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0 Subject: Gurupie 20 Basketball 2007 Preseason Discussion

Posted by: Ref
- Donor [539581218] Mon, Oct 01, 2007, 23:57

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Re-invite emails have started to go out to most of the league.

We really need to discuss Guru's proposal for contraction asap. Will find a link for it. There may be other proposals as well.
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      ID: 539581218
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 16:28
Frick, draft clock will start Sunday at 3:00 ET--though we'll likely open the draft room before then untimed.
      ID: 27652109
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 16:39
Is the prize entry $15 again this year? I assume we send to guru? is Pay Pal Ok?
      ID: 539581218
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 18:10
Just saw that Jason Williams has been moved up into the top 100 players as the starting PG in Miami. He's even rated above Troy Murphy on the site I just saw. He can be had for cheap.
      ID: 07724916
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 18:16
He's nothing compared to Larry Hughes and Chris Wilcox. Still available, but going fast! lol
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 18:41
I tried to move Wilcox for ya Species. Damn that Peja!
      ID: 65112917
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 18:51
bmd sends Rajon Rondo and his 4.20 to GO for his 2.06.
250Great One
      ID: 201155199
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 18:53
      ID: 539581218
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:13
The site was supposed to attach the file of the plaque. Oh well.

Here is the plaque.
      ID: 53991319
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:21
Worlds Worst Tattoo...looks like Ray Charles made it...

Mike Bibby's Tattoo
254 Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:33
Hmmmmm........"bmd sends Rajon Rondo and his 4.20 to GO for his 2.06"

Ricky Davis can be had for similar terms.
255Mike D
      ID: 041831612
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:34
Ref taunting us with the plaque in our mailboxes. ;)
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 19:37
GO's butt hurts right now...
      ID: 65112917
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 21:34
GO's butt hurts right now...

Hmm, it's funny that you say this after your trade.

Find me a list that has Rondo out of the top 100 fantasy players. Add in his longterm value and it was a good deal for GO.
      ID: 204401122
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 22:28
Funston is an idiot.

Rondo is being hyped up due to the Three Amigos. He has absolutely no shooting skills. You get dimes and maybe decent steals. Minimal points, no 3s, poor shooting percentage, poor three point shooting percentage, no rebounds and no blocks. So, thats worth nearly a 3 round draft drop? Even you can't honestly say that.
      ID: 65112917
      Wed, Oct 17, 2007, 23:06
He averaged 5 assists per game over the last 2 months dishing to bums. If he can log 30+ minutes a game he's going to average 7+ assists and 2+ steals. His rebounding will be above average for a guard and I'd be shocked if his FG% didn't improve. He's the high risk/reward type of player that teams rebuilding should be looking to acquire.

Also, Rondo > Murphy.
260coldwater coyotes
      ID: 544382119
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 04:25
Can somebody explain the Murphy for Collins trade.
      ID: 27652109
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 09:54
see post #236. It was basically an unwanted keeper for an upgrade in draft position.
262Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 10:09
So, thats worth nearly a 3 round draft drop?
Yeah, I'd say thats the consensus... starting PG on a major playoff contender? And 3 rounds in a league with 6 keepers and 20 teams? thats like going from the 14th to the 18th in a normal draft... seems like a pretty good deal to me.

I'm not overly concerned with his FG% since he won't be shooting a high volume with Ray, Pierce and KG handling that department. And having Amare/Gasol/LaMarcus fixes the FG% problem of anyone else on my squad.

And with Gilbert as well - you can put me down for a solid 20 points in the steals category as well (assuming health).
263Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 10:40
Rotowire rankings out (better than Funston, right?)

Rondo? #74

Ahead of such great keepers as -
Bargnani, Battier, Harrington, Marbury, Bogut
David Lee, Rudy Gay, Ricky Davis, Troy Murphy #115), Bynum...

Looks like I took a HUGE gamble to get a player considered thought so highly of and only had to move down from pick #146 to #200 to do so. The players gotten in those spots are going to be drastically different I guess. What, instead of Tyronn Lue I'll get Speedy Claxton instead? Oh well.
      ID: 44829307
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 11:00

Barilko trades:

Sarunas Jasikwhatever
Pick 2.13 (Previously acquired from RSF

Mike D trades:

Ricky Davis
Pick 4.17

265Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 11:02
Confirming for Mike D... I think his middle names Lucy cause they all call him loose.
      ID: 44829307
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 11:05
At this point, I would be willing to package any 2 of my keepers for one better keeper and/or picks pacakge. Anyone I get back has to be younger and better than the guys I am sending out.

