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0 Subject: NBASE/RotoHog discussion - 1/1/08 and after

Posted by: Guru
- [330592710] Tue, Jan 01, 2008, 17:13

Time to start the new year with a fresh thread.
Only the 50 most recent replies are currently shown. Click on this text to display hidden posts as well.
      ID: 09118139
      Thu, Jan 24, 2008, 22:51
How's this for brilliant managing. My roster Tuesday includes Nash, Al Jefferson and a stash of cash. I have already picked Marion over Amare for the Phoenix back to backs to fill some forward spots. I want Camby and Kaman from Nash and my spare cash, and decide I'll swap Jefferson to Caron Butler as well. I trade Nash and Jefferson for Camby and Butler and since Kaman had sat out the day before, decide to wait to make sure Kaman's playing before I buy him. In the meantime my team value with Tuesday's transactions has crept to a couple of dollars below $450 and I have about a $.30 cushion to buy Kaman. Before I know it, Ginobili and Duncan who are already on my roster climb about $7-8 and all of a sudden I'm facing an extra $.50 on my transaction fee and I can't afford Kaman. I miss Kaman's 53, trade Jefferson's 48 for Butler's 11, and watch Amare outpoint Marion by 50 over the back to back. Gotta love this game.
      ID: 561124720
      Thu, Jan 24, 2008, 23:00
My team value is now below 400. I pretty much have no pc access from 7-10 eastern time during the week.
While I do enjoy this game I think the format is flawed unless they institute a sell ahead feature for people who can't be at their pc at certain times of the day. This is why I quit baseball, it is far to inconvenient to play this game.

      ID: 811161317
      Fri, Jan 25, 2008, 00:05
I Agree. Trying to be at the computer at 7 eastern regularly is very difficult. I have resorted to holding players longer and not buying players that would have to sell early on certain days.

They need to have an market order system for the first trade(s) in the morning like they do at regular stock exchanges so one can put orders in ahead of time.

To be sure trades go through a possible cash reserve could be required for each submitted buy/sell combos or Buy to cover the price initially set on opening based on number of buys and sells. The first trade of the day price would be determined after the opening orders done.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Jan 29, 2008, 09:15
Through 1/28/08, there are 45 teams in the top 100 overall and the top 100 in each celebrity league that are averaging at least 33 points/game.

Team Total Pace Avg
1 Hoopandhope (hoopandhope) 14,330 -13 37.9
2 Freakin's Fools (freakins fools) 14,034 -19 37.5
3 We Are Borg (rotoguru) 14,360 -3 37.0
4 Tasha Dawgs (lodnar) 13,715 -16 36.8
5 Ol Blues (ol blues) 13,058 -32 36.3
6 Boston Heat (vshcherbina) 14,088 -2 36.1
7 Pacers '08 (sgmain18) 13,314 -21 35.8
8 Oszirulez (dr.kotasz) 13,626 -11 35.7
9 unknown (nf1951) 13,054 -26 35.6
10 stealaz (reebbertxx2001) 12,581 -39 35.5
11 BackFlip (yossi t) 14,150 6 35.4
12 SANFORDORS (sanfordors) 12,701 -33 35.4
13 Addicted (maleko42) 13,122 -20 35.2
14 pmtwolves (pmtwolves) 12,958 -23 35.1
15 Thunder n' Lightning (dan.hartsock) 13,046 -20 35.0
16 Chupacabras (metsscissors) 13,464 -7 34.9
17 Croatia Highfliers (silvio croat) 14,576 25 34.8
18 Bullets (alanshusterman) 12,705 -28 34.7
19 pauls pros (pauloss) 12,532 -32 34.7
20 jammer (janicki) 12,982 -19 34.7
21 Orange Hawkweeds (nosambob808) 13,180 -13 34.7
22 Srbija do Tokija (demokrata) 13,141 -14 34.7
23 Matt164 (m164) 13,099 -15 34.7
24 More Hand Checking (leroytix) 12,566 -29 34.6
25 HanniStars (hannisdal) 13,760 7 34.6
26 Trend The Trend (cappy345) 13,244 -7 34.3
27 Lightning (leonjeanniedecker) 13,421 0 34.1
28 YKW (wel12) 12,918 -14 34.1
29 RoniM Supernaturals (ronim) 12,802 -17 34.1
30 Troglodites (luskin x) 12,222 -34 34.1
31 K-Smoove (julien) 12,998 -11 34.0
32 ZayfeZ boyZ (zayfe) 12,373 -28 33.9
33 Sean Kings (seansfantasykings) 13,061 -7 33.9
34 Pasok (pasok) 12,985 -7 33.8
35 ThreeLettersPHX (justinagale3) 12,612 -18 33.7
36 The Godfather (the godfather 413) 13,375 6 33.6
37 Magic Squad ( 12,968 -6 33.5
38 Oregon Baller (aspiringdreamer) 13,028 -3 33.4
39 Doubledribbler (terry49) 13,587 14 33.3
40 YaoGef (gfore87) 13,767 20 33.3
41 Angelbird (angel alberti) 12,652 -12 33.2
42 Yamaneko (bradleysutton) 12,497 -16 33.1
43 Chamillitary Soldiers (chamillitary manager) 12,610 -12 33.0
44 The Dog House (kara1978) 12,535 -14 33.0
45 Boston Micks (knastee) 12,533 -14 33.0

