42; wk 13: 188.50)
IAC: 4x (wk 2: 156.00; wk 4: 155.46; wk 10: 161.78; wk 12: 174.60)
Kyle: 4x (wk 3: 189.18; wk 4: 150.72; wk 6: 153.78; wk 9: 151.82)
mjd: 4x (wk 1: 151.62; wk 4: 155.62; wk 9: 154.44; wk 11: 185.70)
Slowhand: 2x (wk 7: 150.36; wk 13: 154.34)
s_R: 1x (wk 5: 158.80)

All of this to say that I don’t know what is going to happen…
339Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 10:05
Also, a quick scan of the rosters reveals that the following studs do not have to be faced by any of us playoff teams:

Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Frank Gore, Matt Forte, Marshawn Lynch, Maurice Jones-Drew, Brandon Marshall, Wes Welker, Victor Cruz, Percy Harvin, Andre Johnson and Tony Gonzalez.

340Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 10:21
I find it interesting that draft slots 7-10, and 12-13 did not make the playoffs. Also, looking at the list of studs not in the playoffs, it is noteworthy that two of the three teams that went QB in the first round of the draft did not make the playoffs (and the third -Slowhand - is the 8 seed)...
341Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 10:28
Looking at RIFC, draft slots 7-8, 10-12 and 14 made the playoffs, and out of the teams that drafted a QB in the first round, two made the playoffs and two did not...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
342Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 10:45
If we did all-play, instead of weekly matchups, the playoff seeding would be as follows:

1 - Letter J
2 - Ghostwood
3 - IAC
4 - Kyle

and re-seeded via points
5 - mjd
6 - Toral

7 - Slowhand
8 - taxman
9 - s_R
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 11:49
Realistically I hope my team can make it to the championship round, I don't have high hopes going into the playoffs and I really don't like the Toral match up, although he has what I perceive to be a tougher SoS this week for his players. Next week if I'm lucky enough to still be playing I think I get bounced pretty easily by Judy.
      ID: 161121811
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 13:02
Besides some bad luck, part of my downfall was failure to properly manage my mediocre WR core.

I had 4 WR's who are all about the same:

If I was perfect managing those 4 - getting the highest scorers in the game (and keeping Cruz in every week) I would have gained 82 points and 3 wins. Getting it right in only weeks 2 and 3 would have given me enough points for the 8th spot.

I also had too many 1's and 0's from my DL, but everyone who didnt have JJ Watt probably had the same problem.
      ID: 501381415
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 14:25
#6 and 7 seeds need to be swapped in playoff brackets.

Seeds 5-8 based on points.

Toral had a better record, but I outscored him, giving me the 6th seed.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 14:48
mjd is correct -- fixing now...
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 14:51
i need julio and colston to step it up a few notches...
      ID: 01361448
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 15:43
Thanks for the work on the #s Letter_J.

It makes the upcoming rounds a little more exciting.
      ID: 501381415
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 15:57
Thanks Judy, if nothing else, I could use the 2 extra bucks.
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 04, 2012, 23:29
That's some cool stuff LEtter J


351Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 08:10
And finally, further to the average points scored over the last 5 weeks of the seasons, the all-play record over the last 5 weeks of the playoff participants follows:

IAC: 43-9
Letter J: 37-15
Toral: 35-17
Judy: 29-23
mjd: 28-24
Slowhand: 22-30
s_R: 21-31
Kyle: 20-32
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 10:19
Yep. Even though I finished 2nd I basically backed into 2nd place. My team is really scuffling and the numbers are proving it out.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 10:46
My team is either hot or cold. We will see which team shows up in the next week or so...
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 13:06
Well this is the first time I've apparently not set something right on my FAAB request. Since no one seemed to bid on him and it cost me $1 can I get this reveresed:

