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0 Subject: RIHC 2004/05 - Regular Season Discussion

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Wed, Oct 27, 2004, 10:57

The league will be activated at noon today. All free agents will be on waivers for 2 days. Waiver priorities will be in reverse draft order.

Regarding trade approval and processing:

Trade review is set for Commissioner approval. After a trade is announced, managers have 24 hours to register an objection by either posting here or by sending me an email (or both). If at least 3 objections are received during that period, then all managers will be surveyed for a vote. 6 negative votes within the next 24 hours would be required to overturn a trade.

If a vote is not required, the trade will be processed as soon after the initial 24 hour period as possible. If a vote is required, the trade will be processed (if not disapproved) as soon as possible after the voting period ends. If those 24 hour windows end late at night, it is possible that a trade may not be processed until the following morning. (I will do my best to be prompt, but I'm not staying up until 1am to process a trade.)

Regarding placing players on the disabled list:

1. Any player drafted may immediately be placed in a DL slot if they are Yahoo-eligible to be put there.

2. Any DL-eligible player may immediately be placed in a DL slot if they have appeared in an NBA game since the time they were added to the roster.

3. Any other player on the DL may only be placed in a DL slot after they have been on the roster for a minimum for 10 days.

The limitation in item 3 will be manually administered. Be particularly aware of this in the next week or so. I don't want to see a scramble to pick up disabled free agents and immediately warehouse them in a DL slot. If this is detected, you will be required to either drop the player, or to put him back on your active roster for the required waiting period.

Removal of a player from a DL slot will be subject only to the standard Yahoo rules. Be aware that if you have a player in a DL slot who is no longer on the DL, you will be unable to make any add/drop transactions until that player is removed from the DL slot.

Are there any other rules, guidelines, or agreements that we should discuss prior to the start of the season?
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      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:04
This season is too long! Harrington just went on the IL. Radmanovic and Boozer went there a few weeks back. Antoine has missed 3 straight games. Claxton is in and out, missing last night again.

It's going to be a struggle stay ahead of AP10 at this pace!
248Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:16
Want Jaric? He's driven me mad this season. If you do, he's now available.......I waived his @ss, yet again! And for good this time!
      ID: 034837521
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 15:30
I love that Antawn Jamison can come back for a game and play great while he's still on the IL for me, then apparently sit the next two out because they "want to take it slow".
      ID: 4033516
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 03:34
Give us the precious!!!!!!!!!!! We need AP10 to shoot some 3s to keep SY behind him. We hope the same from BJ. It would also help when mr. Wade could come back to earth. Man, has he had a season.

246: Our real live comes first? You have got to be kidding. Explain that to Mike D's wive (or my girlfriend for that matter).

251Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 07:52
Ha ha Edgar! Been there, tried that!
      ID: 14337819
      Fri, Apr 08, 2005, 21:37
explain that to my wife and my girlfriend...
      ID: 1310104
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 06:19
LMAO, it's just been one of those years. Quoting myself in the ASB thread:

"In a perfect world, I can see myself finishing with as many as 65 points in the standings (I only have 50 now)... that would be a MAJOR accomplishment, but I'll still be really happy if I can even hit 60 again by season's end."

Well.. as of a week ago, I had scratched and clawed my way up to 58 points, and was feeling pretty dang good about it!

Of course, today I landed right back where I started with the big 5-0. *sigh* It's like I'm line dancing or someting... one step forward, one step backward... it's just been one of those years.
254Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 14:26
Lebron James is the Yahoo Roto equivalent of the Messiah. To call him 'King' just does not do him justice. I just saw his line from last night and my eyes almost popped right outta my head. That kid has skills.

