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0 Subject: RIHC 2006-07: Regular season discussion #1

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Sun, Oct 29, 2006, 07:55

Draft rationales are complete, undrafted players have cleared waivers, and we're good to go.

I figured it would be good to recap the rules regarding the injury slots:
Three bench slots are available to hold any player. Two additional bench slots will be enabled, but are restricted as “injury slots”, hereafter abbreviated as “IS”.

An NBA player shall be eligible to fill an IS if he is listed in any “informed” source as being injured more seriously than “day-to-day”. Examples of acceptable information sources include (but are not limited to):
Newspaper stories (citing facts, not speculation).

Once a player appears in an NBA game, he is no longer eligible to fill an IS, even if a published source fails to remove his listing. When a player is no longer IS eligible, the team shall have a limited amount of time to remove that player from the IS, as defined below.

If a manager wishes to move a player into an IS but cannot find a confirming source, he may request that the Commissioner approve the designation. The Commissioner shall use his best judgment in making such a determination.

If any manager believes that another team has improperly moved a player into an IS, he may file a protest with the Commissioner. If any manager disagrees with a Commissioner ruling, he may request a league vote. Six votes shall be required to overturn any Commissioner ruling related to an IS.

Each Wednesday, the Commissioner shall review all rosters to assure that any filled injury slots are appropriate. In the event that an IS is improperly filled, the Commissioner will notify the manager of the violation via the email link at the Yahoo site. The notified manager will have 48 hours to correct the roster or to provide a satisfactory explanation. If a breach remains uncorrected 48 hours after notice, the Commissioner shall have the authority to drop a bench player in order to bring the roster into conformance. The player dropped will be based upon the Commissioner’s judgment as to the best interests of the impacted team.

The Commissioner shall have the latitude to extend the time for curing a breach if he knows that the manager is unreachable and/or unavailable to make the adjustment.

No player which is in an IS slot may be placed in a starting slot on any day unless the bench has been cleared of that injury slot, or unless another player is eligible to replace that player in the vacated IS. In the event of a violation, the Commissioner may elect to void any stats generated by improperly activated player.

As before, no player may be picked up as a free agent and immediately placed in an IS. Free agent additions are only IS eligible 10 days after pickup, unless the player has appeared in an NBA game after the pickup and the IS eligibility occurred thereafter.

Eligible drafted players may be played in an injury slot immediately. However, any player added as a free agent is now subject to the 10-day rule for IS eligibility.
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109coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Thu, Jan 18, 2007, 13:18
Checking in on rules....(I am sure that this has been covered millions of times but I am getting a little confused in my middle age):

Villanueva has now said that he is day to day. Can I keep an extra reserve until he actually plays or do I now need to drop a player?
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Jan 18, 2007, 13:19
You can keep on reserve until he plays.
111coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Thu, Jan 18, 2007, 13:24
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 14:20
Amazingly, I've held up through the past month or so with significant missed time by Odom, Billups, and Wade.

But an injury to Boozer was what I've been dreading all season This might be hard to overcome.
113coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 14:46
Looks like my hot streak is coming to an end with Jamison's knee looking bad.
      ID: 040625911
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 15:33
Yeah, CC you snuck up on me there. I'd appreciate if you toned it down a bit. Maybe the Boozer injury will help a couple of us have a little better chance as it was looking to be a two team runaway.

I'm hoping that the impending return of R. Lewis will help me in a few key areas that I have been hurting in and if Wally can overcome his sprained ankles, my scoring and 3s numbers should rise again. I've had a bad run of games lately from players like Ridnour, S. Livingston, and a few other guys I was trying to mix in to keep my games numbers close. I probably would be better off sitting these guys until my injured players return, but Shaq is still a big concern and the aforementioned Lewis and Szczerbiak have missed alot of games.
      ID: 034815289
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 19:01
This is the only information I could find on Richardson:

Quentin Richardson - Guard/Forward Jan. 30 - 7:29 pm et

Quentin Richardson is out for Tuesday's contest against the Lakers due to a strained elbow in his shooting arm.
We're glad that it wasn't his back acting up, but a bum shooting elbow isn't exactly great news. His absence allowed Jared Jeffries to reenter the starting lineup; check back for updates on Richardson's condition.

If he doesn't play again tonight can I put him in an IS?
116Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 20:36
I think it's 5 games or a source that says a guy will be out at least that long. Tonight is game two with no real prognosis it appears, so probably not (IMHO).

