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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings
2006-07 FINAL

Scores include games through Super Bowl

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Entries are sorted by
Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                               Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name               Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites       -1008   164    39     1
     Consensus Underdogs        1258   101   -39     0
     Vegas Favorites           -1630   158    39     1
     Vegas Underdogs            1830   109   -39     0
     Home Teams                 -547   144     0     0
     Away Teams                  697   122     0     0
     Random Dart               -1188   123   -39     0
     Smart Dart                 -292   146   -39     0
   1 RotoGuru.com               -908   136   -78     0
   2 yrok1                       240   149     0     0
   3 nogjr                     -1526   107     0     0
   4 dgreds *                    436    79     0     0
   5 dgreds2 *                  -120    78     0     0
   6 dgreds3 *                   405    73     0     0
   7 Philly                    -1291   154   -78     0
   8 Philly2                    -617   151     0     0
   9 Philly3                     114   151     0     0
  10 paulerma *                 -119   108     0     0
  11 anjac                      -506   139    78     1
  12 chicknwings                 448    67     0     0
  13 dobbler                      49    44     0     0
  14 Jasons Bombers             -342     7     0     0
  15 revvingparson *           -1732   147     0     0
  16 Goldcoach *                -263   160    78     1
  17 BigRed6574                 -638    76     0     0
  18 Sleepymo *                 -138    97     0     0
  19 Philsphan *                -649   136    78     1
  20 houstonastros22            -603   150     0     0
  21 chetsanders37             -2241   108     0     0
  22 Left Coaster *             -281   142    78     1
  23 WildNorm                    855   150    39     1
  24 jeffg *                     364   147    78     1
  25 jeff2 *                    -592   120   -78     0
  26 beast88                    1047   142   -78     0
  27 Mauison *                   373   149    78     1
  28 geopou *                   -960   136    78     1
  29 Tappenzee                   -32    36     0     0
  30 Bob Sacamano                134    10     0     0
  31 lfrit                         3   160    78     1
  32 jsh73                        62    95     0     0
  33 loupix                    -1022   139     0     0
  34 SandLoren *                 142    11     0     0
  35 dave07                     -252     9     0     0
  36 jakes jiants *             -750   116     0     0
  37 gurudan *                   -32   157    78     1
  38 simple simon *             -660   150    78     1
  39 fear the monkey *           637   162    78     1
  40 Second Place                214    74     0     0
  41 Lightsout                  -155     9     0     0
  42 Dec                        -281   106     0     0
  43 balls *                    1270   124   -78     0
  44 Tree *                     -253   159     0     0
  45 Tree's Second Guessers *    246   166     0     0
  46 The Beezer *               -871    75     0     0
  47 cheeseheads               -1506   105     0     0
  48 hallwl                    -1425   152     0     0
  49 swingers                  -1634    95     0     0
  50 SSilly                        6    10     0     0
  51 astade *                    271    72     0     0
  52 Winnahs                    1238   125   -78     0
  53 TB *                        300    48     0     0
  54 WorldB                     -407   139    78     1
  55 Psycho Taco                -260   136   -78     0
  56 Boy Child                 -1747   125   -78     0
  57 Mama Pajama                1043   109    39     1
  58 cookooclok113               366   147   -78     0
  59 tg                         -107    69     0     0
  60 leggestand *                309   144    78     1
  61 MrsLeggestand *            -140   146    78     1
  62 Crabby Bills              -1439   143   -78     0
  63 trrams                    -1112   158   -78     0
  64 db68                        -87    41     0     0
  65 impossible dream *         -138    47     0     0
  66 AC83                        -81    75     0     0
  67 razycray                   -176    17     0     0
  68 myboyjack *                -504    53     0     0
  69 parson37                   -817   156    78     1
  70 ronny012                   -646    67     0     0
  71 bassD                      -361   147   -78     0
  72 SkySail                    1266   154    78     1
  73 WiddleAvi *               -1095   109     0     0
  74 ruthfitz                     30   128    78     1
  75 Sage60                    -1320   139    39     1
  76 Myster *                   -571    36     0     0
  77 KDogHall                    317   162    78     1
  78 sst123                      -83   109     0     0
  79 amsedco                     529    51     0     0
