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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings
Scores include games through Super Bowl

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Entries are sorted by
Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                               Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name               Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites        1826   184    39     1
     Consensus Underdogs        -476    83   -39     0
     Vegas Favorites            1586   179    39     1
     Vegas Underdogs            -336    83   -39     0
     Home Teams                 2235   163     0     0
     Away Teams                -1485   103     0     0
     Random Dart                 998   143    39     1
     Smart Dart                  674   153   -39     0
   1 RotoGuru.com               1615   163   -78     0
   2 cpa68                       340   146    78     1
   3 mbjstucki25                1239   174    78     1
   4 Porto Alegre               1162   174    39     1
   5 Cuca                        458   146     0     0
   6 dansdolphins               -421    24     0     0
   7 jreese                    -1008   113     0     0
   8 WorldB                      922   156    78     1
   9 DeoSteven                  -417    95     0     0
  10 Franny                     2075   157     0     0
  11 WiddleAvi *                 629   115     0     0
  12 KDogHall                    655   153    78     1
  13 Rabid                      2493   166   -78     0
  14 MattG                       155   159     0     0
  15 BoNkA *                     -65   111     0     0
  16 yesno *                    2293   136     0     0
  17 slimdave                    134   144    78     1
  18 tduncan                     173    93     0     0
  19 Ludworld                    184   139     0     0
  20 clank                      -573    67     0     0
  21 clank1                      410    49     0     0
  22 clank2                       44    38     0     0
  23 barefooter64                963   143     0     0
  24 chewie                    -1654   128     0     0
  25 Dilligad *                 -378   154     0     0
  26 Dilligads *                -811   158     0     0
  27 The Dilligad *             1574   174     0     0
  28 Bison67                     565   155    78     1
  29 SkySailPats                2140   137    78     1
  30 mafiamcveigh              -1026   122     0     0
  31 hutch                      -984    45     0     0
  32 FRICK                       917   140    78     1
  33 Frick                      -474    74     0     0
  34 mcduff989                  -203     7     0     0
  35 astade                     -508   117     0     0
  36 arjaytwodoc                 245    11     0     0
  37 revvingparson *            1246   170     0     0
  38 Nuclear Gophers *          -722   141    78     1
  39 ramsrule                    546   157     0     0
  40 trrams                      719   168   -78     0
  41 beejay100                   959   162   -78     0
  42 PGunn                       607   157     0     0
  43 boylan                     -117     8     0     0
  44 PGunn2003                   503   157     0     0
  45 cvegark                    2142   174    39     1
  46 KnicksFan *                 220   130     0     0
  47 MUSLIM WARRIORS             726    60     0     0
  48 bobo44                      160   163    78     1
  49 geopou *                    235   133     0     0
  50 geopou2 *                   301   137     0     0
  51 geopou3 *                  -154   123     0     0
  52 flooredyas                 -169     8     0     0
  53 Steel_Rain                 -125    46     0     0
  54 DR Stars                   2906   181    39     1
  55 Studog                      837   155   -78     0
  56 reckless                   -298     7     0     0
  57 cviox                       276   136     0     0
  58 Balrog *                   1157   168   -78     0
  59 orion                      -313     4     0     0
  60 LC10                        226   112   -78     0
  61 BF Dead *                  1275   128   -78     0
  62 BF Reds *                  1761   146    78     1
  63 Gogetta                     172   114   -78     0
  64 Lindholm                     -1    19     0     0
  65 Hogwarts Wizards            -49   159   -78     0
  66 engle                      1706   170    78     1
  67 mellhall                     85    80     0     0
  68 kww68                     -1014   154    78     1
  69 capc                        495    33     0     0
  70 frantalg                   1036   166     0     0
  71 Steel1                     -535    42     0     0
  72 Steel2                     -132    45     0     0
  73 skmdc                       184    66     0     0
  74 RebelFan42 *               -535   140     0     0
  75 TB *                       -262   140     0     0
  76 TB2 *                      -313   118     0     0
  77 TB3 *                       757   106     0     0
  78 PauoaBoyz                  -132     9     0     0
  79 jreese2                    -272   124     0     0
  80 cpas *                     1913   176   -78     0
  81 Bada Bing                    44    25     0     0