Here's how I set my FAAB.
Add Owens, Montell JAC RB for $5.00 and drop Vanden Bosch, Kyle DET DE
Add Grant, Ryan FA* RB for $1.00 and drop Vanden Bosch, Kyle DET DE
Add Thomas, Mike DET WR for $2.00 and drop Vanden Bosch, Kyle DET DE
Add Thomas, Mike DET WR for $2.00 and drop Tate, Brandon CIN WR
Add Little, Greg CLE WR for $2.00 and drop Vanden Bosch, Kyle DET DE
Add Little, Greg CLE WR for $2.00 and drop Tate, Brandon CIN WR
Add Young, Titus DET WR for $1.50 and drop Vanden Bosch, Kyle DET DE
Add Young, Titus DET WR for $1.50 and drop Tate, Brandon CIN WR

Here's what I wanted.
1. Add Montell Owens and Drop Vanden Bosch.
2. If Owens is gone add Ryan Grant and drop Vanden Bosch.
3. If both Owens and Grant are gone then add the WRs in this order: Mike Thomas, Greg Little, Titus Young. Drop Vanden Bosch and Tate for the WRs.
4. If I get one of the RBs, add the WRs in that order and drop Tate.

Since no one bid on Grant, I should have gotten Grant and Thomas and dropped Vanden Bosch and Tate and spent $3. Instead I somehow got Thomas and Little and spent $4. If it's not possible to reverse this, that's fine, but could someone explain to me how I set this up wrong.
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 14:22
I am wondering if maybe you are not allowed to bid on a free agent? Certainly the reason they gave for rejecting it does not make sense.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 14:25
It's not my fault my ability to pick up players who got signed is better than MFL's ability to update their database. :P
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 14:38
[354] I believe MFL prioritizes based on price. So Grant was passed over because you had other higher priced pickups to evaluate first. The sequence of your list is irrelevant.

If we were using conditional bids, then you could have forced the issue. Maybe we will do that next year. But we opted for non-conditional bidding this year just to keep it simple.
      ID: 052753312
      Wed, Dec 05, 2012, 14:45
That solves that, thanks Guru.

Looks like I lost $1. But I'm positive at 7pm est I'll be on mashing F5. :)
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Dec 06, 2012, 17:45
Here's the final results from my data. As I said last time, it's a little off because there was a week or two there where they did stat corrections and I did this before the stat correction.

If you care enough to look for your error or you want to see the whole sheet, here it is

