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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings
2005-06 FINAL

Scores include games through Super Bowl

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Entries are sorted by
Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                               Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name               Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites        1539   188    48     1
     Consensus Underdogs        -989    79   -48     0
     Vegas Favorites            2270   194    48     1
     Vegas Underdogs           -1770    72   -48     0
     Home Teams                  634   155     0     0
     Away Teams                 -584   110     0     0
     Random Dart                1371   149   -48     0
     Smart Dart                  885   168    48     1
   1 RotoGuru.com               1391   165    96     1
   2 mbjstuck25                  402   172     0     0
   3 MUSLIM WARRIORS            1219    66     0     0
   4 sptigers22                 -364   155   -96     0
   5 Monk's Fringe               211   167   -96     0
   6 KDogHall                   -177   155   -96     0
   7 youresunday                -433   146   -96     0
   8 isubeast                    -78   132   -96     0
   9 McMc10001                 -1558   147   -96     0
  10 nate686 *                   -36    75     0     0
  11 jeffg *                      99   134    96     1
  12 chicknwings                 954   176   -96     0
  13 dwfffan                    -144     9     0     0
  14 hempmaster                 -545    91     0     0
  15 Zen Postman *              1456   121    96     1
  16 Motley Crue *                63    61     0     0
  17 leggestand *                517   164    96     1
  18 MrsLeggestand *            -195   149     0     0
  19 Philly                       80    93     0     0
  20 DR Stars *                 -229   166    96     1
  21 DR All Stars *               -5   164    96     1
  22 Steagles 43                -151   156     0     0
  23 Philly713                   457    62     0     0
  24 booksellermom              -924   131     0     0
  25 Philly2                     -22    69     0     0
  26 takeda                     1627   165     0     0
  27 balls *                     794   159     0     0
  28 Dilligad1 *                 603   104     0     0
  29 Dilligad2 *                1407   111     0     0
  30 Dilligad3 *                -106   100     0     0
  31 Foxboro                     649   152   -96     0
  32 The Knuckles *              -91   147     0     0
  33 The Knuckles2 *             311   147     0     0
  34 WorldB                      194   148   -96     0
  35 DeoSteven                  -767    78    48     1
  36 JennyFufu                   678    93    96     1
  37 Nuclear Gophers *           904   157    96     1
  38 Sports Freak 18 *           -31   127     0     0
  39 Cheezy 24 *                 712   147    96     1
  40 Queen Bee 40 *             -984   154     0     0
  41 Softball Girl 89 *          738   145    96     1
  42 browndogs                  -191   157     0     0
  43 skmdc                       106    27     0     0
  44 revvingparson *           -1194   103     0     0
  45 jwh12181                    828    93     0     0
  46 The Beezer *                680   136     0     0
  47 spankingnaughtygirls *      156   156    96     1
  48 Metal Head *               1717   183    96     1
  49 backell                     -14   105     0     0
  50 Myster *                    655   136    96     1
  51 aallpphh                    509   118   -96     0
  52 Beerhunters *              -836    56     0     0
  53 kenwj06                   -1226   103     0     0
  54 jeff2 *                     -74   134   -96     0
  55 jeff3 *                    -229   138    96     1
  56 Aydin                       -67   140   -96     0
  57 nogjr                     -1364   147   -96     0
  58 LapDogs                   -1063   121    48     1
  59 St. Louis Psychos           827   168    96     1
  60 sleepymo *                 -232   149    96     1
  61 Scotto                      303   118    96     1
  62 whayes                     1151   154    96     1
  63 Balrog *                   1676   182    48     1
  64 scoobies *                 -680   157    96     1
  65 Raz                         849   161   -96     0
  66 Valkyrie *                  959   163   -96     0
  67 Valkyrie2 *                -776   142     0     0
  68 Valkyrie3 *                -184   156   -96     0
  69 bobo                        117   158    96     1
  70 beejay100                  -594   137   -96     0
  71 doudou                      748    48     0     0
  72 Litman33                    -35    97     0     0
  73 Attaboy                      -5    41     0     0
  74 amritgill                  1726   167   -96     0
  75 Venom                      1751   147   -96     0
  76 SMG *                       640   167     0     0
  77 barefooter64                931   146   -48     0
  78 DWetzel                    -221    81     0     0
  79 Centurions                  737   164     0     0
  80 bfflobillsmike             1126   168     0     0
  81 cmccorkle                   748   151     0     0
  82 arjaytwo                     -2    54     0     0
  83 Raz2                         65   165   -96     0
  84 Jaydoghall                  138   147   -96     0
  85 trrams                      -67   168    96     1
  86 luvtodive                  -224     8     0     0
  87 Piccolos *                 1246   178     0     0
