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0 Subject: RIHC 2005-06 Draft Discussion #2

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Thu, Oct 20, 2005, 16:19

Time to start a fresh thread.

(link to draft discussion thread #1)

Carry on...

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      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:26
Doug took a longer-winded approach to saying the same thing.
      ID: 02730280
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:35
Just to be clear, I don't think formalizing the definition of "injured" would affect my pick one way or the other (that can come later), it's just the roster implementation part of it that I'll need official word on before picking.
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:36
Doug - I just read [1]. Who was the player you were speakin of and what round was it.
124Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:39
Is there a reliable daily updated site that we could use for injuries to define which players are "injured"? I'm not too clued in on anywhere apart from Fanball and Rotoworld, but it seems that Rotoworld does have an injuries page that is updated daily i.e. it has been updated today already: Rotoworld Injuries List.

I guess anyone who isn't listed at say-to-day could be classed as "injured", and qualify for a pseudo-IL slot (which i would also prefer instead of 1 or more totally open bench slots).

Like the others, i'm just brainstorming - this might not be practical.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:52
I don't think that being on the NBA "inactive list" is the proper definition. For openers, I don't know how easy it will be to see the updated (or historic) inactive list at any time. Second, it is more inclusive than a true IL would be. For example, anyone playing in the developmental league might be considered as "inactive", but not "injured".

I think we need to agree on some general guidelines that define an injured player, and then either have managers self-administer, or require that the Commish approve (or disapprove, subject to appeal) any IL designation.

I also think that we would need to have a weekly review, at which time any players who had returned to action would have to be removed from the IL slot. This is different than the Yahoo approach used to be, but would actually be a desirable change, IMHO.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:57
The RotoWorld injuries list linked above is one potential source, although players listed as "day-to-day" should be excluded.

Perhaps we could define a "safe haven", such that any player who is listed on a recognized list (such lists to be pre-specified) as injured with a prognosis longer than "day-to-day" would automatically qualify. Any other player could be added only subject to Commisioner approval.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 14:04
We could also specify that every Monday (or some regular day each week), the Commish should review each roster to ensure that any IL slots are appropriate. Also, once a player returns to game action, a team should be required to vacate that IL slot in 7 days or less. In the event that a team fails to do this, the Commish could be empowered to drop that player after a suitable warning period.

I'm assuming that a weekly review would not be too onerous for a Commissioner to perform, although I may reconsider that as the details are developed.
      ID: 02730280
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 14:07
At some point I'd also like to figure out exactly when drafted players can be placed on IL (assuming we use a pseudo-IL approach). "When the season begins"... is that midnight of Nov. 1? Or Nov. 2? Which time zone? Or tip-off of the first game? Scheduled or actual? Or...?

Re: 123... I think it was Villanueva. Wasn't sure at the time if he'd be getting much regular-season action, though recent reports seem to indicate he'll see some time... which would bump him up a bit on my sheet! =-) Basically I had just penciled in 1-2 guys for each pick through every round of the draft, just to get a ballpark idea of what talent I could expect in future rounds for the purposes of planning and trades... Villanueva was representative of a "roll-the-dice-on-his-upside" rookie pick... but I wasn't necessarily gunning for him specifically. The rooks started coming off a bit earlier than I expected, so I bumped my roll-the-dice pick up to round 12 and took Marvin Williams.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 14:07
ESPN also typically updates an injury report, although it isn't yet in use.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 14:10
Doug - I won't release undrafted players to be added (via waivers) until we resolve our IL rules. But I don't think we'll be able to hammer out the details before your next pick!
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 14:23
For a baseball league I'm in, we use Rototimes as our official injury list, and find them to be updated quite regularly.

I have no idea how good they are in hoops.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 15:42
At the risk of excessive wordiness (and I can certainly be wordier if needed), how does this sound:

Three bench slots are available to hold any player. Two additional bench slots will be enabled, but are restricted as “injury slots”, hereafter abbreviated as “IS”.

An NBA player shall be eligible to fill an IS if he is listed in any “informed” source as being injured more seriously than “day-to-day”. Examples of acceptable information sources include (but are not limited to):
Newspaper stories (citing facts, not speculation).

Once a player appears in an NBA game, he is no longer eligible to fill an IS, even if a published source fails to remove his listing. When a player is no longer IS eligible, the team shall have a limited amount of time to remove that player from the IS, as defined below.

