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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings - 2016
Scores include games through NFL Week #21, 1 game

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Your entry's line is printed in red.
"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
* denotes GuruPatron prize eligibility.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                                Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name                Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites          529   175    46     1
     Consensus Underdogs         -279    89   -46     0
     Vegas Favorites              771   176    46     1
     Vegas Underdogs             -471    89   -46     0
     Home Teams                   435   155     0     0
     Away Teams                  -385   109     0     0
     Random Dart                 -717   126    46     1
     Smart Dart                   745   158    46     1
   1 Guru                         -80   122    46     1
   2 UnderStanding                 87    97   -46     0
   3 OddsFellows                 -280   128    92     1
   4 ISLAM                       1169   126    92     1
   5 BearBottoms                 -182   126     0     0
   6 johnny171                    -71     9     0     0
   7 Hoosier Papa                -171    31     0     0
   8 foot ball-busters *          332   116     0     0
   9 OutCast                      511   152   -92     0
  10 Tedlite *                  -1350   146     0     0
  11 jshepard                      -9   130     0     0
  12 Cyberwahoo *                 888   174    92     1
  13 Cyberwahoo1 *                 86   169    92     1
  14 Cyberwahoo2 *               1416   178   -92     0
  15 griz0                       1987   164     0     0
  16 blondiescookies *            617   116    92     1
  17 blondiescookies2 *          -279   134    92     1
  18 downwarddog *               1124    86   -92     0
  19 valkyrie *                 -1341   101     0     0
  20 Old Valkyrie *              -642   119     0     0
  21 Valkyrie 11-22-33 *         -172    90     0     0
  22 Bearfart                    1858   169    46     1
  23 MEiac                       1210   165    92     1
  24 jeffg *                      304   143    92     1
  25 Waddups                     -510   129     0     0
  26 jasonfhall *                -774    82     0     0
  27 SMG                          587   151     0     0
  28 Radar                       -228   165   -92     0
  29 youngroman                   774   164   -92     0
  30 Mahyem                      -558   107     0     0
  31 Green Bay                    215   168    92     1
  32 Steel Curtain                515   161   -46     0
  33 BeavRocks                   -340    88     0     0
  34 ojdidit                      383   138     0     0
  35 Raz                           86    10     0     0
  36 bilmill *                  -2027   118     0     0
  37 Robo                        -323   168    46     1
  38 aw_1                        1472   146    92     1
  39 commish                      870   160     0     0
  40 Bitburger Balls             -121    24     0     0
  41 DR Stars *                  -266    18     0     0
  42 wtros001                    -550     4     0     0
  43 erb136                      1012   124    92     1
  44 TAOTAO 1                     821   110     0     0
  45 Crabby Bills                 335   162    46     1
  46 liveaction                  1063   148    92     1
  47 joven42                      389    10     0     0
  48 Goldcoach                     73    10     0     0
  49 catdaddy                    -827   126     0     0
  50 catdaddy2                  -1020   125     0     0
  51 catdaddy3                   -216   128     0     0
  52 MAGOF                       -220   104     0     0
  53 dberry963                    387   124     0     0
  54 TimsterRG                    850   130     0     0
  55 Frick                       -123     7     0     0
  56 KDogHall                     564   147    46     1
  57 superminors                 1156   133     0     0
  58 george8kl *                 1402   159   -92     0
  59 Da Bomb *                    356   134    92     1
  60 Slowhand *                  1005   175     0     0
  61 Slowhand's gut *             -91   168     0     0
  62 Nuclear Gophers *           1262   171    92     1
  63 Mauison *                    727   161    92     1
  64 Zen Postman                  142   138    92     1
  65 Sage157                     -713   150    46     1
  66 gurudan *                   -720   146   -92     0
  67 fear the monkey *            838   163   -92     0
  68 little lucky *               257   153   -92     0
  69 Twink                       -795   148    46     1