Josh Howard and Kevin Martin for....
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 13:30
Twarpy/Species trade is:

Hughes and Species' 3.19 for

Twarpy's 2.14
      ID: 07724916
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 13:43
barilko - check your email for a last minute idea
      ID: 53443916
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 13:53
Still looking for a player for my 6th keeper that I would be willing to trade 3.19 for. Let me know real quick, been sending out some offers.
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 13:59
Sorry, not a lot of time to get online last night or today.

It appears everyone has posted their keepers in the thread. Don't forget to mark your keepers on nba. Thanks for everyone's help.

As far as the debate for trade values, well everyone values players differently. That's what makes this game so much fun. Personally, I like Murphy better than Rondo, but Rondo's stock is soaring because of his teammates around him. Who knows, but even though he couldn't shoot or do much else, those assists and steals could be huge. This is also his 2nd year and maybe he worked on his shot over the summer, etc. Murphy didn't do as well under Carlisle's use the shot clock technique but has flourished thus far, albeit preseason, under O'Brien. His C eligibility and his 3s and a few assists to go along with his rebounds help. His boards fluctuate from game to game though as he wanders outside the arc, obviously. It all comes down to pesonal preference. GO, like me, likes to take chances. When bmd AIMed me about the deal, I was surprised to, but like he said, Rondo is even ranked above Murphy in some of the projections. Also it has a lot to do with GO
s pos/cat needs. It seems like a win/win. PP considered Rondo and Davis and some others but Murphy was better for his team apparently. There have been a couple other deals for players that had me scratching my head but after lookign at it, the Rondo deal wasn't one of them.

[244] Guru will have his treasury statement and prize pool options posted soon.
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:02
Keepers are now final. will double check for compliance from all teams before hitting the process keepers button.
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:27
Keepers have been processed. Appears this year that keepers are marked in rounds 7-12 and we will be picking in rounds 1-6.

NBA won't even allow anyone to pick before tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. I'll try and have a draft thread up sometime after that. You may NOT select anyone until the draft thread is up. Clock won't start until Sunday at 3:00 pm ET.
      ID: 034837521
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:31
Oops - are we too late? I wasn't paying any attention to the deadline.

Fine by me if it's killed, but I just agreed to a Twarpy proposal: Drew Gooden plus my 5.18 for B. Bowen and Twarpy's 4.14.
      ID: 3410101718
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:31
Ruben Boumtje Boumtje will be selected as close to 2:30PM tomorrow as possible!

Come on Ref, you're holding me back here!
      ID: 204401122
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:33
Who the heck is twarpy dropping for Gooden? DisenFranchied?
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:33
Yeah too late bj21, neither of those players are owned anymore. Obvioulsy, the trade is denied.
      ID: 034837521
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:34
works for me.
      ID: 53443916
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:34
Yeah was hoping we couldve gotten it in before the deadline, but guess its another year of Franchise for me (wahoo!).
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:42
Trading is still open but you only have 6 players to trade now obviously. You can now go over 6 players again but your draft is over once you hit 12 and you can't drop anyone until after waivers have been turned on.
280Perm Dude
      ID: 295187
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:44
Ref, the My Team page is still showing my non-keepers. Should I drop them?
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 15:54
mine is too. If you go to trade room, it only shows the 6.

Sometimes the site is so great and other times it pisses me off like no other. There are so many bugs it seems. I know it's free and it has more bells and whistles than Yahoo!, but how many issues have we had. Well more than any of you even know. I have no idea why the non-keepers are still showing up. I have no idea why bj and twarpy's trade went through even though the players aren't even on the teams anymore. I have no idea why it is still showing protest when I changed that setting. I have no idea why we all get multiple emails via nba league email. I have no idea why we cna't seem to replace managers on our own. Makes me really apprciate CBS.
      ID: 539581218
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 16:22
[253] I think the tatoo in the wacko jacko hread is worse--or at least more, well, wacky...

