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0 Subject: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson

Posted by: Seattle Zen
- Leader [055343019] Sat, Jan 08, 2011, 15:26

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson

Oh, man, this sounds horrible.
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      ID: 49572022
      Sat, Jun 27, 2015, 05:45
Then there's this data point:

That swift response is telling.

Kinda like Breitbart announcing he was producing a blockbuster expose on Obama that would surely end his chances...

...and then dieing the next day in an unusual explosive fashion.

Timing like that can't just be blithely dismissed.
      ID: 161036918
      Mon, Jun 29, 2015, 19:13
of course, Kennedy never said the above, but the foolish are easily fooled.

find one speech from that day, where JFK uttered those words. just one.
1989Perm Dude
      ID: 53520299
      Mon, Jun 29, 2015, 22:22
When you don't have facts, make some up! Because the point isn't to expose something new, it is to re-affirm what is already believed.
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 17:45
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 17:55
A deeper and more poisonous problem is the breakdown in trust. Again and again, progressives insist that their goals are reasonable and limited. Proponents of gay marriage insisted that they merely wanted the same rights to marry as everyone else. They mocked, scorned and belittled anyone who suggested that polygamy would be next on their agenda. Until they started winning. In 2013, a headline in Slate declared "Legalize Polygamy!" and a writer at the Economist editorialized, "And now on to polygamy." The Atlantic ran a fawning piece on Diana Adams and her quest for a polyamorous "alternative to marriage."

We were also told that the fight for marriage equality had nothing to do with a larger war against organized religion and religious freedom. But we now know that was a lie too. The ACLU has reversed its position on religious freedom laws, in line with the left's scorched-earth attacks on religious institutions and private businesses that won't — or can't — embrace the secular fatwa that everyone must celebrate "love" as defined by the left.

I very much doubt we'll get a constitutional right for teams of people to get "married," but I have every confidence the drumbeat will grow louder. Social justice — forever ill-defined so as to maximize the power of its champions — has become not just an industry but also a permanent psychological orientation among journalists, lawyers, educators and other members of the new class of eternal reformers.

By no means are social justice warriors always wrong. But they are untrustworthy, because they aren't driven by a philosophy so much as an insatiable appetite that cannot take yes for an answer. No cookie will ever satisfy them. Our politics will only get uglier, as those who resist this agenda realize that compromise is just another word for appeasement.
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 18:04
Former CIA agent explains Obama, Obama's purge of the military, Obama's ordered assassinations of Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy.
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 18:08

Hero Arron Russo
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 18:19
Speech that got Andrew Breitbart murdered the next day.

      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 18:27
Which led to the disapearance of the only witness to Breitbart's death, Christopher Lasseter, Then, within hours of the release of Breitbart’s preliminary autopsy report, Michael Cormier, age 61, a forensic technician who worked as a photographer in the Los Angeles County coroner’s office, died suddenly from what is suspected to be arsenic poisoning.

Which I suppose doesn't interest all the statistics geeks at Rotoguru. The odds of all that. Bunch'a coincidence theorists.
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 18:53
While we are at it...

1997Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 19:13
We need a crackpot thread...
      ID: 161036918
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 20:23
We need a crackpot thread...

at this point, they're all crackpot threads...

btw Baldwin, maybe i missed it, but at one point are the words in 1987 uttered in the video in post 1990.

also, that speech in 1990 - it took 2 1/2 years for Kennedy to get killed? he gave that in the spring of 1961.
      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 21:06
It's not a direct quote but it's a perfectly accurate summation fitting on an E-mail or caption for low information readers who don't have the attention span to read/listen to it all.

I notice you aren't brave enuff to call Kennedy what you call me for the exact same belief.

      ID: 49572022
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 21:22
Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance. W. Clement Stone --and regardless of its source
      ID: 54152322
      Tue, Jun 30, 2015, 21:57
1995 - that one is definitely sour Boldwin. But in that one, unlike so many other theories thrown out, there is a clear link without taking leaps and bounds. Brietbard killed. A witness killed then a forensic photographer involved in the case is killed. That is a much stronger link than:

1. mold was in the schoolhouse
2. some guy on the internet pointed to random people in pictures and claims, "they are paid actors"
3. there are multiple instances of 'training sessions' from various government agencies which reflect actual tragedies happening at the same time and place those tragedies happen (except when the training sessions are in a different town or a month apart or given by a hospital as a normal course that you'd expect to find in a hospital instead of by the government).
      ID: 28420307
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 01:21

Coincidence? I think not!!
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 01:37

I don't see why the Aurora case and the London bombing aren't easily as slam dunk.