If a manager wishes to move a player into an IS but cannot find a confirming source, he may request that the Commissioner approve the designation. The Commissioner shall use his best judgment in making such a determination.

If any manager believes that another team has improperly moved a player into an IS, he may file a protest with the Commissioner. If any manager disagrees with a Commissioner ruling, he may request a league vote. Six votes shall be required to overturn any Commissioner ruling related to an IS.

Each Wednesday, the Commissioner shall review all rosters to assure that any filled injury slots are appropriate. In the event that an IS is improperly filled, the Commissioner will notify the manager of the violation via the email link at the Yahoo site. The notified manager will have 48 hours to correct the roster or to provide a satisfactory explanation. If a breach remains uncorrected 48 hours after notice, the Commissioner shall have the authority to drop a bench player in order to bring the roster into conformance. The player dropped will be based upon the Commissioner’s judgment as to the best interests of the impacted team.

The Commissioner shall have the latitude to extend the time for curing a breach if he knows that the manager is unreachable and/or unavailable to make the adjustment.

No player which is in an IS slot may be placed in a starting slot on any day unless the bench has been cleared of that injury slot, or unless another player is eligible to replace that player in the vacated IS. In the event of a violation, the Commissioner may elect to void any stats generated by improperly activated player.

As before, no player may be picked up as a free agent and immediately placed in an IS. Free agent additions are only IS eligible 10 days after pickup, unless the player has appeared in an NBA game after the pickup and the IS eligibility occurred thereafter.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 15:46
Essentially, the above criteria will be self administered except once a week on Wednesdays, when I will screen all rosters.

If we go this way, the Qualifying leagues are not necessarily bound by this approach. Each QL Commish will have to decide what he's willing to do.
134Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 15:54
When you say " unless the bench has been cleared of that injury slot ". I assume you mean that an active player from your team is dropped from the roster to waivers. Of course there is an eligible active player that can be moved to IS.

Or am I missing something?
135Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 15:58
I meant unless there is an eligible active player that can be moved to IS.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 15:59
137Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 16:00
Fine with me.
138Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 16:40
Sounds good to me.
139Pacers Rule
      ID: 31261810
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 16:42
I move to approve.
140Pacers Rule
      ID: 31261810
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 17:22
By the way, if/when the draft moves to me for round 15, I'll be able to pick late tonight.
141Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 17:32
Wow, Doug times out.

Hoops taking advantage right away of the Magloire trade.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 17:59
Please post your rationales for the last 2 rounds here, and I'll copy them over. Don't post them in the rationale thread unless they would already be in sequence.
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 17:59
Magloire was traded?
144Doug @ parents
      ID: 49112252
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 21:06
As I'm sure you all know, I'm still in the process of moving... lost connectivity unexpectedly several hours ago in the middle of the IR conversation. Just got online at my folks' place... will review and pick in a minute.
145Doug @ parents
      ID: 49112252
      Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 21:11
OK, went with Foster with the expectation I'll be able to put him on IR until he starts playing in a few weeks.
      ID: 906204
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 03:39
(checking the NBA page on ESPN again real quick to make sure there's not any other trades in the NBA today that I missed but need to know about before drafting ...)

And we're done!!! A few days ahead of schedule, nice job everybody.

For our version of Mr. Irrelevant in the draft, at the last pick, Michael Olowokandi! I grew up in Northern California and lived in Lodi when Olokandi was playing college ball next door in Stockton at UOP. So half the fun of this pick is to be able to make fun of him for plummetting from overrated, unchallanged center at UOP and first pick in the NBA draft to the very last, final pick in the last round of the RIHC Draft.

Terrible reasoning for a pick, I know. But I'm exhausted and it's been a 18-hour workday with another one starting just 6 hours away, so I'm going to sleep, thanks.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 09:53
Regarding the injury slots - when should we open up their availability?

If we were using the old Yahoo approach, we would have to wait until the season starts, since IL designations are not made until then.

I would suggest that we continue that practice. That is, players cannot be moved to an IS until the season starts. This gives every team an equal shot at all undrafted players before injury slots open up extra bench spaces for some teams.