  88 Penguin Lover              -948    18   -48     0
  89 shugan31                    230    12     0     0
  90 Iron City Beer Guzzlers     108   128     0     0
  91 coldwater coyotes *        1693   173   -96     0
  92 johnsrw                    -364    14     0     0
  93 dgreds *                   1693   131     0     0
  94 Corstyles                   793   100     0     0
  95 Stuck 60 *                  429    76     0     0
  96 ChrisMartin                 166   155     0     0
  97 Optimization1 *             173   138    96     1
  98 Optimization2 *            1112   110    96     1
  99 Optimization3 *             848   156   -96     0
 100 Mauison *                  1375   180    96     1
 101 wilsonette                  959   169    96     1
 102 Fleabottom                   41     8     0     0
 103 SkySail                    -479    98     0     0
 104 Second Place                121   105     0     0
 105 semaj6201                   -41   172    48     1
 106 tigers1901                  -47    27     0     0
 107 lameducks                  -393    46     0     0
 108 Slowhand *                 -175   156     0     0
 109 Slowhand's gut *            738   150     0     0
 110 Tosh *                     -131    17     0     0
 111 Big_Rock *                 1327   173    96     1
 112 PGunn                       541   159     0     0
 113 PGunn2                      541   159     0     0
 114 hallwl                     2459   172     0     0
 115 critchie                    145    95     0     0
 116 7717co.                     593   101     0     0
 117 7717co.2                    933   114     0     0
 118 7717co.3                    772   112     0     0
 119 mjd *                       313   141     0     0
 120 cviox                      1085   163     0     0
 121 kyolongsports               402   150     0     0
 122 Scarecrow71 *              1939   179   -96     0
 123 Dublin Dogs                1848   184     0     0
 124 Cuca                        939   162     0     0
 125 Sludge 1 *                 1431   100     0     0
 126 Sludge 2 *                 1548   114     0     0
 127 Sludge 3 *                 1712   110     0     0
 128 Smith32 *                  -637    59     0     0
 129 rockwool                   -852    40     0     0
 130 pickster                    416   117   -96     0
 131 Matt G                     -271     8     0     0
 132 always5354                 -933    91     0     0
 133 hornfrogs                   690   168     0     0
 134 thundering herd            1285   173    96     1
 135 bubbagum777                 438   165    96     1
 136 The Dan is Your Daddy *    -362    40     0     0
 137 Gman15 *                    981   178    96     1
 138 redsfan                    -914    70     0     0
 139 bmurphy                     830   173     0     0
 140 L Smooth                    302   129     0     0
 141 zekerules                   401   127     0     0
 142 loki *                       63    72     0     0
 143 paulerma *                  688   132     0     0
 144 Crabby Bills               -664   156   -48     0
 145 snakeayez                   425   166     0     0
 146 Raz3                       -518   107    96     1
 147 Lonewolff                  -146     8     0     0
 148 ArtemusRex                 -350   133     0     0
 149 3xysnoxxs                  1004   154     0     0
 150 twist n shout 07           1786   176     0     0
 151 Da Bomb                    1735   172    96     1
 152 MrPhilHulk                   15   121     0     0
 153 jseth333 *                  652   118     0     0
 154 jtserb                     -306   137     0     0
 155 rjhonsaker                 -412   148    96     1
 156 Mike208 *                  -608   115   -96     0
 157 Mike2082 *                   -5   173    48     1
 158 Mike2083 *                  922   146    96     1
 159 sst                        -300   132     0     0
 160 TB *                       -455    39     0     0
 161 TB2 *                      -274    41     0     0
 162 TB3 *                      -485    38     0     0
 163 pter61                       31    99   -96     0
 164 bunc33                      531   166     0     0
 165 commish                     291   162     0     0
 166 jigmeg                      989   150     0     0
 167 WiddleAvi *                 629   130     0     0
 168 mariejill1                  853   164    96     1
 169 lancesimm                  -816    72     0     0
 170 Destro                     -553    22     0     0
 171 Jesus Saves                -236     7     0     0
 172 Pensfan *                   -74   165    96     1
 173 erb136                     1307   173   -96     0
 174 shifties                   2073   175   -96     0
 175 g                           997   120     0     0
 176 ohwow                      1038   159     0     0
 177 cjord37                     821   176   -96     0
 178 dblcork                    -103   163     0     0
 179 dreamin'                   -965   144   -96     0
 180 wolfer *                    601   163     0     0
 181 aharden                      15   115     0     0
 182 scr41mag                    305   162    96     1
 183 ramsrule                   -551   152     0     0
 184 loupix                     1668   182     0     0
 185 Vaj *                       334    49     0     0
 186 ferns22                    -470    26     0     0
 187 Goldcoach *                 738   153     0     0
 188 Icewoman                    271   121     0     0
 189 tg                         1043   167    96     1
 190 RebelFan42 *                767   155   -96     0
