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0 Subject: RIHC 2005-06 Draft Discussion

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Mon, Oct 10, 2005, 12:27

The draft for 2005-06 will officially begin on Wednesday, October 12. Early picks will be enabled beginning a day earlier (Tuesday).

The draft is being hosted at, using their "On The Clock" software. League managers should access the draft there. After the draft begins, a link will be posted in this thread so that those outside the league can review the draft as well.

The draft will run for 15 rounds, and will snake. Here is the draft order:

1 Dave R
2 Euros
3 slackjawed yokel
4 Skinneej
5 Tosh
6 KnicksFan
7 Mike D
8 Doug
9 hoopsklyce
10 Guru
11 Pacers Rule
12 lionprideguy

The draft will officially start on Wednesday morning, Oct. 12. We will start with an 8 hour clock, but if too much clock is being used, we may have to shorten it during the draft. The draft clock will continue through weekends. There will be a clock moratorium each night from midnight until 7am Eastern time. Picks can continue to be made during the moratorium period, but the clock will be paused. Those picking at the endpoints do not get a double clock. In addition, if anyone is already in arrears for a pick when their next pick is due, they do not necessarily get a second clock period. This will be subject to Commissioner discretion.

When entering a draft pick, please make sure you put the first and last names in the correct boxes. The software will prompt you if it does not recognize a name, but it will allow you to use an unrecognized name if you insist. For example, in one football draft, we had a problem when both Travis Henry and Henry Travis were drafted. Please pay attention to what you're doing.

Our roster configuration will be as follows:
PG, SG, G, G
PF, SF, F, F
C, C
Util, Util
3 bench
2 DL

Yahoo position eligibility will be used throughout the season. You are advised to check the Yahoo league site prior to selecting any player to ensure that you know that player's position eligibility at the start of the season.

You do not need to draft a completely valid roster. You may draft a player who is not currently listed in Yahoo if you wish to reserve that player. After the draft is completed, you may no longer protect any unlisted player, but must simply wait until the player is made available at Yahoo.

Following the draft, all undrafted players will be placed on waivers, and waiver priorities will start out in inverse draft order.

This league will have a limit of 84 games per position. Since there are 2 slots for each of G, F, C, and U, those position slots will be subject to a combined limit of 168 games.

Please refrain from mentioning any undrafted player in this thread. You can this thread to alert others about your availability, to request volunteers to accept a queue, to raise questions about draft rules or mechanics, to solicit trade offers or announce trades, etc.

After two rounds have been completed, I will start a separate thread for draft rationales. We will then try to keep the rationale thread on a 2 round delay.

For drafting purposes, we will not distinguish between PG/SG or PF/SF. A simple G or F will be used. We'll deal with the position distinctions once we get to the Yahoo site.

The draft software allows you to designate any other league manager(s) to make a pick on your behalf. If you submit a queue through the kafenatid site, it will go to your designated manager(s) via email. As Commish, I can automatically make or change a pick for anyone, but I will not get your queues unless you specifically set me up as a designated picker. If you wish to have someone outside the league make picks on your behalf, you will need to provide that person with your id and password. Alternatively, if you authorize it in advance, anyone can post your absentee pick in this thread when it is due, I can enter it at kafenatid.

Any questions?
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      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:00
Dunno, but wasn't he already on the clock when he posted? Maybe he doesn't like to pick on an empty stomach, or needed time to do research. That'll happen when you're traveling. In the meantime, I dropped him a trade offer in order to give him something else to think about. =-)
251Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:14
Doug, didn't receive your trade offer.
252 Pacers Rule @ INDY
      ID: 46946127
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:15
Here's my email.
      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:23
Just re-sent it. That's the same address I used the first time. Maybe it's getting dumped to your spam folder or something.
254Pacers Rule @ INDY
      ID: 46946127
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:34
255Pacers Rule
      ID: 46946127
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:41
I'll take it. So then you're up for my pick, and then I'm up for the next two picks, and then we swap 9th rounds picks (8th & 11th) right?
      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:44
Yep, confrimed and emailed to Guru.
257Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:46
Woohoo. More color for the draft grid.
      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:48
Pacers if you want to set me up as a designated picker and email me your two picks (or post them here, I already told you mine in email) then we can proceed and deal with swapping the players later.
259Pacers Rule @ INDY
      ID: 46946127
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 18:57
Ok, I set you up as a designated picker for me

Also, I took Troy Murphy for you with my pick.