Letter J* 16.25 28.22 25.58 3.09 6.47 11.62 11.81 22.81 14.22 5.92 145.97 91.22 54.76
Ghostwood* 22.37 25.15 23.65 4.44 5.77 9.31 13.00 19.08 14.00 5.27 142.03 90.68 51.35
IAC* 11.73 30.92 28.93 4.24 5.22 9.31 13.27 20.04 12.85 4.96 141.47 90.35 51.12
Kyle's EnPer* 15.20 19.21 26.86 6.94 5.48 9.08 12.12 23.42 15.08 6.35 139.74 82.77 56.97
mjd* 17.76 22.76 16.22 3.67 11.07 8.04 18.92 21.42 14.19 4.31 138.36 79.52 58.85
Wheatfarmers* 17.38 22.08 25.18 3.51 6.72 10.46 11.19 18.92 15.84 5.12 136.39 85.32 51.07
Taxman 21.20 8.96 27.11 5.75 9.53 10.80 13.31 18.19 12.80 4.00 131.65 83.35 48.30
Slowhand* 20.09 16.44 23.15 3.92 8.48 7.38 10.35 22.46 14.82 4.54 131.64 79.47 52.17
s_R* 14.24 20.51 25.62 6.14 5.45 7.00 11.81 19.31 15.15 5.50 130.73 78.96 51.77
Nerfherders 17.56 23.12 20.24 3.21 5.16 8.38 11.81 21.19 14.94 5.08 130.69 77.67 53.02
Building 7 19.93 16.57 21.74 3.73 6.98 8.46 11.00 21.77 14.00 5.73 129.92 77.42 52.50
YWK 13.66 23.42 22.00 3.55 6.10 7.69 12.58 21.50 12.88 5.54 128.92 76.42 52.50
Slackjawed 20.00 15.96 21.31 3.76 9.18 8.54 10.73 17.85 14.07 4.85 126.24 78.75 47.49
Jaydog 16.74 18.76 21.75 4.33 8.68 8.04 10.00 20.23 13.46 4.12 126.10 78.30 47.81
League Avg. 17.44 20.86 23.52 4.31 7.16 8.86 12.28 20.59 14.17 5.09 134.28 82.16 52.12
Letter J* -1.19 7.35 2.05 -1.21 -0.70 2.75 -0.47 2.22 0.05 0.83 11.70 9.06 2.64
Ghostwood* 4.93 4.29 0.12 0.13 -1.40 0.44 0.72 -1.51 -0.17 0.18 7.75 8.53 -0.77
IAC* -5.71 10.05 5.41 -0.07 -1.94 0.44 0.99 -0.55 -1.31 -0.13 7.20 8.19 -1.00
Kyle's EnPer* -2.24 -1.65 3.33 2.63 -1.68 0.21 -0.16 2.84 0.92 1.26 5.46 0.61 4.85
mjd* 0.33 1.90 -7.31 -0.64 3.90 -0.83 6.65 0.84 0.03 -0.78 4.09 -2.64 6.73
Wheatfarmers* -0.05 1.21 1.65 -0.80 -0.45 1.60 -1.09 -1.66 1.67 0.02 2.12 3.17 -1.05
Taxman 3.76 -11.90 3.59 1.45 2.37 1.94 1.03 -2.39 -1.37 -1.09 -2.62 1.20 -3.82
Slowhand* 2.66 -4.42 -0.38 -0.39 1.32 -1.48 -1.93 1.88 0.66 -0.55 -2.64 -2.69 0.05
s_R* -3.19 -0.35 2.09 1.83 -1.71 -1.86 -0.47 -1.28 0.99 0.41 -3.55 -3.20 -0.35
Nerfherders 0.12 2.25 -3.28 -1.10 -2.00 -0.48 -0.47 0.61 0.78 -0.01 -3.59 -4.49 0.90
Building 7 2.49 -4.29 -1.78 -0.57 -0.18 -0.40 -1.28 1.18 -0.17 0.64 -4.36 -4.74 0.38
YWK -3.78 2.55 -1.52 -0.76 -1.06 -1.17 0.30 0.91 -1.28 0.45 -5.36 -5.74 0.38
Slackjawed 2.56 -4.90 -2.22 -0.54 2.02 -0.33 -1.55 -2.74 -0.10 -0.24 -8.04 -3.41 -4.63
Jaydog -0.70 -2.10 -1.78 0.03 1.51 -0.83 -2.28 -0.35 -0.70 -0.98 -8.17 -3.86 -4.31
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 13:48
In both AAA and G14 I have Julio and my opponent has roddy, so far no one has any points...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 14:30
Ben 46 yards
Matty 40 yards

      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 18:02
Congrats Toral on the win this week. This was a fun season and really competitive. I hope my team did enough in the regular season to warrant consideration for promotion because my team sure pooped itself in the last 2 or 3 weeks. If not I hope to see most of you in the AAA league I'm a part of next season.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 18:09
A concession speech already?
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 18:16
Down 40 points and staring at 4 players who haven't started against my 1. Yep I lose.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 18:38
Oh, your DL sure let you down...
      ID: 052753312
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 20:00
DLine (0pts), TE (0.04), WR (19.92 vs. an avg of 32pts), LB (12 vs. an avg of 30pts). I had a few spots that let me down this week.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 20:18
Mjd: Bell, Avril, Watt, Manning
Ghostwood: Ridley, Mayo

Gw up 118.64 to 108.20

Gonna have to wait for the TFL posting I am sure...No clue as to who is gonna pull it off...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 09, 2012, 23:39
Watt and Manning(DB)
Ridley and Mayo

Mjd leads ~120 to~118...
369Letter J
      ID: 47782719
      Mon, Dec 10, 2012, 07:47
Actually, following TFL, mjd 124.80 vs Ghostwood 118.64
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Dec 10, 2012, 09:11
Currently sitting at 121, with 3 to go, who project me out to around ~165. I need ~140 to pass Slowhand... so I'm liking my chances.