      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Jan 29, 2008, 09:25
Hoopandhope (tothreeball) is now clearly the team to beat. He's almost caught me in total points with 10 games in hand.

Freakin's Fools has been taking some more speculative players (e.g., Varejao) lately in an obvious attempt to get closer to pace. It hasn't worked particularly well for him. At this juncture, I consider him to be in a virtual dead heat with me. If he can make up his 16 games (vs. my pace) at an average of 20 while holding the rest of his average on a 37+ pace, then we are essentially tied.

For the past 7 days only:

31 games, 37.4 avg

Freakin's Fools
38 games, 32 ppg

We Are Borg
26 games, 35.8 ppg
      ID: 56341414
      Tue, Jan 29, 2008, 12:50
It may come down to team value to buy additional players to make up games. It may be harder to gain much value if trying to hold for b to b as many seem to be selling on second game--ie Duncan today. The fewer games to make up may allow for keeping team value and average up.
      ID: 09118139
      Tue, Jan 29, 2008, 19:38
Thank you for heaping expectation onto my team. A month ago I was concerned over pace, but over the past 30 days my ppg average has increased, and I've made 10 games up on pace. On the season, there are 14 players averaging over 35 ppg, over the past 30 days, there are 24. That has increased the options and brought down the cost of fielding a roster capable of beating 35 ppg.

Regarding Twolves observation on Duncan, there seems to be 1 or 2 players a day that make the price run starting the day before their back to back. If you need to preserve team value, selling after the first game of a back to back is the plan. Today there are a number of decent players you could play back to back that likely won't materially hurt your team value (Bosh, Butler (DNP notwithstanding), Jefferson, Wade, Jamison, Baron) Calderon is one that falls into the early sell model. I'm not sure it will keep managers from keeping pace. I guess we'll see over the next few weeks.
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Jan 30, 2008, 16:56
Does anyone have a firm grasp on what the game pace should be at this point?

There are 162 game days (8 days during season w/o games). That works out to 4.55 games per day. Yesterday was the 89th game day of the season ... so we should be at 405 games.

I'm at 383 games, so I should be -22 in GP. But NBASE shows me at -16. And when I add up the individual positions, NBASE shows me at -14.
      ID: 330592710
      Wed, Jan 30, 2008, 17:37
When you add the individual position gaps, rounding creates problems.

Rotohog is accruing the game pace at roughly 4.5 games per day. If you base it on the actual schedule, it currently works out to be very similar - 399 on one basis, 398 on the other.
      ID: 057721710
      Wed, Jan 30, 2008, 17:52
Thanks. It's a product of rounding the numbers ...

