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0 Subject: Early March Madness dicussion...

Posted by: TaRhEElKiD
- [0134510] Sun, Feb 20, 2005, 20:42

Thought I would open this up since I am really excited for March Madness this year! I have 10th row Final Four seats in StL as well. Hoping to see my HeeLs cut the nets down.

My top 8 teams:
1: Illinois - cupcake finish
2: North Carolina - most talented in my biased opinion
3: Wake Forest
4: KU
5: Kentucky-quitely a top team this yr
6: BC-have to give them some respect I guess
7: Duke-Coach K is a miracle worker
8: Arizona-think OSU is OVER-RATED

Semi Sleepers:
1: Utah-Bogut could lead them deep
2: GT-they get healthy and they are the same national semi-finalist team as last yr
3: UConn-haven't got too much respect with the lack of G play, but those big men could lead them

1: OSU
2: Washington
3: Oklahoma

Thoughts? Final Four picks? National Champion pick? Just want to get some college basketball talk going...


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      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 18:28
I don't know what's more incredible: that WVU is 17/22 on 3 pointers or that UL is only down 6 after that.
      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 18:32
To put that in perspective, if WVU was shooting 50%, a great rate for 22 shots, Louisville would be up by 13.
      ID: 0134510
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 18:46
Regional Final record for 3s....18...WOW!

OT but Garcia is out...


      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 19:00
I'd like nominations for a tougher performance in the tourney than UL's today.
      ID: 3155515
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 19:04
WV might not even cover's what happens when the 3's stop dropping. Great game though- by both teams.
      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 19:05
Really, the 3s haven't stopped dropping - they've missed 2 in a row and it seems like a bombshell.
      ID: 3155515
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 19:13
so, anyone remember the Duhon 3 that swung the UCONN/Duke game from a gambling perspective? Well, that missed dunk at the end of the game just gave anyone with WV at 8.5 the win, and Louisville the loss....crazy.
      ID: 0134510
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 19:16
Funny...that was suppossed to be the BAD game of the day!

GO Illini!

      ID: 0134510
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 20:29
Zona looks great even with Salim playing well. Either team is going to be a great Final Four representative, which is exactly what I want.

      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:00
Goodbye Illini. Zona is strong.
      ID: 53129180
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:35
you say something, mbj? ;)
      ID: 121159118
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:35
Amazing comeback. Wow. 'least Zona covered.
      ID: 3155515
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:42
well, I won my local bracket with Illinois' win. I had hedged both WV and Zona today, and came out happy- winning both spreads, but having both teams lose.
      ID: 0134510
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:45
Holy shit! That was amazing...15 pts in 2 minutes and 30 seconds basically. What an amazing game... Illinois having home games though...I hate it.

Oh well... Illinois vs Louisville

GO HEELS tomorrow!

      ID: 3155515
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 21:53
so looking at the Market game, I am in first now, but it will be hard to hold off KevinL who now sits in 4th place. He gains on me everytime UNC and Illinois win. The only way I see me holding him off is Louisville beating Illinois. But Im sketchy with the scoring...I just see him gaining everytime a one seed wins.
      ID: 332391320
      Sat, Mar 26, 2005, 23:20
looking at the market game I wish had longed the Big Ten (U-Mich grad '85)

4th, 8th, 26th

Arizona killed me in all three by not falling apart;

Kevmarbury3 looks insanely good for the market game - way ahead and a bunch of longs left

too many political discussions with Sam Adams tonight - I need to sleep (aka - pass out)
      ID: 56012617
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 08:44
I guess this is the very first time that Wisconsin and North Carolina have played each other.

That's kind of hard to believe since they have that ACC- Big Ten challenge every year don't they?

Wow, The Badgers are 10.5/11 point underdogs. I didn't expect the spread to be that big. They're probably gonna get killed.
      ID: 332391320
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 09:55
my guess is that Bo Ryan IS a better X & o's coach than Roy Williams (sry TarHIllKid)but UNC has more McDonald's All-Americans

having said all that, ryan will negate the All-Americans by keeping the game in the low 60s - if this happensthe Badgers have a chance

if Roy somehow finds a way to turn them over and get lots of extra touches then his superior talent will prevail

Wisconsin has played UNC type teams (MSU, Illinois) this year but has UNC played Wisconsin type teams?

Wisconsin covers 10.5
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 11:25
Yes, UNC has faced a few teams that have attempted to slow the tempo, but none have been too effective. Not effective enough to hold the TaR HeeLs in the 60s like the Badgers need.

When Wisconsin has faced athleticism they are 1-4...expect more of the same today.

HeeLs punch their Final Four ticket soon enough!

      ID: 53129180
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 11:40
Go Wisconsin!!!
      ID: 56012617
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 12:12
Live in Wisconsin and fair weather Badger fan (Marquette is my team) but that point spread makes me wonder if they have a chance.

I think if they had a chance the spread would be under 7 points at least. 10.5/11 is a blowout spread.
      ID: 451044109
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 12:13
Villanova was an 11 point dog too....
      ID: 56012617
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 12:17
Well, it's unlikely that a close game with a big spread will happen two games in a row.

Now I am even more pessimistic. Thanks Farn. You Troll.
      ID: 56012617
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 12:23
I have been wrong alot lately picking games but let me just pick North Carolina -10.5/-11 whatever it is at your book.

Wisconsin is gonna get killed.

I was right about the horse "Wild Desert" yesterday so I might be on a roll.
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 13:42
UNC overlooked Nova. They are awake now and ready to run! GO HEELS!

      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 15:37
UGGGGGG. Bad end to the half by Carolina...

Come on HEELS!

