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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings - 2014
Scores include games through NFL Week #21, 1 game

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Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                                Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name                Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites          830   181    49     1
     Consensus Underdogs         -630    84   -49     0
     Vegas Favorites              622   180    49     1
     Vegas Underdogs             -572    85   -49     0
     Home Teams                   233   152     0     0
     Away Teams                  -183   112     0     0
     Random Dart                 -602   121   -49     0
     Smart Dart                   860   157   -49     0
   1 Guru                          -3   134    98     1
   2 ISLAM                       2072   151     0     0
   3 seahawks fan                 -73   156   -98     0
   4 doudou                       678   124   -98     0
   5 Mastersman *                -575   146    98     1
   6 D.B.Cooper *                 685   157    98     1
   7 Send in the Clowneys *      -493   151    98     1
   8 Crabby Bills                -134   158    49     1
   9 Goldcoach *                 -144   158     0     0
  10 Outcast                      833   157   -98     0
  11 nogjr *                      225   162   -49     0
  12 valkyrie *                  1170   154     0     0
  13 Gillette                     697   133     0     0
  14 TB *                         278   147     0     0
  15 TB2 *                         62   143     0     0
  16 TB3 *                        289   131     0     0
  17 erb136                      1485   133   -98     0
  18 Steel Curtain *              135   157   -49     0
  19 BearBottoms                  656   155     0     0
  20 weykool *                   -665   146     0     0
  21 wk *                        -194   151     0     0
  22 Art Vandaly *               -150   150     0     0
  23 aw_1                         692   140    98     1
  24 gurudan *                    989   169   -98     0
  25 fear the monkey *           1588   174    98     1
  26 little lucky *               984   164   -98     0
  27 kokeshi                      -30     8     0     0
  28 Penny For Your THOT *       1115   162    98     1
  29 KDogHall                    1826   184    98     1
  30 mj                           183    40     0     0
  31 Bear Fart                   -380   162    49     1
  32 C1-NRB                      1510   147   -98     0
  33 Mauison *                    679   161    98     1
  34 valkyries *                 1235   167     0     0
  35 Gold Valkyries 123 *         383    88     0     0
  36 ojdidit                      823   154     0     0
  37 misschick3                   234    68     0     0
  38 MEyupster                   -514   144     0     0
  39 gopackers                    519   142   -98     0
  40 awesomerams                 -342   140   -98     0
  41 scdb1975                    -237   156   -98     0
  42 craftyc                      184   166    98     1
  43 Stomo5                       832   141    98     1
  44 Lissa78                      658   155    98     1
  45 halospartans117            -1361   120    98     1
  46 Nuclear Gophers *            628   157     0     0
  47 aharden                      785   160     0     0
  48 rmarqu01                    1192   171    49     1
  49 OddsFellows                 1577   153    49     1
  50 CFox69 *                    -961   128     0     0
  51 JeffG *                      -89   131   -98     0
  52 dgreds *                     306    78     0     0
  53 dgreds2 *                   -573    69     0     0
  54 dgreds3 *                   -186    71     0     0
  55 Smith32 *                   -118    30     0     0
  56 GoatLocker *                -469    16     0     0
  57 GoatLocker2 *               -263    19     0     0
  58 GoatLocker3 *               -395    17     0     0
  59 scrappers                   -109    28     0     0
  60 TimsterRG                   -236   147     0     0
  61 Rufus                      -1089   134    49     1
  62 Mainely Destroyers           254    33     0     0
  63 sbeach                        78    35     0     0
  64 youngroman *                 938   166   -98     0
  65 renae.cast                   717   126     0     0
  66 foot ball-busters *          635   149   -98     0
  67 blondiescookies *          -1212   119   -98     0
  68 SMG *                        185   164     0     0
  69 foot ball-busters u *      -1052    70     0     0
  70 blondiescookies2 *          -390   119    98     1
  71 taxman                        16     4     0     0
  72 griffdo                      959   109     0     0
  73 woofusmaximus                983   139     0     0
  74 SeattleZen *                -242    13     0     0
  75 bilmill *                    579   147     0     0
  76 commish55                     39   158   -98     0
  77 scooberhsu                 -1327   127     0     0
  78 Gman40 *                    1487   185   -98     0
  79 bmurphy                     1099   177     0     0
  80 Toral *                      626   130     0     0
  81 BeavRocks                    175   110     0     0
  82 fredmerk                    -201   162   -98     0
  83 Giants *                     219   160    98     1
  84 Cyberwahoo *                -971   153     0     0
  85 Cyberwahoo1 *                116   162     0     0
  86 Cyberwahoo2 *                280   161     0     0
  87 Sage157                      -80   162    98     1
  88 DR Stars *                  -861   154   -98     0
  89 orleana2002                 -200    15     0     0
  90 Dumb_Dart *                 -648   142   -98     0
  91 skmdc1                       817   153     0     0
  92 jerrybouch *                -469    53     0     0
  93 jbouch *                   -1966    94     0     0
  94 Waddups                      121   137     0     0
  95 griz0                        -20   154     0     0
  96 Guidry                       311   154   -49     0
  97 davemahy                   -1061   114   -98     0
  98 maxwell                      -53   114     0     0