149Dave R
      ID: 3010361110
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 10:04
I agree
150Pacers Rule
      ID: 31261810
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 12:44
Makes sense particularly in light of past practice which is a reasonable expectation in terms of draft decision-making. Hence...I move to approve :-)

As an aside, I hope it puts your mind at ease Guru that I picked up another Pacer in the waning moments of the draft. Now at least I have as many Pacers as Pistons. Truth be told I wanted some more Pacer players on my squad. Unfortunately, they were in higher demand than I anticipated. Had I know J.O. was going to get some starts at C here in the preseason, with a wildcard shot at becoming C eligible, I may have selected him over VC, esp. since my first round pick was a PG.

Jesus Saves and I deliberated over J.O. versus big Z in the second round of the Live draft AA league. Of course, when you've only got 90 seconds, you can only deliberate so long. We went with Z but probably we should have gone J.O. I do love Z's %'s at the line, however.
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 13:33
I agree in principle, but still looking for a specific definition (to the minute) of when exactly "the season starts".
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 13:54
Doug[151] - my understanding of past precedent is that IL status would not have been declared until the first game day. In Yahoo terms, this would mean that no player would have been IL eligible until at least some time on Tuesday, Nov. 1.

Thus, I would suggest that we can move a player into an injury slot starting at noon Eastern time on November 1. This should put those in all time zones on a reasonably available posture.

I realize that this means that you can't pick up a replacement player to be active on Nov. 1, but so be it. You wouldn't have been able to do that under the prior framework either.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 13:59
I plan to activate the league at approximately 3pm this afternoon. The significance of this is that this is when the waiver clock will start ticking for all undrafted players. 48 hours later - around 3pm on Saturday afternoon - all players should clear waivers, and free agent pickups will be enabled.

You should each check your roster prior to Saturday to be sure that I have properly entered your draft picks.

Waiver priorities are initially set in inverse draft order. Lionprideguy will have top priority, and Dave R will be last.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 14:03
I notice that when I went to reset our bench slots from 3 to 5 (to accommodate 2 injury slots), I was not given a menu option to select any IL slots, so Yahoo has made some programming changes to disable that option.
157Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 14:13
Diaw for MVP!! Or should that be MIP? Either would be fine ;)
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 15:26
I just activated the league. All undrafted players are on waivers, and listed to clear on Oct 30. (I'm not sure why it isn't Oct 29.)

If you notice any roster errors, please report them prior to Saturday, if possible.
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 15:27
MIP = Most Inconsequential Player?
      ID: 23741312
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 15:45
MIP = Man In Pants (aka Street Clothes)
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 15:55
MIP = Man In Pajamas (warm-up outfit, i.e. benchwarmer)
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 15:56
MIP = Most Irritating Player (he's French)
164Gescom on vacation
      ID: 499572715
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 18:23
Any love for French bashing ?
165Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 19:04
Don't worry Gescom, they're all just distraught at missing out on this year's Boumtje-Boumtje!

Maybe i should edit that to read MIA instead of MIP, guys? ;)
      ID: 02730280
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 19:34
La verite, j'ai beaucoup d'amour pour les Francaise... mais en mon pays c'est plus amusant dire qu'ils sont les chiens du monde!!! =-p (pardon ma grammaire, je n'ai pas parler la langue depuis longtemps)
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Oct 27, 2005, 19:46
Sacré bleu!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 11:32
Great job on the rationales this year! I think this has been the best draft in terms of keeping the rationales current, thoughtful, and entertaining across the board.
177Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 13:32
Wow. Prompt, intelligent, engaging. Where did you find such an outstanding cast of characters?

Personal injury report: No narcotics needed for 24 hours now, Appetite returning, 6 lbs lost.

(Every cloud has a silver lining.)
      ID: 02730280
      Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 14:01
(And as I'm sure you've found out, every colon has a greenish lining...)
179Gescom on vacation
      ID: 499572715
      Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 14:11
Nice tries Doug & Guru !
181Pacers Rule
      ID: 910311210
      Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 23:29
All this lack of eating has left me REALLY HUNGRY! Steak, Guiness, and M&M's never tasted so good. Welcome back, 6 lbs. Make it 7.
      ID: 41848256
      Mon, Oct 31, 2005, 07:24
regarding injury policy about the following ammendment

A player is eligible for the injury slot after X games of DNP. I propose X is 3.

That way I don't need to wade through the injury reports. Also then you don't need to be subjective about the description of the injury.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Oct 31, 2005, 09:49
Let's move further discussion to the regular season discussion thread.
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