      ID: 057721710
      Thu, Oct 18, 2007, 22:59
Pick Round 1 (7) Round 2 (8) Round 3 (9) Round 4 (10) Round 5 (11) Round 6 (12)
1 Frick Slizz Slizz Slizz Ref Slizz
2 Pistol Pete barilko6 RecycledSpinalFluid barilko6 barilko6 barilko6
3 Tosh Frick Frick Frick Frick Frick
4 Slizz Ref Pistol Pete Pistol Pete Pistol Pete Pistol Pete
5 barilko6 Great One Perm Dude RecycledSpinalFluid Perm Dude Perm Dude
6 Great One beastiemiked Great One Great One Perm Dude blackjackis21
7 Tosh Tosh blackjackis21 Tosh blackjackis21 Tosh
8 slackjawed yokel slackjawed yokel slackjawed yokel slackjawed yokel slackjawed yokel slackjawed yokel
9 Peter N Peter N Ref Peter N Peter N Peter N
10 rockafellerskank rockafellerskank rockafellerskank rockafellerskank Species rockafellerskank
11 Guru Guru Guru Guru Guru Guru
12 coldwater coyotes coldwater coyotes coldwater coyotes coldwater coyotes coldwater coyotes coldwater coyotes
13 RecycledSpinalFluid Mike D ** Perm Dude RecycledSpinalFluid RecycledSpinalFluid RecycledSpinalFluid
14 KnicksFan Species Twarpy Twarpy Twarpy Twarpy
15 Peter N KnicksFan KnicksFan KnicksFan KnicksFan KnicksFan
16 Mike D Ref Slizz Pistol Pete Ref Ref
17 Perm Dude Mike D Mike D barilko6 Mike D Mike D
18 Species blackjackis21 Tosh Great One blackjackis21 blackjackis21
19 beastiemiked Species Twarpy rockafellerskank Species Species
20 Twarpy beastiemiked beastiemiked Great One beastiemiked beastiemiked
* 2-07 GO receives bj21s 4th rounder (4.18) for his 6th rounder (6.06) (Nachbar/Parker deal)  
* 2-27 Slizz gets Ref's 3rd rounder (3.16). Ref gets Slizz's 5th rounder (5.01) (Delonte West/James Posey)
* 2-28 Peter N gets Ref's 1st Rounder (1.15). Ref gets Peter N's 3rd rounder (3.09) (Tinsley/Devin Brown)
* 3-10 Tosh receives BJ21's 1st and 3rd round picks (1.17, 3.18) for his 3rd and 5th rounders (3.07, 5.07) (Gooden)
* 3-18 GO receives PD's 2nd rounder (2.05) for his 5th rounder (5.06) (Alston)  
* 10-12 Rockafellerskank receives Species 4th rounder (4.19) for his 5th rounder (5.10)(JONeal/Jrich)
* 10-14 Perm Dude receives RSF's 3rd rounder (3.13) for his 4th rounder (4.05) (Curry/Miller)  
* 10-16 barilko6 receives RSF's 2nd rounder (2.13) for his 3rd rounder (3.02) (Diaw/Stojacovich)  
* 10-17 Tosh receives Perm Dudes 1st rounder (1.03) for pick 1.17 (via bj21) (Billups/Alston)  
* 10-18 Ref receives PistolPete's 2nd rounder (2.04) for his 4th rounder (4.16) (Murphy)  
* 10-18 beastiemiked receives GreatOne's 2nd rounder (2.06) for his 4th rounder (4.20) (Rondo)  
* 10-18 Mike D receives barilko6's 2.13 pick (via RSF) for his 4th rounder (4.17) (Davis/Jasikwhatever)
* 10-18 Species receives Twarpy's 2nd rounder (2.14) for his 3rd rounder (3.19) (Hughes)  
Lottery Winners - Frick, Pistol Pete, Perm Dude
      ID: 27652109
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 12:24
Sorry if I missed this. Are we drafting on rotoguru or the site?
      ID: 539581218
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 13:38

Official picks and times are in the leagues forum in our thread. BUt then you will be asked to go to nba's ufc and pick there. If you use the html version it will email the entire league that you picked (and hopefully tells who is up--I cna't remember). New this year they have a java applet. If you use that, it will NOT email anyone and you will be asked to manually email the next three managers who are up to pick.