So now you can take Jalen Rose (F) and Jason Williams PG with your next 2.

Then you can pick "for me" the player you want at pick 8.02 and we can proceed on to Guru.
      ID: 02730280
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 19:05
OK, so just so everyone is clear on what just happened...

Doug - 07.11 - Troy Murphy
Pacers - 7.12 - Jalen Rose
Pacers - 8.01 - Jason Williams
Doug - 08.02 - Sam Cassel

Pacers now owns 9.08, and Doug owns 9.11
261Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 19:08
Clear as mud
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Oct 18, 2005, 20:50
I think I got this processed correctly, including fixing the spelling of Cassell and the target position for Rose.
      ID: 319471922
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 00:51
-Intruder Alert-

I'm not sure if it is in the spirit of the game( sharing info and knowledge with your fellow gurupies), but here it goes nonetheless:

Is it possible to delay the rationales until our draft cathes up with it in AA#3?.. I just think it is the same thing as taking about a player that hasn't been picked yet. Although your rationales are very informative and I look forward to reading about each pick, they do tend to influence other drafts.

Intruder out
      ID: 00458944
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 02:36
Skinneej (244), I think the Euro's can easily agree with your ranking system!

Very nice as well that Ruben BB is still available. Or should I change that to player X.

Like that certain player X who will battle Joel Przb for playing time as stated in the draft rationales. I think this HAS to be Ruben!
265 lionprideguy
      ID: 906204
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 04:05
Slackjawed Yokel, could you send me your email address? Sorry, wasn't sure which one it was on our group list. I'll be at this work email address on Wednesday and checking it between meetings. Thanks!
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 07:48
xpdurmind[263] - Request denied.

One of the purposes of posting rationales is to provide information that might be useful to others who are involved in drafts. The longer we delay, the less useful that information is.

If you think it is influencing your draft, so be it.
      ID: 407261116
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 09:48
      ID: 02730280
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 11:52
Re: 266, it's interesting to me that most of the other RIHC drafts this year chose to get started earlier than we did... instead of us informing them, they informed us... I know that for a few picks early on I was looking to see how those other drafts had progressed in order to guesstimate when a player might go in ours. Certainly can't put TOO much stock in such an analysis, but it does provide one more datapoint when trying to predict who might make it back to your next pick, etc. I think the later we get in rounds, however, the less useful such information becomes (at least for the purpose of predicting when players will go), as drafting becomes less and less "by the book".
269Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 12:05
I liked our timetable in the draft. We seem to be making good/adequate progress and we are starting to see how players are doing in preseason as we approach the place in the draft where we need to know some of that info to help us decide who to pick. Plus, we avoided a probable first round injury situation, for example. Not such a big deal in a cap league where you can trade players at will, but for a draft league, that kind of situation can nearly torpedo a player's season from the start. The later you can do the draft and still get it done, the better in terms of a competitive season, imo.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 13:17
Just a word of caution to be careful about mentioning undrafted players in this thread or in the rationale thread. I just cleaned up a couple that were called to my attention.

It's probably also better to avoid replacing an undrafted player's name with the term "undrafted player", since that actually calls more attention to the fact that the player, while unnamed (but usually we know who you mean), is undrafted. While that's technically not prohibited, it is contrary to the spirit of the limitation.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 14:06

The rationale posted immediately after I made that comment [270] named two undrafted players.

Please proofread your rationales with this in mind, guys. I fixed that one without referencing either player and without changing the substance of the post.
      ID: 02730280
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 14:16
I was looking at the board I just knew Euros would take Patchouli... 'cus they had no Cs yet, and I can only assume they have something of an affinity for guys with funny European-sounding names. =-p
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 14:28
I'll bet his name even sounds funny in the Republic of Georgia.