      ID: 3155515
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 16:43
Well, I just figured out if Wisconsin had won this game, I was solid in first. Even a Mich St win wouldn't have mattered.

Wisconsin played a great game. 3 great games so far...
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 16:47


      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 16:48
No peace for Razor! ;-)

      ID: 53129180
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 17:07
Have fun at the Final 4, THK.
      ID: 56012617
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 17:46
I haven't picked a game right in ages. Badgers kept it close. Badgers have some talent coming back next year. Alando Tucker, Kammron Taylor, Brian Butch.

      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 18:34
GOOO UK! 1 matchup already and a 13 point win, albiet at home. UK just doesn't look good to me...they keep winning but for some reason I would rather play them than MSU. All that scares me on UK is Azabuikerkeu. Their frosh big man is over-rated and a waste compared to Davis, which would give May a big advantage.


      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:26
HOLY CRAP!!! One of the most amazing things I have ever seen...

      ID: 53129180
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:34
This has been a great weekend of baketball. Maybe one of the all time best elite eights.
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:40
Kentucky looks like UNC in that first Duke game....horrible time management at the end of the first OT

Yes balls...I would call this the best Elite Eight games of all time...

3 OT games has NEVER happened

      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:42
UK is done. No Azebiuaidufke in double OT
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:42
GO UK! Pull it out somehow...

      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 19:56
TERRIBLE CLOCK MANAGEMENT. What was UK thinking not fouling with 29 seconds left? They lost 17 seconds and then fouled a career 91% FT shooter!!
      ID: 0134510
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 20:01
Game set match. Horrible clock management at the end of OT and double OT...

Illinois vs Louisville and UNC vs Mich St.

      ID: 3155515
      Sun, Mar 27, 2005, 23:57
Quite close now with the Mich St lead is down to 4 points. Optimization2 has Mich St, the 5 seed, and the Big 10- I only hold the big 10. He also has shorted 1 seeds....

Once again, my math in this thing is not great, but I believe a UNC win over Mich St would give me first. Still, should be a fun finish.
      ID: 0134510
      Mon, Mar 28, 2005, 00:05
I think you are right Kev....

SOOO I am rooting for you!

      ID: 42152723
      Mon, Mar 28, 2005, 00:15
OK, I think the top 4 players have the following teams left:
kevmarbury: 605 pts + 2x(Ill), 3x(Lou), 1x(NC)
Optimization: 601 pts + 2x(Lou), 3x(MSU), -1x(NC)
basketcase: 542 pts + 2x(Ill), 1x(NC), 2x(MSU)
KevinL: 513 pts + 3x(Ill), 2x(NC), 3x(Lou), 1x(MSU)

By my calculations (which may be wrong), kevmarbury wins if North Carolina makes the championship game, or if MSU makes it and loses to Illinois.

Optimization wins if MSU beats Illinois or if the final game is MSU vs Louisville, regardless of the winner.
      ID: 3155515
      Mon, Mar 28, 2005, 14:03
I also have 1x MSU with the BIG 10 being longed.

Not that it makes a difference- I think you have hit it on the head.
      ID: 0134510
      Tue, Apr 05, 2005, 02:40
Should I brag now or later???? Hmmm...


The North Carolina TaR HeeLs, led by Roy Williams are the 2005 National Champions!!!

Just got back from the was an amazing experience!!!

      ID: 0134510
      Thu, Apr 07, 2005, 19:27
Ah, just like a KU fan that had to endure a choking to a team from a league that had NEVER won a tournament game until they beat KU to run and not return.

How does it feel Razor, when you hear those words:

North Carolina 2005 Champions

or how about

Roy Williams wins his first title

I don't have the time to go back, find and copy all the stupid things you have said in this thread (somebody else...FEEL FREE!!!) but just got back and re-read some of your idiotic statements. Maybe you will realize how dumb you are!


      ID: 0134510
      Fri, Apr 15, 2005, 17:01
Poor Razor. Only 84 more years until the Curse of Roy Williams is over! ;-) It speaks volumes about yourself not coming back here...

      ID: 36241218
      Mon, Apr 18, 2005, 16:24
It doesn't say anything about me except that I haven't check this board in a month.

Congrats to the Tar Heels. I am sad that two men who turned their backs on a program (Dean and Roy) and a bunch of me-first kids got to celebrate winning a title, but what are you gonna do? Sean May's a good kid despite Doherty-gate, I think, but I won't miss seeing McCants in a college uniform. I'd have much rather seen those kids from Illinois win.
      ID: 0134510
      Mon, Apr 18, 2005, 17:11
But you didn't! Don't worry, only 84 more years for the curse of Roy to be broken! ;-) 1988, man...that was ages ago, must suck to be a Jayhawk (funny thing, KU was my safety school when applying to colleges).

Doherty was announced the new head coach of Florida Atlantic today...glad he has another job.

GO HEELS GO! Next year we rebuild unfortunately; however, the HeeLs will be back and 2005 National Champs is something that will never be taken away!

      ID: 48316913
      Mon, Apr 18, 2005, 17:16
Glad he got another job.....some "family." The fact that he's at FAU and not a major program shows how far Roy and Dean's influence extends...and the disdain they have for their former golden boy.
156 crypticfreak1
      ID: 57259610
      Mon, Mar 06, 2006, 12:00
Doesn't anyone in here feel that IOWA will do something this tourney? 22-5 record 8-3 against top 25 including wins over the other best teams in the big ten. 1-0 vs Ohio State, 1-1 vs Wisconsin, 1-1 vs Illinois. Watch out for them. If they get heated up they will go a ways in the tourney.
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