The draft thread will be up this afternoon, but it will not be timed and no one is under any pressure or obligation to make selections. However, once the time starts, it's a different story as we need to average a round per day so we can get waivers turned on in time for them to run (hopefully twice but at least once) before games start Tuesday. Friday evening and Saturdays are historically very slow days. Since we use an aggressive per pick clock of 3 hours and even a more aggressive cumulative time of 8 hours for 6 picks, we're basically giving people some "free" time to get some early picks in--since those are generally more apparent. Ideally, everyone should be on even keel as far as the time limit goes, but since most use Qs and the c clock rarely comes into play, we might as well give us a better chance to finish the draft on time should we have some lapses.

Just as a reminder, no time will count against anyone who picks before the clock starts on Sunday at 3:00 ET. Also no time will count against anyone who has a Q sent to someone who is able to make that pick in a timely manner. A Q is defined as a list of players sent before that person's turn is up. IOW, if you call or email someone your pick after you are up, it counts as the same as you having made that pick.

I'll try to cover all of this in the draft thread. rfs hasn't particiapted with us in awhile. I think we started the c clock after he left. Slizz participated in G24, so I think the only one who's a true rookie is barilko6. But still, we all have slept a few times since then. If anyone has any questions or comments, fire away.
      ID: 539581218
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 13:43
Btw, I was looking at our last few drafts and it's funny how well or how bad some picks panned out. Guru has saved our last four drafts and the varios discussions here
      ID: 27652109
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:09
If you use the html version it will email the entire league that you picked

Please tell me isn't going to send me 8 e-mails each time someone picks? That would be 20 x 6 x 8 = 960 e-mails!
      ID: 3410101718
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:14
Looking through last year's thread I will note 2 comments I made.

1. That I would love to have the #1 pick this year. I'm still glad that I have it, but my goal is to have a mid to late round pick next year. We'll see.

2. I had a tough time deciding between Gay and Roy. Even a year later I can't say that 1 is a slam dunk pick. I would probably lean more towards Roy simply because he's a point guard, but now that Memphis doesn't have Fratello as a coach and is looking to play more of a Euro/Phoenix style that might change back.

T-minus 15 minutes or so. Ruben Boutjme-Boutjme get your cap ready!
      ID: 539581218
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:19
rf, perhaps you're only getting mutliple emails when using the email league software they have. I only got a single email when they sent me a draft reminder today.

Tosh sent me a note telling me that everyone should use the html version as the java applet is still listing everyone's lineup before keepers. If you go to the main league page, there is a rosters link that shows everyone's current roster after keepers. As Tosh pointed out in an email to me, it seems that most of the bugs have to do with keepers. Hopefully nba has addressed all there non-keeper league issues.

Still looking through things on the site. I will definitely wiat until the draft room opens and look things over before I open the draft thread. Please don't pick on nba until after you are able to post in the draft thread.
290Great One
      ID: 053272014
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:33
I did get 2 draft notification emails - but thankfully Gmail is nice enough to put them all in one conversation so it still looked like only 1.

Also doing that for all my Kafenatid notices. Gmail rules.
      ID: 204401122
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:34
Gmail does rule
      ID: 057721710
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:38
FYI - Since the timer has started in the draft room ... the java applet version is working much better. All the keepers are now listed.

I only get multiple emails when something is sent to 'all managers' via the message board. Private messages are only sent once.

gmail does rule
      ID: 539581218
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 14:40
I do love gmail!!!

Ok, the draft room is open so I've been looking around. It appears that the java applet is working fine now. Tosh is still looking at some things too. So I will get the draft thread up in a few mins now and Tosh is going to post the draft order and the keeper list so we can search the thread for players already taken before posting. I will post here when the draft thread is up. Also we will be moving our discussion from here to a separate discussion thread in the basketball leagues forum as well.
      ID: 539581218
      Fri, Oct 19, 2007, 15:04
Draft thread

Discussion thread

OK, the draft/discussion threads are up and tosh has posted the charts so Frick you may fire when ready.
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