4.5 games/day * 89 game days = 400.5 game pace

4.55 games/day * 89 game days = 405.45 game pace

I was showing -30 GP on 1/1, and now show -16. I had $486 on 1/1, and am now down to $445. Hopefully the next 14 games I catch up don't cost me another $40!
      ID: 09118139
      Fri, Feb 01, 2008, 18:34
Interesting on the money front today. Both Deron Williams and Yao, two of the biggest money makers over the past two days and both heading into back to back games today, are at the same price today they started at. I guess with so few games yesterday, everyone bought them ahead of time. I imagine there will be a sell off after tonights game even though they are playing tomorrow. I'll be curious to watch their prices tomorrow. I own both, and regardless of $$$ will hold them for both games (barring injury or horrid performance).
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 05, 2008, 11:41
Through 2/4/08, there are 45 teams in the top 100 overall and the top 100 in each celebrity league that are averaging at least 33 points/game.

Team Total Pace Avg
1 Hoopandhope (hoopandhope) 15,328 -17 37.6
2 Freakin's Fools (freakins fools) 14,970 -23 37.2
3 We Are Borg (rotoguru) 15,552 -1 36.7
4 dinamo messha (schatz32) 14,518 -25 36.3
5 Ol Blues (ol blues) 13,769 -42 35.9
6 Boston Heat (vshcherbina) 14,759 -14 35.9
7 Tasha Dawgs (lodnar) 14,717 -15 35.9
8 Pacers '08 (sgmain18) 14,228 -28 35.8
9 Oszirulez (dr.kotasz) 14,373 -19 35.4
10 unknown (nf1951) 13,973 -30 35.4
11 BackFlip (yossi t) 15,019 0 35.3
12 Crazybadgers (crazybadgers) 13,211 -50 35.2
13 Addicted (maleko42) 14,242 -19 35.1
14 pmtwolves (pmtwolves) 13,778 -32 35.1
15 Thunder n' Lightning (dan.hartsock) 13,959 -24 34.8
16 SANFORDORS (sanfordors) 13,655 -32 34.7
17 stealaz (reebbertxx2001) 13,324 -41 34.7
18 Chupacabras (metsscissors) 14,499 -7 34.7
19 pauls pros (pauloss) 13,277 -42 34.7
20 Croatia Highfliers (silvio croat) 15,347 18 34.6
21 Orange Hawkweeds (nosambob808) 14,080 -18 34.6
22 jammer (janicki) 14,003 -20 34.6
23 Matt164 (m164) 14,031 -19 34.6
24 More Hand Checking (leroytix) 13,495 -34 34.5
25 Srbija do Tokija (demokrata) 13,943 -21 34.5
26 Sean Kings (seansfantasykings) 14,017 -14 34.1
27 Trend The Trend (cappy345) 13,968 -15 34.1
28 Lightning (leonjeanniedecker) 14,357 -3 34.0
29 YKW (wel12) 13,640 -24 34.0
30 K-Smoove (julien) 14,037 -12 34.0
31 RoniM Supernaturals (ronim) 13,995 -13 34.0
32 Troglodites (luskin x) 13,100 -39 33.9
33 Bullets (alanshusterman) 13,700 -19 33.7
34 ThreeLettersPHX (justinagale3) 13,524 -24 33.7
35 Pasok (pasok) 13,658 -19 33.6
36 ZayfeZ boyZ (zayfe) 13,413 -24 33.4
37 Oregon Baller (aspiringdreamer) 13,841 -10 33.4
38 The Godfather (the godfather 413) 14,297 4 33.3
39 Magic Squad ( 13,899 -7 33.3
40 Doubledribbler (terry49) 14,502 12 33.2
41 Angelbird (angel alberti) 13,378 -21 33.1
42 YaoGef (gfore87) 14,481 13 33.1
43 Boston Micks (knastee) 13,547 -15 33.0
44 The Dog House (kara1978) 13,279 -23 33.0
45 planets aligned (twthe3) 13,457 -17 33.0

      ID: 590291817
      Tue, Feb 05, 2008, 15:36
I jumped in on this about a week ago. My position usage is -334 I believe and my team value is currently $248.