Sean May is driving me nuts. He was out 4, played 2, and tonight he's out his 3rd straight again.....
117Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Jan 31, 2007, 20:38
Interesting. Don't see anything about 5 games at the top of this thread. Maybe I imagined it. But it does say "more than day to day."
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Feb 01, 2007, 09:15
I had a similar issue with Wally earlier in the season. In between his two periods where he was out for multiple games, he had about a two week run where he was day to day. It was known he would miss a game or two with his ankles, but you didn't necessarily know how many or which nights. I just had to bench him until he played or was out indefinitely. He ended up missing 5 or 6 games like that. With our system, we'd rather guys not try to play through injuries, but just state they are out for a week or two so we can make a pickup!
119Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Feb 03, 2007, 22:30
Stats finally says May is out indefinitely.
120Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Tue, Feb 06, 2007, 18:25
Time for the Euros annual blockbuster trade! I'm sure Agent Zero will have the time of his life in Edinburgh.
121Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Fri, Feb 09, 2007, 11:41
Trade processed - EuroGollum give up Shawn Marion and receive Gilbert Arenas from Mike V. This season has not gone well at all thus far, and we figured we needed a jumpstart to get things going again. Last year, we were languishing at the bottom end of the standings at the time of the ASB, and traded away KG for Kobe with dramatic results. Hoping for something similar here now. Marion is the better/best overall player (just), but Agent Zero gives us massive bumps in scoring, 3s, FT% and assists, all of which we really need to improve in. Also under no illusions that this trade improves Mike V to the point where he could threaten us even more for a slot in the top half. We need a huge 2nd half just to survive, and this is probably the first of several moves in an effort to right the ship.

Very interesting watching the top 3 or 4 teams flux and change at the top. This could be the closest RIHC yet!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Feb 09, 2007, 11:53
I'm not actively seeking trades (maybe I should be), but if I could summarize my needs, it would be to sacrifice some scoring in return for boosting my assists. This would need to be done without damaging my shooting percentages, and without materially hurting any other categories.

I have no specific proposal in mind. I did tinker with a few simple ideas this week, but didn't find anything that I could get comfortable with.

The best adjustment for me would be to simply get Boozer back on the court!
123Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Feb 11, 2007, 08:59
Sounds like you are looking for some highly specific stuff. Me, I'll just take some good performing pieces of meat known as NBA players. ;)
124Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 11:50
Major trade #2 confirmed for Team EuroSmeagol. LPG gets Tracy McGrady, we get Paul Pierce. You don't get nowhere standing still, right? We decided we needed some more changes to move up the standings. Pierce is somewhat of a risk given the Celtics will likely be in "Please donate us Greg Oden" mode very shortly. If Boston decides to sit Wally and Pierce on the stretch run to give the kids more chances, Pierce's numbers could take a hit. And he's coming off a lingering injury. Still, he's got the volume FT% credentials we were after and has been knocking down 3s all year at a massively improved rate. If he stays healthy and his PT doesn't suffer down the stretch, this should be a very good trade for us. I guess we'll find out soon!

Probably not done restructuring yet. This trade disease is hard to get rid of once you've caught it!

I wouldn't mind an ASB recap thread if others are interested? There's been a lot of ups and down for our squad thus far, and i think the run-in could be even more tumultuous and exciting. This middle of the pack race is an extremely close one at the moment!
      ID: 204401122
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 12:29
Wait...I thought I was playing for Greg Oden.
126Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 16:03
"GO" isn't in this league. That's the Chamber.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 17:47
Mike D - I sent you an email today, and got back an auto-response saying you were out of the office until January 30. Taking an 11.5 month trip?

      ID: 204401122
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 17:52
and the punch line is "Mike D is always out to lunch" ...err...away from the office.
129Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Feb 19, 2007, 18:06
Oops. Methinks I forgot to change the date. Good no one (besides Guru) reads those things. ;)

      ID: 034815289
      Sat, Mar 03, 2007, 15:02
It appears Ray Allen will be out for at least some time:

Ray Allen - Guard Mar. 2 - 1:32 pm et

The Tacoma News Tribune is reporting that Ray Allen could miss the rest of the NBA season due to bone spurs in his left ankle.
A Friday morning CT scan will determine whether Allen, who missed Thursday's game against the Clippers, will need season-ending surgery. He's been bothered by the injury for several weeks and will need surgery at some point, even if he decides to play through the rest of the season. "The bone spur is there from the last time I went to the doctor, but it has gotten worse," Allen said. "We'll just see how it goes the next couple of days because if it does not get any better, I could have surgery sooner." Allen owners should look to deal him immediately, although doing so would likely raise questions of ethics. However, he hasn't been ruled out for the season at this point.

