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RotoGuru's Football Pickoff Standings
Final 2018 NFL Season

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"Formula entries" are printed in blue.
See explanation of Formula Entries at the bottom of this page.

                                Full Season   This Week
Rank Entry Name                Points  Wins   Pts  Wins  
     Consensus Favorites         -589   170    46     1
     Consensus Underdogs          689    90   -46     0
     Vegas Favorites             -337   173    46     1
     Vegas Underdogs              319    90   -46     0
     Home Teams                   609   158     0     0
     Away Teams                  -559   106     0     0
     Random Dart                  429   133   -46     0
     Smart Dart                  -367   152    46     1
   1 Guru                        1942   134     0     0
   2 OddsFellows                  658   147    46     1
   3 UnderStanding                981    95   -46     0
   4 OutCast                     -523   147   -92     0
   5 JellyBelly                  -249   161    46     1
   6 ISLAM                       1688   130   -92     0
   7 JeffG                      -1235   127    92     1
   8 EminemJr                    -312    16     0     0
   9 toowacki                     286    71     0     0
  10 BearBottoms                 1038   161    92     1
  11 Tosh                         -79    24     0     0
  12 Raz                         -356   116   -92     0
  13 Kstock                     -1138   155    92     1
  14 gurudan                    -1005   145   -92     0
  15 fear the monkey               34   159   -92     0
  16 little lucky                -453   154    92     1
  17 erb136                      1701   130    92     1
  18 griz0                        710   170   -92     0
  19 aharden                      831   171   -92     0
  20 youngroman                   253   156   -92     0
  21 Bearfart                      72   167    46     1
  22 Twink                       -624    39     0     0
  23 scooberhsu                   -94   138   -92     0
  24 MaxwellH                    1240   170    46     1
  25 GavinH                       333   142   -92     0
  26 seadogs                    -1327   158   -92     0
  27 pdogg                      -1044   154    92     1
  28 Radar                      -1175   162    92     1
  29 Sage157                     -370   156     0     0
  30 Raz2                         539   149    92     1
  31 widdleavi                  -1563    79     0     0
  32 Seattle Zen                  -34    23     0     0
  33 Slowhand                   -1131   141     0     0
  34 Slowhand's gut              -286   168     0     0
  35 dberry963                   -227   144   -92     0
  36 Zen Postman                 2901   156     0     0
  37 jasonfhall                   -39    27     0     0
  38 Kyle                        -505    25     0     0
  39 superminors                 -913   126     0     0
  40 mailedfoot                   -59   129     0     0
  41 Mastersman                  -311   100     0     0
  42 tedlite                      658   167     0     0
  43 Raz3                          43   105   -92     0
  44 Robo                         697   176    46     1
  45 bilmill                      -85   147     0     0
  46 Toral                        420   154   -92     0
  47 rmarqu01                   -1011   154    92     1
  48 patm                        -129   167    92     1
  49 george8kl                     42   157    92     1
  50 ojdidit                      817   155     0     0
  51 Spider Pigs                 -392   147   -92     0
  52 dzparks                      135    20     0     0
  53 X                           -379   140   -92     0
  54 louky15                     -589   123     0     0
  55 Rachel                      -849    20     0     0
  56 loki                        -747    34     0     0
  57 Momma T                      333    16     0     0
  58 Jax                         -675    75     0     0
  59 Mya                          108    55     0     0
  60 Da Bomb                      -26     5     0     0
  61 Crabby Bills                 764   168     0     0
  62 NY Giants                    477   164    92     1
  63 NY Giants(2)                 634   134    92     1
  64 Chifan873                  -1837   124     0     0
  65 Valkyrie                    1109    94     0     0
  66 Valkyrie Gold                563   137     0     0
  67 mrobin14                     184   154     0     0
  68 Valkyrie Silver             -389   108     0     0
  69 Ben                         -753   109     0     0
  70 Alex                        -599   106     0     0
  71 Steel Curtain                -40   138     0     0
  72 commish                    -2064   124     0     0
  73 Casey Dodge                 -123   135     0     0
  74 aw_1                         -73   118     0     0
  75 Mauison                     -636   164    92     1
  76 jerrybouch                   386   155     0     0
  77 jbouch                       541    85   -92     0
  78 tzuu                        -251   129     0     0
  79 Da Bald Ginger              -174    71     0     0
  80 Gman40                        89   175    92     1
  81 catdaddy                   -1183    33     0     0
  82 catdaddy2                   -909    43     0     0
  83 catdaddy3                  -1048    38     0     0
  84 Big Brad Swag               -440   168   -92     0
  85 Allornothing78              -395   136     0     0
  86 A-Hole                      -511    15     0     0
  87 Beerhunters                 -228   102     0     0
  88 The 4th Munson             -1024   149   -92     0
  89 ruthfitz                     -86   125    92     1
  90 Beerhunters2                -472    98     0     0
  91 Beerhunters3                -364   109     0     0
  92 weykool                     -148   136     0     0
  93 coinflip                     900   146     0     0
  94 jtprewitt                   -165     9     0     0
  95 Rogue Squad                 -295   117     0     0
  96 LesGrossman                -1116    99     0     0
  97 griffdo                    -1156   139     0     0
  98 nogjr                       -843   105     0     0
  99 Hoosier Papa                -286    25     0     0
 100 KDogHall                      38    48     0     0
 101 Devy                        -218    66     0     0
 102 Stomo5                      -476    79     0     0
 103 twolves                     -115   164     0     0
 104 jswbarnacle                  996   152     0     0
 105 SkySail                      661   141     0     0
 106 Glenfinnan45                -585    95     0     0
 107 High Desert Holy Rollers    -116     8     0     0
 108 foot ball-busters           -431    84     0     0
 109 foot ball-busters a          -78    45     0     0
 110 foot ball-busters u         1036    43     0     0
 111 foot ball-busters h          496   129     0     0
 112 foot ball-busters f         -560   104     0     0
 113 erinnagy                   -1348   114     0     0
 114 Erika                       -152   134     0     0
 115 DaBomb                      1366   127   -92     0
 116 JL                          -455    29     0     0
 117 barefooter64                -719    73     0     0
 118 BeavRocks                    467    98    92     1
 119 C1-NRB                       -12   132   -92     0
 120 robo79hse                   -183     7     0     0
 121 A-HOLE                       232   151    92     1
 122 eichen82110                 -288     8     0     0
 123 WayOvertheHill               508   137    92     1
 124 Lloyd Christmas             -282     7     0     0
 125 WizzyJr                      253    25     0     0
 126 mrtitanhead                 -255     4     0     0
 127 Seattle Zen*                 -23    38     0     0
 128 JL 2                         -84     7     0     0
 129 Seattle Zen!                 -62     7     0     0
 130 lily the lush                335   116    92     1
 131 the sloth                    279   118    92     1
 132 Barth Grooks                -227     4     0     0
 133 Plata0370                   -231     8     0     0

Formula Entry definitions:
Vegas Favorites and Vegas Underdogs are based on the published betting lines as of game day.

Consensus Favorites and Consensus Underdogs are based on the actual Football Pickoff picks for each week.

Home Teams and Away Teams are self-explanatory.

Random Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects each game's winner using a 50/50 probability for each team.

Smart Dart is a computer generated entry which randomly selects the winner of each game using the consensus percentages. For example, if "team A" is selected by 75% of entrants, then the computer will have a 75% probability of picking "team A", and a 25% probability of picking the opponent.