Addendum. Very strange town, that Sandy Hook. It's the dream site for a staged event. I'll expand on that later but the kicker I ran into lately...

[off the cuff, stuff I recall]...They've got this motif going with 26 stars decorating various government facades and roof displays. They set up a 26 christmas tree display to honor the victims afterwards.

Look at the staged march pointlessly circling the school building and you discover the 26 christmas trees propositioned off to the side in back.
      ID: 275441414
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 07:57
Yup, they're all in on it.
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 09:18
You guys are why 'false flag' events were invented.

Because they work.
      ID: 3166111
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 12:07

I don't see why the Aurora case and the London bombing aren't easily as slam dunk.

I'm guessing here you mean the training classes that we discussed in the other thread? For starters the shooting happened in Aurora, the classes you referenced in ASD thread were hospital classes for med students in Parker, Colorado. They aren't even in the same counties. Parker is in Douglas County and Aurora is in Arapahoe and Adams counties.
Second, its a hospital training medical students, not an 'active shooter drill' from a government agency. So one of the biggest examples you hold up as proof of a government or UN conspiracy isn't even a government function and doesn't fit the criteria laid out (by you, see post 18 in the active shooter drill thread) because it doesn't even happen in the same place. Not even the same county.

Next you have talked about the Boston Marathon bombing and in the ASD thread you mentioned Operation Urban Shield which was a drill for a backpack bomb going off. But OUS occurred months before the Boston Bombing. So again, an example you hold up to us does not meet the criteria you laid out as happening simultaneously.

2 of the biggest examples held up as proof of this conspiracy do not meet muster. They fail to meet multiple criteria that you yourself have said proves they are part of the conspiracy. That is why they aren't as easily slam dunks as Breitbart.

And keep in mind the deaths with breitbart are not proof of a conspiracy. Rather they are red flags (and rather strong ones) that an investigation needs to take place. That investigation may provide proof of the conspiracy to kill him and its cover up. But the deaths of the photographer and witness are not, in and of themselves, proof.
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 12:35

Douglas County is directly adjoining Aurora Colorado

How is that some kind of significant separation?

Sorry, "Let's imagine backpacks+propane bombs+guns+theater and see how well we react."

At the same time.

This was self-evidently evidence of those in the know reviewing their plan and then measuring it against actual performance.
They had actual Active Shooter Drill people on the scene at Boston and it's not even clear if they knew it wasn't a drill as they are making announcements over the loudspeakers in real time.
London which you didn't even mention...c'mon.

They call the exact stations. Sit yards away from the incident. Have their man riding in the tube reporting on the results...

...and it doesn't even register for you.

Forget spidey senses. It's a wonder they let you drive. How is defensive driving even possible for you? You see no red flags.
      ID: 161036918
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 13:29
It's not a direct quote

it's in quotation marks, indicating it's a direct quote.

it also came, according to your source, 7 days before JFK's assassination, not 18 months.

so, i'll ask again:

find one speech from that day, where JFK uttered those words? just one?

Very strange town, that Sandy Hook.

you've been there?

      ID: 14147911
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 14:12
Would it be possible to make a thread entitled, Conspiracy theory, you wont believe what I think they're doing this time, where we could move all of this crap to? Pretty sure none of this has anythng to do with Gabrielle Gifford.
      ID: 161036918
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 15:53
man, i second that. lol
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 16:59
JFK's words speak for themselves and hearing them all is far more damning and expansive than the abbreviated version.
Sandy Hook is a special town. A Company town as in 'The Company'. A "Nest" like Langley. All silver and black government worker cars.

It's a Transition Town A model town for experimenting with all those new agey, agenda 21, sustainability obsessed, evolving, transhuman trendy movements.

. A mystical globalist utopian Baha'i kinda town.

Baha'i has big goals. A world super-state. A world legislature. A World Parliament. A world police force. A single world currency. A world taxation system. Implementation of agenda 21 and the Earth Charter.