  80 nate686 *                   626   151     0     0
  81 Valkyrie *                  543   149     0     0
  82 Valkyrie2 *                  23   140     0     0
  83 Valkyrie3 *                 149   149     0     0
  84 Cuca                         41    71     0     0
  85 ZCrew                       150   160   -78     0
  86 Erin                       -842   150     0     0
  87 ZCrew2                       49    98     0     0
  88 LanceSimm                  -383    83     0     0
  89 Da Bomb                    -522    97     0     0
  90 Foxboro                    -117   143   -78     0
  91 Tosh *                     -706   127    78     1
  92 Tosh1 *                     340   148   -78     0
  93 Tosh2 *                     250   111   -78     0
  94 philliephanjr              -826    97   -78     0
  95 bucnoles                   -310    13     0     0
  96 ChrisMartin               -1557    99     0     0
  97 ScoobyDrew *               -518    71     0     0
  98 SeanSaysHello *              89    60     0     0
  99 Flying Polack *             594    56     0     0
 100 DR Stars *                -2200   153   -78     0
 101 DR All Stars *            -1360   154   -78     0
 102 Jaydoghall                 -398   148    78     1
 103 jtserb                     -278     8     0     0
 104 Slowhand *                 -450   162     0     0
 105 Slowhand's gut *           -452   161     0     0
 106 RebelFan *                 -137   117     0     0
 107 mbjstucki25                -135   148     0     0
 108 redshark                   -529   152     0     0
 109 dreamin'                   -261   143     0     0
 110 ChrisRitchie               -212   124   -78     0
 111 loneyl                      -69     9     0     0
 112 shifties                  -1029   123    78     1
 113 TWIS                         44   144    78     1
 114 Shooter                    -495   102     0     0
 115 scotto                      390   119    78     1
 116 jssunflower                -232     6     0     0
 117 HooeyPooey *                847    72     0     0
 118 HooeyPoo *                  179    68     0     0
 119 HooeyHoopla *               150    68     0     0
 120 giants                      -75   161   -78     0
 121 Monk's Fringe              -256   153    78     1
 122 cpas *                     -530   159    78     1
 123 WHAYES                     -759   104     0     0
 124 mailedfoot                -1414   121     0     0
 125 DenverBroncospro           -475   108     0     0
 126 footman031                -1158   153    78     1
 127 Attaboy                    -736   123     0     0
 128 semaj1026                   217    86    78     1
 129 Laurie                    -1145   148     0     0
 130 Laurie2                     582   168    78     1
 131 Laurie3                   -1012   149     0     0
 132 Shot in the Dark            518    92    39     1
 133 juliecollins                254   147   -78     0
 134 mattjohnson                1662   128    39     1
 135 Smith32 *                   595    43     0     0
 136 jerrybouch                 -840   150   -39     0
 137 jbouch                     2282   136    78     1
 138 dblue21                    -790    81     0     0
 139 Eskimo                      130   142     0     0
 140 The Knuckles *             1193   157     0     0
 141 The Knuckles2 *             884   161     0     0
 142 MHritz716                  -187   130     0     0
 143 boblostto2/7 *             -931   141    78     1
 144 aris                       -683   135     0     0
 145 DWetzel                    -497   110     0     0
 146 Dilligad1 *                -997   148     0     0
 147 Dilligad2 *                  17   159     0     0
 148 Dilligad3 *                 514   121     0     0
 149 theHuddle                  -637   148     0     0
 150 C1-NRB                      481   157   -78     0
 151 Gman15 *                  -1082   162    78     1
 152 scoobies *                -1496   123   -78     0
 153 mikulecm                   -382     7     0     0
 154 Raz                        -737   151    78     1
 155 Raz2                        755   116   -78     0
 156 Raz3                       1444   109    78     1
 157 Wrecking Crew              -419     7     0     0
 158 Sludge 1 *                 -253    42     0     0
 159 Sludge 2 *                  208    58     0     0
 160 Sludge 3 *                 -977    38     0     0
 161 davesnothere              -1497   129     0     0
 162 TD1                        1013   162     0     0
 163 TD2                         632   144     0     0
 164 TD3                        2031   132   -78     0
 165 tzuu55                     -269   126     0     0
 166 blondiescookies            2533   149     0     0
 167 Whitecloud                 -619   128     0     0
 168 skinneej *                  719   156     0     0
 169 skinneej1 *               -1113   155     0     0
 170 skinneej2 *                1565   123     0     0
 171 rock *                    -1949   122     0     0
 172 glacr                      -369   108     0     0
 173 Browndogs                  -512   111     0     0
 174 Litman33                    491    55     0     0