  99 PermDude *                   557   122    98     1
 100 The Beezer *                 683    62     0     0
 101 wolfer *                     505   127     0     0
 102 dallavilla                   734   163     0     0
 103 dberry963                     26   131     0     0
 104 Hawkeye                      321   174    98     1
 105 mhall14                     -582   117     0     0
 106 lv                           377    55     0     0
 107 mj2                         -130    42     0     0
 108 scrubman                    -845    53     0     0
 109 Tedlite *                    146   113     0     0
 110 hamed                        658   172   -98     0
 111 SkySail *                    881   140    98     1
 112 Da Bomb *                   -214    25     0     0
 113 HooeyPooey *                 -75   112    98     1
 114 HooeyPooie *                 679   105    98     1
 115 HooeyPooee *                1996   154   -98     0
 116 Eskimos                      842   143    98     1
 117 ruthfitz                    -144   123    98     1
 118 Zen Postman                  905   145    98     1
 119 MFitz                         24   135     0     0
 120 takeda                       122    56     0     0
 121 Nagy1                       1398   139     0     0
 122 Erin                         512   127     0     0
 123 Jordan                      -118   101     0     0
 124 louky *                     -813   156    98     1
 125 ms louky *                   383   143   -98     0
 126 UnderStanding                248   100   -98     0
 127 TD1 *                         75   161     0     0
 128 TD2 *                       -101   146     0     0
 129 TD3 *                       -382   146     0     0
 130 thots4lyfe *                 -32   129    98     1
 131 Beerhunters *               -394    87     0     0
 132 Beerhunters2 *              -510   149     0     0
 133 Trav                         185   101     0     0
 134 loupixem                    1134   155     0     0
 135 M�tley Cr�e *            -55     8     0     0
 136 X                            496   127   -98     0
 137 GoMountaineers              1262   166     0     0
 138 Flying Polack *             -245    24     0     0
 139 zzzrjh1                     -235   154     0     0
 140 zzzrjh2                     1117   179     0     0
 141 zzzrjh3                      633   141     0     0
 142 Green Bay                   1130   179    98     1
 143 glacr                        155    26     0     0
 144 hwk1724                     -140     9     0     0
 145 rnoa24                       358    59     0     0
 146 jreese                       -82   146    98     1
 147 Linemover                   -203   140     0     0
 148 catdaddy                    -676   137     0     0
 149 catdaddy2                  -1627   130     0     0
 150 catdaddy3                   -231   135     0     0
 151 foot ball-busters f *        660   157     0     0
 152 Milchian Magicians *        -303    42     0     0
 153 Tosh1 *                      -81    26     0     0
 154 Eat My Panda *              -344    17     0     0
 155 donkeyhunter *                 2    18     0     0
 156 Beerhunters3 *               548   152     0     0
 157 GS: No Family Co. *         -167    49     0     0
 158 Mattingly for the Hall      -455   134   -98     0
 159 michiganct *                  49    19     0     0
 160 pharaohsgold               -1038   153     0     0
 161 Thotshot *                    -6    85     0     0
 162 jax                          103   145     0     0
 163 mya                         -359   102     0     0
 164 martino                     1189   100     0     0
 165 Mike                         -45     8     0     0
 166 barteldp                    -430    41     0     0
 167 Glenfinnan45                   2   136   -98     0
 168 RJ2013 *                       2    25     0     0
 169 mmikulka                     790   100   -98     0
 170 Raz                          266   109   -98     0
 171 PATM                         530   169    49     1
 172 WG                           -43     6     0     0
 173 valkyrie picks *            1065   163     0     0
 174 Nate686 *                    115    34     0     0
 175 Knuckles *                   743   127     0     0
 176 mailedfoot *                1477   162     0     0
 177 tzuu *                      -470   148     0     0
 178 oceancastle *                612   139    98     1
 179 LadyLazarus *               -101     8     0     0
 180 DaBomb *                    -182    15     0     0
 181 Motley Crue *               -549    14     0     0
 182 Joe                         -222    17     0     0
 183 Slowhand *                  1272   159     0     0
 184 Slowhand's gut *             954   164     0     0
 185 foot ball-busters h *        -68   132     0     0
 186 TheBasement64                904   156    98     1
 187 Seattle Zen *               -311    12     0     0
 188 Da  Bomb *                  -429    13     0     0
 189 jasonfhall                   196    44     0     0
 190 seahawks_fan                -560   131   -98     0
 191 seahawks__fan                 30   131   -98     0
 192 PermDude1 *                   60   102    98     1
 193 Motley Crue Too *           -195     7     0     0
 194 Simbelmyne *                -658    43     0     0
 195 OxnardBijou                 -150     6     0     0
 196 Seattle Zen#                -190     6     0     0
 197 Downward Dog                -355    94    98     1
 198 OxnardBijouBijou            -280    23     0     0
 199 tttgraham                     36     9     0     0
 200 FishyHaveAFart               185    95   -49     0
 201 Seattle Zen1                 -85     8     0     0
 202 Kyle                         427     9     0     0
 203 foot ball-busters a          104    72     0     0
 204 sdallavillajr                -56     8     0     0
 205 alparr                      -145     7     0     0
 206 OxnardBijouBijouBijou       -111    14     0     0
 207 maryouma                     116    76   -98     0
 208 foot ball-busters h2         853    96   -98     0
 209 loki                         -72    13     0     0
 210 Kashu                        -53     1     0     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.