It's the home of Harvard Dr. John Woodall's Baha'i Unity Project.
The Unity Council and the personal, group and institutional capacity it develops, acts as a “bowl” to receive aid from outside sources in times of response to a crisis. The same “bowl” can be used to engender personal, community and economic development when crisis has passed
As early as the day of December 14th, James Woodall was quoted in a statement to the Associated Press:
Quote I do this for a living—I do trauma work for a living. I ran programs overseas for the State Department. I’ve worked in school shootings before. But all that—none of that counts. All that counts at that moment is that another human being is there for you … It’s a strong community. It’s a resilient community. The task now is for the community to give this a meaning.
A Baha'i meaning.

It's about the Sexton and Greenberg families.

A FEMA capstone event. Brought to you by DHS to model human behavior and control.

The guy escaping into the woods, in camo, heading towards the Masonic lodge on the other side of the woods. Who lived behind the Lanza House...nothing suspicious there.

Look away.

The "da-da-da-DAH!* *Official Version of Events* is all there is.
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 18:08
Then there is Fairfield Hills, Newtown. Mental institution famous for gruesome lobotomies, etc. Inspiration for many famous horror movies.
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 18:16
Then there is Susan McGuinness Getzinger. Whistle-blower on official misconduct in Newtown, the law offices attached to the city council. Treatment of children, mentally damaging children.

Her husband killed in car accident day after one of those hostile city council meetings.

Her husband:

Scott Getzinger, is a prop master who provided props for more than 25 films, including the maps used in both the viral marketing, and film. Mr Getzinger also just so happened to live in Sandy Hook.

Unfortunately, nobody can ask Mr Getzinger why he added Sandy Hook to the maps in the film [Batman - B], because he was killed in a car accident in Sandy Hook back in April 7, 2012. His injuries were described by police as "not life threatening", on the scene, but he later died in hospital.

Feb 6 2013 - In another interesting twist, Scott Getzinger's wife, Susan McGuinness Getzinger came forward regarding shady actions in the Connecticut school system, in an attempt to expose abuse, stating that her husband was killed in a fatal car accident the night after she protested local corruption at a previous public hearing.

Her rambling, mostly incoherent speech makes it clear she believes there is a conspiracy involving the Connecticut education system, and that she is extremely suspicious about the events surrounding Sandy Hook and her husbands death. She is interrupted and asked to stop when she begins mentioning Adam Lanza.

"You walk into your PPT or Educational Hearing, they are all in on it."
- Susan McGuinness Getzinger
      ID: 275441414
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 18:41
Quoting don't mean to tell us that you really believe he was shot? How long ago did you fall for that one?
      ID: 14147911
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 22:27
Saw Elvis at the local Walmart yesterday
      ID: 54152322
      Wed, Jul 01, 2015, 23:27
That was not Elvis, Bean. It was Andy Kaufman in disguise.
      ID: 14147911
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 00:19
I heard the Greys and the Grays are at war. Watch out for the anal probes from both the left and the right.
      ID: 14147911
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 00:34
The reference wasn't too otherworldly was it?
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 05:00
Holmes father [Aurora] was the inventor of the algorithm that discovered the monumentally important 'LIBOR' scandal.

Lanza's father was the tax director of GE. Three people who worked under him went to prison for their part in the 'LIBOR" scandal.

But notice Lanza's father wasn't one of the guilty parties. I presume he revealed their part in it.

The 'LIBOR' scandal for those not following along, was where banks were gaming the interbank interest rates.

The next door neighbor to Adam Lanza was John Trentacosta. John Trentacosta was a new member of a FED advisory board set up by the new Dodd Frank law just a year prior. He was president of the Sandy Hook bank that set up the United Way fund to receive contributions for the massacre. A charity which managed to put together the charity drive, the website for it, the artwork, set up the banking...and they managed to do it BEFORE the massacre.

Curiously the crime scene helicopter misidentified the Lanza house and focused on the Trentacosta house instead because that was where all the activity of the day was focused on. Cop cars blocking off his driveway, lined up outside his house, but not the Lanzas. Driving all over Trentacosta's lawn. From the photos it looks to me like they orginally were all up in the driveway, with spillover up on his lawn, and then they were pulled back to the street later.

They stick together, don't they, Sarge? Always plenty of brothers in the police dept.

No aliens involved tho. *wink
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 05:04
Mess with our gravy-train and we'll drug yer kid and plop him down in a mass shooting.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 06:11
From the Batman Movie: Dark Knight Rises
Dent: "The night is always darker just before the dawn, and I promise you, the dawn is coming."
Blake: Sir, that could all just be a coincidence.