I guess I'm getting a view at how "the rest" live in Rotohog sports. :)
      ID: 4611592518
      Wed, Feb 13, 2008, 17:03
*&^%$#@! NJ -> Dallas trade.
I'm locked into Kidd today.

      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Feb 15, 2008, 11:37
Through 2/14/08 (ASB), there are 46 teams in the top 100 overall and the top 100 in each celebrity league that are averaging at least 33 points/game.

Team Total Pace Avg
1 Hoopandhope (hoopandhope) 16,966 -14 37.4
2 Freakin's Fools (freakins fools) 16,687 -16 36.9
3 We Are Borg (rotoguru) 17,178 2 36.5
4 dinamo messha (schatz32) 16,140 -20 36.0
5 Boston Heat (vshcherbina) 16,381 -13 36.0
6 Ol Blues (ol blues) 15,097 -46 35.8
7 Tasha Dawgs (lodnar) 16,276 -10 35.5
8 Pacers '08 (sgmain18) 15,379 -34 35.4
9 Oszirulez (dr.kotasz) 15,559 -25 35.1
10 unknown (nf1951) 15,653 -22 35.1
11 Crazybadgers (crazybadgers) 14,660 -50 35.1
12 BackFlip (yossi t) 16,573 5 35.0
13 pmtwolves (pmtwolves) 15,088 -36 34.9
14 Addicted (maleko42) 15,777 -15 34.8
15 Orange Hawkweeds (nosambob808) 15,555 -20 34.7
16 pauls pros (pauloss) 14,537 -48 34.6
17 Haidis mitchel (getxo86) 15,782 -12 34.6
18 Thunder n' Lightning (dan.hartsock) 15,745 -13 34.6
19 jammer (janicki) 15,678 -14 34.5
20 Chupacabras (metsscissors) 16,252 3 34.4
21 More Hand Checking (leroytix) 15,177 -27 34.4
22 Srbija do Tokija (demokrata) 15,370 -21 34.4
23 Matt164 (m164) 14,983 -32 34.4
24 HanniStars (hannisdal) 16,174 2 34.3
25 SANFORDORS (sanfordors) 14,932 -33 34.3
26 Sean Kings (seansfantasykings) 15,742 -8 34.2
27 RoniM Supernaturals (ronim) 15,439 -16 34.2
28 Croatia Highfliers (silvio croat) 16,726 21 34.1
29 Clip Cat (toddthorne) 14,506 -43 34.1
30 stealaz (reebbertxx2001) 14,192 -52 34.1
31 Troglodites (luskin x) 14,919 -30 34.1
32 Harem (sliwt) 15,876 0 33.9
33 Lightning (leonjeanniedecker) 15,833 -1 33.9
34 K-Smoove (julien) 15,466 -10 33.8
35 YKW (wel12) 15,085 -20 33.7
36 Angelbird (angel alberti) 14,928 -24 33.6
37 Oregon Baller (aspiringdreamer) 15,246 -13 33.5
38 Pasok (pasok) 15,308 -11 33.5
39 ThreeLettersPHX (justinagale3) 14,763 -27 33.5
40 The Godfather (the godfather 413) 15,817 4 33.4
41 Trend The Trend (cappy345) 15,113 -14 33.3
42 Magic Squad ( 15,498 -2 33.3
43 Doubledribbler (terry49) 16,019 13 33.2
44 ZayfeZ boyZ (zayfe) 15,205 -10 33.2
45 The Dog House (kara1978) 15,057 -12 33.0
YaoGef (gfore87) 15,543 2 33.0

      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Feb 15, 2008, 11:41
I just made a slight adjustment to the table I posted this morning. It appears that if a team is ahead of pace, the reported overage is relative to 469 GP, but if a team is behind pace, the comparison is relative to 468. Probably something to do with the way numbers are rounded.