And thank goodness he's around, because our team is creaking - Hill, Donyell, Fortson, Z all on the shelf. However, i think we may have managed to weather Slackjaw's assault. It ain't over yet, but almost there!
      ID: 14337819
      Sun, Apr 10, 2005, 20:47
I sense that LeBron realizes the Cavs aren't going far in the playoffs if at all and seems to be concentrating now on filling out the stat line.
      ID: 00458944
      Mon, Apr 11, 2005, 02:43
Same thing Kobe has done since the season started. But with much less success ofcourse.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 16:06
Hanging on for life to this 8th spot.
258Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 16:27
Would that be "dear life?" Or "deer life?" I'll waive Jermaine O'Neal and you can grab him for a quick fix......don't say I never did anything for you. ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Apr 13, 2005, 18:52
LOL...I had the rest of those morons (Artest, Jackson), might as well have JO too. With friends like you, who needs enemas...
260Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 10:56
It is very comforting to see some great rebounding from our team at a point where it is absolutely necessary. Our recent Ely and Haywood finds have been important there. Hopefully we can hold on. It would suck to make it all the way to Mordor and then plummet to our death right at the end!
261Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 10:59
I'm expecting a 10 point swing in FG % in the next day or two, and I'll be in position to swipe the title. And then I woke up.

262Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 11:12
Yeah, but that won't help you win, since it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that we'll hit 400 3s in the next 4 days to overtake you there ;)

Seriously though Mike, it's murder to be without TD and Jermo for so long. Had they been playing, you would definitely be in or around pole position.
263Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 11:21
A lot of GMs have been bitten by the bug, that's for sure. The bugs were swarmin' this season. I also hate the injuries and wish it was like a video game where you could turn them off. On the other hand, it opens up new doors for bench guys, and causes decision making, which can be fun.
      ID: 204401122
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 17:49
What happened to dropping JO for me! :)
265Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 17, 2005, 19:19
Yeah, what's up with him coming back today? Didn't play that well or that much, but still.....
266Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 09:45
I guess the league members can all insert their forks. The Euros have held off the Yokels in a backyard brawl. Kudos.
      ID: 204401122
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 15:18
I refuse to give up hope that I'm going to win this league! :)
268Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Apr 19, 2005, 15:28
You shall therefore remain forkless.

There's one in every crowd. ;)
269Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 08:06
Well, time to put the gunners into the lineup for the regular season hurrah. Determined to steal that extra point from bj in 3s! That even means letting Mr. Gordon loose - he's been glued to our bench for the last month trying to protect our FG%. Hopefully that won't matter tonight unless we contrive to go 0-150 or something!

The Yokels put up a hell of a fight, that run SY made was ferocious. Fortunately, we had this kid Lebron, who stepped it up to another level during the final month or so.
      ID: 38321196
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 08:23
Give me the precious!!!!
      ID: 034837521
      Wed, Apr 20, 2005, 09:34
Mickael Pietrus says you're not taking that point in 3's!

Congrats guys - great season.
272Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 04:53
Woohoo, the Ring is officially coming to Europe, with our boy 'Bron ending just as he started - huge!

This league was awesome again this year, i had an absolute blast. The competition throughout the league was great to watch. Looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts in the Retrospective thread...i assume we'll be having one like last year, Guru?

I guess with Florian winning the TSN title (damn Dave, you ran him close though!), the Euros have well and truly returned to form. Long may it continue.
273Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 09:04
congrats guys. After the charge I made, I reached a wall the past couple of weeks and couldn't seem to gain any more. I guess I'll have to take solace in being the top North American finisher.. and top single-manager team... and top team with at least four white guys. Getting the top performer with the 9th pick was huge for Smeagol.
274Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 09:39
Slackjaw, that's a lot of awards there. More awards than the Euros (lol). Great season guys.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 15:53
Congratulations to the Euros as well as the other top teams. It seemed to me to be similar to last year in that much of the time it wasn't that close but perhaps I wasn't paying attention to the race WAY ahead of me.

Nice job by Sanforders would followed up last years gold with a bronze.

I think I was fifth also last year but I think I was not as far off the leader as I was this year.
      ID: 59923214
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 16:00
I had four totally white guys and Jason Kidd - can I get a half white credit for him and take the White title with 4.5?
277Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 21, 2005, 16:12
I'm not at liberty to comment about that, as I had a dark team and there is litigation pending. ;)
      ID: 13343223
      Fri, Apr 22, 2005, 05:46
Next year everybody should at least have one white guy on the team!