Commissioner Gordon: You’re a detective now, son. You’re not allowed to believe in coincidence anymore.

The city skyline has a skyscraper named Aurora.

The movie map of the kill list:

Sandy Hook Beach

      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 07:01
The LIBOR case the father of Adam Lanza was scheduled to testify at, and later did testify at:
The defendants in the case – Dominick Carollo, Steven Goldberg and Peter Grimm – worked for GE Capital, the finance arm of General Electric. Along with virtually every major bank and finance company on Wall Street – not just GE, but J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, UBS, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Wachovia and more – these three Wall Street wiseguys spent the past decade taking part in a breathtakingly broad scheme to skim billions of dollars from the coffers of cities and small towns across America. The banks achieved this gigantic rip-off by secretly colluding to rig the public bids on municipal bonds, a business worth $3.7 trillion. By conspiring to lower the interest rates that towns earn on these investments, the banks systematically stole from schools, hospitals, libraries and nursing homes – from "virtually every state, district and territory in the United States," according to one settlement. And they did it so cleverly that the victims never even knew they were being ­cheated. No thumbs were broken, and nobody ended up in a landfill in New Jersey, but money disappeared, lots and lots of it, and its manner of disappearance had a familiar name: organized crime.
More recently, a major international investigation has been launched into the manipulation of Libor, the interbank lending index that is used to calculate global interest rates for products worth more than $3 trillion a year. If and when that case is presented to the public at trial – there are several major civil suits in the works here in the States – we may yet find out that the world's most powerful banks have, for years, been fixing the prices of almost every adjustable-rate vehicle on earth, from mortgages and credit cards to interest-rate swaps and even currencies.

But USA v. Carollo marks the first time we actually got incontrovertible evidence that Wall Street has moved into this cartel-type brand of criminality. It also offered a disgusting glimpse into the enabling and grossly cynical role played by politicians, who took Super Bowl tickets and bribe-stuffed envelopes to look the other way while gangsters raided the public kitty. And though the punishments that were ultimately handed down in the trial – minor convictions of three bit players – felt deeply unsatisfying, it was still a watershed moment in the ongoing story of America's gradual awakening to the realities of financial corruption. In a post-crash era where Wall Street trials almost never make it into court, and even the harshest settlements end with the evidence buried by the government and the offending banks permitted to escape with no admission of wrongdoing, this case finally dragged the whole ugly truth of American finance out into the open – and it was a hell of a show.

"Even though some aspects of municipal bond finance are complex, the fraud here was simple," she told the jurors. "It was about lying and cheating cities and towns in a bidding process that was in place to protect them."

The "simple fraud" Waszmer described centered around public borrowing. Say your town wants to build a new elementary school. So it goes to Wall Street, which issues a bond in your town's name to raise $100 million, attracting cash from investors all over the globe. Once Wall Street raises all that money, it dumps it in a tax-exempt account, which your town then uses to pay builders, plumbers, the chalkboard company and whoever else winds up working on the project.

But here's the catch: Most towns, when they raise all that money, don't spend it all at once. Often it takes years to complete a construction project, and the last contractor isn't paid until long after the original bond is issued. While that unspent money is sitting in the town's account, local officials go looking for a financial company on Wall Street to invest it for them.

To do that, officials hire a middleman firm known as a broker to set up a public auction and invite banks to compete for the town's business. For the $100 million you borrowed on your elementary school bond, Bank A might offer you 5 percent interest. Bank B goes further and offers 5.25 percent. But Bank C, the winner of the auction, offers 5.5 percent.

n most cases, towns and cities, called issuers, are legally required to submit their bonds to a competitive auction of at least three banks, called providers. The scam Wall Street cooked up to beat this fair-market system was to devise phony auctions. Instead of submitting competitive bids and letting the highest rate win, providers like Chase, Bank of America and GE secretly divvied up the business of all the different cities and towns that came to Wall Street to borrow money. One company would be allowed to "win" the bid on an elementary school, the second would be handed a hospital, the third a hockey rink, and so on.

How did they rig the auctions? Simple: By bribing the auctioneers, those middlemen brokers hired to ensure the town got the best possible interest rate the market could offer. Instead of holding honest auctions in which none of the parties knew the size of one another's bids, the broker would tell the pre­arranged "winner" what the other two bids were, allowing the bank to lower its offer and come in with an interest rate just high enough to "beat" its supposed competitors. This simple but effective cheat – telling the winner what its rivals had bid – was called giving them a "last look." The winning bank would then reward the broker by providing it with kickbacks disguised as "fees" for swap deals that the brokers weren't even involved in.