In any avent, based on actual GP to date, the "true" pace number at this point is 467.4, so RotoHog's more simplistic number is pretty good at this point, regardless of the rounding.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Feb 15, 2008, 12:33
If LeBron can stay sold out throughout the break, he could end up priced in the 120s by the time play resumes.
      ID: 09118139
      Fri, Feb 15, 2008, 23:14
Having picked up 4 players (Wade, Marion, Nash, Dirk) and started them on Thursday, I was limited in cash today (+/- $150). I've picked up 4 players I thought might make some dollars as opposed to Lebron plus one other. LBJ will make $2 plus per day sold out. I'll likely move my 4 players tomorrow morning and skip Lebron for a day as there should be many players on the rise i can grab for $115 total. Hopefully after an active trading day tomorrow, I'll move a few money makers for Lebron and end up ahead money wise ... or not.

Hoping I can keep the pace for the second half of the season. Guru, you are 16 games ahead of me in pace, definitely an advantage, should be an interesting finish. As you have pointed out earlier, Freakin's team has stretched lately due to low RV, and negative pace. Won't count anyone out within 2 ppg, although those close to "We are Borg" on PPG, are also behind in pace, so it may be a tough climb.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Feb 16, 2008, 08:16
It looks like the Rotohog pace numbers are going to continue to march on during the All Star break. Teams dropped 4 games vs pace yesterday, so I guess we'll all drop another 13-14 games over the next 3 days.

On a relative basis (i.e., relative to other teams) it makes no difference. But if teams are using that as an absolute guideline, it's going to lose a lot of meaning over the short term.
      ID: 09118139
      Tue, Feb 19, 2008, 15:29
The trading over the ASB was a bit different than I expected. I had 5 players in my lineup on Thursday, and have sold all and replaced them with 6 different players for tonight. In the end my team value is about the same as it was at the end of Thursday. A little dissapointing but acceptable given that I missed the opening of trading on Friday with a computer problem that probably cost me about $5-6.

Was anyone able to make any material roster value gains through the break?
      ID: 4611592518
      Tue, Feb 19, 2008, 16:32
Players I picked up 2-14 -> 2-16.
And I was late on 2-16.

Gasol - $3.35
James - $8.95
A.Miller - $2.45
Ginobili - $0.19
Calderon - <$0.32>

So a little gain, but considering that I've dropped around $40.00 in the last 2 weeks, it's time I made some money.

      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Feb 23, 2008, 11:46
I did make some money over the break, but so much of it was on LeBron that it was rather counterproductive.

It pushed my total value enough over $450 that transactions are now consistently costing me $1.50, but as long as I want to hold LBJ, the extra value is all tied up, so it doesn't help me improve the rest of my team.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 10:12
Through 2/25/08 (ASB), there are 45 teams in the top 100 overall and the top 100 in each celebrity league that are averaging at least 33 points/game.