  82 Peregrine                   568   157     0     0
  83 LanceSimm                   125    61     0     0
  84 Valkyrie *                -1446   120     0     0
  85 190SL *                    -275   131     0     0
  86 Valkyrie2 *                -948   126     0     0
  87 ggavran                     430   137     0     0
  88 pahornfrogs                1414   150     0     0
  89 amsedco                     431    94     0     0
  90 bubbagum777                1208   148     0     0
  91 sleepers                    -53   125     0     0
  92 kornbj                      578    96     0     0
  93 samed                       726    94     0     0
  94 Motley Crue *               533   150     0     0
  95 Kip *                       973   168    78     1
  96 Buddy                      1032   170    78     1
  97 commodores                -1165    85     0     0
  98 mwhit16                    -519    47     0     0
  99 firenze                    1429   148    78     1
 100 nate686 *                  -283   144     0     0
 101 The Knuckles *             -229   144     0     0
 102 IAM2SHOT                   -177     7     0     0
 103 PCMatt38 *                 1201   152    78     1
 104 b-ball busters *            649   174   -78     0
 105 iamcardman                   73    10     0     0
 106 musicfreak101                 9   147     0     0
 107 smartmatty2                -387    12     0     0
 108 Back Room Computer Geeks    258   158    78     1
 109 Mrs. Guru                  1247   168   -39     0
 110 RotoGuru2.com             -1044    68     0     0
 111 Madden                      827   149    78     1
 112 root88                     -591    13     0     0
 113 LT                           12   102    78     1
 114 george316                  1595   161     0     0
 115 erb136                     1382    99     0     0
 116 Eric                       2312   181   -78     0
 117 deepsnapper *              -128   139     0     0
 118 Cowgirl68                   441   148     0     0
 119 balls *                    1302   151   -78     0
 120 Stuck 60 *                 -204   108     0     0
 121 Stuck 600 *                -716    80     0     0
 122 Raz                        -152   156    78     1
 123 Stuck 6000 *                415   117     0     0
 124 Raz2                       -128   115    78     1
 125 otto                        121   138     0     0
 126 H4H2                       1276   137     0     0
 127 pter61                      858   123     0     0
 128 Stony Point Tigers         -733   159    78     1
 129 GoatLocker *                849   153   -78     0
 130 Kamry                      -337   155     0     0
 131 Myster *                   1315   166    78     1
 132 sleepymo *                  318   156    78     1
 133 Sludge 1 *                 2680   150   -78     0
 134 Sludge 2 *                 1060   126   -78     0
 135 Sludge 3 *                  797   123   -78     0
 136 StLCards *                 -568    77    78     1
 137 DimpleChad *               -500   127    78     1
 138 Squids *                  -1477   126   -78     0
 139 Tyler 18 *                 -317   157   -78     0
 140 Bronco Brenda *            -489   155   -78     0
 141 Larrys A Team               841   101     0     0
 142 Beerhunters *              2450   182    39     1
 143 Stanbech37                  109    27     0     0
 144 litman33                     68    95    78     1
 145 Real                       -179    25     0     0
 146 RobS223                    1414   145     0     0
 147 tigerrr                     312   106     0     0
 148 brianbottles *             1593   163   -78     0
 149 fluffdawg18                 -79    48     0     0
 150 BillsMan                   -113    80     0     0
 151 semaj1026                   692   169    78     1
 152 superminors *              1547   164     0     0
 153 Ngod                       -200    67     0     0
 154 Dublin Dogs                1409   170    78     1
 155 Scarecrow71 *               -97   152     0     0
 156 backell                     136   126     0     0
 157 mikeyd90240                -924    72     0     0
 158 TeamProR                    541   102     0     0
 159 Aydin                       131   143    39     1
 160 dogface11                  -633   111     0     0
 161 dogface                    -699   113     0     0
 162 dblcork                    1400   170     0     0
 163 TD *                       -117   157   -78     0
 164 dgrubbs                    -420    30     0     0
 165 splinter                    284   100     0     0
 166 Slowhand *                 1817   171     0     0
 167 edub                        379    21     0     0
 168 Wilson-Samuel Connection   1321   127     0     0
 169 bclinton23                  -52   127   -39     0
 170 NO EXTRAS                  -151     8     0     0
 171 ottoyellow                 -123     8     0     0
 172 jdeeney                    1620   158    78     1
 173 ukula *                    -191     6     0     0
 174 BALLZofSTEEL                100   138     0     0
 175 Rookie                      480   149   -78     0
 176 jvietti                      -1    44     0     0
 177 StilesBC *                  132    85     0     0