 191 Peregrine                   762   124     0     0
 192 b-ball busters *           -627   142   -96     0
 193 deserter                   1455   139     0     0
 194 b-ball busters 2 *         -327   146   -96     0
 195 myboyjack *                 854   138     0     0
 196 TeamProR                    528   108     0     0
 197 Species *                  -339    46     0     0
 198 Sirius Black *              362    97     0     0
 199 Regulus Black *            -106    46     0     0
 200 mafiamcveigh01             -296    90   -96     0
 201 JackHammers *              -855    54     0     0
 202 mafiamcveigh02             -308    78     0     0
 203 mafiamcveigh03              128    84     0     0
 204 TD1 *                       509   121     0     0
 205 Tom Douris *               1043   152     0     0
 206 paperman                   -285     7     0     0
 207 TD3 *                      1896   185    96     1
 208 GoatLocker *               -200    58     0     0
 209 GoatLocker2 *               -79    57     0     0
 210 GoatLocker3 *              -161    57     0     0
 211 TWIS                        489   155   -96     0
 212 igloo                       239   145    48     1
 213 swami                      1063   148    96     1
 214 Krunkers                  -1092    57     0     0
 215 louky *                    -699    68     0     0
 216 louky2 *                    169    77     0     0
 217 louky3 *                   1679    89     0     0
 218 artlenk                    -957    34     0     0
 219 gdenizard                  -398    15     0     0
 220 markag91                    448    98     0     0
 221 Eskimo                      493   158   -96     0
 222 sledwe                      605   146     0     0
 223 rock *                     1761   184   -48     0
 224 tmt228                      100    10     0     0
 225 mbk                        1204   151    96     1
 226 uyevad                     -760   127     0     0
 227 davidt                      -23    39     0     0
 228 Tree *                     -857   149   -96     0
 229 dhwang                       -5   134   -96     0
 230 nolebucs                    901   125     0     0
 231 Padrechris                 -311     6     0     0
 232 Jaxon                      -751   140     0     0
 233 bison67                     312   160    96     1
 234 cuda wuda shuda             -71   154   -96     0
 235 islandchick0527              61   151    48     1
 236 Mike                        272   155     0     0
 237 beastiemiked *               84    15     0     0
 238 Check it *                 -156    15     0     0
 239 Commodores                 -485    52     0     0
 240 cmex759                    -531   148    96     1
 241 brayden's raiders          -278     8     0     0
 242 jungleman024                538   175   -96     0
 243 woodrat                    -344     8     0     0
 244 Vilica *                   -560    13     0     0
 245 Beerhunters2 *             -667   115     0     0
 246 WildDogs                    145   142     0     0
 247 dave07                     -247    24     0     0
 248 TE                           -9     8     0     0
 249 PUNTA CANA'S KNOCKERS       719   167    96     1
 250 bishman                    -286     7     0     0
 251 Erin                        967   172     0     0
 252 Dec                        1327   154     0     0
 253 HooeyPooey *               1729   141    96     1
 254 HooeyPoo *                 -539   128   -96     0
 255 HooeyHoopla *              1804   145   -96     0
 256 zzzrjh1                    -695   168     0     0
 257 zzzrjh2                     170   172     0     0
 258 zzzrjh3                   -1372   129     0     0
 259 FRICK *                      81    49     0     0
 260 giants                     -705   157   -96     0
 261 jreese                      808   147   -96     0
 262 jumbo12                     448   151     0     0
 263 PC_Man                      116   121     0     0
 264 Stocktons00                1310   181   -96     0
 265 PermDude *                  -96   107    96     1
 266 macknalley                 -609    12     0     0
 267 shooter                     183    65     0     0
 268 ScubaChris                  699   148     0     0
 269 beerrun *                  1760   185    96     1
 270 glacr                      -256   138   -96     0
 271 mario                      -370     5     0     0
 272 Beware of Doug *           -819    33     0     0
 273 Beware of Doug Too *        191    50     0     0
 274 Beware of Doug Tree *        12    48     0     0
 275 ashlyquin                  -186    66     0     0
 276 Smithsco                    945    96     0     0
 277 SS Enterprise               221    88     0     0
 278 Smithsonians               -661    78     0     0
 279 jbouch                      -38   158     0     0
 280 aris                       -129   154    96     1
 281 dogface11                   900   153   -96     0
 282 geopou *                    476   168   -96     0
 283 tompoke                    -332   138     0     0
 284 yea                        -916    98     0     0
 285 C1-NRB                     -389   132   -96     0
 286 yeayea                     -104    29     0     0
 287 chickencrossroad           1187   101     0     0
 288 jreese2                    1543   148    96     1
 289 gurudan                    2684   175     0     0
 290 creep                       550   158    96     1
 291 little lucky                247   155    96     1
 292 scooberhsu                 -183   152   -96     0