Team Total Pace Avg
1 Hoopandhope (hoopandhope) 18,158 -29 37.3
2 Freakin's Fools (freakins fools) 17,918 -25 36.5
3 We Are Borg (rotoguru) 18,262 -15 36.5
4 dinamo messha (schatz32) 17,498 -25 35.6
5 Boston Heat (vshcherbina) 17,510 -24 35.6
6 Ol Blues (ol blues) 16,153 -61 35.5
7 Tasha Dawgs (lodnar) 17,329 -24 35.2
8 Oszirulez (dr.kotasz) 16,186 -54 35.0
9 BackFlip (yossi t) 17,716 -10 35.0
10 Addicted (maleko42) 17,062 -25 34.8
11 Crazybadgers (crazybadgers) 15,777 -62 34.8
12 Pacers '08 (sgmain18) 16,504 -41 34.7
13 pmtwolves (pmtwolves) 16,147 -51 34.7
14 unknown (nf1951) 16,795 -32 34.7
15 Srbija do Tokija (demokrata) 16,412 -42 34.6
16 Orange Hawkweeds (nosambob808) 16,642 -35 34.6
17 Haidis mitchel (getxo86) 17,039 -21 34.4
18 jammer (janicki) 16,840 -26 34.4
19 HanniStars (hannisdal) 17,345 -11 34.3
20 Thunder n' Lightning (dan.hartsock) 16,459 -36 34.3
21 Chupacabras (metsscissors) 17,544 -4 34.3
22 Sean Kings (seansfantasykings) 16,750 -26 34.2
23 Croatia Highfliers (silvio croat) 17,739 3 34.1
24 More Hand Checking (leroytix) 16,334 -37 34.1
25 pauls pros (pauloss) 15,812 -52 34.1
26 RoniM Supernaturals (ronim) 16,657 -25 33.9
27 Lightning (leonjeanniedecker) 17,036 -13 33.9
28 Clip Cat (toddthorne) 15,440 -60 33.9
29 Matt164 (m164) 16,116 -40 33.9
30 Troglodites (luskin x) 16,232 -36 33.8
31 SANFORDORS (sanfordors) 16,078 -39 33.7
32 Harem (sliwt) 16,981 -12 33.7
33 The Godfather (the godfather 413) 17,048 -8 33.6
34 Oregon Baller (aspiringdreamer) 16,187 -33 33.5
35 Angelbird (angel alberti) 16,103 -35 33.5
36 klaxons (zounguish) 16,698 -17 33.5
37 ThreeLettersPHX (justinagale3) 15,770 -44 33.4
38 Shooting the rock 01 (rocksrx300) 16,928 -7 33.3
39 K-Smoove (julien) 16,746 -12 33.2
40 ZayfeZ boyZ (zayfe) 16,503 -17 33.1
41 YKW (wel12) 16,101 -29 33.1
42 YaoGef (gfore87) 16,284 -23 33.0
43 Pasok (pasok) 16,506 -16 33.0
44 Doubledribbler (terry49) 17,424 11 33.0
45 PROZACjunkies (dietprozac) 16,862 -5 33.0

      ID: 4611592518
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 12:36
In another week or so, you and tothreeball should be battling it out for first place.

      ID: 09118139
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 12:38
Looking at Lebron's price ($124.74). He has been sold out most of the morning, yet doesn't seem to be getting the usual price bumps. I wonder if their is a price ceiling "dampening" effect in play.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 12:44
It's possible, although his current offered price is $125.19, which doesn't sound like a level at which he would be maxed out.
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 12:52
[49] Based on my analysis, I'm pretty comfortably ahead of Freakin's Fools at this point, as he's not likely to be able to catch up in games while maintaining his high average.

However, I think tothreeball has a pretty secure lead over me at this point.

Too bad second place doesn't get me anything.
      ID: 09118139
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 13:38
52 - If either of us finish first, aside from the bragging rights, the prizes pale by comparison to the Rotohog Football and Baseball games.

On pricing, Deron's sold out price bumped up $.12 at 1pm, Lebron also sold out remained at the same price. Interesting. I'm not 100% sure, but I imagine Lebron's price approaching $125 is uncharted territory. Were there any similar price scenarios for the top players in either football or baseball?
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 16:36
In baseball, the cap was $90. Arod spent a good bit of the season at that level. Pujols got there briefly at one time, but then pulled back. I don't recall that any other player got there.

In football, I never noticed any evidence of a top price.

It's possible that $125 was set as the max for Hoops, although if so, I don't know why LeBron currently sits at $125.19. But his price does seem to be stuck.
      ID: 057721710
      Tue, Feb 26, 2008, 20:31
This morning at market opening I sold 3 players to purchase LeBron. By the time I got to the purchase page for LBJ (not more than 15 seconds), he was sold out. I timed the first market freeze correctly and was able to purchase him. When I went back to my roster, he was sold out again.

Perhaps we hit that 12-team threshold where another LBJ was added to the player pool. I was able to purchase him, thus raising his price 19 cents? Just a thought.

I didn't play baseball last season, and after following along with the threads, I'm sorry I didn't because it sounded like fun. But if there is a 5am market opening like in hoops ... I will not be playing in 2008. It's way to hard to get up that early with regularity. Sometimes when the alarm goes off again at 7:15, I don't even remember if I woke up earlier! I'm still getting up at 5am four times per week typically.