The end result of this (at least) decade-long conspiracy was that towns and cities systematically lost, while banks and brokers won big. By shaving tiny fractions of a percent off their winning bids, the banks pocketed fantastic sums over the life of these multimillion-dollar bond deals. Lowering a bid by just one-100th of a percent, called a basis point, could cheat a town out of tens of thousands of dollars it would otherwise have earned on its bond deposits.

That doesn't sound like much. But when added to the other fractions of a percent stolen from basically every other town in America on every other bond issued by Wall Street in the past 10 to 15 years, it starts to turn into an enormous sum of money. In short, this was like the scam in Office Space, multiplied by a factor of about 10 gazillion: Banks stole pennies at a time from towns all over America, only they did it a few hundred bazillion times.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 07:10
And the wife of the man who put that map in that movie, screaming at the Sandy Hook city council, ~"I've got the information on all you crooks and the shady law firms covering yer @$$e$ and I'm naming names". Just after her husband was whacked.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 07:14
And Metabunk banned the contributor with the best info on this, Quantum Believer.

So don't expect to learn the truth at Metabunk. They ban that stuff.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 07:26
The disinfo plants at metabunk had the boys sneering at the idea Lanza's father was even involved in a LIBOR trial.

Then Quantum Believer provides the Matt Tabitai Rolling Stone article describing that exact trial.

Then Metabunk instead of thanking QB and spanking the smoke blowers...

...bans Quantum Believer and quick closes the thread.

Don't anyone ever use Metabunk on me ever again as if that was a trusted source.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 09:27
New record:
No “major” hurricane–defined as a Category 3 or above–has made landfall on the continental United States since 2005, according to records compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division.

That is the longest stretch of time the United States has gone without a Category 3 or above hurricane striking somewhere on the mainland of the country, according to NOAA hurricane records going back to 1851.

“It’s easily the record — with all the necessary caveats,” the National Hurricane Center’s Eric Blake told
(*cough...'cept for that 'Sandy' that hooked into...)

I blame global warming myself.
      ID: 14147911
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 11:04
Looking forward to the movie, Boldy. Sounds full of random synapse firings. Who ya think they'll get to play Holmes, I'd go with the dude from Big Bang Theory.

I'll even spring for popcorn and soda when it comes out. I still go to the theater, but only matinees, though it has nothing to do with Holmes' actions.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jul 02, 2015, 12:53
Don't go if there's an active shooter drill nearby.
      ID: 161036918
      Tue, Jul 07, 2015, 20:19
it's really difficult to see someone disrespect the deaths of 20+ children. it's hard to stomach that there are people on this earth, people on this board, who feel that mocking parents mourning their dead kids, is something that is acceptable.

for all the railing that is done against humanity on this board, that's the problem in a nutshell. that people like this exist.
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 08, 2015, 21:11
What's funny is that the 'tolerant' over at Oberlin college can't have feminist Christina Hoff Summers deliver a speech anywhere nearby without curling up into a hysterical ball in a nearby safe-zone complete with crayons and support animals, what with all the triggering...

But no one worries about triggering me when they discuss the inadvisability of allowing me to breathe air.
      ID: 2711516
      Tue, Sep 01, 2015, 21:53
Remember that time you lectured us about a target sign and the vast importance of civility?

Yeah, good times.

      ID: 275441414
      Thu, Oct 01, 2015, 15:30
Damn, just read about the slaughter in Roseburg, Oregon. Came to this site hoping to hear from Baldwin that it was all a conspiracy, that it really didn't happen.
      ID: 137281811
      Thu, Oct 01, 2015, 16:00
Give him time. Brietbart or Newsmax hasn't yet told him what to say and why.
      ID: 137281811
      Fri, Oct 02, 2015, 17:14
Everyone moody loner with "mental problems" needs 13 guns.

God bless America!
      ID: 161036918
      Sat, Oct 03, 2015, 09:29
but they were bought legally! he wasn't a criminal! or, whatever.
      ID: 2711516
      Wed, Oct 07, 2015, 03:48
Hey, anything goes. Who are we to judge the value system of anyone else? His truth is just as valid as ours.

Heaven forbid we impose our morality on others.

Thank a moral relativist.
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