 293 donkeyhunter *              293   116     0     0
 294 Ender *                    -324     6     0     0
 295 Studog                      180   142     0     0
 296 FLEAFLICKERS                466   113     0     0
 297 jakes jiants *             -218    51     0     0
 298 dgreds2 *                   468   121     0     0
 299 dgreds3 *                  1859   138     0     0
 300 Wrecking Crew               859    88     0     0
 301 fourthandamile             -487    14     0     0
 302 erwinnfs                   1034   171    96     1
 303 cheeseheads                 -22   126     0     0
 304 db68                        -36     8     0     0
 305 Mikel                      -347    32     0     0
 306 cpas *                     -154   165   -96     0
 307 mgiles                     -817    50     0     0
 308 losers                        1   140     0     0
 309 SwinganaMiss *             -118    39     0     0
 310 Flying Polack *            1516   158   -96     0
 311 Ramblin Wreck *            1922   181   -96     0
 312 fadenwalker                -130    91     0     0
 313 Conan                      -647    45     0     0
 314 zekerules1                 -906    95     0     0
 315 Motley Too *                -38    53     0     0
 316 denmoore *                  340    12     0     0
 317 THECOASTER1                1464   171   -96     0
 318 TaRhEElKiD                 1454   124     0     0
 319 cressida                   -340     6     0     0
 320 BigCheney                  -296    24     0     0
 321 cvegark                     297    61     0     0
 322 The Dan's Your Daddy *     -152    35     0     0
 323 griffdo                    -546   126     0     0
 324 yrok1                       493   149    96     1
 325 ScoobyDrew *               1089   120     0     0
 326 ShaggySean *               -465    65     0     0
 327 larman                     -221     8     0     0
 328 rsoxmain                   -201    22     0     0
 329 beerrun2 *                  372   146   -96     0
 330 Taxman *                   -142    17     0     0
 331 Cuca2                      2138   153     0     0
 332 Cuca3                      1690   156     0     0
 333 gottja                      374    35     0     0
 334 jerrybouch                 -377    82     0     0
 335 Dalia                      -578     3     0     0
 336 conan                      -471    49    48     1
 337 Mellos and One *           -155   147    96     1
 338 orange shark               1161   158    48     1
 339 mhags33                    1845   157    96     1
 340 BigChe                      -34    14     0     0
 341 Lauriealmy                  147    84     0     0
 342 Johnalmy                    537    77     0     0
 343 sweetjazz3 *               -246   113     0     0
 344 The Dan's Your Pappy *      213    28     0     0
 345 cigar                      -228    27   -96     0
 346 Toral *                     -35   128     0     0
 347 Vilica1 *                   205    70     0     0
 348 jojostarbuck                 -6     8     0     0
 349 beerrun3 *                 1992   169     0     0
 350 RebelMan                    373   123     0     0
 351 slewpi                      644   119     0     0
 352 saber34 *                    -5    33     0     0
 353 bnzman                      660    72    48     1
 354 philliephanjr *            -392    11     0     0
 355 dave08                        0     8     0     0
 356 b-ball busters 3 *          664   129   -96     0
 357 Big Green and Hairy         984   116   -96     0
 358 beejay_100                 1293   132    96     1
 359 SwinganaMiss2               -44    15     0     0
 360 daniel                      -78    26     0     0
 361 golfkid007                  219    10     0     0
 362 Aaron                       -81     5     0     0
 363 BigRed6574                  975   118    96     1
 364 TruRyda                      27    13     0     0
 365 jopland43                   300    21     0     0
 366 impossible dream          -1086    83     0     0
 367 stadiumtwo                 1703    94     0     0
 368 SwinganaMiss3               329    97     0     0
 369 tduncan                     -26    16     0     0
 370 3 Peat                       12    26     0     0
 371 anjac                       457    90     0     0
 372 Packers                    -251    47     0     0
 373 Semi_sweet                  449    85   -96     0
 374 dumaguete                   -69     0     0     0
 375 steelers                   -439    26     0     0
 376 Mac Daddy                   455    28   -96     0
 377 gmen                         90    11     0     0
 378 mustbeatmikeandmike          88    24     0     0
 379 stuart132435                -34     0     0     0
 380 fadenwalker1                198    25     0     0
 381 JWB                         270    23     0     0
 382 ETS                        -164    35     0     0
 383 Gman15 II                   165    45    96     1
 384 NYStuds                    -200     9     0     0
 385 Loc84                        57    10     0     0
 386 johnnyboy4789              -180    19     0     0
 387 kaylea                      -71     2     0     0
 388 yesno                        22     2     0     0
 389 Cooneysteam                 -42     5    96     1
 390 Mysticana                   314     8    96     1
 391 Jeddi                        41     3     0     0
 392 Trip                        -99     1     0     0
 393 MOJITO'S MAYHEM             -62     7    96     1
 394 Russwood                   -199     4     0     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.