Looks like it'll be a Battle of the Brothers in the next round.
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Dec 10, 2012, 12:37
Thanx Kyle. At halftime of the first games it looked like this: Matt Ryan had something like 40 yards (that's what I thought I saw) and no touchdowns; Bryce Brown had done nothing; Jamaal Charles had had a great first half -- but was out, and questionable to return. I thought I was cooked.

My team was no great shakes either. My AA team has almnost 20 points more, but will lose its round.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 10, 2012, 18:04
How appropriate Jared cook suffers season ending rotator cuff injury. I am 11 days post op myself.
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 10, 2012, 20:55
Bummer needed that Ridley TD...
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Dec 11, 2012, 10:54
Brother Bowl 2012! It's got to be interesting to see the text message exchange going on in Canada.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Dec 11, 2012, 12:28
Squeezed out that one vs mjd. We were watching our IDP stats closely...
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Dec 11, 2012, 12:31
See a mistake in plate -- should be mjd v kyle and S_r vs slow

Will fix upstairs when cat gets off my lap...
      ID: 54203110
      Wed, Dec 12, 2012, 15:46
I will again be running the playoff game by MFL. The basic rule is that you can use each player (QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DST once over the course of the playoffs.

So. For example, if you use both Brady and Rodgers in their first games you cannot use them again and might be without a QB for the super Bowl. So ya gotta plan.

I will send out my info when our fantasy season is over, but wanted you to know that your fantasy fix can continue!

Watch this space for announcements. Last year I think we had ~ 20 teams (you can have two!)
      ID: 424462011
      Thu, Dec 13, 2012, 17:03
So ya goin' with Luck, Judy? Or waiting till last minute to decide?

Our games so often seem to be close, like it's one skill player and 3 IDPs anaginst one skill player, 2 IDPs and a kicker, or something. I have a busy week next week so I would kinda like to get this one over early one way or the other.

A good proportion of 'experts' would start Dalton over Ryan. Interesting.

I have a case of bronchitis so if I fail to do something lineup-wise that looks like mere incompetence, that is the explanation.
      ID: 052753312
      Thu, Dec 13, 2012, 17:54
Toral: I have Dalton and Peyton in F101. I've been flip flopping them all week. I think it's going to come down to how many beers I've had in my at 8:25 EST tonight on who I go with.
      ID: 052753312
      Fri, Dec 14, 2012, 10:34
I'm going to BUTT this so people don't get confused by a spambot resurrecting old thread.
      ID: 54203110
      Fri, Dec 14, 2012, 19:44

yeah, it's a tough decision, but right now luck in my starter. Just do not trust RGIII to play long enough to pad stats. I just need my wides to step it up...

I am kinda hoping that Houston is so amped after that horrible NEP game (although horrible does not begin to describe the Philly cincy game as a point of reference...) that their offense stalls and the houston defense also struggles.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 14:19
Luck is not looking lucky so far...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 15:35
Toral's ryan tosses to Judy's Julio. Judy gets 2 more points. I can take that...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 15:42
Ryan out with game in hand. I will assume Julio is also out to rest up. So it is even for me and toral.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 15:44
Weird same scenario ryan/white in g14...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 20:01
Toral has Britt plus 127.70 points

Judy has. Ridley, 3 LB (Ayers, Mayo, Willis) plus 115.94 points.