56Freakin's Fools
      ID: 24812814
      Thu, Feb 28, 2008, 13:29
wow.. i shoulda checked out this site a while ago! there's actually people who know what they're doing here. good work, guru!
      ID: 330592710
      Thu, Feb 28, 2008, 14:15
Welcome, FF. We've been tracking you all season!

Just curious - how'd you find us?
      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Feb 28, 2008, 20:04
Congrats FF - To be as good as you have been all season without the tools here at rotoguru ... you must have countless spreadsheets and never sleep!

59Freakin's Fools
      ID: 24812814
      Fri, Feb 29, 2008, 15:34
I checked out these message boards during football season on occasion, and I was searching through it and found the NBASE board.

And for the record, it's only 1 spreadsheet. And an alarm clock set for 7:55 am every day. That's about it. I made a mistake trying to make up games earlier in the season that I doubt I'll be able to overcome. Good luck to everyone!
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Feb 29, 2008, 15:42
Make sure you take advantage of the sortable stats.
61Freakin's Fools
      ID: 1097219
      Sat, Mar 01, 2008, 12:12
wow!! that's a great customizable tool! thanks for pointing it out.
      ID: 09118139
      Sat, Mar 01, 2008, 23:26
Freakin's, nice to see you on the board. You're team has certainly been impressive. Best of luck.

63Freakin's Fools
      ID: 24812814
      Sun, Mar 02, 2008, 15:45
Same to you!
      ID: 09118139
      Mon, Mar 03, 2008, 09:57
Wow, internet access problem at the open this morning and $12 of team value gone. Ouch. Just doing what I can to make it an interesting finish.
      ID: 330592710
      Mon, Mar 03, 2008, 10:03
I had an internet glitch yesterday morning, where my browser froze at 8am. Somehow, it came back to life about 90 seconds later, but that's an expensive time to be hung up.
      ID: 330592710
      Fri, Mar 07, 2008, 21:09
Through 3/6/08, there are 45 teams in the top 100 overall and the top 100 in each celebrity league that are averaging at least 33 points/game.

Team Total Pace Avg
1 Hoopandhope (hoopandhope) 19,770 -27 37.2
2 We Are Borg (rotoguru) 19,825 -15 36.4
3 dinamo messha (schatz32) 19,090 -22 35.5
4 Boston Heat (vshcherbina) 19,204 -18 35.5
5 Ol Blues (ol blues) 17,638 -62 35.5
6 Freakin's Fools (freakins fools) 19,655 -5 35.5
7 Tasha Dawgs (lodnar) 18,845 -25 35.3
8 BackFlip (yossi t) 19,309 -5 34.9
9 Oszirulez (dr.kotasz) 16,938 -73 34.9
10 pmtwolves (pmtwolves) 17,732 -49 34.8
11 Addicted (maleko42) 18,579 -24 34.7
12 Crazybadgers (crazybadgers) 17,090 -64 34.5
13 unknown (nf1951) 18,496 -23 34.5
14 Pacers '08 (sgmain18) 17,762 -43 34.4
15 Croatia Highfliers (silvio croat) 19,323 2 34.4
16 Handsome Petes (richardstarling) 17,716 -42 34.3
17 HanniStars (hannisdal) 18,880 -8 34.3
18 Orange Hawkweeds (nosambob808) 18,149 -28 34.2
19 Haidis mitchel (getxo86) 18,351 -22 34.2
20 Srbija do Tokija (demokrata) 17,643 -42 34.1
21 jammer (janicki) 18,324 -21 34.1
22 Sean Kings (seansfantasykings) 18,179 -23 33.9
23 Chupacabras (metsscissors) 18,893 -1 33.9
24 Lightning (leonjeanniedecker) 18,642 -8 33.8
25 More Hand Checking (leroytix) 18,028 -25 33.8
26 diesel-boat (aitor52) 17,815 -30 33.7
27 Troglodites (luskin x) 17,775 -30 33.6
28 RoniM Supernaturals (ronim) 18,191 -17 33.6
29 Matt164 (m164) 17,606 -34 33.5
30 Thunder n' Lightning (dan.hartsock) 17,467 -38 33.5
31 The Godfather (the godfather 413) 18,483 -7 33.5
32 Shooting the rock 01 (rocksrx300) 18,621 -2 33.4
33 pauls pros (pauloss) 16,982 -51 33.4
34 Oregon Baller (aspiringdreamer) 17,363 -39 33.4
35 Clip Cat (toddthorne) 17,360 -38 33.3
36 Harem (sliwt) 18,426 -6 33.3
37 klaxons (zounguish) 18,412 -6 33.3
38 BarryManilow (barry_manilow) 17,643 -27 33.2
39 Angelbird (angel alberti) 17,702 -25 33.1
40 ThreeLettersPHX (justinagale3) 17,204 -40 33.1
41 ZayfeZ boyZ (zayfe) 18,328 -5 33.1
42 SANFORDORS (sanfordors) 17,631 -26 33.1
43 PROZACjunkies (dietprozac) 18,606 3 33.0
44 YaoGef (gfore87) 16,995 -44 33.0
45 Doubledribbler (terry49) 18,882 13 33.0