 178 Dec                          -6    49     0     0
 179 young_guns                  645   149     0     0
 180 fleaflickers                464   159     0     0
 181 LFue                        539    66     0     0
 182 C1-NRB                      694   130   -78     0
 183 vatech15                   -605    40     0     0
 184 b-money                     -48    74     0     0
 185 Matt S *                   -260    26     0     0
 186 rock                        355   159     0     0
 187 aris                       -553   145    78     1
 188 Jeff Egnor                  -62     9     0     0
 189 Injured Reserve            1651   145     0     0
 190 mychael31                  -173     8     0     0
 191 THE GUG                    -274    94     0     0
 192 Shooter                     903   146     0     0
 193 SMG *                       -90   154     0     0
 194 Scotto                      795   136   -78     0
 195 Skeadas                    -200    74     0     0
 196 StLCards1 *                  52    74    78     1
 197 StLCards2 *                 -60    77    78     1
 198 jeddi                      1185   152     0     0
 199 nogjr                       402   136     0     0
 200 PascalL                    -855   117     0     0
 201 wolfer                      946   148     0     0
 202 gen98                      -200    55     0     0
 203 sampeterson                 433    55     0     0
 204 Grumpy                     -795    75     0     0
 205 TheGoldenMule                 6    10     0     0
 206 GoTeamGo                   -414   102     0     0
 207 GuessWho                    706   101     0     0
 208 Knights                    -173    74     0     0
 209 Knights2                    576    74     0     0
 210 bablo                      -149     7     0     0
 211 Beerhunters2 *             1595   174   -78     0
 212 BgBears                    -313    44     0     0
 213 Tubby10001                  -72   111   -78     0
 214 RebelMan                    -94   145     0     0
 215 Catskill Cats              1144   161     0     0
 216 erwinnfs                   1911   172    39     1
 217 commish55                   446   148     0     0
 218 wilsonette                 -507   134     0     0
 219 aureo11                    1179   163    78     1
 220 Optimization *             -433   121     0     0
 221 Optimization2 *            -428   106     0     0
 222 Optimization3 *             -62   103     0     0
 223 england                    -424    69     0     0
 224 griffdo                     580   155   -78     0
 225 mrg                       -1090    89     0     0
 226 shifties                   1033   154    78     1
 227 lentish                     209    46     0     0
 228 Damfino                    -376     6     0     0
 229 Ftbalmania Bears            696   124     0     0
 230 sfcj2001                   -545    30     0     0
 231 aharden                    -259   159    78     1
 232 APerfect10 *                 84    97    78     1
 233 Slowhand2 *                1000   170     0     0
 234 Richard *                   224   139   -78     0
 235 jakes jiants *             1803   176    78     1
 236 teletubbies a              1916   174    78     1
 237 Gman15 *                   1830   178    78     1
 238 brick                      -694    72     0     0
 239 Pensfan *                  1542   161   -78     0
 240 Demmis                      560   151    39     1
 241 scoobies *                   29    84    78     1
 242 Mike208 *                   182   168    39     1
 243 Mike2082 *                  738   172   -39     0
 244 Mike2083 *                 -299   158    78     1
 245 youngroman                  658   130     0     0
 246 Peter N. *                  -21   112     0     0
 247 fadenwalker                -796    94     0     0
 248 fadenwalker1               1084   141     0     0
 249 fadenwalker2                162    67     0     0
 250 The Coaster                 602   170    78     1
 251 jfsj                       1060   158     0     0
 252 Irish Red                   380   143   -78     0
 253 wilddonkeys                -485    87     0     0
 254 dvs1234                     -12     9     0     0
 255 pluto9394                   974   165     0     0
 256 Punk42AE *                -1032    58     0     0
 257 BigCheney                   139   136     0     0
 258 skrufi                     -199    54     0     0
 259 Diamond                      67    18     0     0
 260 Tosh1 *                    -382   154   -78     0
 261 Tosh2 *                    -528   100    78     1
 262 Tosh3 *                     921   147    78     1
 263 Flying Polack              -227    24     0     0
 264 Deucey49                     68   138     0     0
 265 sst                        -147     8     0     0
 266 marksmen                     -7   155     0     0
 267 Sox to the Series           184    10     0     0
 268 TeamProR2                   884   106     0     0
 269 TeamProR3                   175    97     0     0
 270 3xysnoxxs                  1184   130     0     0
 271 Iceman                      879   142     0     0
 272 pickster                   1683   141    78     1
 273 volzd                        85    49     0     0
 274 darby_crash2000             202    11     0     0