Time will tell. Britt and Ayers go Monday...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 22:49
Crap NEP are getting killed and therefore so am I.
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 16, 2012, 23:06
Need a TD from Ridley...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 17, 2012, 00:11
3 fumbles hirt big time...
Oping britt gets shut out on Monday...
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 17, 2012, 21:25
And where is cj?

On my bench a decision that may cost me...
      ID: 424462011
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 09:15
Congratulations, Judy!

I'm going to have to trade that louse Britt off my G24 team. Can't stand to have him around any more.
      ID: 01361448
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 09:44
I feel fortunate that I played my brother this week instead of last.

We both played well in the opening round, but he was the top point producer that week. This week, those RBs (Rice/Martin) got behind early, and couldn't produce enough to keep his team competitive.

Looking forward to competing VS the Commish this week (revenge for the semi-finals loss in RG14).
      ID: 052753312
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 10:30
Good luck IAC and Judy. Having you two make the championship might help me be the third to be promoted. *Knocks furiously on wood*
      ID: 01361448
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 13:40
RE: 393... Letter_J was the regular season points leader... not sure if they go by points/win% (I think points).
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 14:11
So here is the final weekend. Lots of pride at stake:

For the championship:
Ghostwood vs IAC

For 3rd place:
Wheatfarmers vs Letter J

For 5th place (plate winner):
Kyle vs Slowhand

For 7th place:
s_R vs mjd

For 9th place (Consolation winner):
Building 7 vs Slackjawed

For 11 th place:
taxman vs jaydog

in 13th: ywk
in 14th: Nerfherders
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 14:48
According to the MFL recap, I am a 12.8 underdog, but there WILL be line up changes...0.00, 0.30 and 1.00 from three players does not cut in on my team -- off you go to the bench or worse!!
      ID: 501381415
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 15:05
Those MFL recaps/predictions have become my favorite part of the MFL website for pure entertainment value.
      ID: 54203110
      Tue, Dec 18, 2012, 15:09
Top of our league was really strong this season:

Above 1800 points:
Letter j
(Wheatfarmers close with 1774)

W/L record:
Letter j
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 23, 2012, 12:23
I am riding RGIII today as he got me here. I hope he plays well and plays most of the game...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 23, 2012, 16:20
Man 99 points on my bench -- guys who necer produce -- sheesh!

gotta hope Flacco has a bad game...
      ID: 54203110
      Sun, Dec 23, 2012, 20:01
Need 2 tackles from Willis -- will be watching SF defense closely...
      ID: 424462011
      Mon, Dec 24, 2012, 08:43
Good work guys. Now we just need a coach who can get you to week 16!
      ID: 01361448
      Mon, Dec 24, 2012, 09:02
Congrats to the league champion! Judy, you had a really solid year; a well deserved honour to make it up to the boyz again. Once again... Congratulations!
      ID: 54203110
      Mon, Dec 24, 2012, 12:58
Thanks guys RGIII, Morris and Julio were my heroes!

Here are the standings based upon the playoffs:

Champion: Ghostwood
Runner up: IAC
3rd: Wheatfarmers
4th: letter J
5th/plate winner: Kyle
6th: Slowhand
7th: mjd
8th: s_R
9th/Consolation winner: building 7
10th/Consolation runner up: slackjawed
11th: taxman
12th: jaydog
13th: ywk
14th: nerf herders

Thanks to everyone for a great season and for sticking with it through to the end.
405 judy
      ID: 7771722
      Tue, Jan 01, 2013, 12:15
The 2012 MFL NFL Playoff Challenge is up and running.

The basic rule is that you can use each player (QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DST only once over the course of the playoffs.

So. For example, if you use both Brady and Rodgers in their first games you cannot use them again and might be without a QB for the super Bowl. So ya gotta plan.

Invitations to last year's managers were sent out today.

If you do not want to play this year, please let me know and I will delete your team(s). If you have (non RIFC) friends who want to play, have them email me ( and I will send out an invitation.

You can have up to two teams!

Last year's winner was Promizedawgs, with s_R second and Crabby Bills came in third.
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