 175 hornfrogs                  -684    22     0     0
 176 thundering herd            -727    22     0     0
 177 wolfer *                  -1097   102     0     0
 178 bubbagum                   -561    24     0     0
 179 youngroman                  653   158   -78     0
 180 Nuclear Gophers *          -388   143   -78     0
 181 mjd *                       268   143     0     0
 182 Balrog *                  -2149   148    78     1
 183 jigmegtag                   143   140     0     0
 184 Deadwood SOBs              -702   130   -78     0
 185 KevinL *                   -431     7     0     0
 186 takeda                     1046   153     0     0
 187 beerrun *                 -1038    94     0     0
 188 KnicksFan *                -133    43     0     0
 189 bmarqu01                  -1501   154   -78     0
 190 3xysnoxxs                 -1005   133     0     0
 191 lewmanokh                  -327     5     0     0
 192 FootballBeck68 *          -1353   124    78     1
 193 Cheezy24 *                 -187   138     0     0
 194 Fastpitch4 *              -2212   116   -78     0
 195 Candygirl4 *              -2717   122     0     0
 196 GoatLocker *               -472   129     0     0
 197 GoatLocker2 *               -37   127     0     0
 198 GoatLocker3 *               -92   132     0     0
 199 thecoaster1 *             -1156   160     0     0
 200 skmdc                      -193     9     0     0
 201 commish                   -1438   148     0     0
 202 St. Louis Psychos         -1817   150     0     0
 203 Some crew outta Jersey    -1000   154    78     1
 204 Metal God *               -2029   140   -78     0
 205 kokeshi                     782   145    78     1
 206 lhpjmp                     -108    24     0     0
 207 Radar                      -638   161    78     1
 208 SwinganaMiss *              884   158     0     0
 209 SwinganaMissSeason *       -943   144     0     0
 210 Beerhunters *              -807   162    78     1
 211 Beerhunters2 *             -560   144    78     1
 212 Beerhunters3 *             1715   106   -39     0
 213 Nastyboy41                   -4    10     0     0
 214 greenbay mama              -598   140    78     1
 215 lil miss angel                6   148   -78     0
 216 pter61                     -722   119    78     1
 217 awesome abbys *            -211    73     0     0
 218 Pretty Names               -115    60     0     0
 219 Diamond Dolls              -626    55     0     0
 220 cvegark                     316    39     0     0
 221 Big_Rock                    608   163    78     1
 222 yea                        -188   125   -78     0
 223 chickencrossroad            199    70   -78     0
 224 justone                     490    16    78     1
 225 rl168                      -663   158    78     1
 226 Pensfan                      90   140    78     1
 227 cjord37                   -1043   158     0     0
 228 Destro                       35    17     0     0
 229 aallpphh                    182   124   -78     0
 230 Zen Postman *              -189    41     0     0
 231 Ramblin Wreck *             -73    46     0     0
 232 snakeayez                 -1372   151     0     0
 233 bmurphy                     527   161     0     0
 234 Frick *                     318   120     0     0
 235 lfrit1                     -707   155    78     1
 236 lfrit2                     -390   155    78     1
 237 kens4257                  -1004   156   -78     0
 238 backell                    -812    56     0     0
 239 Motley Crue *              -557    27     0     0
 240 C.SuperFreak *             -277   124     0     0
 241 coldwater coyotes *         734   132   -78     0
 242 Shelly                     -245     6     0     0
 243 fadenwalker                 153    56     0     0
 244 fadenwalker1                369    81     0     0
 245 scubachris                  739   139     0     0
 246 glowatst                    120   120     0     0
 247 bglow                      -229     7     0     0
 248 mooret2                     354    88     0     0
 249 mmikulka                   1250    54     0     0
 250 amitsimha                  -357    14     0     0
 251 Stray Doug *               -425    21     0     0
 252 ArtemusRex *               -494    46     0     0
 253 TheAlchemist                -10    10     0     0
 254 Jeddi *                    1037    60     0     0
 255 VARADERO'S VIPERS          -891   142     0     0
 256 james shepard             -1543   124     0     0
 257 beejay100                  -450   112     0     0
 258 beejay_100                  257   111     0     0
 259 zzzrjh1                    -877   162     0     0
 260 zzzrjh2                    -211   165     0     0
 261 zzzrjh3                     904   137     0     0
 262 TeamProR                   -227     7     0     0
 263 tompoke                     366   147     0     0
 264 cuda wuda shuda           -1359   138    78     1
 265 Tree's Underdogs *          145     6     0     0
 266 philflyboy *               -745    60     0     0
 267 Packers987                  -41     9     0     0
 268 mbk                         -45     0     0     0