Unless someone objects, I'm going to place him in one of my injury slots.
      ID: 204401122
      Sat, Mar 03, 2007, 17:27
At this point its more a "day to day" status than a certified "I'm out". I'd think you need to wait for the "We'll just see how it goes the next couple of days" to pass before slotting him. Perhaps I'm alone in this thinking.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Mar 03, 2007, 18:21
I think it's OK to put him in an injury slot. Doesn't sound very day-to-day to me.
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Mar 04, 2007, 22:01
Then again...
134Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Mar 04, 2007, 22:29
Lol. If it looks like Ray is playing, and if he shoots like is Ray!
      ID: 204401122
      Mon, Mar 05, 2007, 00:31
...and I don't expect anyone to contradict my opinion again...

136Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Mon, Mar 05, 2007, 06:54
You know I won't, oh great master of the fluid.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Mar 10, 2007, 17:59
I miss Dwyane Wade!
138Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Mar 10, 2007, 19:14
I miss Joe Johnson. But I just got Baron Davis, and now Richard Jefferson back, almost like I made a trade.
      ID: 034815289
      Fri, Mar 16, 2007, 21:28
David Lee - Forward Mar. 14 - 10:10 am et

David Lee's Monday visit to Indianapolis physician David A. Porter resulted in a new prognosis for his injured ankle, meaning he'll miss three to four more weeks, which means he'll miss most of the rest of the regular season with the injury.
Lee's high ankle sprain is more like a stress reaction in a bone in the area, putting it somewhere between a bone bruise and a stress fracture. The latter injury ended teammate Jamal Crawford's season. "His [Porter's] opinion is it could be as much as three to four weeks before I'd start seeing action, though he's still looking at MRIs [yesterday] that had to be overnighted to him," Lee said. It's probably safe to dump Lee in fantasy leagues, as a best-case scenario would only have him available for the last few games of the regular season.
Source: New York Post

I hope I'm as wrong about this one as I was about Ray Allen, but in the meantime I'll put him in an IS. I'll be out of town for the next 10 days, so if he does come back before then, he'll just stay in an IS.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 19, 2007, 12:32
I was asked by someone about the rules of succession for next year's RIHC.

First, nothing is set in stone. Also, it's not unusual for at least one "automatic" qualifier to pull out, opening an additional slot. But, with those caveats, here is my tentative thinking.

We have the RIHC, two AAA leagues, and two AA leagues.

I certainly want to keep at least the top 4 RIHC teams.
I want to invite at least the top 2 from each AAA league.
I want to invite the winner of each AA league.

That's already 10 teams, leaving only 2 slots to fill. Here are the possibilities:

Barring a complete meltdown (still a possibility at the rate my players are fading), I should finish in the top 4 of the RIHC. I could take the 5th place team (the top 4 non-guru teams).

I could take the 3rd place team in one or both of the AAA leagues.

Those three teams would probably be the "short list". The selection from among them would depend on particulars of each league, and possibly on other "intangibles".

So, if you want to be relatively safe, then finish in the top 4 of the RIHC, the top 2 of a AAA league, or win a AA league. After that, everyone is on the bubble. And don't automatically assume that the top 4 from the RIHC necessarily means the top four non-Guru teams.

141coldwater coyotes
      ID: 229272412
      Tue, Mar 20, 2007, 12:11
I have Villanueva and Ryan Gomes sitting injured on my bench. Gomes has been out for some time and the latest news on Villanueva is that he is seeing various experts and we will get an update at the end of next week. Any chance I can put them on the injured reserve list?
142Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Tue, Mar 20, 2007, 12:33
Sounds like you can (IMHO).
143Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 05, 2007, 04:27
This season just gets better and better. Last night's Eurogollum roll call:

Arenas - injured, possibly shut down
Pierce - DNP, possibly shut down
Redd - DNP
Chandler - injured
Wilcox - injured
Tyrus Thomas - ejected
Boykins - career game...on bench

Not that this has any impact on the outcome of our season, but sometimes you just have to laugh and realise you're trying to swim up a waterfall :) AAA should be an interesting new challenge next year!