 275 Ajax                        151    19     0     0
 276 djarnow                    -245    17     0     0
 277 Mean Jean *                -754   148   -39     0
 278 rbowling                    117    14     0     0
 279 rbowling2                   305    12     0     0
 280 SwinganaMiss *              689   154     0     0
 281 kris toledo                -373    22     0     0
 282 Smith32                    -231   102     0     0
 283 Gaetti                      271    20     0     0
 284 JackHammers                -201    83     0     0
 285 longshot                   -726   146     0     0
 286 P                            74     6     0     0
 287 Slackjawed Yokel *          -42   141     0     0
 288 aallpphh2                   657   171   -78     0
 289 wildnorm                    341   152   -78     0
 290 Doug *                      518   135     0     0
 291 albanian chickpeas          954   169     0     0
 292 The Flying Monkeys          997   142     0     0
 293 gri6507                    -119    26     0     0
 294 TurfMEiac                   635    48     0     0
 295 fanuv007                    399    12     0     0
 296 jdupr21                     479   172     0     0
 297 s R                        -365    46     0     0
 298 artlenk                    -882    52     0     0
 299 notachance                -1067   110     0     0
 300 The System *               1479   115    78     1
 301 jeffg *                    -436   144    78     1
 302 EliIsrael                  -555   127     0     0
 303 PermDude *                 1128   132     0     0
 304 Stifler's Mom              1881   168     0     0
 305 Rabid Chickens              317    21     0     0
 306 mjl1941                    -690    38     0     0
 307 Caper *                    1069   155     0     0
 308 Adam's G-men               -426   130    78     1
 309 wcwinegar                  -278    50     0     0
 310 jeffnermby                  278    11     0     0
 311 johnglad *                  309   114     0     0
 312 johnglad2 *                 324    82     0     0
 313 johnglad3 *                 817   108     0     0
 314 rsportgod                  -606    69     0     0
 315 stephen                    -137    67     0     0
 316 oz55555                    -701    74     0     0
 317 stephen2                   -292    69     0     0
 318 stephen3                    -66    64     0     0
 319 TD1 *                      1628   131    78     1
 320 TD2 *                      1988   151   -78     0
 321 TD3 *                      1156   150    78     1
 322 MSU_Mikel                  -152    28     0     0
 323 Dobbler's                   842   135     0     0
 324 Ref *                      1089   155     0     0
 325 Ref2 *                     1334   154     0     0
 326 Ref3 *                     1362   157     0     0
 327 apeppler                   -341    74     0     0
 328 jungleman024               1791   174    78     1
 329 stocktons00                  59   143    78     1
 330 bwursten                   2161   172     0     0
 331 ukula 2 *                   102    11     0     0
 332 ukula 3 *                   186    11     0     0
 333 Krunkers                   -411   144    78     1
 334 Ramblin Wreck              1930   166     0     0
 335 pter61x                     878   121     0     0
 336 Tuna Time                  1181   111     0     0
 337 Jaydoghall                  736   146   -78     0
 338 Myboyjack *                -270    14    78     1
 339 boltsfan                  -1102   135     0     0
 340 wazaaap_guy                -407    40     0     0
 341 Corstyles                  -870    57     0     0
 342 Ender *                     301    65     0     0
 343 astadek                    -369   124     0     0
 344 ScoobyDrew *               2184   164    78     1
 345 Big_Rock *                 -524   150     0     0
 346 ThomasTheTankEngine *       141    65     0     0
 347 losers                       94   135     0     0
 348 HooeyPooey *                978   119     0     0
 349 HooeyPooey Hoopla *         790    98     0     0
 350 HooeyPooey Poo *           1038   122     0     0
 351 tigers1901                  919   141     0     0
 352 Chuck Rules *              1680   135     0     0
 353 CWTB??? *                   821   102     0     0
 354 CWTB *                    -1083   120     0     0
 355 bbut                       1862   154     0     0
 356 dgreds *                    506   110    78     1
 357 dgreds2 *                  1966   110    78     1
 358 mauison *                   939   170    78     1
 359 MU_Royals                  -215    10     0     0
 360 freight69 *                 948   144   -39     0
 361 beastiemiked *             -533    18     0     0
 362 beastiemiked2 *            -135    17     0     0
 363 beastiemiked3 *              16     8     0     0
 364 tompoke                     128    82     0     0
 365 skinneej *                  420   133     0     0
 366 always5354                 -286    11     0     0
 367 Taxman *                   -377    22     0     0
 368 GOLDEN BOWL                 730   146    78     1
 369 Dark Angel                -1001   103     0     0
 370 ttrudd2                     381    28     0     0