  70 Spider Pigs                -1307   144   -92     0
  71 Percy Jackson               -136   138   -92     0
  72 TB *                        -153   155     0     0
  73 TB2 *                         48   151     0     0
  74 TB3 *                       -102   155     0     0
  75 angels                       680   151   -92     0
  76 SkySail *                  -1053   139    92     1
  77 nogjr                       -764    63     0     0
  78 Giants                      -581   151   -92     0
  79 C1-NRB                       -55   144   -92     0
  80 Kyle *                      -318    37     0     0
  81 TheBasement64                 20    10     0     0
  82 weykool *                  -1040   124     0     0
  83 coin flip *                  -37   136     0     0
  84 art vandalay *              -474   126     0     0
  85 Mastersman *                 -49   142     0     0
  86 Bucs *                       253   145     0     0
  87 rmarqu01                    1302   168    46     1
  88 Tosh1 *                    -1066   112     0     0
  89 Toral *                      333   112     0     0
  90 jerrybouch *                -136   159     0     0
  91 jbouch *                     515    96     0     0
  92 Jax                         -243   114     0     0
  93 Tracy                        573    82     0     0
  94 Max                         -544   101     0     0
  95 Lissa78                      -58   142   -92     0
  96 PATM                        1097   172    46     1
  97 louky *                      514   125     0     0
  98 widdleavi                   -698    31     0     0
  99 cfox69 *                     122   141     0     0
 100 Gman40 *                     106   169    92     1
 101 boudi81                       64   139   -92     0
 102 Seattle Zen *                -70    25     0     0
 103 bmurphy                      793   171   -92     0
 104 Beerhunters *                564   148   -92     0
 105 Beerhunters2 *               534   153   -92     0
 106 Beerhunters3 *              1396   164    92     1
 107 mailedfoot *                2276   160     0     0
 108 tzuu *                      1357   160   -46     0
 109 foot ball-busters u *       1195    93     0     0
 110 foot ball-busters h *       -354   120     0     0
 111 Ruthfitz                     232   110    92     1
 112 Gamecocks *                 -942   127     0     0
 113 Chifan873                   1409   156   -92     0
 114 Neutral_Site *              -150    34     0     0
 115 OTK *                       -140   157     0     0
 116 Seattle Zen! *              1567   141    92     1
 117 Dinglehopper Daddy          -435   100     0     0
 118 mmikulka                    -838    78     0     0
 119 The 4th Munson             -1164   137   -92     0
 120 zzzrjh1                      193   167     0     0
 121 zzzrjh2                       -9   169     0     0
 122 zzzrjh3                     -523   115     0     0
 123 scooberhsu                 -1668   129     0     0
 124 Mya                          550    96     0     0
 125 Gavin                        478   101     0     0
 126 Eskimos                      432   120     0     0
 127 BM81                         237   109   -92     0
 128 harry potter               -2155   101     0     0
 129 X                            -47   153   -92     0
 130 reeb *                      -414    14     0     0
 131 Erika                       1453   129     0     0
 132 Erin                         -66   122     0     0
 133 dgreds *                     -81    89     0     0
 134 dgreds2 *                    407    93     0     0
 135 Renae.cast                   148   120     0     0
 136 Jasonuuduran                 282   150     0     0
 137 griffdo                    -1013   109     0     0
 138 Stomo5                      1038   131    92     1
 139 scrubman                     116    12     0     0
 140 keithritt                    -79    24     0     0
 141 eackes01                     676   159    46     1
 142 NoGuru                     -1133   127     0     0
 143 travismurray                 617    23     0     0
 144 Giants(2)                  -1309   118   -92     0
 145 reebbertxx *                  55     9     0     0
 146 Knuckles *                  -241    27     0     0
 147 formia99                    -260     7     0     0
 148 Perm Dude *                  195   107   -92     0
 149 dgreds3 *                    336    75     0     0
 150 Seattle Zen* *              -478     4     0     0
 151 twolves2 *                   769   101    92     1
 152 lily the lush                233    10     0     0
 153 the sloth                     43     8     0     0
 154 Pp spurs                      41     3     0     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.