      ID: 4611592518
      Sat, Mar 08, 2008, 07:25
1) Congrats to Guru for making it to the top of the George Gervin League! (Won't be long before you're top of the Global League. Except tothreeball will probably catch you after that).

2) Whoohoo! I'm at the top of last nights standings!


P.S. Who knew Barry Manilow was fantasy basketball fan? (:

      ID: 09118139
      Sun, Mar 09, 2008, 00:14
Late notice, but for those living where daylight savings time kicks in tomorrow, the open will be an hour earlier.
      ID: 483119
      Tue, Apr 01, 2008, 11:18
Guru, this site is great.
Without your sortable stats, I'd still be using my spreadsheet. So thanks!
If you want the new Top100 avg. standing (and the proff that the NBASE forum is getting dumber as the season pregresses...): .
      ID: 330592710
      Tue, Apr 01, 2008, 16:36

At this point of the season, I didn't figure that the averages add much value, as the regular standings now do a pretty good job of separating the contenders from the pretenders.
      ID: 09118139
      Sat, Apr 05, 2008, 23:50
Guru, great night on Friday, top points performer overall. Should be an interesting finish.
      ID: 330592710
      Sun, Apr 06, 2008, 07:59
Too little, too late.

But it was a nice night. 8 players active, average 43.3 per player.
      ID: 330592710
      Sat, Apr 19, 2008, 12:59
Belated congrats to tothreeball for a dominating season. Your average of 36.5 per game bested me by a half point - which may not sound like much, but over the course of the season, that was a 330 point margin. Your lead looked pretty secure to me for the last 2 months or more - which at least means I didn't have to sweat the details during the endgame, as it was apparent that my #2 ranking was all but solidified - in both directions.

Too bad the prizes weren't better. At least you won something. It's not often that I finish #2 in a contest like this and get squadoosh for it. But I knew that all along, so it's not like it was a surprise.

[toot horn]So, after three RotoHog sports, I managed a top ten finish in each: baseball #7, football #10, hoops #2. Does that make me the the most versatile rotohogger?[/toot horn]

Unfortunately, the way baseball is going (and the way it is currently structured), I suspect my "reign of terror" will come to an end.
      ID: 811161317
      Sat, Apr 19, 2008, 19:37
Congratulations tothreeball. Your per game per player average was awesome.

Guru must be the best player to not win a prize in this type of game. However, I suspect his time will come.

However, not being able to be around computer at morning opening because of work or other committments makes this game very frustrating.
      ID: 10313208
      Sun, Apr 20, 2008, 10:41
Thanks gents. Obviously for me it was an enjoyable season. It will be interesting to see if they make changes next year, specifically on the trading floor.

If TSN ultimate isn't back next season, maybe more from this forum may participate in NBASE. Good luck to all in baseball, I'm taking the summer off.
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