Good luck to everyone in the end game. There are quite a few teams making a late charge, should be interesting.
144Mike D
      ID: 41831612
      Thu, Apr 05, 2007, 07:54
Methinks I'm fading......Guru's methodical plan is coming to fruition.
145Uptown Bombers
      ID: 35616416
      Sat, Apr 07, 2007, 11:32
My first positive point movement in the standings for quite some time came after last night's games. Jeez, what a miserable team I've put together. Maybe my boy Craig Smith will rally my team in the last few days to climb one spot. :)
146Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sat, Apr 07, 2007, 12:38
Hmmm....banking on Craig Smith, eh? It's a mortal lock. ;)
147Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Sun, Apr 08, 2007, 08:36
Geez coldwater.......4 points in a day, this late in the season?!?!
      ID: 040625911
      Mon, Apr 09, 2007, 14:31
Wow, I go on vacation for a week and come back to find my team has slipped horribly. I'm not sure what happened. I've been spared the injury bug the last couple months to my key players so I think it is just other teams catching up in games played and my team being essentially on cruise control the last month or two.

I felt like I was just on the outside all season looking up at the top two teams, but I have not been able to make any headway. Early season injuries hurt, but I managed to remain in third though all that. Now that I have everyone back and playing fairly well, I guess I lost focus on the key areas that I was losing ground in. I hope I can find a way to hang on to a few areas over the last 10 days.
149Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 12, 2007, 05:15
When does this season end? We were just on the verge of some kind of mini-run and then Arenas, Redd and now Pierce and Watson are ruled out for the season.

Check out some of the jokers on our squad; Tarance Kinsey, Allan Ray, Travis Outlaw...who are these guys?

Mike, it must be deja vu for you with all these peeps creeping up on you near the end!
150Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Apr 12, 2007, 07:07
Well, it WAS like that....until Guru passed me a week ago (or whenever). Not much I can do, as I'm fairly settled into the categories......oh well.
      ID: 59923214
      Wed, Apr 18, 2007, 11:02
NICE job by rotoguru - thought he was toast when Wade went down but he battled through it. Looks like my run of 4 seasons has ended - its been fun - bye. Look forward to 'easier' competition :)
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Apr 18, 2007, 12:02
I also thought I was cooked when Wade went down. Also lost Butler. Then Martin, Atkins, Foye, Ellis, and even Odom were playing like crap, and I was wondering whether I could even hold on to 2nd. Based on the trend, I really thought I was headed for 3rd or 4th place.

Then Odom started playing well, as did the rest of my temporary underachievers. And then Wade came back, which really was unnecessary (as it now appears) - but he gave the team (or at least its manager) a psychological lift. And suddenly, we're hitting on all cylinders down the stretch! I'm amazed.

I'll open a new thread for post season recaps tomorrow, but I don't want to jump the gun and jinx anything for tonight.

The key battle is for the 4-5-6 spots. The team finishing in 4th is safe for an invite next year. The team in 6th will need some other invitees to decide not to return. And the team in 5th will be on the bubble. (Just because I'm in the top 4 doesn't automatically mean that the 5th place team gets to return.)
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Apr 18, 2007, 12:38
I look forward to retirement. I can't believe how crappy I've done, but looking back on my draft...and the fact I failed to listen to my own advice, I understand now.
154Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Wed, Apr 18, 2007, 18:11
We thought we'd leave it until the last day before unleashing Tarance Kinsey's career game on your asses. You scared? Huh? Huh? Whaddaya mean "the gutter's that way"? :P

Don't worry Klyce and RSF, we can have our own little RIHC relegated dogfight in AAA next season.

Good luck to those that are fighting for qualification places tonight. It's been another hardfought season.

I don't care anyway. I'll be in Miami then Dallas next week watching Shaq, Wade and Dirk in the playoffs. So i don't care :P
155Swish City
      ID: 0931275
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 06:26
Well done, Guru. It was only a matter of time before you won this thing! And congrats also to Mike D for yet another top 3 RIHC finish.
156Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 06:58
Thanks bro. And yes, congrats to Guru.
      ID: 29017810
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 08:59
Congrats to Guru and all. It was a battle all season and came down to a few assists, so the bubble is only appropriate with all of the ups and downs.
Dilligad. A dramatic run to fall just short.
      ID: 040625911
      Thu, Apr 19, 2007, 10:57
Hey, 4th place again gets me another year. Woohoo! I took two different paths to make it to a 2nd consecutive 4th place finish though. Last year I had to work very hard to go from next to last after the first 6 weeks of the season to the top 5. It took several trades, key WW additions and constant managing. This year, I basically coasted and it nearly cost me. I had 0 trades (I think I used them all up in the Elimination Chamber) and I really did a poor job of managing my team in the middle of the season. It was a mad scramble the last few weeks to hold onto the assist category and to try to eek out a few more that were really close.

Props to Guru for putting together a strong team. If you check my post draft comments, you will see that I felt Guru had the most balanced team, and he was able to manage around many injuries while maintaining his lead most of the season. A masterful recovery indeed following the key injuries to Odom and Wade. Nice Job!
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