 371 jumpball *                  278    21     0     0
 372 jumpball2 *                 408    21     0     0
 373 giants                     -593   147    78     1
 374 Jerry                      1234   171    78     1
 375 Toral *                    1119   107     0     0
 376 beerrun *                  2157   163    78     1
 377 Taxphan *                   726    74     0     0
 378 Rugmuts                      48   128     0     0
 379 ksoze *                    -283     5     0     0
 380 kzersoze *                 -168     8     0     0
 381 Keyser Soze *              -253     6     0     0
 382 BFalls *                   1042   130    78     1
 383 HardHitter0314              -44    38     0     0
 384 Tiger Mom                   884   161   -78     0
 385 jphlkh *                      3    15     0     0
 386 The Chem Guys               179    94    78     1
 387 zzzrjh1                     744   172     0     0
 388 zzzrjh2                    1530   175     0     0
 389 zzzrjh3                     670   147     0     0
 390 Firestar                    804    79     0     0
 391 Tim G *                     841   129     0     0
 392 Steagles 43                 205    10     0     0
 393 Loc84 *                      95   132     0     0
 394 txlanman *                 -327   126     0     0
 395 Dulcie *                   1063   140     0     0
 396 slimer                     -409    21     0     0
 397 sraeb                      -342    43     0     0
 398 Blackwatch United           -42    16     0     0
 399 Vilica1 *                  2807   180    39     1
 400 martyrice                  -664    61   -78     0
 401 cheeseheads                 513   100   -78     0
 402 danddhaskins               -145     9     0     0
 403 wvulax39                   -761    77     0     0
 404 White Tiger                 324    95     0     0
 405 White Dragon                -18    96     0     0
 406 skinneej1 *                -139   140     0     0
 407 meroj                      -929   115     0     0
 408 ksherman                   -105     8     0     0
 409 mgiles                     1535   136    78     1
 410 root88_mulligan            -274     7     0     0
 411 TaRhEElKiD                 1235   164   -78     0
 412 WMW                         795    82     0     0
 413 Mygirleliza *              1018   121   -78     0
 414 weswinegar                 -316    36     0     0
 415 wwinegar                    838    80     0     0
 416 Nomar                       115    11     0     0
 417 bigbuck88                  1252   164   -78     0
 418 Piccolos                   -315    16     0     0
 419 STKITTS20                   106    58     0     0
 420 Raz3                       1895   153   -78     0
 421 TruRyda                    1304   116     0     0
 422 Stinson Beach Chargers     1456   127    78     1
 423 paperman                   -139    68     0     0
 424 philflyboy                  716   128     0     0
 425 yea                         251    63     0     0
 426 Mallontown                 2741   140     0     0
 427 leggestand *               -985   125    78     1
 428 mafiamcveigh01             1374   102     0     0
 429 mariejill1                   -1   140   -78     0
 430 rjhonsaker                -1128   126   -78     0
 431 blizzard                     43   108     0     0
 432 detwa                      1483   149   -78     0
 433 whayes                      238   114     0     0
 434 root88_milliganagain       -138     7     0     0
 435 JenL                        611   135    39     1
 436 m_leil                     -501    55     0     0
 437 mafiamcveigh02             -582    97     0     0
 438 Mee67                       320    11     0     0
 439 Jedi                        365   113     0     0
 440 DJ                          351   129    78     1
 441 oppositepick                162     6     0     0
 442 Curby                      -256   115     0     0
 443 fxs                         151     8     0     0
 444 donkeyhunter                335    25     0     0
 445 cynful6924                  352    11     0     0
 446 achess                      -88     8     0     0
 447 yeayea                     1265    50     0     0
 448 bonea_2001                 -820    47     0     0
 449 treblaush                   159   105     0     0
 450 JennyFuFu                   383    40     0     0
 451 Kyoto                       371    89     0     0
 452 Cuca2                      -463    79     0     0
 453 Cuca3                      1951   109    78     1
 454 Lawless                      55    75     0     0
 455 charlandj                  -579    10     0     0
 456 skit53                      116    18     0     0
 457 mveber                      473   100     0     0
 458 philbix                     473   103     0     0
 459 beerrun2                   1198    93    78     1
 460 Tree                        732    87   -78     0
 461 Renee                       296    23     0     0
 462 godinman6                  -166     8     0     0
 463 eyesontheprize             -199    49     0     0
 464 a_gill                       -4     2     0     0
 465 Checker                      72     3     0     0
 466 a                           244     3    78     1

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.