On the other hand Mike D this Korver guy you picked up seems as white as they will come.
279Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Fri, Apr 22, 2005, 08:22
Yeah, that's why I traded him. ;)
280Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Aug 23, 2005, 20:00
Magic sign center Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje to a one year deal.

Surely the most noteworthy news out there looking ahead to the new RIHC season. He'll definitely be drafted by one of us now ;)
281Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Aug 24, 2005, 07:57
Drafted......and traded, of course.
282Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 00:32
Ah....finally some signs of life. Mike D, I know you are anxious to show the rookies what life in the big leagues is like, LOL. Is your minimum trade proposal still alive?
      ID: 42759252
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 04:01
I guess you are already preparing for the RIHC season Pacers Rule?
284Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Aug 25, 2005, 07:49
My proposal is indeed still alive!
285Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Aug 26, 2005, 21:35
I've been pretty jazzed about the off-season and the Pacers chances for this coming year. However, them letting James Jones go for a second round pick and a trade exception didn't exactly fuel my fire. I'm hoping they are still going to package that exeption with Pollard and Anthony Johnson or Eddie Gill for Magliore, but they seem to be sending mixed messages about their intentions to save luxury tax money. They didn't waive Croshere but instead chose Miller, which costs them 12 million more in salary and penalties this year and next. That wasn't a cost-saving move, but now they let James Jones go and claim they couldn't afford to re-sign him and that they are on a mission to get under the luxury tax threshold.

Mike D, are you going to draft all the point guards again?
286Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Fri, Aug 26, 2005, 21:43
I was thinking about drafting cheerleaders and dance team members. They are a little hotter........

287Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Sep 05, 2005, 13:06
Oh my goodness, i completely forgot how amazing it is to immerse yourself in about 14 cross referenced Excel sheets in order to come up with something that one day might resemble a draft order.

I think i'll just make it easy on myself at the end of this season, and enroll for that RIHC withdrawal class i saw at the local college ;) PR, in case you hadn't noticed, i am also itching to get this thing started again. Not many people can say that after being buried in a avalanche of about ten gazillion 3s from last year, but Mike...hey, i'm just a glutton for punishment.

In all seriousness, we must be only about a month away from drafting, right? It's going to take that long for Team Smeagol to worry about how we can possibly draft a Divac-less roster!!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Sep 09, 2005, 17:36
Once I get past the opening week of the RIFC, I'll need to turn my attention to this league. Hard to imagine that draft activity will need to start in about a month!
289Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Sep 09, 2005, 18:30
Nah, to some of us, it seems like an eternity!

That's my favorite thing about the start of Football Season....the imminent start of Basketball Season!
      ID: 47858133
      Tue, Sep 13, 2005, 05:20
Give me the precious!
291Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 16:01
Edgar, what does "Give me the precious!" mean in euro-talk? Are you playing RIHC as a dynamic duo again this season?
292Mike D
      ID: 57891011
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 16:19
PR, it's a Lord of the Rings reference from Team Eurogollum.
293Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Sat, Sep 17, 2005, 17:52
Ah. The precious being the RING?

I just watched the first two this month but didn't stay awake for much of the second.
294Swish City @ Vegas
      ID: 59871921
      Mon, Sep 19, 2005, 22:15
I'm somewhat pleased to announce that Edgar and i won't have to try and regain the Ring this year, as i just won it for keeps on the Craps tables. Sauron was not happy about it at all!! ;) Looking forward to some serious stat swatting when i return. Edgar, have you finished all the RIHC Excel donkey work i left you yet? :)

Go Team Smeagol!!!
295Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Sep 20, 2005, 09:21
I love the fact that you moved your pre-season preparation to Vegas. Must be nice spending the RIHC championship money and basking in the glory.
      ID: 47858133
      Tue, Sep 20, 2005, 14:21
Excel nerding has been completed Swish!
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