 269 erb136                     -851   158     0     0
 270 Mike208 *                  1264   142    78     1
 271 Ref *                       -40    10     0     0
 272 Ref2 *                      -97     9     0     0
 273 Mike2082 *                  -92   171    39     1
 274 Ref3 *                      -35    10     0     0
 275 Mike2083 *                   54   136    78     1
 276 stinkymct                  -415     6     0     0
 277 drh32nj                    -508    34     0     0
 278 donkeyhunter *            -1089    85     0     0
 279 always5354                  510    91     0     0
 280 Vilica *                   -208    26     0     0
 281 Stocktons00               -2860   146    78     1
 282 emhao                       814   131     0     0
 283 Kelly382                  -1158   157    78     1
 284 mariejill1                -1138   151   -78     0
 285 RJHonsaker2               -1092   149    78     1
 286 jbowser                   -1066   126    78     1
 287 EliIsrael                  -386    74     0     0
 288 Aydin                      -268   133    78     1
 289 Mac Daddy                  -819   152    78     1
 290 JackHammers *              -323    66     0     0
 291 jdupr21                     433    88     0     0
 292 SMG *                       823   168    78     1
 293 StLCards *                  446    75    78     1
 294 daveyu                      342   148     0     0
 295 davidt                     -264     7     0     0
 296 jaxon87                    -373     5     0     0
 297 marc103078                 -157   127     0     0
 298 ramsrule                  -1152   151     0     0
 299 PC_Man                      943   154     0     0
 300 zekerules                  -356    99     0     0
 301 mhags33                     428    58     0     0
 302 rsportgod                  1729   140     0     0
 303 gottja                      917   115     0     0
 304 Toral *                    -154    35     0     0
 305 Steagles 43                -333    36     0     0
 306 Peregrine                    73    19     0     0
 307 losers                      172   148   -78     0
 308 PermDude *                  242   126     0     0
 309 Mellos and One *           -768   152    78     1
 310 jreese                      -81    49     0     0
 311 mskeadas                    425    31     0     0
 312 griffdo                    -179   123     0     0
 313 bison67                    -913    52     0     0
 314 Stuck 60 *                 -597    19     0     0
 315 Tweet *                     234    19     0     0
 316 treblaush                  -260   130     0     0
 317 Scarecrow71 *              -802   151   -78     0
 318 Dublin Dogs               -1599   147    78     1
 319 gobigben                  -1832   122     0     0
 320 kokeshi2                    -35    22     0     0
 321 Amrit                       285    48     0     0
 322 philflyboy2 *               312    53     0     0
 323 Steelers                   -513   150    78     1
 324 beerrun2 *                 -132   103     0     0
 325 Gilbough                    -90   100     0     0
 326 kyolong                     -78    96     0     0
 327 star                       -318    40     0     0
 328 jreese2                     256   128   -78     0
 329 griopel                    1406   132   -39     0
 330 saber34 *                   -54    15     0     0
 331 loki *                      405   131     0     0
 332 GloomDroop                 -555   111     0     0
 333 Taxman *                   -219    67     0     0
 334 eelnaedmas                 -583    88     0     0
 335 robgumhc4                    55    45     0     0
 336 creese                     -233     4     0     0
 337 Cuca2                       -97    52     0     0
 338 MysteryDo *                 357    99     0     0
 339 statboy                    -405    85    78     1
 340 NFLThug                     172   124    78     1
 341 McMc10001                 -1574   106    78     1
 342 beerrun1 *                 -407    90     0     0
 343 Motley Too *               -670    63     0     0
 344 TruRyda                     615   115    78     1
 345 pglaw                       250    46     0     0
 346 Motley Also                -249    15     0     0
 347 jumbo12                    -740    53     0     0
 348 conan                      -443    82     0     0
 349 joshjech                  -1368    74    78     1
 350 freight69                  -175    11     0     0
 351 freight70                  -247    23     0     0
 352 VP.                        -234     6     0     0
 353 Kyle                       -164    18     0     0
 354 Jerry                       -23    63   -78     0
 355 Nubbins                    -346     8     0     0
 356 cdogg                       227    64     0     0
 357 freight71                   122    10     0     0
 358 Smithsco                   -364    17     0     0
 359 The Comebackers             143     7    78     1
 360 An Old Hippie              -105     3     0     0
 361 PUNTA CANA'S KNOCKERS      -112     6   -78     0
 362 desaquay                   -155     0     0     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.