And I almost sure that most people can't even pronounce it in the state of Georgia!
275Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 17:17
Sorry, didn't realize that *undrafted player* ;-) wasn't fair game to discuss. But yeah we seem to have it happening quite a bit. Thanks for cleaning that up, Guru.
276Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 17:33
Yeah, I was sleeping on Zaza and hoping he would eventually land on my roster

I was also sleeping on James Jones for the Suns. I was surprised to see him pulled this early. I hope he pays off and does well there in Phoenix. Nice guy.
277lionprideguy @work
      ID: 55948120
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 17:35
Wow, I'm a serious idiot. Even stopped to think about being careful, and then cut and pasted a mostly pre-written statement without reviewing it all, and apparently the brain turned off again. No jokes about the brain turning off when I drafted Eddy Curry, please.

On a better note, I'm really excited about *undrafted player* this year. Big upside, very ball-friendly with a big wingspan, and he's really long. All potential.
278Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 19:32
We love Zazazazazazaza in the Euro camp. The only other Georgian sportsman i know of any real note is Georgi Kinkladze. Edgar, you know who i'm talking about, right? Maybe Mike D too...i know you're a soccer fan on the sly, Mike! ;)

Instead of just befuddling each other with our own picks, it looks like Dave and ourselves have also bewildered SY to the point where he's pondering also.

Have to say also, a top quality draft so far guys. I'm having a blast. Or maybe it's just the huge amount of fun i'm extracting from winding Dave R up by predicting his picks!
279Slackjawed Yokel
      ID: 052347519
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 19:39
Yeah, I was hoping to pick earlier, but what was supposed to be an hour meeting at work turned into a 2 and a half hour marathon. (And then I found I was relatively unprepared for this pick and had to do all the necessary second- and third-guessing...)
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 21:21
Sorry skinneej - I gave you 31 minutes to get your rationale up there. :-)
281Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 21:51
Who the h*ll is Georgi Kinkladze??? ;)

Yeah, the other football has its place. I have a longstanding invitation from a friend to attend a match in Holland some son wants to go with me. My wife and daughters are holding us back. ;)
282Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Wed, Oct 19, 2005, 22:33
Sorry to be late on rationales. Feeling like crap here.
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 00:45
Awww... come on Pacers, your picks weren't THAT bad. Cheer up. =-p
286Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 10:56
I guess the next pick is " luchtime " pick ;)
287Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:01
Or a "post-psychologist" visit pick.
288Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:21
Yeah, unfortunately I may need most of my time for this pick. I have not been able to do a thing to prepare for this pick due to my illness. Was hoping Dunleavy would fall to me but no dice.
289Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:27
Got to watch out for that Thai food!
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:34
He must've really Thai'd one on...
291Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:36
His hands are really Thai'd now that Dunleavy is gone....
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 11:56
Well, I've got two players left in my 8-man queue I put together last round, I tried rating one above the other but they're basically Thai'd, so I don't mind if someone takes one to make my decision for me. Just don't take both!
293Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 12:54
Well, he's still pretty injured with his ankle, but I'm staying with my all-injury team at least for the time being.
294Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 13:02
Woo-hoo. The prunes apparently worked, because we have movement!
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 13:09
*groan* You've been waiting a while to push that one out, haven't you Mike?
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 13:31
I had two guys at the top of my list, and surprisingly, both were still available. It was tough to figure which to prioritize higher.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 13:32
I'll start a new Rationale thread for pick 8.01. The current thread is getting reasonably long, and I suspect that the later rationales (or "rationalizations", as they are often described for later rounds) may be a bit shorter.
299Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 14:47
if you have any idea how long it will be till you pick, that'd be great. I'm trying to decide if take a nap now or stick it out until I either pick or can have a 3 man queue ready.
300lionprideguy @work
      ID: 55948120
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 15:04
No problem - I'm on my way out for a lunch appointment, so I'm going to enter a pair of picks before I go. Hang in there, it'll just be 2-3 minutes!
301Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 15:09
should pick fairly soon, Guru
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 16:10
For the record, I had already selected Jaric before I noticed Doug's flagrant and premature mention of him in the Cassell rationale. ;)

I see that another moderator stepped in quickly to obliterate the foul, but since I just took Jaric, I reversed the edit.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 16:21
With 300 posts, I think it's time to retire this thread and move on to a new one.

draft discussion thread #2
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